3 Mistakes Sugar Addicts Make and How to Avoid Them

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Avoiding these 3 mistakes is something that took some time to learn but once I did, .... addicts, most of them say, “I have been addicted to sugar most of my life,”.
3 Mistakes Sugar Addicts Make and How to Avoid Them

One thing that is interesting about sugar addicts is they do tend to express their addiction in different ways. Some are major emotional eaters who gorge on sugar until they feel ill. Other sugar addicts have some every day and they don’t know how to stop eating it; they have tried but they can’t. Whichever way your addiction is expressed, the frustration can be the same….not feeling like you can get control of it and it not control you. I can totally relate! I was addicted to sugar for over 30 years and I didn’t even realize I was until about 6 years ago. I knew I liked it - A LOT! - but I sure didn’t think I had an addiction…until I tried to quit! Then all kinds of things surfaced that I was not aware of because I was in unfamiliar territory. I didn’t know what I was doing. It took me about 6 years to break the sugar addiction but have hope! Don’t worry … it is not going to take you 6 years! Through my journey, I have figured out how to show YOU how to break it in 14 days. Many of you reading this can say that you have struggled for many, many years like I did. I put these resources together for you to break free from this addiction to sugar because it is SO wonderful NOT being addicted. I LOVE IT! It’s been almost 2 years now, and, WOW, how great it is to be free from the addiction so I wanted to share these tips with you. Keep in mind, if one of the three ‘mistakes’ in this article does not seem to relate to you, keep reading. You will likely find something in there that speaks to you and can positively improve your life.

3 Mistakes Sugar Addicts Make and How to Avoid Them 1) Beating themselves up when they do eat sugar, which perpetuates eating more sugar 2) Telling themselves they can never have it again so when they do, some tend to gorge 3) Not doing something about their addiction and struggling for many years.

Avoiding these 3 mistakes is something that took some time to learn but once I did, it really helped me to break the sugar addiction. Check it out….


by Samantha Taylor

Copyright - Sugar Addiction Solution 2011 – All Rights Reserved

#1 Beating themselves up when they do eat sugar, which perpetuates eating more sugar Do you have this fantasy in your mind of how great it’s going to be eating it and how it’s going to taste - like the yearning for a long lost friend you have been waiting to see? Then when it’s over, you are left with selfloathing, negative self-talk and putting yourself down? A common denominator amongst people who have a sugar addiction is they tend to beat themselves up a lot which fosters a love/hate relationship. Now, you may or may not have experienced this, but it is very common for most people who have a food or sugar addiction. Even though the pain of the feelings that you will experience afterwards do exist, you eat it anyway. THAT, my Friend is one of the definitions of ‘addiction’. For example, you start craving your ‘favorite’ dessert, your rendezvous…your escape….then you eat it and BAM, it’s over! Now what?! As it settles in and you realize what you have done, the negative self-talk can begin to happen. It’s important to stop this because when you beat yourself up, you begin feeling condemned; and when you feel condemned, it is your subconscious mind’s tendency to keep you there. It identifies with your feelings and says, “Hey, this must be how we are supposed to act.” You feel disempowered and kind of sad you did it once again. Now you may feel that initial high or rush that so many sugar addicts go for, but I am talking about either right after you eat it or right after it wears off. Then when you start to crash, the negative self-talk can start to begin. What I encourage you to do, if you experience this is to STOP IT! Yes, easier said than done, but it is a habit you have developed just like I did. I had to learn how to NOT beat myself up even though I still had a sugar addiction. I learned to accept myself and not turn it into a badgering session and I believe this attitude was important for helping me break the addiction. Keep in mind, most sugar or food addicts have been abused in their childhood, either emotionally, mentally, sexually or physically. A sugar addiction is not really ‘about’ the sugar. It is about stuffing down emotional feelings - maybe feelings you don’t want to deal with or you have not learned to cope with them. It’s kind of like taking a drug or medication: it medicates us. My tip for you is when you eat sugar, even if you binge on it; don’t let yourself continue to go down that slippery slope of self-destruction. Learn to love yourself even when you ‘mess up’ from time to time. You are not your actions. Just because you did something ‘not so good’ for you, it doesn’t mean that YOU are a failure. It just means that your ‘slip’ did not work for you and it’s time to start learning some new coping techniques. Thomas Edison tried to make a light bulb 9,999 times and it was on his 10,000 try that he figured it out. When asked how he dealt with ‘failing’ 9,999 times, he said, “They were not failures, I have had great success finding 9,999 it wasn’t going to work.” Wow, what a different way to think about things and look at the benefits of having light bulbs because he refused to give up! Here are some solid tips for how to avoid making this mistake: 1) Stop and take a deep breath and THINK. Ideally, if you start doing this before you consume any form of sugar you can refocus, get a hold of yourself a little bit more, and, hopefully, not do it. That is one key thing I learned of what to do to overcome the addiction. STOP! THINK! REFOCUS! 2) If you hear your brain starting to think thoughts like:


by Samantha Taylor

Copyright - Sugar Addiction Solution 2011 – All Rights Reserved

a. “You are such a failure….you will never get this right.” b. “Your mom was right, you can’t do anything right.” c. “You are disgusting…I can’t believe you did this again.” d. “You will always struggle with this problem….you might as well just accept it.” 3) Speak back to it with a positive alternative: a. “I did just slip, but that does NOT make ME a failure.” b. “I can do a lot of things right! I can do _____ and _____ and _____, etc.” c. “I am NOT disgusting. Sure, I am not happy with what I just did. What can I learn from this situation so I don’t do it next time?” d. “I have struggled with this problem for a while BUT I am determined to overcome it; I will NOT give up and I will keep trying so I can have victory over sugar addiction!” You might want to write down the common thoughts that you say to yourself at these times so you can come up with even better responses that are more personal to you. The thoughts you repeat in your head will be the same ones over and over; if you write them down and confront them head on, you can deal with them instead of struggling for another 10 years or even another day!

#2 Telling themselves they can never have it again so when they do, some tend to gorge Oh boy, this was a HUGE one of mine that really kept me in bondage to a sugar addiction for many years. I used to try and get strict and say, “That is it! I can’t have sugar again after this.” The problem with that was 2fold: 1) Since I thought it was my ‘last time’, I would binge on it until I felt ill in hopes to make myself so sick of it that I wouldn’t want to ever touch it again. Much to my surprise, that never worked. Sure, I would stop when I felt ill, but when that wore off, I was ready for my next ‘wrestling match’ with my ‘opponent’. 2) It creates a feeling of scarcity, a ‘panic’ feeling coming over you if you can’t ‘have it NOW’. It can tend to contribute to the obsessiveness, manifesting a ‘just one more’ is never enough. Now I tell myself I can have sugar whenever I want. I just choose not to; it’s completely different. Overcoming this addiction has a lot to do with changing the way you think about sugar and learning to cope with stress if you are one who consumes it to deal or cope with any stress in your life.


by Samantha Taylor

Copyright - Sugar Addiction Solution 2011 – All Rights Reserved

#3 Not doing something about their addiction and struggling for many years. After many years of helping sugar addicts, most of them say, “I have been addicted to sugar most of my life,” or they say, “I have been addicted to sugar for 20 years and I can’t ever seem to stop this cycle.” The challenge I find is that many of them just don’t really know what to do. Sugar addiction is not a topic that is really talked about too much and if I have anything to do with it, it will become a more recognized addiction in our society that really needs to be addressed. Ask yourself some of these questions:

1) How long have you been struggling with sugar addiction? 2) How many times have you tried to quit? 3) What negative consequences do you experience in your life because of it? 4) What kind of physical side effects do you notice or health problems because of it? 5) How much longer are you willing to suffer with this addiction? 6) How is this sugar addiction affecting my relationship with my husband or my children? 7) Is this sugar addiction affecting my job or career? And if I wasn’t so distracted by this sugar could I be making more money or doing better in my career? (this apply to some of you) 8) Are you going to let yourself struggle with this addiction for another 10 years or even one more day? It can be important to challenge yourself and ask yourself those questions, because it can force you to look at the reality of how the sugar addiction is negatively affecting your life and the lives of your loved ones. I would like you to take a few minutes and write down the answers to those questions. Getting inside your head and realizing you even have an addiction is the first step; the second step, is deciding you don’t want to live with this addiction anymore; the third step is doing something about it! If you are in a place in life that you need and want some help, I have a great resource for you. I have developed a 14-day program called, The Sugar Addiction Solution, and you can read about it by going to this webpage www.SugarAddictionSolution.com This program was developed to help you BREAK your sugar addiction in 14 days and have success like you have never experienced. I give you all the tools you need to do this and I literally walk you through it, step by step, exactly how I did it and how I have shown thousands of others how to do it, too! The exciting thing most people breaking their sugar addiction in only 7 days! Give yourself the gift of checking this out. You will be SO glad that you did! Go to this website, www.SugarAddictionSolution.com, and you can also check out some awesome testimonials of other former sugar addicts who have, also, overcome the control of sugar in their lives. You will see and hear that they are feeling amazing…and the best part is…so can YOU!


by Samantha Taylor

Copyright - Sugar Addiction Solution 2011 – All Rights Reserved