3D Mineral Map of Australia Tom Cudahy, Mike Caccetta, Joanne Chia, Ryan Fraser, Klaus Gessner, Maarten Haest, Ian Lau, Carsten Laukamp, Cindy Ong, and Andrew Rodger WA Centre of Excellence for 3D Mineral Mapping CSIRO, Australian Resources Research Centre Kensington, WA, Australia
minerals ….are fundamental to all rocks and soils and is a key parameter to managing a sustainable Earth
Image source: www.mrfs.net 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Mineralogy valuable for? • Soil characterisation • Productive vertosols (related to smectite clays) • Acid and saline conditions
• Ground cover • Mobile 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
MODIS (simulated) vs HyMap land surface composition mapping, Broken Hill • 150 Gigabytes of airborne HS data collected in 2002 for GSNSW • L1b and L2 products made publicly available but only 1-2 copies downloaded • C3DMM processed to L3 mineral maps in 2009 • together with other C3DMM data, over 60,000 products downloaded http://img135.imageshack.us/i/rfdsduststormri2.jpg/
2002 Broken Hill Block HyMap survey
Broken Hill
40 flight lines at 3.5 m pixels
Dust source
Redan 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
HyMap land surface composition mapping, Broken Hill Albedo @ 1650 nm
40 flight-lines 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Green vegetation content – leaf water @ 940 nm
GIS airborne mineral maps from http://c3dmm.csiro.au
HyMap land surface composition mapping, Broken Hill Albedo @ 1650 nm
cellulose absorption depth @ 2080 nm
GIS airborne mineral maps from http://c3dmm.csiro.au 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
HyMap land surface composition mapping, Broken Hill Water vapour @930 nm
Surface water absorption depth @ 1900 nm
wet Precipitable water GIS airborne mineral maps from http://c3dmm.csiro.au 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
MODIS simulation – dry vegetation (NPV) versus “DRY” bare soils Canonical correlation analysis 30 airborne hyperspectral pixel spectra collected from cellulose rich and cellulose-poor “dry, bare soil” pixels Results show that these “extreme” surface types (pure dry vegetation and bare soil) show weak inverse correlation VNIR wavelengths and weak positive correlation at SWIR wavelength at MODIS spectral resolution
Band Band No. No.
Sample - pixel
inverse correlation
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
no correlation
positive correlation
MODIS simulation – dry vegetation (NPV) versus “WET” bare soils Canonical correlation analysis 30 airborne hyperspectral pixel spectra collected from cellulose rich and cellulose-poor “wet, bare soil” pixels Results show that the relatively “wet, bare soil” pixels show positive correlation at all VNIR-SWIR wavelengths at MODIS spectral resolution.
Band No.
Sample - pixel
inverse correlation
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
no correlation
positive correlation
HyMap clay mapping, Broken Hill False(cellulose) colour Dry vegetation content
cellulose map Paddock boundary
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Rodger and Cudahy (2009). Remote Sensing of Environment 113, 2243-2257
HyMap clay mapping, Broken Hill Apparent kaolin content False colour(exposed soil)
cellulose map
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Rodger and Cudahy (2009). Remote Sensing of Environment 113, 2243-2257
HyMap clay mapping, Broken Hill Kaolin content vegetation unmixed (as if there was zero groundcover) False colour
cellulose map
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Rodger and Cudahy (2009). Remote Sensing of Environment 113, 2243-2257
Published soils and DEM, Broken Hill ASRIS Soil Map Level 3
Sodosols “Na-rich”
Tenosols “weakly developed soils”
Chromosols “Hard clay-rich” Cloud shadow effect
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
HyMap clay mapping, Broken Hill Montmorillonite content
Kaolin content
Potential Vertosols?
40 flight-lines 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
ASTER Geoscience map of Australia 6000
ASTER band 4
y = 0.679x + 966.45 R2 = 0.8768
0 0
Hyperion ASTER-convolved band 4
ASTER scene centre Hyperion scene HyMap surveys (WA) base-map - DEM (GADDS) 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
ASTER Geoscience products • A set of ~15 GIS compatible geoscience maps derived from available ASTER *VNIR-SWIR* data over WA. Products include: • • • • • • •
False colour Green vegetation content CSIRO “regolith” ratios Ferric oxide content Ferrous iron content Opaques AlOH group (clay) content
• • • • • • • •
AlOH group composition Kaolin and “Advanced argillic” Fe-OH group content MgOH/carbonate group MgOH group composition Ferrous iron content in MgOH Ferric iron content in MgOH “Water content” (new)
TIR products (no current independent calibration data): • carbonate content • SiO2 content • quartz index • mafic mineral index (incl. pyroxene, garnet)
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
WA ASTER Geoscience map – iron oxide content
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
WA ASTER Geoscience map • Collaborative project with the Geological Survey of Western Australia and supported by the Exploration Incentive Scheme and MDU • Complete 10 year archive over Australia of over 30,000 scenes provided by NASAJPL, ERDAC (Japan) and the USGS • WA ASTER map comprises ~1500 scenes • ~15 products (Version 1) released in the next couple of weeks • Basis for C3DMM’s “Google-zoom” demonstration iron oxide 5 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
WA ASTER Geoscience map
Channel iron ore
iron oxide 5 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Airborne hyperspectral mineral maps
Channel iron ore
airborne HS kaolin disorder iron oxide content iron oxide crysallinity
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
40 high
Published geology, drilling and the 3rd dimension
: RC cores with XRF : RC cores with XRF + HyLogging In collaboration with Murchison Metals 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Iron oxide content – spectra & XRF
In collaboration with Murchison Metals 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Clay composition – spectra & XRD
In collaboration with Murchison Metals 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Oblique view SW
Clay composition characterisation
Well-ordered kaolinite (in-situ or below water table)
Poorly-ordered kaolinite (transported)
Well-ordered kaolinite (in-situ or below water table)
Poorly-ordered kaolinite (transported)
Well-ordered kaolinite (in-situ or below water table)
Poorly-ordered kaolinite (transported)
Auscope- Grid Discovery Portal http://portal.auscope.org/gmap.html
C3DMM 35 7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Conclusions • New generation of geoscience-tuned systems can provide currently missing information on land surface composition (including mineralogy, dry vegetation and surface soil moisture) • Methods for generating the ASTER geoscience map of Australia can be extended globally • A suite of hyperspectral imaging satellites come on-stream from ~2015 and provide opportunity for accurate mapping and monitoring of the Earth’s land surface composition • C3DMM is building capabilities to delver a 3D mineral map of Australia by 2020
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Acknowledgments • • • • • • • • • • • • •
CSIRO Minerals Down Under Geoscience Australia Geological Survey of Western Australia WA Exploration Incentive Scheme WA Department of Commerce Geological Survey of Queensland Geological Survey of Western Australia Murchison Metals Auscope iVEC ERSDAC NASA JPL USGS
7ISDE, Perth August 2011
Dr Tom Cudahy CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering Director Western Australian CoE for 3D Mineral Mapping Chair International Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing Work Group VIII/5, Energy and Solid Earth Theme Leader 34IGC, Geoscience information from Proximal and Remote Sensing Data
Phone: +61 8 6436 8630 Email:
[email protected] Web: http://c3dmm.csiro.au, http://nvcl.csiro.au, www.34igc.org, www.isprs2012.org, http://c3dmm2.ivec.org/gmap.html, http://portal.auscope.org/gmap.html
Thank you Contact Us Phone: 1300 363 400 or +61 3 9545 2176 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.csiro.au