30924070.qxd - SAT 9-22-12 #:30924070 (Page B7) - Brownsville ...

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(2:40) The Mask of Zorro (cc) .... (G) The Mask ››› (1994, Comedy) Jim Carrey. ... ( cc) Strike Back (TVMA) (cc) Final Destination 5 (2011, Horror) (cc) Strike Back ...



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Descontrol (TV14) (SS) Arctic Tale (2007, Documental) (G) (SS) Gone in 60 Seconds ›› (1974) (SS) ^ Wimzie’s Raggs (TVY) Jet Plane LazyTown Aprender Princesita En la Onda Operacion Nítido (TVPG) (SS) Doodlebops Doodlebops Busytown Busytown Busytown Paid Prog. Bull Riding Boat Racing Col. Football College Football $ CBS This Morning (HDTV) (N) (cc) Jack Hanna Ocean Mys. Explore Sea Rescue Health Food Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fat Loss Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) % Good Morning America Channel 5 News (N) Into the Wild Exploration Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Latino TV Sportsman Texas Music EP Daily (N) Access Hollywood (TVPG) MLB Player Pregame MLB Baseball & Aqua Kids Animals Pagado Pagado Pagado Pagado Pagado Noticiero Mundo de los Niños Palabra Pagado Check In Con Caña y Carrete Película Película (TVMA) _ Pagado Especta Especta Pagado Más Ver Pagado Pagado Pagado Pagado Pagado Hbl de Salud Pagado Pagado NatioDir Programa Pagado NatioDir Especta 3 Pagado Plaza Sésamo (EI) (TVY) Reino Animal (TVPG) Duma ››› (2005, Aventura) Alex Michaeletos. (SS) Alaska ›› (1996, Drama) Thora Birch. (PG) (SS) La Traición › (2001, Acción) Cynthia Rothrock. (R) Con La Frente en Alto 3 Noodle Pajanimals Poppy Cat Justin Time LazyTown The Wiggles Paid Prog. Golf Central PGA Tour Golf The Tour Championship, Third Round. (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) ( Today (HDTV) (N) (cc) Show Ninos Todo Bordo Generacion Musical Chiquivida Escena Ju. Estilo Libre Life News Fe Urbana Backstage Internacional Olor El Tren Desafio Contemp. Vivencias ) Tu Milagro Hora Go, Diego La Salud Del Valle Delicioso (TVPG) (SS) Sabadazo (HDTV) (SS) Salud Es Vida (SS) # Pocoyo (EI) Backyard Zigby (TVY) Maya y Mig Dora... Daniel Tiger Curious Cat in the Martha Cyberchase Mr. Rogers Electric Jazzy Old House Garden Hometime Woodwright Victory Fine Art MotorWeek * Super Why! Dinosaur Thomas N Flip This House (TVPG) Flip This House (TVPG) Hideous Houses (TVPG) Sell This House: Extreme Flip This House (TVPG) Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Hondo ››› (1953, Western) John Wayne. (cc) Rio Bravo ››› (1959, Western) John Wayne. (cc) J Rifleman Rifleman Hell on Wheels (HDTV) The Sons of Katie Elder ››› (1965, Western) John Wayne. (NR) (cc) Tanked: Unfiltered (TVPG) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Tanked: Unfiltered (TVPG) Tanked: Unfiltered (TVPG) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) = Hillbilly Handfishin’ (cc) Dogs 101 (TVG) (cc) Flipping Out (cc) Flipping Out (cc) Real Housewives Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Don’t Be Tardy ª Flipping Out (cc) CMT Social Hour (TVPG) CMT Music (TVPG) CMT Insider Top 20 Countdown (HDTV) (TVPG) Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Roseanne Roseanne ∞ CMT Music (TVPG) Tummy Tuck Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Insanity! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Defrosting Insanity! Jillian Paid Prog. Insanity! Cook Safe Paid Prog. H Paid Prog. Ninja! Your Bottom CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Your Money (HDTV) (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Newsroom Gupta C CNN Newsroom (HDTV) (N) (12:38) Code Name: The Cleaner › (2007) (cc) (2:42) Balls of Fury ›› (2007) (cc) ∑ Comedy Central Presents (8:09) The Original Kings of Comedy (2000, Documentary) (cc) (10:32) First Sunday ›› (2008, Comedy) (cc) Rescue Hero P. Rangers Yu-Gi-Oh! Iron Man Justice WWE Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! ChatRoom On the Spot Payne Payne Browns Browns Ballad of Gregorio Cortez U Cubix Almost, Away Almost, Away Almost, Away Almost, Away Almost, Away ; Cook Safe Paid Prog. American Guns (TVPG) American Guns (TVPG) Almost, Away Phineas Gravity Falls Fish Hooks Jessie (TVG) Code 9 Wizards Wizards Good Luck Good Luck Austin Shake It Up! A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm 9 Jake and the Pirates Phineas Jonas Carly Rae The Soup E! News (HDTV) (N) Fashion Police (TV14) Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian X Jonas Priest ›› (2011, Fantasy) (cc) Spawn ›› (1997, Fantasy) (cc) Nightmare on Elm St. 3 / ÷(6:05) Phenomenon (8:10) Look Who’s Talking Now ›› (1993) (cc) (9:50) Batman Returns ›› (1992, Action) (cc) SportsCenter (N) (cc) College GameDay (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) College Football Teams TBA. (HDTV) (N) (Live) Score Countdown NASCAR Racing ¨ SportsCenter (cc) SportsCenter (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) College Football Teams TBA. (HDTV) (N) (Live) Score College Football Teams TBA. (N) ≠ ÷English Premier League Soccer Rosary EWTN Family Celebration Y Daily Mass: Our Lady EWTN Family Celebration EWTN Family Celebration Yesterday Holy Rosary Daily Mass: Our Lady EWTN Family Celebration “Special Roundtable” Chaplet Miss Congeniality ›› (2000, Comedy) Sandra Bullock. (PG-13) Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous ›› (2005, Comedy) Raising Helen ›› (2004, Comedy-Drama) Kate Hudson. (PG-13) Jumanji (PG) P ÷Girls-Have Fun Pioneer Wo. Contessa Giada-Home Chopped (HDTV) Cupcake Wars (HDTV) Food Truck Race Restaurant Stakeout Diners, Drive Diners, Drive π Best- Made Guy’s, Bite Mexican Best Dishes Dinner Match Day English Premier League Soccer English Premier League Soccer English Premier League Soccer Premier League Soccer Æ Being: Liverpool (TVPG) Preview Outdoors Plyr Week High-School Scoreboard Home. Kids Big 12 College Football Mississippi at Tulane. (HDTV) (N) (Live) (TVPG) College Football Ø NA Hunter Bass College Football Maryland at West Virginia. (N) (Live) Game Break College Football T How I Met How I Met The Proposal ›› (2009, Romance-Comedy) Sandra Bullock. (PG-13) Bulls, Bears Business Forbes/FOX Cashin’ In America’s News HQ America’s News HQ Jour. FOX News Stossel (HDTV) America’s News HQ E ÷(5) FOX and Friends Saturday (HDTV) (N) Central Fox Fútbol Inglés Chelsea FC vs Stoke City FC. (N) Fútbol Inglés Wigan Athletic FC vs Fulham FC. (N) Fútbol Inglés: West Ham United vs Sunderland Béisbol Grand. ∂ La Última Palabra The Streets Headline Top 20 Country Countdown Kimberly Living Co. The Making Of... (cc) Country Music Videos Country Music Videos ± Wake Up Call (TVPG) Pagado Hair Loss Casa al Día Decorando Casa al Día Mojoe Netas Divinas Te Solté la Rienda (1981, Comedia), Blanca Guerra RETRO JA JA Lo mejor de las comedias clásicas. ¥ Pagado Golf Central Pregame (N) PGA Tour Golf LPGA Tour Golf Navistar LPGA Classic, Third Round. From Prattville, Ala. (N) @ ÷(5) PGA Tour Golf The Tour Championship, Second Round. (HDTV) Little John ›› (2002, Drama) Ving Rhames. (cc) [ I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Beyond the Blackboard (2011, Docudrama) (NR) (cc) Back to You and Me ››› (2005, Drama) (cc) Planet, Apes Hop ›› (2011, Comedy) (PG) (cc) Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close . REAL Sports Gumbel (8:15) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010, Drama) (cc) Fast Five ›› (2011, Action) Vin Diesel. (cc) Evidence Evidence The Investigators (TV14) D ÷(6) HLN Weekend Express With Natasha Curry Candice Candice Candice ∏ All American Handyman Property Bro Property Bro BathCrash BathCrash Yard Crash. Yard Crash. Hse Crash Hse Crash Love It or List It (TVG) HGTV Urban Oasis 2012 Candice Death Road (TVPG) (cc) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) ? Most Extreme Airports (HDTV) (TVPG) (cc) Campmeeting “Mike Murdock” David and Barbara Cerullo. The Virginian (TVPG) The Virginian (TVPG) The Virginian (TVPG) Z Campmeeting “Morris Cerullo” (9:35) Principal for a Day Luncheon Bulletin Board (TVG) Swimming and Diving 2011 1 Bulletin Board (TVG) Health-Home Buddy Fun School Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Chris Chris Bringing Ashley Home (2011, Docudrama) (NR) (cc) Girl, Positive (2007, Drama) Andrea Bowen. (NR) (cc) The Boy She Met Online R Kitchen Joy Fielding’s The Other Woman (2008, Drama) (cc) Cradle of Lies (2006, Suspense) (NR) (cc) The Stranger Beside Me (1995, Suspense) (cc) Johansen’s Killing Game W Cheaters’ Club ›› (2006, Drama) (NR) (cc) Vampire in Brooklyn ›› (1995) (cc) Hangover II 0 ÷(6:30) Cocoon The Return ›› (cc) The Hangover Part II ›› (2011) (cc) (10:15) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) (cc) (12:40) Dirty Work › (1998) (cc) Melissa Harris-Perry (HDTV) (N) Weekends With Alex Witt Live news coverage. (N) MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary F Up W/Chris Hayes (HDTV) (N) ≥ Teen Mom (TVPG) (cc) Teen Mom (TVPG) (cc) Teen Mom (TVPG) (cc) Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward Aftershow The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons Ridiculous. Ridiculous. (3:15) Ridiculousness Scenario Scenario Mun2 Cinco Jenni Rivera Presents... Alma Awards 2012 NCLR ALMA Awards Chiquis n Control Chiquis n Control 2RSLVJ Operacion μ Reventón (TVPG) Family Guns (TVPG) Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers Alaska State Troopers A Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Whale That Ate Jaws Snipers, Inc. (TVPG) Robot Power SpongeBob Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents How to Rock Big Time iCarly (TVG) iCarly (TVG) : SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob SquarePants Robot ∫ Simple Life All the Right Moves America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model America’s Next Model (2:45) Catwoman (2004, Action) (cc) Saturday Morning Q “Canon” (HDTV) Canon Cameras (HDTV) Carolyn Pollack Sterling Silver Jewelry (HDTV) Electronics Today (HDTV) ” AM Style “Leah Williams” (HDTV) Stuhrling Original Renato Watches Fall Invicta Watches Fall Invicta Watches Fall Casio Watches Fall Android Watches Fall Renato Watches Fall Invicta Watches Fall Ω Oniss Watches (728) Inside the NFL (TVPG) NASCAR The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009, Romance) (cc) (10:45) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ›› (2010, Romance) (cc) Star Trek: Nemesis ›› (2002, Science Fiction) (cc) The Back-up Plan › (cc) MuscleCar Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men Flip Men (2:15) The Transporter 2 ›› (2005, Action) M Paid Prog. Insanity! Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower Trucks! Bad Teacher ›› (2011, Comedy) (cc) Strz Studio (10:50) The Other Guys (2010) (cc) (12:45) Cars 2 ›› (2011, Comedy) (G) (cc) (2:40) The Mask of Zorro (cc) 2 Jumping the Broom ›› (2011, Comedy) (cc) Swarmed › (2005, Suspense) Michael Shanks. (NR) Infestation ››› (2009, Horror), Ray Wise (R) Growth ›› (2010, Horror) Mircea Monroe. (NR) Arachnoquake (2012) (cc) S Paid Prog. Fat Loss Hot Set (HDTV) Friends Friends L There Yet? Total Recall ››› (1990, Science Fiction), Sharon Stone (R) (cc) (9:55) Van Helsing ›› (2004, Fantasy) Hugh Jackman. (cc) (12:25) The Mummy Returns ›› (2001, Adventure) (cc) (1:45) Them! ››› (1954, Science Fiction) (cc) The Thing K ÷(6:30) Fifth Avenue Girl Tom Thumb (1958, Fantasy) (cc) (DVS) (9:45) Mysterious Intruder (1946) Mark of the Gorilla (1950, Adventure) It! The Terror Paid Prog. Moving Up (TVG) (cc) Moving Up (TVG) (cc) Moving Up (TVG) (cc) Moving Up (TVG) (cc) Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. < Jillian Justice Dragons Dragons Johnny Test Johnny Test Johnny Test MAD (TVPG) Annoying Annoying Adventure Adventure Adventure Gumball 6 Beywheelz Pokemon Ben 10: Omniverse (N) Lantern Perception (TV14) (cc) Major Crimes (TV14) (cc) Rizzoli & Isles (TV14) Law & Order (TV14) The Bucket List ›› (2007, Comedy-Drama) (cc) Meet the Fockers ›› (2004, Comedy) (cc) (DVS) O Law & Order (TVPG) > Mysteries at the Museum Roadside Adventures Extreme Waterparks Extreme Pools (TVG) Man v. Food Man v. Food Man v. Food Man v. Food Toy Hunter Toy Hunter Toy Hunters (TVG) (cc) Making Monsters (cc) V ÷Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne (9:12) Roseanne (cc) Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Weekend View (HDTV) (TVG) (cc) Weekend Now (HDTV) (TVG) (cc) Weather Burned Out Coast Guard Alaska PM Edition (TVG) (cc) B ÷(6) Weekend View TXCN Overnight News TXCN Midday News TXCN Midday News TXCN Midday News G ÷TXCN Overnight News TXCN Overnight News White Collar (TVPG) (cc) Covert Affairs (TVPG) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Q Paid Prog. Fat Loss Royal Pains (TVPG) ≤ ÷(5) Jump Start (TVPG) Top 20 Video Countdown Top 20 Video Countdown 40 Days and 40 Nights (2002, Romance-Comedy) (R) Behind the Music (TV14) Rehab With Dr. Drew Basketball Wives LA Love & Hip Hop (TV14) º Get SHARK Paid Prog. Insanity! Zumba Fit Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne



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Videos The Karate Kid ›› (2010, Drama) (HDTV) Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan. (PG) (SS) Yo Me Llamo: Camino Titulares Hola 12 Corazones (TV14) Pagado Pagado ^ ÷Gone in 60 Seconds (SS) Hola Wheel CSI: Crime Scene Criminal Minds (TV14) 48 Hours Mystery (TV14) News To Be Announced (11:35) Under Suspicion ›› (2000) $ ÷College Football Missouri at South Carolina. (cc) News Channel 5 Cowboys College Football Clemson at Florida State. (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) Channel 5 Cold Case (TV14) (cc) Magnum, P.I. (TVPG) % ÷(2:30) College Football Teams TBA. (N) FOX College College Football Kansas State at Oklahoma. (N) (Live) (cc) Fringe (PA) (TV14) (cc) 30 Seconds Inside Edit. Cold Creek Manor (2003) & ÷MLB Baseball: Dodgers at Reds Pequeños Gigantes 2: El Especial Una reseña de los mejores programas. (SS) Película (TVMA) Sábados de Corona Pagado Pagado _ Película (TVMA) Se Vale Tonta Tonta, Pero no Tanto (1972, Comedia) (NR) Rosa De Guadalupe De Pelos- Programa Pagado Pagado (Off Air) 3 Programa Pagado ÷Con La Frente en Alto 3 Rompiendo los Límites Choques Fútbol Fútbol de la Liga Mexicana Pánico en el Aire › (2000, Acción), Ice-T (R) (SS) Sólo Boxeo Contacto Paid Prog. NBC News Big Bang College Football Michigan at Notre Dame. (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) Big Bang (10:29) Saturday Night Live (TV14) Tummy Tuck Criminal ( ÷PGA Tour Golf Es Tu Ti Aliento Enlace? Maravillos NY Voz Aquí Entre Nos Guardianes del Muro Primera Fila Enlace? Vision ) Vivencias Noticiero Misión Noticias 48 Noticiero Desmadrugados (HDTV) (TV14) (SS) ¿Qué Hago? # Es el Momento (TVPG) Noticias 48 Noticiero La Familia P. Luche (SS) Sábado Gigante (HDTV) (N) (TVPG) (SS) Healthy Underground The Lawrence Welk Show Austin City Limits (TVPG) Song of the Mountains POV (HDTV) (N) (TVPG) (cc) Echoes-Lost NOVA (HDTV) (TVPG) * Mexican Nat. Heroes Focus (TVG) Storage Storage Storage Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Storage Storage Parking Parking N Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Storage Shanghai Noon ››› (2000, Comedy) Jackie Chan. (PG-13) (cc) Robin Hood: Men in Tights ›› (1993, Comedy) Cary Elwes. (cc) The Princess Bride (cc) J ÷(2) Rio Bravo (NR) (cc) Into the West A heinous act. (TV14) (cc) Tanked: Unfiltered (TVPG) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Tanked (N) (TVPG) Tanked (HDTV) (TVPG) Tanked (HDTV) (TVPG) Tanked (HDTV) (TVPG) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) = Tanked: Unfiltered (TVPG) Tanked (TVPG) (cc) Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC The Wedding Planner (2001, Romance-Comedy) (10:07) The Wedding Planner ›› (2001) (PG-13) Housewives/Atl. ª Housewives/NYC Bayou Redneck Rehab (TVPG) Bayou Bayou Redneck Rehab (TVPG) Bayou Billionaires (TVPG) ∞ Roseanne Roseanne Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG) Bayou Ultimate Factories (TVG) The Suze Orman Show Debt/Part Debt/Part Ultimate Factories (TVG) The Suze Orman Show Debt/Part Debt/Part H Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Money in Millions The Situation Room CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Presents (TVPG) Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Presents (TVPG) Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom (N) C CNN Newsroom (N) Katt Williams: It’s Pimpin’ (9:04) Chris Rock: Bigger & Blacker Katt Williams: Pimp Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain (TV14) ∑ ÷(2:42) Balls of Fury (4:48) Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins ›› (cc) Kevin Hart: Laugh U ÷Ballad of Gregorio Cortez Homeboy ››› (1988, Drama) Mickey Rourke. (cc) Cops (TV14) Cops (TV14) Cheaters (N) (TV14) (cc) ’70s Show ’70s Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Cops (TV14) Cops (TV14) Wendy Williams Show Almost, Away Outlaw Empires (TV14) Outlaw Empires (TV14) Outlaw Empires (TV14) Outlaw Empires (TV14) Outlaw Empires (TV14) Outlaw Empires (TV14) Outlaw Empires (TV14) ; Almost, Away Austin Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Good Luck A.N.T. Farm Gravity Falls Vampire Gravity Falls Jessie (TVG) Code 9 Austin Austin A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm 9 Good Luck Austin Kardashian Jonas Jonas She’s Out of My League (2010, Romance-Comedy) Kardashian The Soup Chelsea Lat Fashion Police (TV14) She’s Out of My League X Kardashian Nightmare on Elm St. 3: Dream Carlito’s / ÷Nightmare on Elm St. 3 (4:50) Phenomenon ›› (1996, Drama) (PG) (cc) Shogun (ESP Part 6 of 6) (TV14) (cc) (8:40) Batman Returns ›› (1992, Action) (PG-13) (cc) Score College Football Arizona at Oregon. (HDTV) (N) (Live) SportCtr ¨ ÷NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Kentucky 300. College Football LSU at Auburn. (HDTV) (N) (Live) Score (6:45) College Football Vanderbilt at Georgia. (HDTV) (N) (Live) (9:45) SportsCenter (N) (cc) SportsCenter (HDTV) (N) (Live) (cc) Foot. Final ≠ ÷(2:30) College Football Teams TBA. Score Rosary Living Right With Dr. Ray Catholicism Daily Mass: Our Lady Faith Savoring Y Sunday Night Prime (TVG) Worth Living Marriage Mother Angelica-Classic Miracle of St. Therese (TVG) Ratatouille ››› (2007, Comedy) Voices of Patton Oswalt. (G) Ratatouille ››› (2007, Comedy) Voices of Patton Oswalt. (G) The Mask ››› (1994, Comedy) Jim Carrey. P ÷(3:30) Jumanji ›› (1995, Fantasy) (PG) π Iron Chef America (HDTV) Restaurant: Impossible Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Iron Chef America (HDTV) Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Fox Soccer News (N) English Premier League Soccer Fox Soccer News (HDTV) Æ ÷Premier League Soccer Being: Liverpool (TVPG) SKY Sports News (cc) English Premier League Soccer Rangers In College Football Teams TBA. (HDTV) (N) (Live) MLB Baseball Texas Rangers at Seattle Mariners. (N) Big 12 Live Big 12 Live College Football Ø ÷College Football Biased Louie Wilfred Biased Archer T ÷(3) College Football Colorado at Washington State. (N) (Live) Fox College UFC 152: Belfort vs. Jones Prelims (N) (Live) Two Men Two Men Wilfred Jour. FOX News Justice With Jeanine Stossel (HDTV) E ÷America’s News HQ America’s News HQ FOX Report (HDTV) (N) Huckabee (HDTV) (N) Justice With Jeanine Stossel (HDTV) Central Fox (N) (En Vivo) La Última Palabra (N) Central Fox ∂ ÷Béisbol de las Grandes Ligas: Dodgers en Reds Central Fox College Football Kansas State at Oklahoma. (N) (En Vivo) Gaither Gospel Hour Noteworthy at the Opry Sugarland’s Incredible Machine Videos Gaither Gospel Hour Noteworthy at the Opry ± Country Music Videos Top 20 Country Countdown Vecinos Vecinos Lucha Libre-CMLL Lo Mejor de Aquí y Ahora Mojoe México Suena Miembros Al Aire Derecho de Admision Pagado Pagado ¥ Expedición Global Golf Central LPGA Tour Golf Navistar LPGA Classic, Third Round. @ Golf Central Special Golf Central Morning Greenbrier PGA Tour Golf The Tour Championship, Third Round. (HDTV) From East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta. [ A Smile as Big as the Moon (2012, Docudrama) (cc) Beyond the Blackboard (2011, Docudrama) (NR) (cc) The Ron Clark Story ›› (2006, Biography) (cc) The Ron Clark Story ›› (2006, Biography) (cc) Golden Girls Golden Girls The Dilemma ›› (2011, Comedy) (PG-13) (cc) A Thousand Words › (2012) (cc) George Lopez Fight Game Boardwalk Empire (TVMA) (11:15) A Thousand Words (2012, Comedy) (cc) . ÷Extremely Loud D Evidence Evidence The Investigators (TV14) Evidence Evidence The Investigators (TV14) Evidence Evidence The Investigators (TV14) Evidence Evidence The Investigators (TV14) Evidence Evidence Hunters Int’l Novogratz Dina’s Party Love It or List It (TVG) Love It or List It (TVG) Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l Love It or List It (TVG) Hunters Hunters Int’l ∏ Going Yard Donna Dec Hunters ? Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Top Gear (TVPG) (cc) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Virginian (TVPG) The Virginian “Impasse” (TVPG) The Virginian “West” (TVPG) The High Chaparral Z ÷Virginian The Virginian “The Big Deal” (TVPG) The Virginian (TVPG) Hudson Palo (5:29) Madrigal Dinner 2011 BISD Board Meeting High School Basketball 16th Annual History Day Bulletin Board (TVG) 1 Principal for a R ÷The Boy She Met Online Sexting in Suburbia (2012, Drama) Liz Vassey. (cc) Last Hours in Suburbia (2012, Suspense) (NR) (cc) Walking the Halls (2012, Drama) Jamie Luner. (cc) (11:01) Last Hours in Suburbia (2012) (NR) (cc) W ÷Johansen’s Killing Game Best Friends (2005, Suspense), Claudette Mink (cc) Confessions of a Go-Go Girl (2008, Drama) (cc) The Fantasia Barrino Story: Life Is Not a Fairy Tale Confessions of a Go-Go Girl (2008, Drama) (cc) 0 ÷(3:45) The Hangover Part II (R) (cc) Man on Fire ›› (2004, Crime Drama) Denzel Washington. (cc) Strike Back (TVMA) (cc) Final Destination 5 (2011, Horror) (cc) Strike Back (TVMA) (cc) Skin to Max (11:50) Erotic Karma F MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary ≥ ÷Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons Bad Boys II ›› (2003, Action) Martin Lawrence, Jordi Mollà. (R) Bad Boys II ›› (2003, Action) (R) El Señor Doctor (1966, Comedia) Cantinflas. (NR) WWE SmackDown! (TVPG) (SS) WWE SmackDown! (TVPG) (SS) Alma Awards μ Yo Me Llamo A Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Hard Time (HDTV) (TV14) Friends Friends Friends George George : iCarly (TVG) iCarly (TVG) Victorious Victorious Victorious Victorious iCarly (TVG) iCarly (TVG) iCarly (TVG) iCarly (TVG) The Nanny The Nanny Friends I Think I Love My Wife (2007, Romance-Comedy) (R) Employee of the Month ›› (2006, Comedy) Employee of the Month ›› (2006, Comedy) ∫ ÷(2:45) Catwoman (cc) (4:55) Phat Girlz ›› (2006, Comedy) (cc) ” PedicSolutions Bedding Joan Rivers & Dennis Basso: Designing Duo (HDTV) Canon Cameras (HDTV) Bobbi Brown Cosmetics. Electronics Today (HDTV) The Joy of Christmas Lights Seasonal Lighting Heartfelt Holidays Renato Watches Fall Invicta Watches Fall Luxury Timepiece Gal. Watch Day Finale - Fall Watch Day Finale - Fall Italian Jewelry Italian Jewelry Ω Invicta Watches Fall Stuhrling Original (11:15) Weeds (TVMA) (12:15) Gigolos (TVMA) (728) ÷(3) The Back-up Plan Chasing Amy ››› (1997, Romance-Comedy) (cc) The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009, Romance) (cc) (9:15) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010) (cc) (6:45) Walking Tall ›› (2004, Action) The Rock. (PG-13) From Paris With Love ›› (2010, Action) John Travolta. (R) (11:21) Crank: High Voltage (2009) M ÷Transport Crank: High Voltage › (2009, Action) (R) Underworld: Awakening (2012) (R) (cc) The Other Guys ››› (2010, Comedy) (PG-13) (cc) (11:20) Boss (TVMA) The Jackal 2 ÷The Mask of Zorro (cc) Boss “Backflash” (TVMA) Jumping the Broom ›› (2011, Comedy) (cc) S ÷(3) Arachnoquake (cc) Starship Troopers ››› (1997, Science Fiction) Casper Van Dien. (R) (cc) Camel Spiders (2011, Horror) Brian Krause. (cc) Ice Spiders › (2007, Horror) Patrick Muldoon. (cc) Arachnoquake (2012) (cc) Friends King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Franklin & Bash (TV14) Spider-Man ››› (2002, Action) Tobey Maguire. (PG-13) (cc) Van Helsing L Friends The Time Machine (1960, Science Fiction) (cc) (DVS) Gilda ››› (1946, Romance) Rita Hayworth. (cc) Any Number Can Play ›› (1949, Drama) (NR) (cc) Johnny O’Clock (1947, Crime Drama) Where-At K ÷The Thing < Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. Dateline: Real Life Myst. King of Hill King of Hill Family Guy Dynamite Boondocks Bleach (N) Samurai 7 Casshern Eureka 7 6 Gumball Gumball Tom & Jerry: Robin Hood Planet 51 ›› (2009, Comedy), Jessica Biel (PG) Home The Replacements ›› (2000, Comedy) Keanu Reeves. (cc) The Longest Yard ›› (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler. (cc) (DVS) The Longest Yard ›› (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler. (cc) (DVS) The Replacements (cc) O ÷Meet Ghost Adventures (TVPG) Ghost Adventures (TVPG) Ghost Adventures > Making Monsters (cc) Making Monsters (cc) Making Monsters (cc) Ghost Adventures (TV14) Ghost Adventures (TVPG) Ghost Adventures King The King of Queens (cc) King V Roseanne (4:38) Roseanne (cc) Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King B Weather Burned Out Coast Guard Alaska Weather Center Live Iron Men Iron Men Twist Fate Twist Fate Weather Center Live Iron Men Iron Men Twist Fate Twist Fate Weather Center Live Lone Star News La Vida News Lone Star News La Vida News Lone Star News La Vida News Lone Star News La Vida TXCN Overnight News G ÷News Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Q Law & Order: SVU ≤ Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) Love & Hip Hop (TV14) T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny Basketball Wives LA Basketball Wives LA Rehab With Dr. Drew My Fair Wedding Wedding- Dav.: Unveiled Wedding- Dav.: Unveiled Wedding- Dav.: Unveiled Wedding- Dav.: Unveiled Wedding- Dav.: Unveiled Wedding- Dav.: Unveiled Laws of Attraction (2004) º My Fair Wedding

tonight’spicks Name

3 p.m. on ESPN ¨

NASCAR Racing The Nationwide Series draws down to its final seven races starting with today’s fall race at Kentucky Speedway. A field including Elliott Sadler, Austin Dillon, Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Brad Keselowski, Joey Logano and Justin Allgaier will take to the 2.4-km tri-oval in

this race’s first-ever running. Dillon dominated here in June, leading 192 of 200 laps in winning his first career Nationwide race. 4:48 p.m. on COM ∑

Movie: Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins Home isn’t where the heart is, at least not initially, for the title character played by Martin Lawrence in this comedy.

Having staked his claim to fame in Hollywood, he returns to his family in Georgia to help mark his parents’ (James Earl Jones, Margaret Avery) 50th wedding anniversary. His past quickly resurfaces to haunt him, thanks to relatives and others. Co-stars include Cedric the Entertainer, Mo’Nique and Michael Clarke Duncan.

8 p.m. on KGBT (CBS) $ $

Criminal Minds The BAU is in Atlantic City to investigate a series of casinorelated murders with a ritualistic element in this episode. Garcia (Kirsten Vangsness) bonds with Morgan (Shemar Moore) after an argument with her boyfriend, Kevin (Nicholas Brendon), but fears they might have gotten a little too close. Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The

New Adventures of Superman”) guest stars as a downon-his-luck gambler in “Snake Eyes.” 8 p.m. on KMBH (PBS) ¨ *

Austin City Limits There was a lot going on this past New Year’s Eve, so if you missed Coldplay’s “ACL” appearance that night, here’s another chance to catch it.