Oct 31, 2014 - and sexual violence services often support the same women, however ..... Senior Lecturer, University of S
31 October 2014
National Plan to Reduce Violence against
Women and their Children 2010 2022 (the National Plan) outcomes and vision of women and their children living free from violence in safe communities. The ANROWS Research Program 2014-16 (the Research Program) will produce research under the National Research Agenda to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children to support the National Plan. The Research Program comprises projects undertaken in the 2014-16 financial years within five Strategic Research Themes (SRT): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Experience and impacts. Gender inequality and primary prevention. Service responses and interventions. Systems. Research translation and evaluation.
The first four of these SRTs are from the National Research Agenda. The fifth SRT enables ANROWS to promote evidence-based practice to enhance the translation and evaluation of national research on violence against women and their children. This theme may apply across all other SRTs and is of particular interest to ANROWS given its scope and purpose. The Research Program includes the following four main types of projects that have been developed in accordance with the ANROWS Research Priorities 2014-15 released in May 2014: 1. Projects funded as part of ANROWS Research Priorities Grants round, which was an open, competitive process for researchers to apply for grants in priority topic areas. 2. Multi-jurisdictional national projects, supported by advisory groups with appropriate expertise in the relevant topic, with researchers identified through a competitive, expression of interest process. 3. Small-scale, commissioned projects that provide a conceptual or theoretical underpinning for subsequent empirical research. 4. Other research projects which ANROWS has been specifically commissioned to undertake. Of particular note here is the provision of additional funding from the Commonwealth Government to establish a dedicated perpetrator interventions research stream. The following document provides information about Part 1 of the Research Program, consisting of 20 projects from the first three types of projects across all five strategic research themes. These projects have a combined total value of approximately $3.5 million. They have an ambitious reach with research sites in every state and territory and a spread of projects focusing on different types of violence against women as well as priority population groups identified in the National Research Agenda. Part 2 of the Research Program, which is planned for release between July and October 2015, will be comprised predominantly of the fourth type of projects listed above.
ANROWS Research Program 2014-16 (Part 1) summary Strategic Research Theme 1 Experience and impacts Research priority
Project title
Approx. length
Budget range
1.1 Prevalence and incidence of violence against
Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey 2012 additional data analysis on violence against women.