b) What is oxygen Effect? [10+6] · 6.a) Describe the protective measures .... 5.a) Explain the principles of Radio thera
Code No: 35045
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD R05 III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Exams, May/June – 2009 BASIC CLINICAL SCIENCES-II (Biomedical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks.80 Answer any Five questions All questions carry equal marks --1. What is Reduction? Explain in detail about Reduction Replacements. [16] 2.a) b)
Define pathology. Write brief notes on the investigations performed in pathology.
3.a) b)
Explain about CSSD. Explain about the pre-operating procedures for a patient.
4.a) b)
Explain the diagnostic and therapeutic indications of artificial respirations. What is blood flow? [10+6]
5.a) b)
Explain the different types of treatments for cancer. What is oxygen Effect?
6.a) b)
Describe the protective measures taken against Radiation. What are the units of measuring Radiations and permissible limits?
7.a) b)
Explain in detail about the Nuclear Imaging procedure of Respiratory system. Explain about the isotopes. [10+6]
8.a) b)
Explain the tests performed on kidney for studying the Renal function. Write a short note on Polycythemia. [8+8]
or ld
Code No: 35045
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD R05 III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Exams, May/June – 2009 BASIC CLINICAL SCIENCES-II (Biomedical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks.80 Answer any Five questions All questions carry equal marks --Explain any two types of joints in detail with illustrations.
2.a) b)
List the equipment used in pathology department of a major hospital. Explain about the different types of blood groups. [8+8]
3.a) b)
What are the different types of anesthesia administered to the patients. Explain the applications of gas laws in anesthesia. [8+8]
4.a) What is blood flow. b) Explain about the different types of blood flows.
Briefly explain about the Radio curability of Tumors. Explain the terms Radio Sensitivity and Radio Resistivity of tumors. [10+6]
5.a) b)
or ld
6.a) Explain the effects of radiation on Reproductive organs. b) Explain about embryo-late effects of radiation.
7.a) Describe briefly thyroid functional studies. b) Explain the features of radioisotopes used for liver scan.
8.a) What are the therapeutic uses of Radio isotopes. b) Write a note on Malignancy. *****
Code No: 35045 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD R05 III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Exams, May/June – 2009 BASIC CLINICAL SCIENCES-II (Biomedical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks.80 Answer any Five questions All questions carry equal marks ---
Explain about open and closed Reduction Replacement systems.
2.a) b)
Write about the composition of blood . Name any five common diseases related to blood parameters.
Explain the functions of various anesthetic gases. Mention the pin index and color of the cylinders of various gases. Write a short note on different types of anesthesia, administered to the patients. [6+10]
4.a) b)
5.a) b)
Explain the techniques used to monitor the humidity and temperature in a hospital. Write a short note on plethysmography. [8+8]
or ld
Write about the significance of therapeutic ratio. Briefly explain about the cell survival theory.
6.a) Explain the Radiation carcinogenesis. b) Write a short note on Lenkaemogenesis.
8.a) b)
7.a) Discuss Nuclear Medical Imaging of sketelal system. b) Describe briefly about thyroid function studies.
Discuss about the Radio immunoassay. Write a short note on thyroid cancer. *****
Code No: 35045 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD R05 III B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Exams, May/June – 2009 BASIC CLINICAL SCIENCES-II (Biomedical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks.80 Answer any Five questions All questions carry equal marks --1. Explain the purpose of Reduction Replacements. [16]
What are the investigations and other manifestations related to each of the diseases related to blood. b) What is blood transfusion and state the requirements why a person requires it. [8+8]
or ld
3.a) Write a short notes on spinal anesthesia and the precautions taken during the procedure. b) Discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic indications pertaining to anesthesia. [6+10] 4.a) Write a short notes on plethy smography. b) Explain about different types of blood flow meters. [8+8] Explain the principles of Radio therapy. Explain briefly about the normal tissue tolerance dose.
6.a) b)
Describe the effects of Radiation on the human body. Describe the protective measures that are to be taken after Radiation. [8+8]
7.a) b)
Explain about various equipments used in Nuclear Medicine. Explain the features of Radio isotopes used for liver scan.
8.a) b)
Write a note on Metastatic bone disease. What is Malignancy?