3rd International Conference on Movement Dysfunction

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Mar 31, 2009 - Click on the link below to find out more. ... for Elsevier Conferences, you can visit this page to Unsubscribe, enter your email address, and.

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3rd International Conference on Movement Dysfunction CALL FOR PAPERS - Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 March 2009 LOCATION AND DATES 30 October - 1 November 2009 Edinburgh, UK

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Chad Cook Duke University, USA Gray Cook USA

PROGRAMME Quicklinks Keynote and guest speakers Programme Scope and topics Location Online registration

THE ORGANIZERS The 3rd International Conference on Movement Dysfunction is hosted by Kinetic Control and the Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists.

Congress administration is provided by Elsevier, publisher of Manual Therapy.

This scientific and clinically orientated conference is now an established international meeting for therapists involved in the assessment and management of movement dysfunction. This third conference will present the current available scientific and clinical knowledge on neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction, with a focus on rehabilitation and provide a greater understanding of movement analysis and management The comprehensive programme will gather together internationally renowned experts for 10 keynote and 11 guest lectures, free paper sessions, posters, an exhibition and breakout clinical workshop sessions and will: Provide a forum for sharing ideas at an academic, conceptual and clinical level Link research findings to clinical practice Highlight the need for multi-factorial therapeutic management Support evidence-based practice Demonstrate clinical reasoning in the rehabilitation of movement dysfunction View full scope and topics list...

CALL FOR PAPERS Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation at the Congress. 300-word abstracts should be submitted online by 31 March, 2009. Submit abstracts here...

Wim Dankaerts KUL-PHL, Belgium Nadine Foster Keele University, UK Alison Grimaldi University of Queensland, Australia Steve Harridge Kings College London, UK Paula M. Ludewig University of Minnesota, USA Lorimer Moseley Prince of Wales medical Research Institute, Australia John Rothwell University College London, UK Shirley Sarhmann Washington University School of Medicine, USA

GUEST SPEAKERS Caroline Alexander Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK Chris Bridle University of Warwick, UK Michael Callaghan University of Manchester, UK Mark Comerford Kinetic Control, Australia Deborah Falla Aalborg University, Denmark

LOCATION The conference will take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre in Edinburgh, UK. 2009 is the 250th birthday of Robert Burns and Scotland will be celebrating with over 200 events throughout the year. Why not plan to make the most of your trip and stay longer in Scotland. Click on the link below to find out more.

Jon Fearn MACP, UK

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Delegates will include physiotherapists, manual therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, exercise physiologists, sports scientists, sports physicians, manual medicine physicians, orthopaedic medicine physicians, musculoskeletal medicine physicians and other health professionals involved in neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction. Register online here...

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Paul Holmes Research Institute for Health and Social Change, MMU, UK Laurie McLaughlin NAIOMT, Canada Deydre Teyhen Center for Physical Therapy Research, Academy of Health Sciences, USA Dirk Jan Veeger Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Steve Woby North Manchester General Hospital, UK

CONTACT US Claire Norris ICMD Conference Secretariat Tel: +44 (0) 118 971 3710 Email Congress Secretariat

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