Encarregat/a de planta i tècnic de qualitat. Cassà De La Selva (Girona)Empresa: Eurofirms ETTDescripción: Cerquem per a
Universidad de Salamanca Facultad de Biología Biblioteca Web
Facultad de Biología 30 Septiembre 2014
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CONCURSO - OPOSICIÓN: 30 PLAZAS DE LA ESCALA DE AGENTES MEDIOAMBIENTALES DE ORGANISMOS AUTONOMOS PROMOCION INTERNA MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA, ALIMENTACIÓN Y MEDIO AMBIENTE Categoria: Administración del Estado Organismo: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente Fecha de publicación: 24/09/2014 Plazo: hasta el 14/10/2014 Origen: BOE nº 232 24-09-2014 Grupo: C1 Tipo: Concurso - Oposición Núm. Plazas: 30 Discapacitados: 2 plazas reservadas a personas con discapacidad Asesor de Proyecto Productivo de Café España - de inscripción 13/10/2014 Fecha comienzo inmediata Perfil/Requisitos 1. Estudiantes, pasantes o egresados de Ingeniería Ambiental, Ecología, Biología... Tecnico De Laboratorio A Coruña - - Laboratorio de análisis y control de calidad (Requerida) Formación profesional y módulos profesionales Salud ambiental (Requerida) Formación... profesional y módulos profesionales - Química ambiental (Requerida) Estudios universitarios - Ingeniería en química industrial (Requerida) Formación... Oferta de Empleo: Técnico Residuos Oferta de empleo como Ayudante de servicios en importante empresa en Palma de Mallorca. Oferta de Empleo: Beca en el área de Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente Empresa: Deloitte. Ciudad: Madrid. Oferta de Empleo: Técnico Ambiental y Prevención Empresa: STP TECNOLOGY Ciudad: Viladecans, Barcelona Fecha máxima para envío de candidaturas: según disponibilidad en fuente Oferta de Empleo: Responsable de Calidad y Medio Ambiente Empresa: Transportes Lobato Valadés S.L. Ciudad: Mérida. Fecha máxima para envío de candidaturas: hasta el 26 de septiembre de 20014. Beca para Coca Cola Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: Randstad ProfessionalsDescripción: Coca-Cola es la mayor Compañía de bebidas del mundo y es líder mundial en bebidas refrescantes y zumos, comercializando sus productos en más de 200 países. En 2012 Coca-Cola vuelve a liderar el ...Requisitos: Requisitos: Estudiantes últimos cursos de ADE, Economía, Marketing, Ingenierías, Derecho, etc. (con un mínimo del 50% de créditos su Directora/or Calidad y Medio Ambiente Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: ExperisDescripción: Empresa multinacional, lider en su sector precisa la incorporación de Directora /or de Calidad y Medio Ambiente. Funciones principales. Participación en la definición de políticas y objetivos de ...Requisitos: Ingeniero Industrial o Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos Nivel alto de inglés (negociación), valorable un segundo idioma (francés / portugué Becario CTA / Veterinaria / Biología Inglés alto
Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: Compañía Multinacional de reconocido prestigio líder en su sectorDescripción: Se requiere icnorporar un becario en nuestras oficinas de dos de maig para hacer presupuestos, atención al cliente, con inglés muy alyto. Oferecemos una beca de 6h al dia por 300€ al mes.Requisitos: Inglés alto. Poder realizar un convenio universidad empresa y estar cursando una carrera.Jorn Tecncio de Prevencion de Riesgos Laborales Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: Empresa de servicios de mantenimiento técnico integral de instalaciones y limpieza de edificiosDescripción: Empresa del sector Facilities, precisa incorporación de un Técnico de Prevención de Riesgos laborales para la delegación Centro. Sus funciones consistirán en la elaboración de evaluaciones de ...Requisitos: Experiencia minima de 3 años de gestión de sistemas de preven Assistant Marketing Multinac. Farmaceutica Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: Centil 90 Recruitment, SL (Grupo MC Asociados)Descripción: ANGELINI FARMACÉUTICA es una empresa consolidada en el mercado farmacéutico español, perteneciente al Gruppo Angelini, especializado en salud y bienestar (www.angelinifarmaceutica.es), precisa: ...Requisitos: - Imprescindible titulación universitaria en Ciencias de la Salud (Biología, Química, Farmacia...) con Auxiliar de laboratorio Sagunto/Sagunt (Valencia) (Valencia/València)Empresa: ZUVAMESADescripción: - Realizar análisis de control de calidad en materia prima y producto terminado - Control de calidad durante el proceso de fabricación - Se valorará experiencia en: - Análisis FQ en bebidas / ...Requisitos: Experiencia en calidad alimentaria, valorable en cítricos. Técnicas de análisis microbiológico Conocimientos análisis Responsable Dpto. Calidad (sector PET) España (Madrid)Empresa: Randstad ProfessionalsDescripción: Importante empresa del sector de plásticos requiere para su central un/a Responsable de Calidad. FUNCIONES Con reporte a Dirección General será el encargado de: ·Responsable del control de la ...Requisitos: ·Licenciatura en Biología o Químicas ó Ingeniería Química ·Más de 3 años en puestos de laboratorio o como Responsable de Calidad ·Alto Nutricionista / Dietista Santa Cruz De Tenerife (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)Empresa: NUTRICION CENTERDescripción: NUTRICION CENTER 1985 SL hoy en día, se han convertido en el referente del asesoramiento nutricional en farmacias, estando presentes en más de 3.000 en toda España, donde sus 300 nutricionistas ...Requisitos: - FORMACIÓN DE GRADO O DIPLOMADOS EN NUTRICIÓN Y DIETÉTICA. NO se valoraran aquellos perfiles que no tenga Monitor/a responsable exposició itinerant Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: EMPRESA DE SERVEIS CULTURALSDescripción: Precisem incorporar a una persona com a monitor dintre d'una exposició itinerant de temàtica científica. Data d'incorporació a partir del novembre. Funcions: visites guiades, control d'accessos, ...Jornada: Indiferente29-09-2014 Delegado/a de Ventas Sevilla-Sector sanidad/salud Sevilla (Sevilla)Empresa: ADECCO PROFESSIONALDescripción: Realización tareas comerciales con Profesionales de la Salud y Familias Captación de nuevos clientes Incremento del negocio en la zona de influencia Se ofrece: Contratación estable Incorporación a ...Requisitos: Exigibles: - Carnet de conducir. - Coche propio. - Formación Universitaria en el área de la salud ( Carreras de Biología, Farmacia COMERCIAL-sector medio ambiente (BC) Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona)Empresa: MARLEX | Treball | CATALUNYADescripción: Importante mpresa situada en St. Joan Despí precisa incorporar a un/a: -TÉCNICO COMERCIAL Buscamos a una persona con experiencia en venta de servicios, software y/o programas de gestión con ...Contrato: IndefinidoJornada: Completa29-09-2014 SALES SPECIALIST ONCOLOGY Hospital Products Market Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: Best SearchDescripción: Multinational Company with worldwide presence and leader in the pharmaceutical sector, is looking for in Spain: SALES SPECIALIST ONCOLOGY Hospital Products Marketplace (4 positions all around ...Requisitos: ·Degree in Biology, Pharmacy or equivalent or related discipline. MBA will be a plus. ·At least 2 years of experience in oncology area in the pha RESPONSABLE DE FORMULACIÓN I+D (Ref. 11.184)
Les Franqueses Del Vallès (Barcelona)Empresa: ASINTA CONSULTORES, S.L.Descripción: (www.cygyc.cat) Somos una empresa ubicada en Les Franqueses del Vallès (Barcelona) con presencia internacional, dedicada a la I+D, producción y comercialización de detergentes para la industria ...Requisitos: El perfil corresponde a un/a profesional con formación superior técnica (Licenciatura (Máster) en Ciencias Q Director/a Asociado/a Malaga Y/O Provincia (Málaga)Empresa: Consultora InternacionalDescripción: Intedya es una compañía global especializada en la consultoría de gestión y las soluciones tecnológicas especializadas en la gestión de la Calidad, el Medioambiente, la Seguridad Alimentaria y la ...Requisitos: ·Definitivo interés en emprender un negocio propio en el mundo de la Consultoría, Auditoría y Formación especializ Beca Consultoría Life Sciences Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: Ernst & Young - ConsultoríaDescripción: EY es una firma líder de servicios profesionales que ofrece soluciones de consultoría, auditoría, asesoramiento fiscal y legal y transacciones. A nivel global contamos con más de 190.000 ...Requisitos: Titulación requerida: Farmacia, Biotecnologia, Farmacia y Nutrición Nivel de inglés alto: mínimo B2Contrato: FormativoJornada: Com Jefe De Laboratorio De Calidad Les Franqueses Del Vallès (Barcelona)Empresa: ODE-Organización y Desarrollo EmpresarialDescripción: Nuestro cliente, una PYME del sector químico-metalúrgico altamente internacionalizada y con un sólido proyecto de crecimiento, nos ha confiado la selección de un JEFE DE LABORATORIO DE CALIDAD ...Requisitos: Experiencia en laboratorio metalúrgico o afín Experiencia en normativas ISO / SIGContrato: I Docente Actividades Auxiliares En Viveros Talavera De La Reina (Toledo)Empresa: ASOC DEL INSTITUTO DE DESARROLLO SOCIOSANITARIODescripción: Se necesita docente para la impartición de dos cursos de certificado de profesionalidad: - ACTIVIDADES AUXILIARES EN VIVEROS, JARDINES Y CENTROS DE JARDINERÍA (AGAO0108) - INSTALACIÓN Y ...Requisitos: IMPRESCINDIBLE ESTAR ACREDITADO COMO DOCENTE POR LA JUNTA DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA.Contrato: De duración Profesor BiologíA - Bach. Internacional Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: Institución Educativa de PrestigioDescripción: - Licenciado en Biología para impartir clases en Bachillerato Internacional. - Realizará funciones de tutor.Requisitos: - Licenciado en Biología. - AL menos 3-4 años de experiencia como docente. - Master de Secundaria - Formación Bachillerato InterncionalContrato: IndefinidoJornada: CompletaSalario: 21000€ Bruto/año25-09-2014 Encarregat/a de planta i tècnic de qualitat Cassà De La Selva (Girona)Empresa: Eurofirms ETTDescripción: Cerquem per a empresa del sector de l`alimentació de la zona de Cassà de la Selva un/a responsable de planta per a realitzar tasques com l`organització de les feines dels operaris, control ...Requisitos: Experiencia mínima demostrable com a tècnic/a de qualitat i com a encarregat/da de planta. Titulació universitària de química, biología Becari@ dinamizador visitas escolares Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: Empresa de importante grupo de servicios y medio ambienteDescripción: Multinacional de Medio Ambiente, precisa incorporar un becario/a que se responsabilizará de la gestión de las visitas guiadas. La persona se encargará de dinamizar las visitas de grupos escolares.Requisitos: Pensamos en una persona cursando grado o máster universitario en ciencias ambientales, biolo Visitador/A Medico/A Toledo Toledo (Toledo)Empresa: LABORATORIO FARMACEUTICO INTERNACIONALDescripción: Laboratorio Farmacéutico Internacional en proceso de expansión busca incorporar un/a Visitador/a Médico/a en Toledo. Rápida carrera profesional.Requisitos: Licenciatura en cualquier rama de la Salud (farmacia, biología, químicas, veterinaria...) Informática a nivel de usuario. Carnet de conducir. Buena presencia. Personas c Investigador/a Sr Butanol Sevilla (Sevilla)Empresa: AbengoaDescripción: Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B) aplica soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras para el desarrollo sostenible en los sectores de energía y medioambiente, generando electricidad a partir de recursos renovables, ...Requisitos: Formación: Licenciados en Ingeniería Química, Biología o Biotecnología. Experiencia: · Al menos cinco años de experiencia en empresa privada dese Técnico/a de Plagas
Las Palmas De Gran Canaria (Las Palmas)Empresa: *ADECCO INDUSTRIALDescripción: Adecco T.T. S.A. selecciona para importante empresa del sector industrial, Técnico/a de Control de Plagas (Becario/a). Las principales funciones que realizará la persona seleccionada serán: - ...Requisitos: Estar cursando Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas, Ciencias Químicas o Grado en Ciencias Ambientales.Contrato: Fo Jefe de Planta - CadaguaValencia (Valencia/València)Empresa: Ferrovial AgromanDescripción: Cadagua, empresa perteneciente al Grupo Ferrovial y líder en Diseño, Construcción y Explotación de plantas de tratamiento de agua, precisa incorporar un Jefe de Planta para importante Planta de ...Requisitos: Estudios: Ingeniero Técnico, Ldo en Biología, Ciencias Químicas, etc Experiencia: - al menos 3 años de experiencia como Jefe Quality Assurance Specialist Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: Revlon Professional Brands (Subsidiary of REVLON)Descripción: The Colomer Group (Revlon) is one of the leading international companies in the hairdressing and beauty industry. We are looking for: QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALIST The QA specialist will report ...Requisitos: 1. University degree in technical discipline 2. 2-3 years experience developing similar tasks 3. Pro Regulatory Specialist Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: Revlon Professional Brands (Subsidiary of REVLON)Descripción: Revlon Professional Brands, empresa multinacional, líder en la fabricación, venta y distribución de productos de peluquería, cosmética y perfumería, precisa incorporar: REGULATORY SPECIALIST Sus ...Requisitos: - Formación superior (diplomatura. licenciatura en Química, Farmacia o Biología). - Inglés fluido Autor Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: Empresa de serviciosDescripción: Colaboración en la elaboración de material educativo de contenidos digitales de la etapa de ESO en la modalidad de autoría: · Experiencia en la autoría de materiales escolares de la etapa de ESO ...Contrato: AutónomoJornada: Indiferente23-09-2014 Técnico de calidad y medioambiente San Sebastian (Guipúzcoa/Gipuzkoa)Empresa: IMPLANTA CALIDAD GUIPUZCOADescripción: Realizar auditorias internas de calidad, medioambiente y prevención según normas ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 u otras normas. Realizar informes de auditoria interna según normas ISO 9001, ISO ...Requisitos: Experiencia en implantación y auditorias internas según normas ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 u otras nor Comercial con idiomas Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: *ADECCO INDUSTRIALDescripción: Adecco precisa de un/a comercial con elevado nivel de inglés y francés, italiano o alemán, para empresa del sector canino Se ofrece: -Trabajo temporal, con posibilidad de incorporación por ...Requisitos: -Ámplia experiencia como comercial. -Formación y conocimientos de biologia y/o veterinario/a. -Elevado nivel de idioma inglés. -Elevado Director Calidad y Medio Ambiente Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: ExperisDescripción: Participación en la definición de políticas y objetivos de la Dirección. Gestión de los principales estándares de calidad a nivel nacional e internacional. -Coordinación Comités Seguridad y ...Requisitos: Ingeniero Industrial o Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos Nivel alto de inglés (negociación), valorable un segundo idioma (francés / portugués). Operador de Cámara CON INGLÉS Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: JAMEO DE ALEGRANZADescripción: TERRA INCOGNITA DOCS (JAMEO DE ALEGRANZA SL) es una productora de documentales de naturaleza de alta calidad fundada en 2014 por un grupo de profesionales de larga trayectoria y experiencia cuyo ...Requisitos: Disponibilidad total para viajar largas temporadas dentro y fuera de España (aprox. 1 mes por destino). Persona resolutiva, creativa y Responsable de Fabricación Sevilla (Sevilla)Empresa: HaysDescripción: En dependencia del Director de Operaciones supervisarás diversos aspectos de la producción. Vigilando el correcto funcionamiento de las normas en materia de calidad, medioambiente, Seguridad ...Contrato: IndefinidoJornada: CompletaSalario: 27000€ Bruto/año23-09-2014 Visitador/A MéDico/A En Gerona
Gerona (Girona)Empresa: LABORATORIO FARMACEUTICO INTERNACIONALDescripción: Laboratorio Farmacéutico Internacional en proceso de expansión busca incorporar un/a Visitador/a Médico/a en Gerona. Rápida carrera profesional.Requisitos: Licenciatura en cualquier rama de la Salud (farmacia, biología, químicas, veterinaria...) Informática a nivel de usuario. Carnet de conducir. Buena presencia. Personas c Visitador/A MéDico/A En LeóN León (León)Empresa: LABORATORIO FARMACEUTICO INTERNACIONALDescripción: Laboratorio Farmacéutico Internacional en proceso de expansión busca incorporar un/a Visitador/a Médico/a en León. Rápida carrera profesional.Requisitos: Licenciatura en cualquier rama de la Salud (farmacia, biología, químicas, veterinaria...) Informática a nivel de usuario. Carnet de conducir. Buena presencia. Personas con ini
Open postdoc positions at Israel Institute of Technology Contract Gestor de Proyectos REACh/Asuntos regulatorios de caracter global (m/f) Dr. Knoell Consult Schweiz GmbH • BS-Basel • 25/09/2014
Gestor de Proyectos-Biocidas/Asuntos regulatorios globales (m/f) Dr. Knoell Consult Schweiz GmbH • BS-Basel • 25/09/2014
Assistant (m/f) ESRF • Grenoble (FR) • 25/09/2014
Inside Sales Specialist ( Fluent in German) Teleperformance España • CAT-Barcelona-08018 • 24/09/2014
Technician (m/f) for the Partnership for Soft Condensed Matter ESRF • Grenoble (Francia) • 22/09/2014 Agenda Resource Management: Senior Chief Animal Technician (Deputy Manager) £26,527 - £30,728: Agenda Resource Management: Our client is looking for a motivated and experienced Senior Chief Animal Technician (Deputy Manager) to be part of a hard working team in a busy University Biomedical Department situated in South Cambridge. Cambridge Michigan State University, Department of Zoology: Evolutionary Developmental Biologist- East Lansing, MI Competitive start-up and compensation package : Michigan State University, Department of Zoology: The Zoology Department at Michigan State University is seeking applications for a tenure-system faculty position at the Assistant Professor level to join a vibrant community of researchers with research strengths in evolution and organismal biology East Lansing, MI Ulster University: Research Fellow in Characterisation of Metal Oxides for Electronic Applications £39,684 : Ulster University: The postholder will work on a collaborative project between the Nanotechnology and Integrated BioEngineering Centre (NIBEC) and AVX Ltd. Jordanstown, Co. Antrim CNIC: POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS in Biomedical Research .: CNIC: The CNIC is dedicated to excellence in cardiovascular research and to translating new knowledge into real improvements in clinical practice. Madrid - Spain Kelly Scientific UK: Senior Dental Technician - Temporary
£16000 - £20000 per annum: Kelly Scientific UK: Senior Dental Technician - TemporaryDo you have experience working in a Dental Laboratory?Have you ensured smooth running of laboratories?Have you provided technical South West Meet Recruitment: Senior Account Manager – Healthcare Policy – London – £35k - £40k Circa £35k-£40k : Meet Recruitment: This award-winning agency is part of a wider communications group with 170 offices worldwide and has also been named one of the top ten PR consultancies in the UK. London Meet Recruitment: Associate Director – Healthcare Advertising agency – Richmond/London – £65k-£75k Circa £65k-£75k : Meet Recruitment: Opening for a talented Associate Director to join a highly creative Advertising agency, offering a competitive salary and the opportunity to work on diverse and interesting client accounts. West London AstraZeneca US: Technician II, Microbiology not specified: AstraZeneca US: POSITION SUMMARY: Assist/perform microbiology utility monitoring procedures. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: Sample and perform tests on water and the clean utilities to detect harmful microorganisms and to obtain information about sources of pollution USA - Ohio Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratoratories Agency (AHVLA): Biostatistician - Sand Hutton, York £33,321: Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratoratories Agency (AHVLA): In this key role at the National Wildlife Management Centre, you will provide statistical advice, support and consultancy. Sand Hutton, York Paramount Recruitment: Systematic Review Analyst - Oxfordshire Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Systematic Review Analyst - Oxfordshire Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Biotechnology, Clinical, Consultancy, Systematic Review, Epidemiology, Researcher, Analyst, Oxfordshire, UK, United Kingdom, EU, Europe. Oxfordshire, England Paramount Recruitment: Senior Analyst in Systematic Reviews - Oxfordshire Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Senior Analyst in Systematic Review - Oxfordshire Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Biotechnology, Clinical, Consultancy, Systematic Review, Epidemiology, Researcher, Analyst, Oxfordshire, UK, United Kingdom, EU, Europe. Oxfordshire, England HRS Hyper Recruitment Solutions: Associate Director of Project Management Attractive Salary plus KPI bonus and benefits: HRS Hyper Recruitment Solutions: We are currently looking for a Associate Director of Project Management to join a leading Biopharmaceutical company based in the Oxfordshire area. As the Associate... Oxford HRS Hyper Recruitment Solutions: Protein Characterisation Scientist - Mass Spectrometry £12.5 - £17.5 per hour: HRS Hyper Recruitment Solutions: We are currently looking for a Protein Characterisation Scientist with skills in Mass Spectrometry to join a leading Biopharmaceutical company based in the Slough, Berkshire... Slough Agenda Resource Management: Group Leader Technician £17,000: Agenda Resource Management: An exciting opportunity has arisen for Group Leader Technician to work in the Leicestershire area on a permanent basis. Leicestershire St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Lab Supervisor, Cell Processing- Memphis, TN not specified: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: The Lab Supervisor focuses on the overall management of cell processing endeavors as required in clinical trial protocols and/or by the Principal Investigators and supervises the day-to-day operations of the clinical cell processing laboratory. Coordinate TN St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Scientific Manager, Hematology- Memphis, TN not specified: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: The Scientific Manager will direct the Pluripotent Stem Cell (hPSC) Core Facility in the Department of Hematology at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (SJCRH). The Facility will use NIH-approved hES and iPS cell lines to model normal hematopoiesis and TN Celgene: Manager Environmental Control Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Phoenix, Arizona, United States Celgene: Scientist I, Proteomics Job
Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Bedford, Massachusetts, United States Matchtech: Manufacturing Technician Negotiable: Matchtech: We currently have a unique opportunity available for an experienced Manufacturing Technician to join our newly established Manufacturing Facility based in Kent. This is an ideal position for an experienced candidate who has worked with sterile and asep Sandwich, England Zest Scientific: Market Access Consultant Jobs Cambridgeshire Negotiable: Zest Scientific: Zest Scientific is working with a leading Market Access consultancy and we are looking to identify an experienced market access professional from within the pharma and healthcare sector. Cambridge, England Agenda Resource Management: Group Leader / Gastrointestinal Disease Research Competitive Depending On Experience: Agenda Resource Management: Our Client is offering an opportunity to be part of an evolving team at the forefront of drug discovery, combining experimental laboratory-based sciences with informatics, in vitro and in vivo DMPK and pharmacology, in a pioneering commercial setting. Oxfordshire Paramount Recruitment: Systematic Reviewer Analyst - Oxfordshire Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Systematic Review Analyst - Oxfordshire Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Biotechnology, Clinical, Consultancy, Systematic Review, Epidemiology, Researcher, Analyst, Oxfordshire, UK, United Kingdom, EU, Europe. Oxfordshire, England MedImmune: MS&T Scientist I (Virology) not specified: MedImmune: This role presents an exciting opportunity to join the Manufacturing, Science and Technology team (MSAT) at AstraZeneca's Supply Biologics site at Speke, Liverpool, the global centre of excellence for Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV) Research, Dev UK, Liverpool MedImmune: Immunology Team Leader not specified: MedImmune: Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are a key recent advance in cancer therapeutics and their development is the focus of Spirogen (wholly owned by MedImmune Ltd). Spirogen's proprietary, highly active ADC payloads are based on pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) dim UK, London Zest Scientific: Senior Market Access Consultant Jobs Cambridgeshire Negotiable: Zest Scientific: Senior Market Access Consultant Jobs Cambridgeshire Cambridge, England Scantec : Environmental Monitoring Manager Competitive salary: Scantec : Environmental Monitoring Manager Based in Runcorn Pharmaceutical industry Competitive salary Runcorn, Cheshire, North West Penn State York: Assistant Professor, Biology- York, PA Competitive: Penn State York: Penn State York invites applications for a faculty position in Biology, Assistant Professor, (tenure-track, 36 weeks), to begin August 2015, or as negotiated. York, PA Matchtech: Pathology Manager GBP40000 per annum: Matchtech: Our client is seeking a highly motivated, ambitious individual to lead our small team of multi-disciplined biomedical scientists at their Hospital. The successful candidate will be responsible for the day to day running and management of the dept, includ Leeds, England Paramount Recruitment: PhD Pharmacology - Cambridge Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: PhD Pharmacology - Cambridge An excellent opportunity has arisen for a Pharmacology Programme Manager to join a leading company based in Cambridge. Cambridge, England Kelly Scientific UK: Customer Services Rep - French Speaking £8 - £9 per annum: Kelly Scientific UK: We are currently recruiting for French multi lingual candidates to join one of our top clients based in Winnersh. The role will involce making outbound -... Winnersh Kelly Scientific UK: Customer Services Rep - Dutch Speaking £8 - £9 per hour: Kelly Scientific UK: We are currently recruiting for Dutch multi lingual candidates to join one of our top clients based in Winnersh. The role will involce making outbound -... Winnersh Kelly Scientific UK: Customer Services Rep - German Speaking
£8 - £9 per hour: Kelly Scientific UK: We are currently recruiting for German multi lingual candidates to join one of our top clients based in Winnersh. The role will involce making outbound -... Winnersh Cancer Research Technology: Discovery Bioscience Scientist/Senior Scientist - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Salary dependent on experience: Cancer Research Technology: Laboratory-based positions at scientist/senior scientist level (grade dependent on experience) are required within CRTDL’s Discovery Bioscience team. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Agenda Resource Management: Animal Technician - from £18,005 - ref ARM 1675 £18,005 - £20,764: Agenda Resource Management: This is an ideal role for an Animal Technician who has recently obtained their Home Office modules 1-3 and would like the opportunity to receive full training from a top-class institution. Cambridgeshire Proclinical: Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist GBP42.00 - GBP44.00 per hour: Proclinical: Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist Company: One of the most renowned global pharmaceutical companies currently has a role available within Inverness, hiring a Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist on a contract basis for 6 months. The company comprise o Scotland MRC Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research: PhD studentships and Clinical Research Training Fellowships in Methodology n/a: MRC Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research: These studentships provide a unique opportunity to undertake research in a developing area. As trials are under scrutiny more than ever, the expertise is needed in the UK to understand the best methodology to undertake the best trials. Multiple projects available across the UK Defra: Marine Research Programme Managers - London £30,147 - £34,930: Defra: Based in our Marine Evidence Team, these key roles will form a vital link between policy and science: developing a strong evidence base and overseeing the programme management cycle of a range of exciting research projects. London Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratoratories Agency (AHVLA): Scientific Advisor to Bovine TB Policy - London £30,147 - £34,390: Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratoratories Agency (AHVLA): This challenging role offers a fascinating opportunity to discover how science is used to formulate government policy – and to play an active part in identifying the science that will do so. London Illumina: Systems Integration and Product Development Scientist (Illumina) Industry leading package: company equity, annual bonus, gym membership, health insurance and more!: Illumina: Illumina are seeking an innovative and technically strong Scientist to join their Systems Integration team. This is a mixed discipline team charged with ensuring Illumina's NGS platform is robust and meets market needs. Cambridgeshire Lonza: Principal Scientist - Study Direction Not Disclosed: Lonza: Principal Scientist - Study Direction Slough Paramount Recruitment: Epidemiologist - London Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Epidemiologist - London Analyst -Epidemiology- Consultancy - Real World Evidence - Medical Statistics - Analysis - Epidemiologist - SAS - STATA - R A highly successful, global organisation currently require a permanent Analyst in Epidemiology for a City of London, England Paramount Recruitment: Junior Health Economics Analyst Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Junior Health Economics Analyst - Hampshire Health economics, HEOR, modelling, models, decision modelling, pharmaceutical, pharma, excel, STATA. A Junior Health Economics Analyst is required by a global HEOR consultancy near London. Hampshire, England Thermo Fisher: Accountant not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Life Sciences Group is looking for a highly talented and motivated employee to join its Carlsbad general accounting team. The position is responsible for oversight of various general ledger responsibilities, using analytical ski Carlsbad, CA Rothamsted Research: Post Doctoral Research Scientist Ecological/ Epidemiological Modeller - Harpenden, Hertfordshire £29,842 and £32,315 per annum: Rothamsted Research: Post-doctoral researcher will combine population genetic and epidemiological models to study the evolutionary consequences of integrated control of plant diseases. Harpenden, Hertfordshire
Paramount Recruitment: MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS Senior Account Director | London competitive + attractive benefits: Paramount Recruitment: MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS Senior Account Director | London London, England Thermo Fisher: VP BioProduction Product Management & Integrated Solutions not specified: Thermo Fisher: The BioProduction (BPD) Division provides our biotechnology and biopharmaceutical customers with best in class products and solutions across the bioproduction workflow. Product categories include cell culture (cell line development, media, sera, process Field, UT Syngenta: Field Biologist - Fulbourn/Market Stainton £Competitive + excellent benefits: Syngenta: Conducting development trials for crop protection or seed breeding solutions, you will be central to our continued success. We will look to you to oversee every stage of the process, from planning and preparation ... Fulbourn/Market Stainton Matchtech: Biomedical Scientist (Microbiology) GBP30000 per annum: Matchtech: Who we are looking for Skills required include: - Proven experience in all duties required of a BMS in a clinical microbiology laboratory and skilled in all aspects of processing clinical microbiology samples - Knowledge of Labcentre LIM system des Hertfordshire, England Celgene: Senior Principal Scientist, Toxicology / Pathology Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Summit, New Jersey, United States Kelly Scientific UK: Contact Center Team Manager £10 - £12.50 per hour: Kelly Scientific UK: Responsible for first line management of a team of Advisors who receive inbound and make outbound calls and undertake case management for the Contact Centre's... Winnersh Paramount Recruitment: SAS Programmer - Contract DOE: Paramount Recruitment: SAS Programmer - Contract SAS programmer, Statistical Programmer, Senior Statistical programmer, SAS, UK, Contract, Freelance, Hertfordshire. Hertfordshire, England NUI Galway: Established Professor of Biomaterials €106,515 to €136,275 p.a.: NUI Galway: Applications are invited for an appointment as a Professor of Biomaterials at the NUI Galway. The new appointee will lead the development of research and teaching in this area, and work in close collaboration with colleagues ... Galway, Ireland Inivata Ltd: Molecular Biologists Scientist/senior scientist salary dependent on experience: Inivata Ltd: We are seeking to recruit highly motivated Molecular Biology Senior Scientists/Scientists to apply next generation sequencing technologies to perform targeted sequencing of clinical samples and circulating DNA. Cambridge Biomedical Campus Celgene: Corporate Counsel Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passion Summit, New Jersey, United States Matchtech: Senior Biomedical Scientist - Haem/ Blood GBP30000 per annum: Matchtech: Who we are looking for Qualifications & Training: We are looking to recruit a qualified Biomedical Scientist with good experience in Haematology and Blood Transfusion. The successful candidate will be trained to be multi disciplined and will be req Manchester, England University of Cambridge Judge Business School: Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education - Cambridge Competitive: University of Cambridge Judge Business School: Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education offers a wide range of open enrolment and customised programmes. These programmes are designed for organisations, business professionals, managers, leaders, and executives ... Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Rothamsted Research: Postdoctoral Researcher - Department of Plant Biology and Crop Science - Hertfordshire Competitive: Rothamsted Research: Rothamsted Research is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on an exploratory industry-funded project. The appointment will initially be for 1 year, with the possibility of extension for another 1 year. Harpenden, Hertfordshire Lab Support: Microbiologist
£18-£22k pa: Lab Support: Microbiologist, Northamptonshire - Perm role - £18-22k pa. Northamptonshire Agenda Resource Management: BSU Research Technician ARM 1698 £17,000 - £22,000 dependent upon experience: Agenda Resource Management: A fantastic opportunity to join a leading Contract Research Organisation and help make a difference. Research Technician required to provide technical expertise and assistance in the care and welfare of animals within the Biological Services Unit. Oxfordshire TRINCH: Director, GMP Operations $120K(commensurates with experience): TRINCH: The Director is responsible for the overall operational management of the Good Manufacturing Practices and Clinical Manufacturing Facility (GMP) and insuring the GMP delivers all products in a timely, compliant, and fiscally responsible fashion. MidWest region of the US Purdue University, College of Engineering & College of Science: Faculty Opening in Integrated Imaging- West Lafayette, Indiana Salary TBD; Concierge Program perk: Purdue University, College of Engineering & College of Science: Purdue University College of Engineering and College of Science in West Lafayette Indiana announce a Faculty Opening in Integrated Imaging. Midwest, US The Earth Institute, Columbia University: Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Sustainable Development - New York, NY Annual salary and research stipend : The Earth Institute, Columbia University: The Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York, NY, seeks applications from innovative, doctoral candidates or recent Ph.D., M.D., J.D., or Sc.D. recipients interested in a broad range of issues in sustainable development. New York, NY Meet Recruitment: Account Director – Digital Healthcare Advertising – London - £45k-£60k circa £55k-£65k : Meet Recruitment: A leading award winning digital healthcare focused agency based in Central London, our client is looking for an Account Director to join their team due to recent business wins. London Meet Recruitment: Associate Scientific Services Director – Medical Communications Agency – Oxford - £60k-£70k Circa £60k-£70k : Meet Recruitment: A great opportunity for an experienced Principal Medical Writer wanting to step up into an Associate Scientific Services Director role within a global Medical Communications agency. London/Oxford Meet Recruitment: Director – Healthcare Public Relations – Central London – £90k + Circa £90k+: Meet Recruitment: Meet has an amazing opportunity for a motivated and passionate leader to join this agencies Leadership team as a Director. Central London Reed Scientific: QC TECHNICAL SPECIALIST Negotiable: Reed Scientific: One of the UK's most successful & reputable biomanufacturing organisations are urgently looking for candidates with a comprehensive background in Technical QC development, troubleshooting, investigations etc. Wrexham, Wales Thermo Fisher: Sr. Accountant not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific - Life Sciences Group (LSG) is looking for a highly talented and motivated employee to join its Carlsbad general accounting team. The position is responsible for oversight of intercompany accounting within the general ledger, th Carlsbad, CA Thermo Fisher: Quality Control Chemist Microbiology not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Scientific Research & Development Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - California - Fremont Job Level Experienced Posting date: August 12, 2014 Position Summary: The qualified Fremont, CA Thermo Fisher: Sr. Manager Recruiting not specified: Thermo Fisher: POSITION OVERVIEWAt Thermo Fisher Scientific, our Talent Acquisition team is committed to providing outstanding talent solutions that enable growth and advance our market leader position. We are seeking an experienced, customer focused, and results orient South San Francisco, CA Thermo Fisher: Sr. Recruiter Latin America not specified: Thermo Fisher: Company Information About Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make Sao Paulo, Brazil Thermo Fisher: Sr. HR Generalist
not specified: Thermo Fisher: Provide human resource and organizational expertise to the Frederick, MD Life Sciences Solutions Group (LSG) businesses. This includes partnering with local leadership and employees on building organizational capabilities, employee relations, recr Frederick, MD Thermo Fisher: Scientist I Molecular Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of $17 billion, we have approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries Bangalore, India Thermo Fisher: Manager Manufacturing not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our custome Grand Island, NY Thermo Fisher: Scientist III Manufacturing Sciences not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our custome Pleasanton, CA Thermo Fisher: Assoc Technical Project Mgmt Specialist not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our custo Pleasanton, CA Thermo Fisher: Market Development Manager Cloning Workflow not specified: Thermo Fisher: The Market Development Manager for Molecular Biology will drive the development and execution of marketing programs using a multi-channel go-to-market strategy for part of the molecular biology product portfolio, with focus on Molecular cloning workflow Carlsbad, CA Thermo Fisher: Research Associate III (Molecular Biology) not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Scientific Research & Development Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - California - Canoga Park Job Level Experienced Posting date: March 31, 2014 Position Summary: As a member Canoga Park, CA Thermo Fisher: Sr. Manager R&D (Molecular Biology) not specified: Thermo Fisher: This position will play a pivotal role within the Ion Torrent clinical product development. The unique individual selected for this position will have high visibility throughout the company. Responsibilities include interacting with cross-functional tea Carlsbad, CA Thermo Fisher: Staff Scientist Cell Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Objective This staff scientist will develop integrated applications using a wide array of Thermo Fisher Scientific products. This work will support three principal activities, to exemplify how to use our tools to ask broad scientific Carlsbad, CA Thermo Fisher: Scientist I Cell Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Objective This scientist will assist with the development of integrated applications using a wide array of Thermo Fisher Scientific products. This work will support three principal activities, to exemplify how to use our tools to ask Carlsbad, CA Thermo Fisher: Scientist III Cell Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: We are looking for a capable individual that would join the R&D department as a cell culture focused Scientist III. Applicant will be involved in the development of new products to support the Advance Cell System (ACS) division. This position will requir Frederick, MD Thermo Fisher: Scientist II Cell Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Objective This scientist will develop integrated applications using a wide array of Thermo Fisher Scientific products. This work will support three principal activities, to exemplify how to use our tools to ask broad scientific quest Carlsbad, CA Thermo Fisher: Scientist II \ III Cell Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: Scientist II/III-Frederick, Maryland Position Objective The position is a member of Life Sciences Solutions Group Cell Biology R&D team responsible for helping to develop novel technologies for incorporation into new Life Technologies products. Frederick, MD
Thermo Fisher: Scientist III Molecular Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: ThermoFisher Scientific is seeking candidates with a strong background and experience in molecular biology and cell biology for development of genome editing and cell engineering products. Essential Functions:Employ expertise in gene editing, recomibinant Carlsbad, CA Oakhurst Executive Selection Limited: Life Science Sales Specialist -Scotland and North East England Up to £30,000 basic + bonus + package: Oakhurst Executive Selection Limited: Sales of life science equipment to labs in Scotland and the North East Scotland and North East England Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute: Staff Scientist - Mouse Phenotyping GBP30196 - GBP38088 per annum + excellent benefits: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute: We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic and talented Staff Scientist in the area of mouse developmental biology and genetics to join the Mouse Genetic Project's (MGP) phenotyping team, based at the Sanger Institute. Cambridgeshire, England Kirkham Young: Sales Specialist - entry level GBP28000 - GBP32000 per annum: Kirkham Young: Sales Specialist Working for one of the world's leading medical device manufacturers you can take personal responsibility for your career growth and development. As part of this company's commitment to achieve their purpose of helping all people live heal East England, Cambridgeshire Agenda Resource Management: BSU Technician ARM 1669 £27,000 pro rata: Agenda Resource Management: Our Client is seeking a technician to provide technical expertise and assistance in the care and breeding of animals within a Biological Supply Unit. London Paramount Recruitment: MEDCOMMS ACCOUNT MANAGER negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: An Account Manager with prior experience in a medical communications agency is urgently required to join a very busy and successful health comms boutique in an affluent suburban town of South West London. London, England Paramount Recruitment: Market Access Manager - London/Macclesfield Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Market Access Manager- London/Macclesfield Market Access, London, Macclesfield, Manchester, North West, Consultancy, Health Care, Pharmaceutical, Project Management, HEOR. London, England St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Scientific Manager not specified: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is looking for a Scientific Manager for the Nichols Laboratory to study the genes and signaling pathways that regulate innate and adaptive immune responses. TN St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Senior Research Technologist not specified: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: St Jude Children's Research Hospital is looking for a Senior Research Technologist for the Nichols laboratory to study the genes and signaling pathways that regulate innate and adaptive immune responses TN Penny Warren: ACCOUNT MANAGER - CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS Negotiable depending on experience: Penny Warren: Our Client develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of innovative tools and services to the life science research and clinical diagnostics markets. Now recruiting for a Clinical Diagnostics Account Manager. Field based Midlands, ideally located either Derby or Birmingham Agenda Resource Management: Junior Animal Technician ARM 1691 £13,520: Agenda Resource Management: An exciting opportunity has arisen for an Animal Technician to work in the Leicestershire area on a permanent basis. Leicestershire Celgene: Corporate Counsel Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passion Summit, New Jersey, United States SRG: Regulation Manager GBP37000 - GBP46000 per annum: SRG: Regulation Manager Permanent, London Based £37,000 - £46,000 + excellent benefits Your role will be to lead the implementation and development of regulatory policy by providing support and advice to groups and individuals, lead inspections and inves London, England Rothamsted Research: Post-Doctoral Research Scientist - Harpenden, Hertfordshire
£29,842 to £32,315: Rothamsted Research: A postdoctoral position is available within the ‘Designing Seeds’ strategic programme at Rothamsted Research. The research project will investigate the possibility to manipulate epicuticular wax structure and composition (particularly on seed pods) Harpenden, Hertfordshire HRS Hyper Recruitment Solutions: Characterisation Scientist - Analytical Ultracentrifugation £15 - £20 per hour: HRS Hyper Recruitment Solutions: We are currently looking for a Characterisation Scientist with expertise in Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) to join a leading Biopharmaceutical company based in the Slough, Berkshire... Slough Meet Recruitment: Associate Scientific Services Director – Medical Communications Agency – Oxford - £60k-£70k Circa £60k-£75k : Meet Recruitment: A great opportunity for an experienced Principal Medical Writer wanting to step up into an Associate Scientific Services Director role within a global Medical Communications agency. London/Oxford Pennsylvania State University- Brandywine: Assistant Professor of Biology- Media, PA competitive: Pennsylvania State University- Brandywine: Penn State Brandywine invites applications for a faculty position in Biology, Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track, 36 weeks), to begin August 2015, or as negotiated. Brandywine Campus, Media, PA Paramount Recruitment: Junior/Entry Level Health Economics Analyst - London Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Junior/Entry Level Health Economics Analyst - London Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, Biotechnology, Clinical, Consultancy, HEOR, Health Economics, Health Economy, Health Economist, , Modelling A Graduate/HEOR Analyst is required by a fantastic, glob London, England Thermo Fisher: Sr. Assoc Product Applic. Specialist not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our custome Field, MD Matchtech: Senior Biomedical Scientist - Biochemistry GBP30000 per annum: Matchtech: An opportunity has arisen for an experienced HPC-registered Biomedical Scientist wishing to work in our Pathology Laboratory. The role will be working within the Biochemistry department. Working as part of a small team, this is an excellent opportunity Bushey, England Matchtech: Lead Biomedical Scientist (Blood Sciences) GBP40000 per annum: Matchtech: An opportunity has arisen for an experienced Pathology Lead The successful candidate will manage the daily running of the laboratory ensuring all procedures are documented, updated when required, implemented and sustained. The role will also involve ensu Sawbridgeworth, England Matchtech: Biomedical Scientist (Blood sciences) GBP28000 - GBP33000 per annum: Matchtech: An opportunity has arisen for an experienced HCPC-registered Biomedical Scientist wishing to work in pathology. Blood Transfusion experience is essential and training can be provided in haematology and biochemistry As a multidisciplinary trained Biomed Sawbridgeworth, England Matchtech: Senior Biomedical Scientist - Histology GBP34000 per annum: Matchtech: We're looking for a Senior Biomedical Scientist with a 'can do' attitude to ensure the highest quality biomedical testing, interpretation and reporting. Within an inspired, motivated and talented team, you'll take ownership of the day-to-day running of s Oxfordshire, England MSU-NatSci: Director of the MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory Competitive--Excellent Benefits: MSU-NatSci: MSU is seeking a Director of the MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory. Scientists with an outstanding record of research achievement in the study of photosynthetic organisms, especially research interests that complement strengths at the PRL, should apply. East Lansing, Michigan AstraZeneca US: Director, Electrophysiology (Discovery Biology) not specified: AstraZeneca US: Reporting to the Head of Discovery Biology we are looking for a scientist with a background in electrophysiology (in vivo preferred) and a strong scientific background in academia and/or industry/biotech. The Neuroscience iMED delivers the AZ Neuroscience USA - Massachusetts AstraZeneca US: Principal Informatics Scientist not specified: AstraZeneca US: Description At AstraZeneca, we're committed to using the best science and technology to invent, acquire, produce and distribute innovative medicines that make a meaningful difference to people's health around the world. The Health Informatics group is a USA - Maryland
AstraZeneca US: Director/Associate Director, Oncology iMED External Projects not specified: AstraZeneca US: Position Summary: The External Projects Director/Associate Director is a key role within the Oncology iMed Strategy organization with accountability to support the identification and assessment of external assets and collaboration opportunities to proact USA - Massachusetts Kelly Scientific UK: HR Administrator £10 - £10.50 per hour: Kelly Scientific UK: I am currently recruiting for a HR Administrator role to work at one of our client sites based in Basingstoke, Hampshire. The company is an... Basingstoke St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Senior Research Technologist- Memphis, TN not specified: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: The Senior Research Technologist working on translational studies for solid tumor provides the primary support for the principle investigator (PI) in preclinical research. This person assists with study design, data collection, and analysis of preclinical TN St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Bioinformatics Research Scientist- Memphis, TN not specified: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s Computational Biology Department is looking for a highly motivated bioinformatics research scientist as the key analyst for the institutional clinical genomics project. The Department has a well-established track re TN Illumina: Bioinformatician - Algorithm Developer Industry leading package, including company shares, annual bonus, private medical care and more!: Illumina: Illumina's cutting edge Informatics team is looking to hire an Algorithm Developer to work on an exciting range of genomic-based problems. Combining industrial resources with academic-style blue-sky projects, this has the best of both worlds. East of England (Cambridgeshire) Illumina: Marketing Specialist (Biotechnology and Cytogenetics) Excellent package which would include equity, private medical care, annual bonus and more!: Illumina: Illumina RGH are looking for a commercially-minded scientist with a background in cytogenetics and/or genetic desease who like the opportunity to enter the world of product marketing and commercialisation. Cambridgeshire Celgene: Scientist II Immuno-Oncology Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Seattle, Washington, United States St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Senior Research Technologist, Pathology- Memphis, TN not specified: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: The Senior Research Technologist in the Pathology Department operates as an advanced-level research technologist by assisting the principal investigator in the Department of Pathology with the data collection and analysis for research projects related to TN University of Massachusetts Amherst: Tenure-Track Faculty Position- Behavioral Neuroscience DOE: University of Massachusetts Amherst: Faculty Position in Behavioral Neuroscience Amherst, Massachusetts University of Massachusetts Amherst: Tenure -Track Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology DOE: University of Massachusetts Amherst: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Amherst, Massachusetts, United States, 01003 Pacifc Institute for Climate Solutions: Executive Director A competitive salary will be offered.: Pacifc Institute for Climate Solutions: The University of Victoria is seeking applications and nominations for the position of Executive Director, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) www.pics.uvic.ca. On the campus of the University of Victoria George Mason University: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bioengineering DOE: George Mason University: Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on interdisciplinary research spanning the fields of optical systems, ultrasound, microscopy and molecular imaging. Fairfax, Virginia, United States, 22030 EEMB Dept, UCSB: Assistant Professor in Behavioral Ecology, UC Santa Barbara Salary determined by UC payroll scales: EEMB Dept, UCSB: Behavioral Ecology Assistant Professor at UC Santa Barbara Central Coast University of California, Irvine: Neuroscience Faculty Recruitment
Salary commensurate to experience : University of California, Irvine: The Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, School of Medicine at UC, Irvine seeks exceptional applicants for tenure track appointment in neuroscience. West Coast Institute of Environmental Sustainability: Assistant Professor in Applied Plant Biology/Sustainable Agriculture Salary plus benefits: Institute of Environmental Sustainability: Full time assistant Professor at Loyola University Chicago, Lake Shore Campus, Institute of Environmental Sustainability Chicago Illinois Pharmacology - Weill Cornell Medical College: Assistant or Associate Professor Salary will be commensurate with experience: Pharmacology - Weill Cornell Medical College: Seeking individuals with innovative research programs that fall within pharmacology, including signal transduction, chemical biology, drug design and screening, molecular imaging, metabolomics and metabolism, structural biochemistry, and enzymology. North East Region VUMC: Manager, Scientific Information Manager: VUMC: Provide dedicated informatics systems development, implementation and support in a diverse and challenging research shared resource environment. Nashville Michigan State University: Faculty Position in Quantitative Evolution or Ecology Salary commensurate with experience: Michigan State University: The interdisciplinary graduate program in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology & Behavior (EEBB) at Michigan State University (MSU) is seeking applications for a tenuresystem Assistant Professor faculty position in quantitative evolutionary biology or ecology. East Lansing, MI, USA Department of Zoology, Michigan State University: Assistant Professor: Evolutionary Developmental Biology Commensurate with Experience: Department of Zoology, Michigan State University: Tenure System Faculty Position in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. The Department of Zoology at Michigan State University invites applications for a faculty position at the Assistant Professor level. Mid-state UMSL: Professor and Chair of the Department of Biology Commensurate with rank of full professor.: UMSL: Outstanding leader and scientist to serve as Chair of the Department of Biology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Saint Louis, Missouri New College of Florida: tenure-track position in Plant Biology Competitive: New College of Florida: For more details: http://www.ncf.edu/search/. An online application: https://ncf.simplehire.com/ should be completed. Review of completed applications will start Oct. 10, 2014 and continue until the position is filled. NCF is an EOE/AA employer. Sarasota, FL Battelle National Biodefense Institute: Principal Investigator, Virology (#447) Depends on experience: Battelle National Biodefense Institute: The National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security managed, Federally-Funded Research and Development Center. Frederick, MD University of California, Santa Cruz: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - MAMMALIAN CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Unspecified: University of California, Santa Cruz: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - MAMMALIAN CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY at University of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Export Customer Service Representative Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Administrative Services Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - New Jersey - Bridgewater Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 28, 2014 POSITION SUMMARY Responsible for providing support for the second shif Bridgewater, NJ Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sr. Quality Specialist Thermo Fisher Scientific: Quality Management Representative responsible for ensuring that processes needed for the Quality Management System (QMS) are established, implemented and maintained. Responsible for reporting to top management on the performance of the QMS and any need f South San Francisco, CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Comparator Specialist North America Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Finance Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States Pennsylvania - Allentown Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 22, 2014 Position Summary: In this function, you are responsible for operational and administrative s Allentown, PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Channel Manager Compliance Test Equipment
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Job Type Full-time Location United States - Massachusetts - Wilmington Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 26, 2014 Summary: A high energy, competitive team player with good problem solving skills, a winning attitude and the abi Wilmington, MA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Director Regional Sales Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Eastern US Job Level Director Posting date: September 24, 2014 The Regional Sales Director is responsible for all commercial personnel and activities in a region for the Heal United States Eastern US, Eastern US Thermo Fisher Scientific: Direct Sales Safety Representative Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Texas Houston Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 26, 2014 Position Summary: Our Direct Sales Safety Representative is responsible for the sales of Fisher Safety’ Houston, TX Thermo Fisher Scientific: Account Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Montana All Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 26, 2014 Position Summary: The Account Manager for this Healthcare Market Division position supports the sales ter All, MT Thermo Fisher Scientific: Consumables Sales Rep Thermo Fisher Scientific: To promote and sell Molecular and Cell Biology benchtops and reagents of Applied Biosystems, throughout AB technology broadcasting. Primary Responsibilities· To achieve the sales goal for MCB benchtops and reagents in assigned region.· To schedule demons Santiago, Chile Thermo Fisher Scientific: Manager Operational Excellence Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15955 Location : Runcorn Cheshire UK Category : Operations Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Position Summary: The Operational Excellence Manager has overall responsibility for introducing, coachin Runcorn, Cheshire, UK Thermo Fisher Scientific: Information Center Assistant Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Marketing Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States Illinois - Rockford Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 26, 2014 The Information Center Assistant will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining scient Rockford, IL Thermo Fisher Scientific: Machine \ Turret Operator (1st Shift) Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Manufacturing Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - North Carolina - Asheville Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 25, 2014 Position Summary: Helps department meet production needs by running various ty Asheville, NC Thermo Fisher Scientific: Site Technician West Greenwich RI Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Field Services Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - Rhode Island - East Greenwich Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 25, 2014 Position Summary: This position is focused on service delivery excellence East Greenwich, RI Thermo Fisher Scientific: Lead Operator Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Manufacturing Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - Michigan - Kalamazoo Job Level Entry Level Posting date: September 25, 2014 Job Title: Lead Operator Reports To: Production Supervisor Group/Division: Specialty Kalamazoo, MI Thermo Fisher Scientific: Account Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Florida West Palm Beach Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 23, 2014 Position Summary: The Account Manager for this Healthcare Market Division position supports t West Palm Beach, FL Thermo Fisher Scientific: FY14 (Sr).Sales Representative HSC HZ 10667 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15921 Location : Hangzhou CN CN Category : Sales Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Position Summary: (1-2 sentences) Developing business in the territory Key Responsibilities: (Bullets) 1. Sales ta Hangzhou, CN, China Thermo Fisher Scientific: Value Stream Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Operations Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Texas - Sugarland Job Level Manager Posting date: September 9, 2014 TITLE: Value Stream Manager LOCATION: Sugar Land TX Essential Duties and Responsibilities • Responsib Sugarland, TX
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Project Manager Client Services Distribution Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15853 Location : 1. Crawley Southern UK 2. Horsham Southern UK Category : Project Management Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Job Summary Manages and co-ordinates all technical and service aspects Crawley Southern UK Horsham, Southern, UK KU Leuven: Postdoctoral Life Cycle Analist KU Leuven: For the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with demonstrated experience in life cycle assessment Europe Swansea University: Biosciences: KESS Funded MRes Scholarship: Advanced Land-based Macroalgal Aquaculture (ALMA) Swansea University: Swansea University and the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research are seeking to recruit a high-claibre MRes student for a 1-year project investigating advanced land-based macroalgal aquaculture (ALMA). Other Poznan University of Medical Sciences: Lecturer Poznan University of Medical Sciences: PUMS is opening the call for position of lecturer in the Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Poland INSTITUTE FOR ADRIATIC CROPS AND KARST RECLAMATION: Senior research associate (m/f) -1 employee INSTITUTE FOR ADRIATIC CROPS AND KARST RECLAMATION: Senior Research Associate in the field of natural science, field biology, to work in the Department of Plant Sciences of the Institute Europe NTNU: PhD position in diatom genomics NTNU: A PhD position is available at the Department of Biology. The appointment has a duration of 3 years with the possibility of until 1 year extension with 25% teaching duties in agreement with the department. The position is financed by NTNU and will be a p Norway NTNU: PhD position in salmon genomics NTNU: A PhD position is available at the Department of Biology. The appointment has a duration of 3 years with the possibility of until 1 year extension with 25% teaching duties in agreement with the department. The position is financed by NTNU and will be a p Norway Kunming Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences: Research Group Leaders in Biology in Kunming, China Annual Salary: no less than 250,000 RMB (~42,000 USD / 30,000 Euro).: Kunming Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences: (1) genetics, reproduction & evolution; (2) utilization and conservation of biological resources; and (3) animal models, human disease mechanisms & drug development. south west Arizona State University: Assistant Professor, Tenure-track, Future Thinking and Sustainability Not Specified: Arizona State University: The School of Sustainability at Arizona State University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Sustainability Science with a focus on quantitatively integrating conceptualizations of the future into present decisions and actions. Tempe, AZ
[email protected]: J. Robert Stiffler Endowed Professorship of Plant Science A competitive salary and start-up package is available to the selected candidate.:
[email protected]: ODU invites applications and nominations for the endowed J. Robert Stiffler Professorship of Plant Science at the tenured/tenure track Professor or Associate Professor level. Eastern Virginia
[email protected]: Postdoctoral Position in the Neuroscience of Drug Abuse Rutgers University Brain Health Institute salary commensurate with experience:
[email protected]: Postdoctoral Position in the Neuroscience of Drug Abuse Piscataway, New Jersey Univeristy at Buffalo: COMPUTATIONAL CELL BIOLOGIST/ANATOMIST/PATHOLOGIST Salary dependent upon rank: Univeristy at Buffalo: For more information, please contact PAS department at
[email protected] .PAS in the School of Medicine at UB, is excited to be launching a novel Dept research theme and graduate program in collaboration with the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Western New York
[email protected]: Assistant or Associate Professor Salary will be commensurate with education, experience & established School of Medicine guidelines.:
[email protected]: Assistant or Associate Professor, Department of Physiology at SIU School of Medicine in Carbondale, IL. Southern Illinois
USC Institute for Neuroimaging and Informatics: Assistant Professor of Research DOE plus USC Benefits: USC Institute for Neuroimaging and Informatics: The Institute for Neuroimaging and Informatics seeks highly-qualified applicants for the position of Assistant Professor of Research, with a research focus on the large-scale analysis of human brain connectivity based on neuroimaging databases. Los Angeles Binghamton University: Assistant Professor (10 month) Behavioral Genetics 72000: Binghamton University: Assistant Professor (10month) Behavioral Genetics tenure track position Binghamton, NY USA
[email protected]: Faculty Position in Microbiology, Virology or Immunology negotiable:
[email protected]: The Department of Microbiology, Molecular Genetics and Immunology at the University of Kansas Medical Center invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor or Associate Professor level Kansas City, KS California State University, Fresno: Microbiology, Plant Biology, Population Genetics, and Science Education Unspecified: California State University, Fresno: Microbiology, Plant Biology, Population Genetics, and Science Education at California State University, Fresno Fresno, CA Oklahoma State University: Research Associate / Post-Doctoral Fellow/Graduate Research Assistant Dependent On Experience: Oklahoma State University: Research Associate/Post-Doc Fellow/Graduate Research Assistant positions available in the Lundberg-Kienlen Lung Biology &Toxicology Laboratory, Oklahoma Center for Respiratory & Infectious Diseases or Interdisciplinary Program in Regenerative Medicine Stillwater, OK
[email protected]: Assistant Professor Redox Biology Salary is negotiable.:
[email protected]: The Medical College of Wisconsin Redox Biology Program seeks a highly motivated individual to develop an independent and creative research program in oxidative biology and/or redox signaling. This is a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor position. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Bacteriology, UW-Madison: Two postdoctoral positions in Microbial Ecology, Symbiosis and Drug Discovery Follows NRSA stipend levels: Bacteriology, UW-Madison: Two positions available at the University of WisconsinMadison, Dept. of Bacteriology, Currie Lab. We are currently studying the role of small molecules in mediating symbiotic associations and the potential application of these compounds as drug leads. Midwest region Dana Farber Cancer Institute: Web Developer- Bioinformatics DOE: Dana Farber Cancer Institute: Web Developer Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 02215 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Intern (exempt) Thermo Fisher Scientific: Direct & Indirect PurchasingPurchase Order ManagementEnquiries, Order Acknowledgement and ExpeditingIssue Purchase Order for new projectsUpdate vendor's acknowledgement in SAPAdministrationFiling of documents (Service contracts, vendor surveys, vendor ev Singapore, Singapore Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sr. Financial Analyst North America Commercial Thermo Fisher Scientific: The Senior/Financial Analyst position supports the North America Commercial Life Science Group organization with regards to financial analysis, planning, and forecasting. Key focus will include coordinating the revenue and commercial spend budgeting/fore Carlsbad, CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sr. Manager Facilities Thermo Fisher Scientific: This position is responsible for developing strategy and implementing the company's Facilities, Security, Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) and Sustainability Programs. This position will anticipate, strategize, plan, budget, and schedule facility m Singapore, Singapore Thermo Fisher Scientific: Inside Sales Representative Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Illinois Hanover Park Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 25, 2014 Position Summary: Our Inside Sales Representative is responsible for the sales of research prod Hanover Park, IL Thermo Fisher Scientific: Team Leader Operations (Late Shift) Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15902 Location : Horsham Southern UK Category : Operations Career Level : Manager (Manager/Supervisor of Staff) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Company Information About Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) Horsham, Southern, UK Thermo Fisher Scientific: Production Supervisor 3rd Shift
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Manufacturing Job Type Full-time Location United States - New Jersey - Fair Lawn Job Level Manager Posting date: September 25, 2014 Position Summary: Lead liquid chemical production and packaging department to produce the needed quality product Fair Lawn, NJ Thermo Fisher Scientific: Generic Requisition Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Manufacturing Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - Michigan - Kalamazoo Job Level Entry Level Posting date: September 25, 2014 Job Title: Lead Operator Reports To: Production Supervisor Group/Division: Specialty Kalamazoo, MI Thermo Fisher Scientific: JDE CNC Administrator Thermo Fisher Scientific: JOB DESCRIPTION Division:Thermo Fisher Scientific SASDate:04/01/2014Title:Application Administrator (JDE E1 CNC)Job Code:Supervisor:Job Grade:Supervises:SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIESResponsible for the maintenance, support and deployment of the EnterpriseO Bangalore, India Thermo Fisher Scientific: HR Advisor ( 12 month contract ) Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15950 Location : Horsham Southern UK Category : Human Resources Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Contract Job Description : Position Summary: This role will manage and undertake a comprehensive hands-on HR service to manager Horsham, Southern, UK Thermo Fisher Scientific: Lead Staffing Coordinator Executive Search Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Human Resources Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - Massachusetts - Waltham Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 25, 2014 Position Summary: The Lead Staffing Coordinator for Executive Search role is re Waltham, MA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Contract Recruiter Finance Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Human Resources Job Type Full-time Location United States - Massachusetts Waltham Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 25, 2014 Position Summary: Thermo Fisher Scientific is looking for a talented Finance Recruiter for our Waltham lo Waltham, MA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Contract Recruiter Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Human Resources Job Type Full-time Location United States - New Jersey - Fair Lawn Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 25, 2014 Position Summary: Partner with geographically dispersed Hiring Managers and HR to develop recruiting strat Fair Lawn, NJ Thermo Fisher Scientific: Facility Technician (Temporary) South San Francisco CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Field Services Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - California - San Francisco Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 22, 2014 Position Summary Perform office relocation support for building staff includi San Francisco, CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Senior Site Specialist Richmond CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Field Services Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - California - Richmond Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 25, 2014 Position Summary: This position is focused on service delivery excellence for Unit Richmond, CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Program Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific: The Program Manager is responsible for leading product development teams through the product commercialization process (PCP), ensuring the teams follow product development best practices, adhere to specific regulatory requirements (as needed) as well as Frederick, MD Soonchunhyang medi-bio science (SIMS): Soonchunhyang Institute of Medi-Bioscience (SIMS) $60,000 - $120,000 : Soonchunhyang medi-bio science (SIMS): [Tenure-track] Assistant/Associate Professor Soonchunhyang Institute of Medi-Bioscience (SIMS) SIMS, 25, Bongjeong-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 330-930, Korea Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University Department of Systems and Computational Biology: Tenure Track Position in the Department of Systems and Computational Biology Unspecified: Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University Department of Systems and Computational Biology: The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, one of the leading medical schools in New York City, is seeking to fill multiple tenure track faculty positions in the newly formed Department of Systems and Computational Biology. Bronx, NY University of California, Irvine- Biological Chemistry: Biological Chemistry- One Tenure-Track Position
Ranges from $75,000 to $99,000 per year with full benefits: University of California, Irvine- Biological Chemistry: We are seeking outstanding individuals in the fields of Protein Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine, Metabolism, Cancer Biology, Epigenetics, and Cell Biology. Irvine, California USA University Of Washington Division Of Cardiology: Cardiology -: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DIVISION OF CARDIOLOGY: We seek an applicant whose research will complement existing institutional strengths in vascular and cardiac biology including regenerative medicine, stem cell research, genetics, gene therapy, and genomics. Greater Seattle Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation: Post-doctoral Fellow or Staff Scientist - Anthrax & Influenza Vaccination Response (JJames) We offer attractive salaries & comprehensive benefits package (EOE/AA).: Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation: Seeking Post-doctoral Fellow or Staff Scentist to address important questions of vaccination response. Join my lab and explore how the protective immune responses to the anthrax or influenza vaccination is developed and maintained. Oklahoma City Cell and Developmental Biology: Assistant Professor - Stem and/or Progenitor Cell Biology Commiserate with experience: Cell and Developmental Biology: A highly collaborative and vibrant community of researchers focusing on a broad range of biological problems seeks candidates investigating mechanisms of cellular reprogramming and cell fate determination, preferably using mouse models or human ES cells. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine UCD School of Medicine: Basic Reproductive Sciences Faculty Positions Commensurate with skills and experience: UCD School of Medicine: The University of Colorado is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. Colorado RFUMS: Assistant/Associate Professor Full benefits pacakge: RFUMS: The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the College of Pharmacy at the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago, IL, invites applications for a full-time, twelve month, tenure track Assistant/Associate Professor level. Chicagoland Area Rush University Medical Center: Chairperson, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology Negotiable: Rush University Medical Center: Rush University Medical Center, a nationally recognized clinical and academic institution, invites nominations and applications for the position of Chairperson of the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology. Chicago, IL UW-Milwaukee: Post-Doctoral Position - Drug Discovery Competitive: UW-Milwaukee: The Milwaukee Institute for Drug Discovery at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee seeks an outstanding Post-Doctoral scientist to work in a NIH-funded cross-disciplinary team to development new treatments for asthma. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Stanford University: Assistant or Associate Professor - Theoretical/Computational Neuroscience Unspecified: Stanford University: Assistant or Associate Professor - Theoretical/Computational Neuroscience at Stanford University Palo Alto, CA Stanford University: Assistant or Associate Professor - Neuroscience & Bioengineering Unspecified: Stanford University: Assistant or Associate Professor - Neuroscience & Bioengineering at Stanford University Palo Alto, CA St Jude Children's Research Hospital: Postdoctoral Research Positions - Department of Hematology Not Specified: St Jude Children's Research Hospital: Postdoctoral research positions are available in the laboratories of Drs. Brian Sorrentino and Mitchell J. Weiss in the Department of Hematology at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to study molecular mechanisms of hematopoiesis and blood disorders. Memphis, TN University of the Sciences: Assistant Professor Neurobiology DOE: University of the Sciences: 10 month, tenure-track Philadelphia, PA Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research: Functional Genomics Platform Manager Commensurate with experience: Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research: The Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, MA is seeking an experienced scientist in large-scale genetic screening of mammalian cells to develop a platform for conducting CRISPR-based screens. Kendall Square, Cambridge
University of California Riverside-Entomology: Assistant Professor /Assistant Entomologist (Vector Biology) salary commensurate with experience: University of California Riverside-Entomology: The Department of Entomology invites applications for an Assistant Professor /Assistant Entomologist in the area of Vector Biology at the University of California, Riverside. Position available July 1, 2015. Southern California University of California Riverside, College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences: Assistant Professor (Molecular Biology or Physiology of Arthropod-Vectors or Diseases they Transmit) salary commensurate with experience: University of California Riverside, College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences: Tenure Track Assistant Professor: Molecular Biology or Physiology of Arthropod-Vectors or Diseases they Transmit Southern California
[email protected]: Boston University Pharmacology Seeks Pharmacology Educator Salary commensurate with experience and educational background.:
[email protected]: Seeking an educator at the assistant or associate professor level with broad background in pharmacology and teaching expertise, at least five years of pharmacology teaching experience in a medical school setting, and a PhD in pharmacology, preferred. Northeast Texas A&M University Health Science Center: POSTDOCTORAL POSITION -: Texas A&M University Health Science Center: A postdoctoral position is available for studying the molecular and physiological mechanisms of Type 2 Diabetes and associated heart failure, focusing on actions of insulin and glucagon in liver or adrenergic receptor signaling in heart. Temple, TX The Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington: Postdoctoral Fellowships -: The Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington: The Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships. Washington DC California State Polytechnic University, Pomona: Assistant Professor -: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona: The Biological Sciences Department at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) invites applications for a tenure-track, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR position in Quantitative Vertebrate Ecology, beginning September 2015. Pomona, CA Temple University - Biology Department: Genomics Faculty Position - Assistant/Associate Professors -: Temple University - Biology Department: The Department of Biology at Temple University invites applications for tenured and tenure-track faculty positions in genomics. Philadelphia, PA Columbia University: Director, Columbia Stem Cell Initiative -: Columbia University: Columbia University seeks a leading scientist to direct the Columbia Stem Cell Initiative (CSCI). New York, NY California State Polytechnic University, Pomona: Quantitative Vertebrate Ecology -: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona: The Biological Sciences Department at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) invites applications for a tenure-track, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR position in Quantitative Vertebrate Ecology, beginning September 2015. Pomona, CA Arizona State University School of Life Sciences: Assistant Professor -: Arizona State University School of Life Sciences: The School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor in the area of microbial genomics including metagenomics. Tempe, AZ Arizona State University School of Life Sciences: Assistant Professor -: Arizona State University School of Life Sciences: The School of Life Sciences (SOLS) at Arizona State University (ASU) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of biomarker research. Tempe, AZ Michigan State University: Director of the MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory -: Michigan State University: Applications for the position of Director of the MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory at Michigan State University are invited from scientists with an outstanding record of research achievement in the study of photosynthetic organisms. East Lansing Stanford University: Assistant Professor -: Stanford University: The Department of Chemical and Systems Biology at Stanford University School of Medicine invites applications for a tenure-track position at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level. Stanford, CA
Los Alamos National Laboratory: Executive Advisor 4; R&D Scientist 5 -: Los Alamos National Laboratory: Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), a multidisciplinary research institution engaged in strategic science on behalf of national security, has a single opening for a Center Leader position in our National Security Education Center (NSEC) Los Alamos, NM Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and Technische Universität München : Max Planck Research Groups Tenure Track Assistant Professorships -: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and Technische Universität München : The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissen-schaften e.V. (MPG) is an independent, non-profit research organisation, whose goal is to promote top quality research at its institutes. Germany Yale University - Department of Microbial Pathogenesis: Tenure-Track Faculty Position -: Yale University - Department of Microbial Pathogenesis: The Department of Microbial Pathogenesis of the Yale School of Medicine is seeking applicants for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level. New Haven, CT Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School: Assistant Professor -: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School: Harvard Medical School invite applicants for tenuretrack faculty positions at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor. Boston, MA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Assistant Professor in Functional Morphology/Biomechanics -: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign invite applications and nominations for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in functional morphology/biomechanics at the rank of Assistant Professor. Urbana, IL University of California San Francisco: Associate/Full Professor, In Residence Series -: University of California San Francisco: The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Department of Neurology and Graduate Program in Neuroscience is seeking candidates for the Rudi Schmid Endowed Chair in Neuroscience, which is supported by a substantial endowment. San Francisco, CA University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center: Faculty Position -: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center: The Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center invites applications for tenure track faculty positions at the level of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. Dallas, TX University of Connecticut, Dept. of Molecular & Cell Biology: Assistant Professor -: University of Connecticut, Dept. of Molecular & Cell Biology: The University of Connecticut seek applicants for a nine-month, tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level at the Storrs campus starting August 23, 2015. Storrs, CT Florida State University: Faculty -: Florida State University: Florida State University is continuing its major interdisciplinary initiative in the broadly defined area of Coastal & Marine Research. Tallahassee, FL Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey: Faculty Positions-Cancer Systems Biology -: Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey: The School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, seek to hire an outstanding tenure track assistant professor in the area of Cryo-Electron Microscopy. New Brunswick, NJ Thermo Fisher Scientific: Field Sales Trainer Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Michigan Kalamazoo, United States - All Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 24, 2014 The Immunodiagnostics Division of Thermo Fisher Scientific develops, manufact Kalamazoo, MI Thermo Fisher Scientific: Consumables Sales Rep Thermo Fisher Scientific: About Thermo Fisher ScientificThermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner Field, South Korea Thermo Fisher Scientific: eMarketing Analyst Pittsburgh PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Marketing Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 24, 2014 Position Summary: The eMarketing Analyst, reporting to the Digital Marketing Manager, Tec Pittsburgh, PA
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Production Technician (Temporary) Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Manufacturing Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - Wisconsin - Madison Job Level Experienced Posting date: August 21, 2014 This is a contract assignment lasting 6-12 months. Key Responsibilities: • Assemble thro Madison, WI Thermo Fisher Scientific: Human Resources Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Human Resources Education High School/GED Job Type Full-time Location United States - California - Thousand Oaks Job Level Manager Posting date: September 24, 2014 This position plays a key role on a team that provides core, common and consiste Thousand Oaks, CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Consumables District Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our custom Field, NC Thermo Fisher Scientific: Quality Control Technician Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15946 Location : Bishop's Stortford Herts UK Woodside Category : Quality Assurance Career Level : Entry Level Job Type : Full Time Job Description : This position supports the Fisher BioServices of the Bio Pharma Services division (BPS), a div Bishops Stortford, Herts Thermo Fisher Scientific: Technischer Redakteur (w\m) Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15945 Location : Langenselbold Hessen DE Category : Professional Services Career Level : Berufserfahren Job Type : Vollzeit Job Description : Wir suchen befristet für die Dauer von vorerst 24 Monaten Sie als Technischen Redakteur (w/m) Ihre Au Langenselbold, Hessen, Germany Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sales Representative (w\m) Chromatographie Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15947 Location : Dreieich Hessen DE Category : Vertrieb Career Level : Berufserfahren Job Type : Vollzeit Job Description : Arbeiten Sie beim weltweit führenden Partner der Wissenschaft – Thermo Fisher Scientific! Gemeinsam mit ca. 50.000 Koll Dreieich, Hessen, Germany Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sr. Digital Designer Pittsburgh PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Marketing Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 24, 2014 Position Summary: The Senior Digital Designer, reporting to the Digital Marketing Manager Pittsburgh, PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Digital Designer Pittsburgh PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Marketing Job Type Full-time Location United States - Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 24, 2014 Position Summary: The Digital Designer, reporting to the Digital Marketing Manager, will be responsible for t Pittsburgh, PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Digital Designer Pittsburgh PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Marketing Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 24, 2014 Position Summary: The Digital Designer, reporting to the Digital Marketing Manager, will Pittsburgh, PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Customer (1st Level) Technical Support Specialist HPLC IC&SP Chromeleon - UK and Ireland Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15936 Location : UK Field Based UK % of Travel Required : 50-75% Category : Field Services Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Position Summary: Responsible to deliver all Customer (1st Level) Techni UK Field, Based, UK Thermo Fisher Scientific: Assoc Customer Service Representative Thermo Fisher Scientific: 1. Perform day to day order processing and adhere to process SLA (Service Level Agreement) in terms of productivity, quality and TAT Productivity: Achieving the target within specified time limits as set by supervisor. Quality: Achieving the accuracy lev Bangalore, India Thermo Fisher Scientific: Assoc Customer Service Representative Thermo Fisher Scientific: 1. Perform day to day order processing and adhere to process SLA (Service Level Agreement) in terms of productivity, quality and TAT Productivity: Achieving the target within specified time limits as set by supervisor. Quality: Achieving the accuracy lev Bangalore, India Thermo Fisher Scientific: MTA BTA CTA Chemiker oder Biologe (w\m) als Verkäufer im Außendienst für den Vertrieb von innovat
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15924 Location : Home-based/Telecommute Category : Außendienst Career Level : Berufserfahren Job Type : Vollzeit Job Description : Wir suchen Sie im Home-Office als MTA, BTA, CTA, Chemiker oder Biologen (w/m) als Verkäufer im Außendienst für d Thermo Fisher Scientific: Supervisor Call Center Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Customer Service Job Type Full-time Location United States - Wisconsin - Madison Job Level Manager Posting date: September 17, 2014 Supervisor, Customer Service Essential Duties and Responsibilities: The Customer Support Supervior assists the d Madison, WI Thermo Fisher Scientific: Order Administrator Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Customer Service Job Type Full-time Location United States - Florida - West Palm Beach, United States - California - San Jose Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 2, 2014 Essential Duties and Responsibilities Respond and generate quote West Palm Beach, FL SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY: Assistant Professor Biology DOE: SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY: - Syracuse, New York, United States, 13201 cernet: Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China Anticipates Your Working Application salary negotiable: cernet: Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China Anticipates Your Working Application Sichuan,China Northeastern Illinois University: Biologist To be negotiated, commensurate with experience. Full benefits package.: Northeastern Illinois University: The Department of Biology at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level to begin August 2015. Chicago metropolitan area The University of Iowa - Gene Vector Core: Scientific Director Commensurate: The University of Iowa - Gene Vector Core: The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine is seeking a highly motivated and experienced scientist to direct an institutional research core that provides services for generating viruses for gene delivery. Iowa City Colorado State University : Postdoctoral Fellow – Akkina Lab $35,000 to $45,000 per year: Colorado State University : Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology at Colorado State University - highly motivated with research experience in virology/immunology to participate in research projects on HIV/AIDS pathogenesis, prevention & therapies. near the Rocky Mountains
[email protected]: Tenure Track Assistant Professorship at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics Not Specified:
[email protected]: Tenure Track Assistant Professorship at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics Boulder, Colorado CWRU: GI Cancer Research Faculty Position Academic rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience: CWRU: The Department of Pathology at CWRU is recruiting to expand its GI cancer research program in collaboration with the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and the GI SPORE. Cleveland, OH NDSU Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry: Analytical Chemistry Faculty Position Commensurate with experience. Benefits include retirement & full coverage family health insurance.: NDSU Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry: The North Dakota State University (NDSU) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has a tenure-track faculty position available in the area of Analytical Chemistry. Position is available Fall 2015. Fargo, ND Arizona State University: Assistant Professor, Tenure-track, Sustainability and Human Well-being Not Specified: Arizona State University: We invite applications from scholars engaged in conceptual or applied research to improve the conceptualization and measurement of human well-being in the context of sustainability. Tempe, AZ
[email protected]: Biology Laboratory Coordinator Depends on Qualifications:
[email protected]: Biology Laboratory Coordinator for courses in anatomy & physiology and microbiology. Upper Midwest Carnegie Mellon University, Biomedical Engineering : Biomedical Engineering Faculty Positions
Negotiable: Carnegie Mellon University, Biomedical Engineering : CMU seeks faculty members at all levels. Its College of Engineering is consistently ranked among the top 10 engineering schools in the country by USNWR. Its faculty enjoy a university-wide collaborative culture, outstanding students and great benefits. Mid-Atlantic Region University of Maryland, Baltimore Dept of Pharmacology: Cancer Biology Competitive : University of Maryland, Baltimore Dept of Pharmacology: Recruiting Ph.D and/or M.D. degree holding individuals with expertise in epigenetics and inflammation in cancer prevention/progression to expand our research programs in the area of hormone responsive cancers. Baltimore, MD University of California, San Francisco - Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Faculty Position, UCSF: Enabling Technologies for Biological Discovery Negotiable: University of California, San Francisco - Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Seeking outstanding individuals to develop and apply enabling technologies to biological discovery. Some examples include genome editing, cellular engineering, mass spectrometry or new physical methods that could be applied to any field in modern biology San Francisco - Mission Bay University of Memphis: Research Assistant Professor in Genomics Salary is commensurate with education and experience + benefits: University of Memphis: Research assistant professor (non-tenure track) with strong molecular biology experience to lead next generation sequencing and microarray projects. Applicants should be able to perform next generation sequencing as well as other genomic applications. Memphis University of Iowa Health Care: Faculty Position in Immunology Commensurate – Salary, competitive start-up funds, benefits, modern laboratory and core facilities: University of Iowa Health Care: Building on strength in Immunology, the Dept of Pathology at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in Immunology/Autoimmunity with a focus on neuroimmunology of multiple sclerosis/EAE. Iowa City, Iow Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University : Faculty Position Commensurate with experience : Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University : The Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University, invites applications for tenure track faculty at the assistant, associate, and full professor levels. Atlanta, GA Miami University, Department of Psychology: Assistant and Associate Professor of Neuroscience Based on approved range: Miami University, Department of Psychology: The Department of Psychology at Miami University is seeking outstanding candidates for two tenure-track positions in Behavioral Neuroscience. One at the level of Assistant Professor and one at the level of Associate Professor to start August 2015. Near Cincinnati, Dayton, and Indianapolis Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute: Staff Scientist - Mouse Phenotyping Salary £30,196 to £38,088 per annum dependent on experience: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute: Closing date for applications: 19th October 2014 Cambridge BHG: POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS IN BIOMINERALIZATION Division of Basic Science NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Not specified.: BHG: Ph.D graduates (Biochemistry, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Biomaterials) for postdoctoral positions in the area of biomineralization. These positions are for a 1 – 2 year appointment with an additional year appointment possible dependent upon funding. New York, NY Thermo Fisher Scientific: Account Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Florida West Palm Beach Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 23, 2014 Position Summary: The Account Manager for this Healthcare Market Division position supports t West Palm Beach, FL Thermo Fisher Scientific: Consumables District Manager Thermo Fisher Scientific: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our custom Field, NC Thermo Fisher Scientific: FY14 (Sr.)Sales Representative HSC SH 10665 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15848 Location : Shanghai CNY CN Category : Sales Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Job Title: Sales Representative Reports To: Area Sales Manager Group/Division: Healthcare Solutions China Career Shanghai, CNY, China
Thermo Fisher Scientific: (Sr).Sales Representative HSC HZ 10667 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15921 Location : Hangzhou CN CN Category : Sales Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Position Summary: (1-2 sentences) Developing business in the territory Key Responsibilities: (Bullets) 1. Sales ta Hangzhou, CN, China Thermo Fisher Scientific: FY14 National Focus manager Food Safety and Agriculture Business SH 11186 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15925 Location : Shanghai SH CN Category : Sales Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Company Information About Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader i Shanghai, SH, China Thermo Fisher Scientific: Territory Account Manager Chicago Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Illinois Chicago Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 23, 2014 The Territory Account Manager is responsible for selling instruments and consumables used by Patholo Chicago, IL Thermo Fisher Scientific: Product Manager 2 Ottawa Canada or Pittsburgh PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Product Management Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location Canada Ontario - Ottawa, United States - Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 23, 2014 Position Summary: The Product Manager fully manages a Pittsburgh, PA, Canada Thermo Fisher Scientific: MTA BTA CTA Chemiker oder Biologe (w\m) als Verkäufer im Außendienst für den Vertrieb von innovat Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15924 Location : Home-based/Telecommute Category : Außendienst Career Level : Berufserfahren Job Type : Vollzeit Job Description : Wir suchen Sie im Home-Office als MTA, BTA, CTA, Chemiker oder Biologen (w/m) als Verkäufer im Außendienst für d Thermo Fisher Scientific: Segment Marketing Manager Academic Pittsburgh PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Marketing Job Type Full-time Location United States - Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 23, 2014 Position Summary: This individual is responsible for leading the North American marketing and merchandising e Pittsburgh, PA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Inside Sales Specialist native Dutch fluent German and English Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15907 Location : Breda NB NL Category : Administrative Services, Communications, Customer Service, Sales, Other, Marketing, Applications/Sales Specialist Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Thermo Fi Breda, NB, Netherlands Thermo Fisher Scientific: NA Regional Corporate Accounts Director Biotech Segment Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - North East, United States - Pennsylvania - All, United States - New Jersey - All, United States - New York - New York Job Level Director Posting date: September 5, 2014 Posit All, NJ Thermo Fisher Scientific: Inside Sales Representative Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Illinois Hanover Park Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 12, 2014 Position Summary: Our Inside Sales Representative is responsible for the sales of research prod Hanover Park, IL University of Colorado Boulder: TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR POSITION IN INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY $72,000-76,000: University of Colorado Boulder: Expertise in integrative physiology--will consider applications from individuals with a broad range of interests including mechanistic control of physiological processes or the epidemiology of human health and disease. Boulder, CO Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI): Vaccine program Project Manager Up to $100K/yr, with OHSU benefits: Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI): Vaccine program Project Manager, to help move a promising HIV vaccine prototype into Phase-I clinical trials. Position will coordinate the activities of multiple scientific groups, industry partners, funding representatives, and regulatory agents. Portland, Oregon Pennsylvania Muscle Institute: Post-Doctoral Positions - "Cytoskeletal Motors and Scaffolds in Membrane Dynamics" Salary commensurate with expertise: Pennsylvania Muscle Institute: Positions are available for individuals to join a multidisciplinary effort at the University of Pennsylvania to investigate the biophysics, biochemistry, structural biology, and cell biology of cytoskeletal motors and scaffolds in membrane dynamics. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
UC Berkeley, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN PLANT BIOLOGY Commensurate with experience: UC Berkeley, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology: The Department of Plant and Microbial Biology at the University of California, Berkeley, has an opening for an Assistant Professor (tenure track, nine-month appointment) with an expected start date of July 1, 2015. San Francisco Bay Area UC Irvine Department of Earth System Science: Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment position in Earth System Science Commensurate with experience: UC Irvine Department of Earth System Science: Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment position in Earth System Science Irvine
[email protected]: Faculty Member Chemesthesis commensurate with experience:
[email protected]: The Monell Chemical Senses Center is the world's premier institute devoted to basic, multidisciplinary research on the mechanisms and function of olfaction, gustation and chemesthesis. Philadelphia
[email protected]: Faculty Member commensurate with experience:
[email protected]: The Monell Chemical Senses Center is the world's premier institute devoted to basic, multidisciplinary research on the mechanisms and function of olfaction, gustation and chemesthesis. Philadelphia Villanova University: Biology Full time for ten months + benefits Competitive: Villanova University: Postdoctoral Fellowship Position in ORGANISMAL BIOLOGY Mid-Atlantic Southeast Alabama Medical Center: Medical Biochemist negotiable: Southeast Alabama Medical Center: Job Summary: The Assistant – Associate Professor must have a terminal degree (doctoral) in Biochemistry, Molecular Sciences, Biomedical Sciences or other related field and illustrate a potential of excellence in teaching. Dothan, AL Human Resource Services SUNY Plattsburgh: Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences plus excellent benefits. : Human Resource Services SUNY Plattsburgh: Plattsburgh State University of New York is a comprehensive, coeducational, public institution of nearly 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Lake Champlain/Adirondack Region University of Glasgow: Post-Doctoral Research Assistant or Associate in Virology (009424) Grade 6 (£27,057 - £30,434) or Grade 7 (£33,242 - £37,394) per annum: University of Glasgow: The laboratory of Professor Massimo Palmarini at the MRC- University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research is seeking a post-doc / Research Assistant/Associate with a PhD and research experience in virology. Glasgow Florida Institute of Technology: Anatomy and Physiology Faculty Commensurate with Faculty Rank: Florida Institute of Technology: Florida Institute of Technology seeks a full-time, open-rank faculty position to teach human anatomy and physiology, as well as conduct research in neurophysiology or metabolic disease. Florida's Central East Coast Oxford College of Emory University: BIOLOGY - Tenure track position Competetive and commensurate with education and experience: Oxford College of Emory University: Emory University’s Oxford College seeks candidates for a TENURE-TRACK POSITION (rank open) in BIOLOGY to begin August, 2015. Oxford, GA (36 miles east of Atlanta GA)
[email protected]: Biostatistician, Radiation Effects Research Foundation - Hiroshima, Japan Commensurate with experience:
[email protected]: Biostatistician, Radiation Effects Research Foundation Hiroshima, Japan Hiroshima Thermo Fisher Scientific: FY14 Regulatory Officer CAD SH 10141 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15819 Location : Shanghai SH CN Category : Engineering Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Thermo Fisher China Job Description Job Title: Regulatory Officer- Radiation and Radioisotopes Division/Depa Shanghai, SH, China Thermo Fisher Scientific: Senior Manager (f\m) European Sales Support - LSMS Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15913 Location : Dreieich Hessen DE Category : Sales Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Senior Manager (f/m) European Sales Support – LSMS Position Summary: Leads all European sales support activiti Dreieich, Hessen, Germany
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sales Support Expert (f\m) for GC\GCMS Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15914 Location : Rodano LOM IT Category : Sales Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : Sales Support Expert (f/m) for GC/GCMS Position Summary: This role is responsible for the relevant product or marke Rodano, LOM, Italy Thermo Fisher Scientific: Point of Care Specialist Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Indiana Indianapolis Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 22, 2014 Position Summary: Candidate will be responsible for selling selective laboratory equipment and d Indianapolis, IN Thermo Fisher Scientific: Point of Care Specialist Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Michigan Detroit Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 22, 2014 Position Summary: Candidate will be responsible for selling selective laboratory equipment and diagn Detroit, MI Thermo Fisher Scientific: Point of Care Specialist Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Georgia Atlanta Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 8, 2014 Position Summary: Candidate will be responsible for selling selective laboratory equipment and diagnos Atlanta, GA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Application Specialist (f\m) for our Special Solutions Center Thermo Fisher Scientific: Job Code : 15894 Location : Dreieich Hessen DE Category : Applications/Sales Specialist Career Level : Experienced (Non-Manager) Job Type : Full Time Job Description : We are looking for an Application Specialist (f/m) for our Special Solutions Center Ou Dreieich, Hessen, Germany Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sr. Product Applications Scientist Thermo Fisher Scientific: We are looking for an Application Scientist to join our high-performance genetic analysis applications team based in South San Francisco, CA. This person will work in a very dynamic and fast paced environment with a focus on developing workflow solutions South San Francisco, CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Sr. Product Applications Scientist Thermo Fisher Scientific: We are looking for an Application Scientist to join our high-performance genetic analysis applications team based in South San Francisco, CA. This person will work in a very dynamic and fast paced environment with a focus on developing workflow solutions South San Francisco, CA Thermo Fisher Scientific: Senior Scientific Coordinator Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Scientific Research & Development Job Type Full-time Location United States Maryland - Germantown Job Level Experienced Posting date: September 4, 2014 Fisher BioServices has 29 years of experience in biorepository/biobanking services, cold c Germantown, MD Thermo Fisher Scientific: NMR Senior Research Engineer Thermo Fisher Scientific: Expertise Scientific Research & Development Job Type Full-time Location United States Colorado - Boulder Job Level Manager Posting date: August 25, 2014 Providing technical leadership to a small, focused R&D group, and coordinating closely with a remot Boulder, CO UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Faculty, Evolutionary Genomics DOE: UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: The Department of Biology at the University of Virginia is seeking to recruit an outstanding scholar in the field of Evolutionary Genomics. Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 22908 Texas Biomedical Reserach Institute: Research Associate - Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine TBD: Texas Biomedical Reserach Institute: Our laboratory is pioneering neural stem cell isolation, perpetuation and differentiation into specific neural lineages for basic biology, drug discovery and stem cell-based therapy for neurological disorders. San Antonio, TX Texas Biomedical Reserach Institute: Postdoctoral Positions in Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine TBD: Texas Biomedical Reserach Institute: Our laboratory is pioneering neural stem cell isolation, perpetuation and differentiation into specific neural lineages for basic biology, drug discovery and stem cell-based therapy for neurological disorders. San Antonio, TX Prostate Cancer UK / Movember Funded Post-doctoral position in Bioinformatics for Prostate Cancer The University of Manchester - CRUK Manchester InstituteSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Scientist - Biomarker Statisticians Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology Group
The University of Manchester - Cancer Research UK Manchester InstituteSalary: Not specified Bioinformatician - Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology Group The University of Manchester - Cancer Research UK Manchester InstituteSalary: Not specified Computational Biology Team Leader The University of Manchester - Cancer Research UK Manchester InstituteSalary: Not specified Research Technician The University of Manchester - Tissue SystemsSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Quantifying Resilience in Ecological Systems/Networks University of Oxford - School of Geography and the EnvironmentSalary: Not specified Clinical Trial Manager Institute of Cancer ResearchSalary: Not specified Dementia Research Project Manager King's College London - Old Age PsychiatrySalary: Not specified Research Scientist and Trials Manager London School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Scientist (Computational) - iPSC Genomic, Transcriptomic and Cellular Profiling University of Oxford - MRC Functional Genomics Unit, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and GeneticsSalary: Not specified Research Technician Institute of Neurology - Department of Molecular NeuroscienceSalary: Not specified Junior Biostatistician Imperial College London - School of Public Health, Department of Infectious Disease EpidemiologySalary: Not specified Research Associate University of Sheffield - Department of Molecular Biology & BiotechnologySalary: Not specified Clinical Trial Manager Institute of Cancer Research - Clinical Trials & Statistics Unit (ICR-CTSU)Salary: Not specified Bioinformatician - Translational Cancer Therapeutics Cancer Research UK - Biological SciencesSalary: Not specified Imaging Core Facility Technician Queen Mary, University of London - Blizard InstituteSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Scientist - Immunology University of Oxford - Nuffield Department of Medicine (NDM)Salary: Not specified Biostatistician Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) - National Wildlife Management CentreSalary: Not specified Research Fellow in Inductive Flow Tomography University of Huddersfield - School of Computing & EngineeringSalary: Not specified Lecturer in Chemistry at the Life Sciences Interface Loughborough University - Department of ChemistrySalary: Not specified Research Associate Institute of Cancer Sciences The University of Manchester - Faculty of Medical & Human SciencesSalary: Not specified Research Associate in Computational Systems Biology Neuro Systems The University of Manchester - Faculty of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified Research Technician University of Edinburgh - The Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility Genetics LaboratorySalary: Not specified
Research Assistant / Associate University of Glasgow - Research Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative MedicineSalary: Not specified Scientific Software Developer Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital NHS Trust - Biomedical Research CentreSalary: Not specified CIMA Non-Clinical PhD Studentship in Musculoskeletal Ageing An Examination Using Murine Models of the Epigenetic Changes that Occur with Age in Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells University of Sheffield - The Centre for Integrated research into Musculoskeletal Ageing, Department of Human MetabolismSalary: Not specified Senior Lecturer/Consultant in Infectious Diseases SB1831 University of St Andrews - School of MedicineSalary: Not specified Laboratory Aide University College London - UCL Institute of Child Health / Developmental Biology & Cancer ProgrammeSalary: Not specified Trial Coordinator University College London - UCL Cancer Institute; Cancer Research UK & UCL Cancer Trials CentreSalary: Not specified Technician University of GlasgowSalary: Not specified Research Associate: Raman imaging for cancer diagnostics University College London - UCL Division of Biosciences; Cell & Developmental BiologySalary: Not specified Cell Sorting Facitlity Manager Queen Mary, University of London - Barts Cancer InstituteSalary: Not specified Assistant or Associate Professorship in Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and/or Synthetic Biology School of Engineering and Physical Sciences Heriot-Watt UniversitySalary: Not specified Assistant or Associate Professorship in Biomedical Engineering Heriot-Watt UniversitySalary: Not specified Chair in Biophysics School of Engineering and Physical Sciences Heriot-Watt UniversitySalary: Not specified Regulatory Managers Avon - Regulatory AffairsSalary: Not specified Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Immunology Imperial College London - Department of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified Post Doctoral Research Scientist - Ecological / Epidemiological Modeller Rothamsted Research - Computational and Systems Biology DepartmentSalary: Not specified Post Doctoral Scientist - Targeting G-protein coupled receptors in human disease MRC Toxicology UnitSalary: Not specified Research Fellow Imperial College London - Department of MedicineSalary: Not specified Research Associate University of Cambridge - Department of HaematologySalary: Not specified PhD Studentships and Clinical Research Training Fellowships in Methodology MRC Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research - MethodologySalary: Not specified Research Fellow University of Sussex - School of Life Sciences – Genome Damage & Stability CentreSalary: Not specified
Research Associate University College London - UCL London Centre for NanotechnologySalary: Not specified Research Technician (75244-094) University of Warwick - ChemistrySalary: Not specified Research Associate (Wound Healing) Cardiff University - Cardiff School of MedicineSalary: Not specified Research Associate – Mechanisms of Heart Regeneration in Teleost University College London - UCL Research Department of Cell and Developmental BiologySalary: Not specified Research Associate University College London - UCL Haematology / Cancer Division - Dr Clare Bennett'sSalary: Not specified Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science (Immunology) University of the West of England, Bristol - Biological, Biomedical & Analytical SciencesSalary: Not specified Research Assistant University College London - UCL Institute of Child Health; Developmental NeurosciencesSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Assistant - Human Host Genetics and Avian Influenza University of Oxford - Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global HealthSalary: Not specified Research Fellow (CRISPR) University of St AndrewsSalary: Not specified Research Associate - Biostatiscian University College London - Research Department of Cancer BiologySalary: Not specified Post-Doctoral Research Associate University of Edinburgh - School of Biological SciencesSalary: Not specified Research Assistant in Macroecology University of Oxford - Department of ZoologySalary: Not specified Post-Doctoral Researcher University College Cork - Department of PhysiologySalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Fellow School of Life Sciences University of Sussex - Department of BiochemistrySalary: Not specified Research Assistant King's College London - Department of Developmental NeurobiologySalary: Not specified Established Professor of Biomaterials National University of Ireland, Galway - Engineering and InformaticsSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Researcher Rothamsted Research - Department of Plant Biology and Crop ScienceSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Pharmacogenomics University of Dundee - MedicineSalary: Not specified Staff Scientist - Mouse Phenotyping Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute - Biological SciencesSalary: Not specified Research Associate (Biomechanics) University of BathSalary: Not specified Project Manager – Trial Operations Queen Mary, University of London - Barts Cancer InstituteSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Associate School of Biological Sciences University of ReadingSalary: Not specified Research Associate Newcastle University - Institute for Cell & Molecular BiosciencesSalary: Not specified
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Microbiology School of Applied Sciences Auckland University of Technology - Faculty of Health and Environmental SciencesSalary: Not specified Research Associate Imperial College London - Department of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified Group Leader - Neurobiology EMBL - European Molecular Biology LaboratorySalary: Not specified Group Leader - Mouse Genetics and Biology EMBL - European Molecular Biology LaboratorySalary: Not specified Maintenance Technician EMBL - European Molecular Biology LaboratorySalary: Not specified Research Support Assistant-Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology University of Oxford - Department of ZoologySalary: Not specified NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Primary Care Imperial College London - School of Public Health, Department of Primary Care and Public HealthSalary: Not specified Lifelab Teacher and Evaluator University of Southampton - Southampton Education SchoolSalary: Not specified Research Technician in Neuroscience University of Southampton - Biological Sciences TechnicalSalary: Not specified Research Associate Cardiff University - Institute of Infection and ImmunitySalary: Not specified Technical Specialist Plymouth University - Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry / Peninsula Dental SchoolSalary: Not specified Research Associate and Project Manager in Macroalgal Genetics Durham University - School of Biological and Biomedical SciencesSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Assistant University of Greenwich - Plant and Microbial Molecular Biology GroupSalary: Not specified Technician University of Nottingham - Clinical NeuroscienceSalary: Not specified Research Associate (Accessibility Mapping) University College London - UCL Civil, Environmental & Geomatic EngineeringSalary: Not specified 2 x Senior Scientific Officers University of East London - The School of Health, Sport & BioscienceSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Assistant University of Dundee - Life Sciences ResearchSalary: Not specified Research Fellow in Immunology University of Aberdeen - School of Medicine and DentistrySalary: Not specified Research Technician University of Nottingham - Child Health, Obstetrics & GynaecologySalary: Not specified The Strathclyde Chancellor’s Fellowship University of Strathclyde - ScienceSalary: Not specified Research Assistant (Chromatin Biology and Genome Stability) University of Bristol - School of BiochemistrySalary: Not specified Research Associate Faculty of Science University of Sheffield - Department of Biomedical ScienceSalary: Not specified
Research Associate University of Cambridge - Department of MedicineSalary: Not specified Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (Bioinformatics) Cardiff UniversitySalary: Not specified Post-Doctoral Research Scientist - Improving Photosynthetic Yield in Brassica SPS Rothamsted Research - Designing SeedsSalary: Not specified Research Assistant: The Comet Initiative University of Liverpool - Department of BiostatisticsSalary: Not specified Scientific Officer (Intestinal Epithelial Responses to Inflammatory Modulators) University of Dundee - Life Sciences ResearchSalary: Not specified Community Scientist University of Nottingham - Life SciencesSalary: Not specified Technical Officer (Biology) Manchester Metropolitan University - Technical Services TeamSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Liverpool - Department of Evolution, Ecology and BehaviourSalary: Not specified Applied Potato Pathologist Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)Salary: Not specified Research Assistant (Web Programmer/Designer) University of Liverpool - Department of Functional and Comparative GenomicsSalary: Not specified Research Assistant University of Glasgow - Research Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical SciencesSalary: Not specified Todd-Bird Junior Research Fellowship in Medicine or Biochemistry New College, OxfordSalary: Not specified Biosciences: Fully-funded KESS MRes Scholarship Swansea University - College of ScienceSalary: Not specified Research Associate (lymphocyte homing to tumours) Cardiff University - Institute of Infection and Immunity, Cardiff School of MedicineSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Edinburgh - School of Biological SciencesSalary: Not specified Facility Manager / Service Group Leader in the Area of Plant Cultivation Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding ResearchSalary: Not specified Research Associate in Biological Networks Imperial College London - Department of MedicineSalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Materials University of BathSalary: Not specified Research Associate in Biochemical Engineering Loughborough University - Department of Chemical EngineeringSalary: Not specified Research Fellow University of Edinburgh - The Roslin InstituteSalary: Not specified Research Assistant / Associate University of Glasgow - Research Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical SciencesSalary: Not specified Clinical Project Manager UCL Institute of Child Health University College London - IIIP Molecular & Cellular ImmunologySalary: Not specified Postdoctoral Research Associate
King's College London - Division of Transplantation Immunology and Mucosal BiologySalary: Not specified Research Assistant University of Roehampton - Department of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified Research Assistant Faculty of Science University of Sheffield - Department of PsychologySalary: Not specified Research Vascular Technologist University College London - UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science; Vascular PhysiologySalary: Not specified Research Assistant University College London - UCL Institute of Child Health; Genetics and Genomic MedicineSalary: Not specified Research Associate Imperial College London - Division of Computational and Systems Medicine, Department of Surgery and CancerSalary: Not specified Work Based Learning Tutor in Sportsturf / Horticulture Myerscough CollegeSalary: Not specified Investigator Scientist (NHP) MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences UnitSalary: Not specified Science Engagement Intern British Library - Access to UnderstandingSalary: Not specified Post-Doctoral Scientist – Professor Caroline Dive The University of Manchester - Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology GroupSalary: Not specified