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3450:335 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations ... - Math

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Internet:∼pgordon /. Phone: (330)972-8016. Textbook: A first course in differential equations 10th edition, by D.G. Zill. Meetings:.
3450:335 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations Spring 2013 Instructor: Peter Gordon Office: CAS 270 E-mail: [email protected] Internet:∼pgordon / Phone: (330)972-8016 Textbook: A first course in differential equations 10th edition, by D.G. Zill Meetings: Section 006, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm in Kolbe Hall 204. Section 801, Monday, Wednesday 5:10 pm - 6:25 pm in Kolbe Hall 203. Office hours: Monday, Wednesday 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm and by appointment.

Course Policies. 1. Grading Policy: There will be two midterm exams and and final exam. The final letter grade in this course will be determined as follows: Midterm exams 25% each Homework & Quizzes 20 % Final exam 30 % A final average grade of 60 is required to pass this class and a final average grade of 92 is required to earn a grade of A. 2. Make-Up tests: There will be no make up tests. 3. Homework and Quizzes will be assigned on a weekly basis. No late homework will be accepted for any reason. 4. Withdrawal: Students should make themselves aware of The University of Akron’s new withdraw policy. The policy can be found at The last day to withdraw from the class is March 3rd. 5. University Regulations: All University regulations, including academic dishonesty, sexual harassment and withdrawal from the course apply. Please refer to The University of Akron’s Dishonesty Policies and Sexual Harassment Publications for a more details. 6. Cellular Phones: All cellular phones and beepers must be switched off during all class times . 7. Attendance: You cannot afford to miss class. Any tests/quizzes returned or material distributed must be picked up at my office if you do miss a class. It is your responsibility to get the notes and do the assignments at the proper time, just as if you had been in class. Tentative Course Outline 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 4.1 4.2 4.3

Definitions and Terminology Initial Value Problems Solution Curves Without Solution Separable Variables Linear Equations Exact Equations Preliminary Theory Linear Equations Reduction of Order Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients

4.4 Undetermined Coefficients Superposition Approach 4.5 Undetermined Coefficients Annihilator Approach 4.6 Variation of Parameters 4.7 Cauchy-Euler Equation 5.1 Linear Models: Initial Value Problems 5.2 Linear Models: Boundary Value Problems 6.1 Review of Power Series 6.2 Solutions about Ordinary Points 6.2 Solutions about Singular Points 7.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform 7.2 Inverse Transforms and Transforms of the Derivative 7.3 Operational Properties I 7.4 Operational Properties II 7.5 The Dirac Delta Function Introduction to Matrices 8.1 Preliminary Theory - Linear Systems 8.2 Homogeneous Linear Systems