Dante Gebel Reporte. Para Gente Aviva Mex Tiempo. Casos Real Conociendo
Mundo En Musical. Guardianes. KNVO (UNI) P # ÷(6) ¡Despierta América!
$ % _ ) 5 7 L P ¨
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Noticias 40 Noticiero Caso Cerrado: Edición Rosa Diamante (N) (SS) Corazón Valiente (SS) Escobar El Rostro de Noticias 40 Decisiones (TVPG) (SS) Decisiones (TVPG) (SS) Pagado ^ María Celeste CBS News News Wheel NCIS (TV14) (cc) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles (HDTV) (TV14) (cc) (DVS) News Late Show W/Letterman Late Late Show/Ferguson Paid Prog. $ Jeopardy! Jeopardy! News Channel 5 World News Channel 5 News at 6 (N) The Middle Last Man 20/20 Fan-chosen television favorites. (N) (cc) Channel 5 Channel 5 Nightline (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (cc) King of Hill % Channel 5 Ent FOX 2 News Two Men Amer. Dad Amer. Dad 30 Rock Dish Nation Cold Case (TV14) (cc) & Anderson Live (N) (TVG) TMZ (TVPG) Family Guy Family Guy Two Men So You Think You Can Dance (N) (TVPG) (cc) Noticiero Película (TVMA) En Una Hora Noticiero Programa Terra Nova (SS) Vigilados (SS) CSI: Las Vegas (TV14) _ ÷(3:30) Gente al Día (8:15) Por Ella Soy Eva (9:15) Amores Verdaderos Noticiero Noticiero TD Tribunal TD Tribunal TD Noticiero 3 Un Refugio para el Amor Como Dice el Dicho (SS) (6:15) Cachito de Cielo (7:15) Amor Bravío El Chavo (TVG) (SS) Carita de Ángel (TVPG) Una Misión de Justicia ›› (2007, Acción) (R) (SS) Juegos de Asesinos (2011, Acción) (R) (SS) Contacto Deportivo (SS) Tres Milagros (TVPG) Juegos de Asesinos (SS) NBC News Big Bang Big Bang The Voice (TVPG) (cc) Go On (N) New Normal Parenthood (TV14) (cc) News Tonight Show w/Jay Leno Late Night /Jimmy Fallon Carson Daly ( Dr. Phil (N) (TV14) (cc) News Tiempo J. Meyer Vida de Fe La Visión Tiempo Puede Hacer Casa de D. Tiempo Rompiendo Gneración Es Tiempo Dante Gebel ) ÷Guardianes Equilibra Benny Hinn Casa de D. Dios TV Un Refugio para el Amor Por Ella Soy Eva (TV14) Abismo de Pasión (TV14) Amor Bravío (TV14) (SS) Noticias 48 Noticiero Uni Al Diablo Mar de Amor (TV14) (SS) # Primer Impacto (N) (SS) Noticias 48 Notic. History Detectives (TV14) * Wild Kratts Fetch! With Crea. Living Business PBS NewsHour (N) (cc) Death and the Civil War: American Experience (N) Frontline (N) (TVPG) (cc) Hidalgo County Government Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Storage Storage Storage Storage N Gangsters: Most Evil Storage Cable Guy J Apollo 13 ››› (1995, Historical Drama) (HDTV) Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton. (cc) Tombstone ››› (1993, Western) (ESP HDTV) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. (cc) Big Jake ›› (1971, Western) John Wayne. (PG-13) (cc) Tanked: Unfiltered (TVPG) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Tanked: Unfiltered (TVPG) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Tanked: Unfiltered (TVPG) = Gator Boys (TV14) (cc) River Monsters Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Flipping Out (cc) Flipping Out (N) (cc) (9:01) Flipping Out Happens (10:31) Flipping Out Housewives/NYC Housewives ª Housewives/NYC ∞ Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Any Given Sunday ››› (1999, Drama) Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz. (R) (cc) Under Siege ››› (1992, Action) (R) (cc) Mad Money (HDTV) 60 Minutes on CNBC American Greed H Fast Money (HDTV) (N) Mad Money (HDTV) (N) The Kudlow Report (N) The Costco Craze: Inside 60 Minutes on CNBC American Greed Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 C ÷(3) The Situation Room (HDTV) (N) Tosh.0 (cc) Colbert Rep Daily Show/Jon Stewart The Burn Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) Tosh.0 (cc) The Burn Daily Show Colbert Rep The Burn Daily Show The Colbert Report (TV14) ∑ Futurama Sunny King Engagement Engagement Hart of Dixie (TVPG) (cc) The Next (TVPG) (cc) Seinfeld Seinfeld ’Til Death ’Til Death ’70s Show ’70s Show Browns Browns U There Yet? There Yet? King ; Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadly Seas (TVPG) (cc) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadly Seas (TVPG) (cc) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Good Luck Code 9 A.N.T. Farm Good Luck Gravity Falls Vampire Austin A.N.T. Farm Phineas Jessie (TVG) Vampire Wizards Wizards Suite/Deck Suite/Deck 9 Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Phineas Fashion Police (TV14) E! News (HDTV) (N) Carly Rae Jonas Jonas Jonas Kardashian Chelsea Lat E! News (HDTV) Chelsea Lat Jonas Jonas X Kardashian Shogun (ESP Part 2 of 6) (cc) (8:40) The Green Hornet ›› (2011, Action) (cc) (10:45) The Recruit ›› (2003, Suspense) (cc) Stranger / ÷When a Stranger Calls (4:50) Philadelphia ››› (1993, Drama) (cc) World/Poker World/Poker Baseball Tonight (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) ¨ Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter (N) (cc) E:60 (HDTV) (N) CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit Baseball Tonight (N) (cc) World/Poker ≠ SportsNation (N) (cc) NFL32 (cc) Best of NFL NFL Live (HDTV) (N) (cc) WNBA Basketball: Liberty at Silver Stars Vaticano Choices Sacrifice Daily Mass: Our Lady Mother Angelica-Classic EWTN Holy Rosary Threshold of Hope (TVG) Priesthood Women of Daily Mass: Our Lady Mother Angelica-Classic Y Truth in P Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Baby Daddy Baby Daddy Richie Rich ›› (1994, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin. The Sandlot ›› (1993, Comedy-Drama) Tom Guiry. The 700 Club (TVPG) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chopped (HDTV) (TVG) Chopped (HDTV) (TVG) Chopped (HDTV) π Best Dishes Home C’king Chopped “Stacking Up” Cupcake Wars (HDTV) Cupcake Wars (HDTV) Chopped (HDTV) (TVG) Chopped (HDTV) Being: Liverpool (TVPG) CONCACAF Champions League Soccer Fox Soccer News (N) UEFA Champions League Soccer Champ. Soccer Æ UEFA Champions League Soccer LSU Football Home. Kids Stampede Astros Live MLB Baseball Houston Astros at St. Louis Cardinals. (HDTV) (N) (Live) MLB Baseball: Rangers at Angels Rangers Champ. Ø Razorback Football T How I Met How I Met Two Men Two Men Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ›› (2009, Science Fiction) (PG-13) Sons of Anarchy (TVMA) Sons of Anarchy (TVMA) (11:10) Sons of Anarchy (TVMA) Anarchy Special Report FOX Report The O’Reilly Factor (cc) Hannity (HDTV) (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (cc) Hannity (HDTV) Greta Van Susteren E The Five (HDTV) (N) Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones UEFA Central Fox La Última Palabra (N) Central Fox (N) (En Vivo) ∂ Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones Mainstreet Music Videos (TVPG) The Streets Easton Co. Farm Kings Noteworthy at the Opry Bull Riding The Streets Easton Co. Farm Kings Noteworthy at the Opry ± Opry Live (TVG) Detrás Guere. El Chavo Conducta El Chavo La Hora Pico Vecinos Sabías La Rosa de Guadalupe Las Noticias por Adela Noticiero Con Joaquin Casos de Familia (TVPG) ¥ Noticiero-Rojas Golf Central Inside PGA Golf Acad. Learning Ryder Cup Golf (HDTV) (N) Golf Central Ryder Cup Ryder Cup Highlights Ryder Cup @ Feherty (HDTV) [ The Waltons (TVG) (cc) Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls . ÷Paradise (4:45) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010, Drama) (cc) Rise of the Planet of the Apes ››› (2011) (cc) REAL Sports Gumbel Boardwalk Empire (TVMA) The Dilemma ›› (2011, Comedy) (PG-13) (cc) Jane Velez-Mitchell (N) Nancy Grace (N) Dr. Drew (N) Nancy Grace Showbiz Tonight (HDTV) Dr. Drew Nancy Grace D Evening Express Love It or List It (TVG) Property Property Hunters Hunters Int’l Million Million Property Property Hunters Hunters Int’l ∏ Property Brothers (TVG) Property Brothers (TVG) Hunters Int’l Hunters ? Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars (10:02) Top Gear (cc) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (12:01) Top Gear (cc) The Waltons (TVG) Little House on Prairie Quinn, Medicine Woman The Big Valley (TVG) The Big Valley (TVG) Z Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Happy Days Happy Days Quinn, Medicine Woman The Waltons (TVG) TSC Board Meeting 16th Annual History Day Bulletin Board (TVG) 1 ÷(3) Egly Fiesta De Los Ninos 2011 R Dance Moms (TVPG) Dance Moms (TVPG) Dance Moms (TVPG) Dance Moms (TVPG) Dance Moms (N) (TVPG) Dance Moms (TVPG) Dance Moms (TVPG) (11:01) Dance Moms (12:01) Dance Moms Murder in the Hamptons (2005, Docudrama) (cc) Living in Fear (2001, Suspense), Marcia Cross (cc) Murder in the Hamptons (2005, Docudrama) (cc) W ÷When Husbands Cheat Dark Beauty ›› (2008, Suspense) (NR) (cc) (7:15) The Hangover Part II (2011, Comedy) (cc) Marked for Death (1990, Action) (cc) Skin to Max (11:05) Strike Back (11:50) Sexual Quest 0 ÷Johnny (4:45) Man on Fire ›› (2004, Crime Drama) (R) (cc) The Ed Show (HDTV) Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word F Hardball Chris Matthews PoliticsNation (HDTV) (N) Hardball Chris Matthews The Ed Show (HDTV) (N) Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Teen Mom (TVPG) (cc) Awkward. Awkward. ≥ Friendzone Friendzone Friendzone Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Teen Mom (TVPG) (cc) Teen Mom (TVPG) (cc) Teen Mom (TVPG) (cc) The Baby Wait 12 Corazones (TV14) Operacion Operacion Operacion Operacion Fugitivos de la Ley Ojo por Ojo (TV14) Ojo por Ojo (TV14) Operacion Operacion Decisiones (TVPG) μ L’Créme (TVPG) A Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Abandoned Abandoned Alien Deep Bob Ballard I Escaped a Cult (TV14) Hard Time (N) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) I Escaped a Cult (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Friends Friends Friends Friends George George : SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly (TVG) (cc) Law Order: CI Law Order: CI ∫ Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne The Sweetest Thing (2002, Romance-Comedy) (cc) All the Right Moves (cc) Law Order: CI That’s Cool Joan Rivers Classics Dyson Cleaning (HDTV) Tuesday Night Beauty Anything Goes with Rick & Shawn (HDTV) EternaGold (HDTV) ” ÷Gem. Jewelry Shiraleah Home Acc. Electronic Connection Beautiful Bedroom (TVG) Beautiful Bedroom (TVG) Isomers Skin Care (TVG) Isomers Skin Care (TVG) Comfortisse Bra Ω North Shore Linens Comfortisse Bra Mother’s Day › (2010, Crime Drama) (R) (cc) Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare Weeds (TVMA) (cc) Gigolos (728) ÷(3) Limelight ›› (cc) (4:50) Real Steel ›› (2011, Action) (PG-13) (cc) Weeds (TVMA) (cc) (6:44) Bar Rescue (HDTV) (TVPG) (7:53) Bar Rescue (9:02) Bar Rescue (10:11) Bar Rescue (HDTV) (TVPG) (11:20) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue M ÷Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men (5:35) Bar Rescue Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (cc) Jack and Jill › (2011, Comedy) (cc) 30 Minutes or Less (cc) 2 ÷Country (4:40) 30 Minutes or Less ›› (cc) (6:10) Cars 2 ›› (2011, Comedy) (G) (cc) Face Off (HDTV) (TVPG) Face Off (HDTV) Face Off (HDTV) (TVPG) Face Off “Supermobile” Hot Set (N) Face Off “Supermobile” Hot Set (HDTV) Showdown at Area 51 (R) S Face Off (HDTV) Friends King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (HDTV) (N) (cc) The Office (TVPG) (cc) Conan (HDTV) (cc) L Friends Gabriel Over the White House (cc) (8:45) Smart Woman › (1931) (NR) The Half-Naked Truth (1932, Comedy) Age of Consent › (cc) Bed-Roses K ÷Two-Faced Woman (cc) (5:15) Garbo Actress Greta Garbo. (TVPG) (cc) Abby Abby Abby 19 Kids 19 Kids Abby Abby Abby Abby 19 Kids 19 Kids Abby Abby < Four Weddings (TVPG) Breaking Amish (TV14) Abby Gumball Gumball Dragons Level Up (N) Adventure King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Chicken Aqua China, IL Amer. Dad 6 MAD (TVPG) Annoying Regular The Mentalist (TV14) The Mentalist (TV14) Bones (TV14) (cc) Bones (TV14) (cc) Rizzoli & Isles (TV14) CSI: NY (TVPG) (cc) CSI: NY (TVPG) (cc) CSI: NY (TVPG) (cc) O Bones (TV14) (cc) Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum > No Reservation King The King of Queens (cc) King V ÷Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Home Imp. Home Imp. Cosby Show Cosby Show Everybody-Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King Iceberg Weather Center Live T Cowboys T Cowboys Iceberg Iceberg Weather Center Live B Weather Weather Lights Out Lights Out Weather Center Live T Cowboys T Cowboys Iceberg TXCN Midday News TXCN Evening News TXCN Evening News TXCN Overnight News G TXCN Midday News Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU White Collar (TVPG) (cc) (9:01) Covert Affairs (10:02) Royal Pains (11:02) White Collar (12:02) Covert Affairs Q Law & Order: SVU Hip Hop Mmts Rehab With Dr. Drew T.I. and Tiny Basketball Wives LA Key & Peele Key & Peele Key & Peele ≤ ÷Lot Like T.I. and Tiny Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Basketball Wives LA Hip Hop Mmts º Ghost Whisperer (TV14) Charmed (TVPG) (cc) Charmed (TVPG) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) Ghost Whisperer (TVPG)
tonight’spicks Barbara Walters
Buenos Dias El Secretario (HDTV) (SS) ¿Dónde Está Elisa? (HDTV) (SS) 12 Corazones (TV14) Lo Mejor Caso Cerrado (TVPG) ^ ÷(6) Un Nuevo Día (HDTV) (TVPG) (SS) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Price Is Right (TVG) Young & Restless Judge B. Bold The Talk (TV14) (cc) Let’s Make a Deal (TVPG) Judge Judy Judge Judy $ CBS This Morning (HDTV) (N) (cc) Live! Kelly and Michael The View (N) (TV14) (cc) The Chew (TVPG) (cc) Channel 5 News at Noon General Hospital (TVPG) Katie (N) (TVPG) (cc) Ellen DeGeneres Show % Good Morning America (HDTV) (N) (cc) Extra (TVPG) Inside Ed. Steve Harvey (TVPG) The Ricki Lake Show (N) Cash Cab Cash Cab Family Feud Family Feud Judge Alex Judge Alex The People’s Court (cc) The Dr. Oz Show (TVPG) & Good Day Valley Buenos Días Cachito de Cielo Amores Verdaderos Amor Bravío (TV14) Un Refugio para el Amor Por Ella Soy Eva (TV14) Noticiero Vallevisión Gente al Día _ ÷Noticiero Televisa Hoy María, La del Barrio (TVPG) Los Doctores Noticiero Laura (TV14) 3 ÷(6) Primero Noticias Locura de Amor (TVPG) Bajo las Riendas del Amor (TVPG) (SS) Soñadoras Cuatro adolescentes. (TVPG) (SS) Mujer, Casos de la Vida ¿Quién Tiene la Razón? Laura (TV14) (SS) Laura (HDTV) (TV14) (SS) Rachael Ray (TVG) (cc) Days of our Lives (TV14) Jerry Springer (TV14) Maury (N) (TV14) (cc) The Doctors (TVPG) (cc) ( Today (HDTV) Pink; Mindy Kaling; NeNe Leakes. (N) (cc) Enlace Ora Joropo Gneración Rompiendo Aquí Entre Nos Dante Gebel Reporte Para Gente Aviva Mex Tiempo Casos Real Conociendo Mundo En Musical Guardianes ) Casa de D. Ondas Casos de Familia (TVPG) Hoy Revista de entretenimiento y estilo de vida. (SS) Sortilegio (N) (TV14) (SS) Amorcito Corazón (TVPG) El Gordo y la Flaca (SS) # ÷(6) ¡Despierta América! (HDTV) (N) (SS) Cat in the Super Why! Dinosaur Barney Caillou (TVY) Sid Science WordWorld Clifford-Dog WordGirl Maya/Miguel Martha Electric * Sit & Be Fit Arthur (TVY) Sesame Street (TVY) Daniel Tiger Curious N Dog the Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds (TV14) Criminal Minds (TV14) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) CSI: Miami (TV14) (cc) Criminal Minds (TV14) Criminal Minds (TV14) The First 48 (TV14) (cc) The First 48 (TV14) (cc) (10:45) The Black Dahlia ›› (2006, Mystery) Josh Hartnett. (R) Top Gun ››› (1986, Adventure) Tom Cruise. (PG) (cc) J Paid Prog. Weight Loss (8:15) Blown Away ›› (1994, Suspense) Jeff Bridges. (cc) = The Crocodile Hunter Wild Kingdom (TVG) (cc) I Shouldn’t Be Alive (cc) Animal Cops Detroit (cc) Animal Cops Detroit (cc) Animal Cops Detroit (cc) Animal Cops Detroit (cc) Animal Cops Detroit Fatal Attractions (TV14) ª Flipping Out (TVPG) (cc) Flipping Out (TVPG) (cc) Flipping Out (TVPG) (cc) Flipping Out (TVPG) (cc) Flipping Out (TVPG) (cc) Flipping Out (TVPG) (cc) Flipping Out (TVPG) (cc) Flipping Out (TVPG) (cc) Housewives/NYC CMT Music (TVPG) CMT Music (TVPG) Cheer (HDTV) (TVPG) Cheer (HDTV) (TVPG) Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team Cowboys Cheerleaders Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) ∞ CMT Music (TVPG) Fast Money Halftime Power Lunch (N) (cc) Street Signs (N) (cc) Closing Bell (N) (cc) Closing Bell-Bartiromo H ÷(5) Squawk Box (cc) Squawk on the Street (HDTV) (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (HDTV) (N) CNN Newsroom (N) The Situation Room (N) C ÷(6) Starting Point (N) CNN Newsroom (HDTV) (N) 30 Rock Futurama ∑ Weight Loss Insanity! Entourage (8:34) Comedy Central Presents (N) Daily Show Colbert Rep Tosh.0 (cc) The Burn The Burn The Burn With Jeff Ross The Burn The Burn 30 Rock Payne Payne The Steve Wilkos Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Wendy Williams Show Joint Pain? Who Knew TBA Free Wen! The Steve Wilkos Show Bill Cunningham U ÷(6) The Daily Buzz ; Joyce Meyer Cook Safe Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Deadliest Catch (TVPG) Never Land Mickey Mickey Doc McSt. Never Land Mickey Octonauts Mickey Little Jungle Gaspard & Phineas Austin Austin Austin Good Luck Shake It Up! 9 Mickey Carly Rae Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian E! News (HDTV) Julie & Julia ››› (2009, Comedy-Drama) (HDTV) Meryl Streep, Amy Adams. Kardashian X Jonas (1:20) The Green Hornet ›› (2011, Action) (cc) Stranger / ÷(6:50) Mars Needs Moms ›› (cc) (8:20) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ››› (2002, Fantasy) (cc) (11:20) Holes ››› (2003, Adventure) (PG) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) NFL PrimeTime (cc) Best of NFL Football Live NFL Live (N) (cc) ¨ SportsCenter (cc) ESPN First Take (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) ESPN First Take (HDTV) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) Outside Line NASCAR Numbers Le Batard ≠ ÷(5) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (cc) Rosary Animated We Catholic Y Daily Mass: Our Lady Life on the Rock (TVG) Best of Mother Angelica Women of Holy Rosary Daily Mass: Our Lady The Journey Home (TVG) Threshold of Hope (TVG) Mercy 8, Rules ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) P Boy World Boy World Boy World 700 Club The 700 Club (TVPG) Gilmore Girls (TVPG) What I Like What I Like 8, Rules Down Home Cooking Good Eats Unwrapped Best Dishes Contessa Money Dinners Secrets 30-Minute Giada-Home Giada-Home Contessa Contessa π Paid Prog. Shed Lbs Weight Loss Grill It! Being: Liverpool (TVPG) SKY Sports News (cc) Pregame UEFA Champions League Soccer: Real Madrid vs Manchester City Æ Fox Soccer News (HDTV) SKY Sports News (cc) UEFA Champions League Soccer (HDTV) Big 12 No-Huddle (N) C-USA No-Huddle (N) Pregame UEFA Champions League Soccer AC Milan vs RSC Anderlecht. Ø Sports Unlimited (N) The Dan Patrick Show (HDTV) (N) (Live) T ÷(6) When in Rome › My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006, Romance-Comedy) Planet of the Apes ›› (2001, Science Fiction) Mark Wahlberg. 12 Rounds › (2009, Action) (HDTV) John Cena, Aidan Gillen. How I Met How I Met Happening Now (HDTV) (N) America Live (HDTV) (N) Studio B/Shepard Smith Your World W/ Cavuto E ÷(5) FOX and Friends America’s Newsroom (HDTV) (N) Rumbo a Wembley Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones La Previa Fútbol UEFA Liga de Campeones ∂ Central Fox The Streets Videos Opry Live (TVG) GAC Lunch Bites (TVPG) GAC Lunch Bites (TVPG) The Streets More Country Music Videos Lost in Love ± ÷(5) Wake Up Call (TVPG) El Mañanero Chespirito (TVG) La Rosa de Guadalupe Hasta-Dinero Nos Separe Hasta-Dinero Nos Separe Hoy Sabías Noticiero ¥ Primero... Noticias PGA Tour Golf The Golf Fix (HDTV) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Johnnie Walker Highlights Feherty (HDTV) (TVG) @ ÷(6) Morning Drive (N) Morning Drive (HDTV) Martha Emeril Emeril Emeril Emeril The Waltons (TVG) (cc) The Waltons (TVG) (cc) [ Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Mad Hungry Mad Hungry Mad Hungry Mad Hungry Martha . El Espiritu de la Salsa Breakin’ All the Rules ›› (2004) (cc) Rise of the Planet of the Apes (cc) (11:15) Elvis and Anabelle (2007, Drama) (cc) D.O.A.: Dead or Alive › (2006) (cc) Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (2011) (cc) News Now D ÷(5) Morning Express With Robin Meade (HDTV) Kitchen My Favorite HGTV’d Curb/Block Yard Crash. Yard Crash. Landscapes Hunters Hunters Int’l Property Brothers (TVG) Property Brothers (TVG) Property Brothers (TVG) Property Brothers (TVG) ∏ Kitchen ? Modern Marvels (TVPG) Modern Marvels (TVPG) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Modern Marvels (TVPG) Modern Marvels (TVPG) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Campmeeting “Todd Coontz” Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie The Big Valley (TVG) The Big Valley (TVG) Z Campmeeting David and Barbara Cerullo. Brainsville Inventions Cuckoo (9:47) School Safety Bulletin Board (TVG) Spelling Bee Egly Fiesta De 1 Bulletin Board (TVG) Bulletin Chris Chris Chris Wife Swap (TVPG) (cc) Wife Swap (TVPG) (cc) Wife Swap (TVPG) (cc) How I Met How I Met R Will & Grace Will & Grace Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Chris All the Good Ones Are Married (2007, Drama) (cc) When Husbands Cheat W Gospel of Deceit (2006, Suspense) (HDTV) (NR) (cc) The Wives He Forgot (2006, Suspense) (NR) (cc) An Unfinished Affair (1996, Drama) (cc) (8:10) The Hangover Part II (2011, Comedy) (cc) (9:50) The Order › (2003) (R) (cc) (11:35) Envy (2004, Comedy) (cc) (1:15) Get Carter › (2000, Suspense) (R) (cc) Johnny English Reborn 0 ÷Glee 3D Con. F ÷(5) Morning Joe (N) The Daily Rundown (N) Jansing and Co. (N) MSNBC Live (HDTV) (N) NOW With Alex Wagner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation (HDTV) (N) The Cycle (HDTV) (N) Martin Bashir (HDTV) (N) Snooki Snooki Sweet 16 Blingest Bash 2 Sweet 16 Blingest Bash 2 Sweet 16 Blingest Bash 2 Sweet 16 Blingest Bash 2 Sweet 16 Blingest Bash 2 Friendzone Friendzone Friendzone ≥ AMTV (TV14) Morning Breath (TVPG) L’Créme (TVPG) Al 100 por Ciento L’Créme (TVPG) L’Créme (TVPG) Al 100 por Ciento μ Morning Breath (TVPG) Morning Breath (TVPG) L’Créme (TVPG) Shadow Soldiers (TV14) Shadow Soldiers (TV14) Shadow Soldiers (TV14) Shadow Soldiers (TV14) Shadow Soldiers (TV14) Shadow Soldiers (TV14) Alaska State Troopers Lockdown (HDTV) (TV14) A Paid Prog. Kitchen Tickety Toc Dora... Team Umiz. Team Umiz. Bubble Bubble Max & Ruby Max & Ruby Dora... Dora... SpongeBob SpongeBob Robot Robot Odd Parents Odd Parents : SpongeBob Robot ∫ Living Single Living Single Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Beauty IQ (HDTV) Denim & Co. (HDTV) Q Check (HDTV) Tignanello Handbags Mark of Style by Mark Problems Solved (HDTV) Gem. Jewelry ” ÷Mornings Made Easy Fall Decorating Beautiful Bedroom (TVG) Practical Ideas (TVG) Macy’s Belgique Cook North Shore Linens Ω Jewelry Clearance (TVG) North Shore Linens North Shore Linens Macy’s Belgique Cook Comfortisse Bra (728) ÷(5:45) Real Steel (cc) Deception ›› (1993, Mystery) (PG-13) Legend of the Lost Tomb (1997) (cc) (11:15) Pros & Ex-Cons (2005, Action) (R) (cc) Star Trek: Nemesis ›› (2002, Science Fiction) (cc) Limelight (2011) (NR) (cc) (9:16) CSI: NY (TV14) CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (TV14) CSI: Crime Scene Flip Men Flip Men (3:15) Flip Men (TVPG) M Get A Shark Insanity! 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10 AM
7 p.m. on KMBH (PBS) ¨ *
Death and the Civil War: American Experience From acclaimed filmmaker Ric Burns, this new two-hour film explores an essential but largely overlooked aspect of the most pivotal event in American history: the transformation of the nation by the deaths of an estimated 750,000 people — nearly 2.5 percent of the population — in the four years
of the Civil War. The work of contending with death on this scale propelled extraordinary changes in the inner and outer lives of all Americans. 7:30 p.m. on KRGV (ABC) % %
Last Man Standing Mandy (Molly Ephraim) has a new boyfriend, Terrence (Shane Coffey), an animal rights activist who clashes with gun collector and sport hunter
Mike (Tim Allen). Kyle and Ed (Christoph Sanders, Hector Elizondo) bond when Kyle discovers that they share an ethnic heritage. Nancy Travis also stars in “Animal Wrongs.” 8 p.m. on KGBT (CBS) $ $
NCIS: Los Angeles A master criminal motivated by revenge draws Callen and Sam (Chris O’Donnell, LL Cool J) into a mind game with po-
tentially deadly consequences in the two-part tale “Sans Voir,” which concluded the drama’s third season. 8 p.m. on KRGV (ABC) % %
20/20 In conjunction with its Sept. 23 broadcast of the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards, the new episode “Best in TV: The Greatest TV Show of Our Time” pays tribute to the best
shows in multiple categories. Barbara Walters serves as host. 8 p.m. on TWC B
Iceberg Hunters The purest water in the world is floating around the Arctic in frozen form. This new series follows Newfoundlanders as they brave the elements to harvest chunks from these icebergs to sell to bottlers.