Um(1 have beon attempting for several years lordly powers of humani.y All
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nftfU i l l UEM f UCail UII
IISraG U I U U I I I Ul6l I
Editor, . CO., LEO W I S E &
nwMUU .«„ ^o,.»,T.,,s.
~t 7^7~^r 7T Office : N. W. Cor. Fift h and V i n e^; Sts. _ . Cincinnati . »> .. DeCMIlbei - 22, 1892. ;
hard to believe ; or your Calv'inistic DEDICATI ON OF THE TEMPLE IN JM YTO*. crml, oon fe M ion .cat«, eto.. ar 1,anti . ' , . Mualed and. require revision to harmon . SlJ[ t y mil,,B n»rlh of Cincinnati ia lb* ize them with modern thoug ht and the . ,. , » ., , , , . .bea ut 'ul city ol p vyton , called tbf .. „ beliefs of a large portion of your church cu f h i u b r 0ad avenue- and people. We, as an outsider , have notb, t h o^h far" i elegant wdenS this ¦ it.nla, its grand store houses, feetoniu queHion. , _ ' ¦ and si xiv churches , rising s.xiy risim* nihiomictfl mh|e«tic*nyv —~— " T,,K «reate8t debt of g»«tude that ™° O.»' ^*P 1"". "n al . and is an out- lealing nations 1 J ^ 0 flfly . hence we would ' not deoido S£B(;l;j YhL«dtn£ de^ 'SfflrPM!^VriJ5SJi taom*.ita««. S^pfuTS eST^ °' 'he But before ««" «'" * "*" ° * °f »»t knowing what they want. "Jffi for question, th an all tne ortn the wonLrfSS' "£
10 >«P » -*^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦_ KATE8 0F advhtisik o. Ctanplime n ur>- n«oi u iio M .n.i«.iiiw.ri,.* r.oo ai.- ..¦««¦!. : uo .Brtroihato, M B miBi». Hiru,. . ii«.it
0 1 .lui AUer all has been allowed ,or gS'£fe ?« ^ ^^ K^^ !ft SSfS?mS n^ ^^ ^.^ dl^ ^e 2f ^Tthe^work?ft J ,« » other peoples that can be claimed or ^^%^i^Z have beon attempting for several years lordly powers of humani .y All nature make, up. the civilization of a nslin u ; Wj |h Um( 1 ^ K ^ Y e6hurun u ^^ ^^ them , it still remains apparent that the charl „ mM0,» through countle8» ™V "» '*\»e manifisstations of the has travailed cam* from Cincinnati all D*ytonians and quests ladh,, ies and "l *"* a Bu,t ,ab,e ""»»»«"¦> ^upnl y, te rns to bring forth man tde growing n.t.onal mmd and will . But lor as many years d^rlove ol justice, liberty, and fair plav is a o„l y three of them are Mill alive, viz : RemWien , nnd especially to the repre- wn « Q»ve tned ther Bhould th,nker "aan U,e "^ be D0 aham Ach , Simon Ach and J acob sent.tives .uof ihe ddl y press, the re- *?\, ""^'T^ , i>iii„ pr- native,Btrait onl jy among a the b Eog lisb- Abr ? 'ln is ?°J 8elW n„ „c T be ¦t, ta to !™dCn T isolated Advcrttocmcnt s nf7«»ii»;ri!i;iiii„"iiv imii'«« t. ^Tm tered oeincs, of man *r are not „ „ „ _ „iii„ ..„ cwl difficulty n-..i„ .= u of in lavine out an accurate the free' agent.f The mind ™ they . r i u im ^ m b0W kM wLt agister should be. K^. 0f TnU Wt "e • ^ ' « ne, the in ' lam/of mortal ^-« individual God . searching each moving^ gn a ^a ™r:':« K "^^ °° J" i.,r u,,. .-imr ij i: f i.iiji» ™iiiiiiu ci i it exists at all among macuntil orduwi the rest^ of ' Then , having this suitabl y diagramed , most chambers of existence. The mind spontaneous al 'orceofitaown ^ toward a dtf The uDoer part o two ' . wit b°ut ^ 1 {>iic«u< >H . pXCe p t ion 0f three or wlth P**yflr- Dp- I«»ao M. Wise, of ^ Cincinnati , presided , and Rubbi Chas. Le- that he would require the congregations and the earth beneath with its own in- tional wills, are one soul, one will. The that makes liberty possible. four in the whol« mumry In answering any of the advertisements In this vy o ' the same ciry, scted as Secretary, to have the same mind for twelve forming rays, to make the stsrn counte pernicious idea that eyery nation is a dear m In the vear 1803 the connreeation ¦ and this mi ght be ask- nance of the word necessity radiant being serrated as to its material inter• ZrX^^^ Our friend , Nathan Mayer, M. althoug h scill \mM in nSmber There wa.a eoodly quorum present com- months or more ° '^ in . ! L the (mile of .beau ty. The soul of ess intel eqtoal aspirations , and historithe old ' ohuro Bapti.t .^,iiK„, tt theA3.mcAN.SKAa.Th.¦ n P™tiMed h ' a r K-'i p^r his Jaa^ Hartford , ot., sends us nis last C senas ^Any V^^' ¦ ** a""> ;. ' _ W-, in narnora of $8 v ^ ^ f ^ David Philtpson and G. .Deutcb, of.Cinminister nowaday s, •is expected Moairt or Beethoven gives to the osl destinies, from the rest ol the world , the lor ^ ^ city cer»tr»l location 0U0 ¦ Communicati ons utittiimie.i by the writer win poetical production "From Age to A ge" an d made of it a synagogue of K K B C!nn«t5 : -ToB»ph Silverman , B. Benj a- to deliver a good sermon once a week, spheres the witchery of musio and the selfish belief that every people -good, logical, j ell writ- makea t^e air vocal with trancing mel- should have a h eart only for its ¦•:^ llmurnLl' nK'fLrZrlM'^ x mniSna" ( Hartford , Conn., -1892) a centennial y . lt wa8 pQIU pously dedicated (on "fn an 'i Wj" iftra *P "&er > o(J**w "this h to be . o*n L " Joseph 1Leneh t -N ewark ' ipocitti rciucBt of tiiu publ isher. Ynrk ,. , N. J, .j ten address, it ahould of thebe worth m the odtes. The genius of a Phidias breathes prosperity and be absolutel y indifferent < poem on the progress of the medical a rainy day, we recollect) by the rabbi ¦ mwketa Sh s Albany, inger, le= N Y. ; S. world, at least into the marble the breath Of to the welfare of other people, the dnctperfect — " and surgica . Jj ^wjrsister congrega- £. sureicall arts or sciences, sciences whatever wnaieyer and the choir Iro m the NEWS ITEMS. actu illyK(lfrom HecHt , Milwaukee, Wib; ; A. Gutmach- $25 00, which is a very poor price, but divine life, causing the etern al ideals to rine that every nation , should with Cincinnati. Itth is e con you may call that branch of human im- ^ ^ ^j fierce egotism endeavor to thrive and „ rt. tj on er, WillUm Ro«enau, T. Rchanfarber , lor 50 weeks in the year would amount dwell in habitations of clay. ^ ^ t me on ^^ We would be much oiiliKcci to those ot our perfection (v da Cholera, Typ hus, Con- bi-gin Nature has throug h countless ages grow rich at any price, though the other to take rank among others ' Rnd A Kaiser, Baltimore ; David Levy, to $1250 alone as the value of litera ry '"¦¦¦IMawMISJ'Sidr^^^ sumption , Small-pox , Diptheria , and the It introduced the Minhag America Charleston , R , C; M Eisenberg, Colum- efforts that the incumbent has spent been anxiousl y waiting and ceaselessly civilized nations perish in consequence , ol the Union nus, Ohio . Clifton H. Levy, Lancaster , long years, toiling, and stud ying to b- Uboring for the coming ol the artist, of it, is a return to theviews, a reversion ipeetive ad.lresoes, bcloh.- thu time specified. Nathfln M er j oirteci the ranks other b - ^ B, ¦ ' !:-«en Yoru.-Befnro ,,Monday noon to . . , . , .. . . . . „f Ameripin H nbrew Omiureff* ^'* '¦ I f?. M.oflet , Chicaeo ; L^uis Gro?8- able to accomplish. There are 50 for the coming of a Raffael , who with to the instincts of primitive barbarism , y' W, r is atill poetical , idealistic and optimistic, ' ^n ''^|i"r lf cf* M d tb„ 8 and gradually built it.elf up m«, Detroit ; ' Henry Berkowitz , Phila- weeks in the year that the children are the magic of his eye and hand charms The idea o' humanity, the idea of the 0 " ° in sentiment and ;.;. - Hcrm^i friJiiH^lc^iSfflTioBli's^cei. P"^ «nd delicate t0 a fuu fle,dgt(d and very respectable f Wp hi '1 ; leTA"1 *arpn , Bnff *lo; .t. L: taken in hand , and put under instruc- upoa the cmvas the visions of hii ge- lellpwship and brotherhood of all men Meyprherg, Gilrlsbpro', N: C ; L. Meyer, tion, .to be better Israelites than their nius ,. the imperishable types of God- was utterl y unknown , was simpl y in: Balilmorc—Helorc Monday noon to "Dm- language, exact and musical in rhyme reform congregation. W6r snu ," Brown .Station. ' Pittsburg; and Dr. A. Gutman , Syra- parents ; certainly $500 is little enough hood and manhood , and unfolds within conceivable to barbarous ant'ouitv for ,„(j , j -i ir, .««yi,.i m Wo wow 0 U . .• u i i nnd h ythm Iad t0 86e that g ' 1 N""; m 0ranB° Sl "' ' ¦^ ^olfBote , W Alio--for the religious training of our the narrowest compass what the heav- the reason that every people had a i" . A new seiierauon gradually . replaced CUBP .. " ; *ot; ftell^on " , Son h.m-he W as a ¦^^^irSj riona. , uot.n to 7H N. *& *** The first business, yest 6rday morning youth. In this light, almost aircongre- ens and the heaven of heavens can not tional god of its own .who loved and Zcon^Z ^l^ut ITmeian anu aoounii a congregation assumed an sprightl y young physician when he .teflmuwell Ave. WHS the report o ' the committee upon gations have the services ot their lead- contain—the soul of. the world and the protected only his own peop le his own and Judaism 0 B ¦; ^"'e"c repr^enUtion of Jews ^e ^ Joined the army in 1801-and an. amiaer, free, gratis. The constant, advice to soul of man. But knowled ge,and art, children , and hated and tried . to «- ' BrSik! 8ta wJr^^eet^ ^MSSk\^r ^^W,nd M^vvlrLheimfl^ afc the World ' s congress gious in individuals , the numberless: ways in though of immeasurable value, are not terminate the . children of the other ¦cWc »ko^toM.Tiidrfay iiooa «o Ainortain .We writer. His poems /e'i and stories in m i-ni -ter anu »nd wiia with this; elnou ent jL.rLi muiiaier, lais einqueni auuu rjhioRgo. After brief discussion it was ' ', - ¦ ..'- . ¦„, ..¦ Uracllte, No. :vjo Denrtj oni St., Roomn 715, 710 ; , ,„,„„„ which the presence of theI .'Rabbi is lelt the onl y elements of civilizition northe gods , his personal foes. But ihe erowth ]« «AM, made h.m quite rr> reale from the Uebrew Uuion _Coll ^e deci(lpd thflt Judaism should be repre- in the^ 7 community lor good , fostering .most-important i for thereason that they of reason has not only borne " "SfSSS „,vi "- . „ at u, m hV m>J" ,U Vaa te8 wel1 Rented 7«*r But *nd the Uoiverity , of C'"0"1 1' « this congress by some of ^ its all good works , is rendered free. PeJ are . not the highestL > . manifestations of humanity, it has ilso given birth to ' . : VTg^'£^%!£: * - ' ' . ' nowne'J ' aBd h 8 W ^ ^ one a l e ¦ most di»tinguished-men ,: .both of Ameri- m9« ^ Friday " Eve. the aubject of this poem , our Dr. Minor ,. Antonio, Tex.-Bcrore haps if such views of such; work were of , the mind. . There is a power the idea of humanity. Mankind is the ; ¦ San ij \ fu ; ", ^ - ¦ . . . :. . - ,. , to- "AlMnav';1: ^ . w iU say,-is tbo-prosaic and'dry , too ' uu '-- ¦', l°"^,LI 1^ prevalent, there would be a in .. man diviner than', all , the strong;' immortal son of God , in whom ¦ h ¦ 'o was extend invi- greater desire to aid the Rabbi in ev ery power of Iree-wiU. 0 holy;p6wer; Free- His will, ' ^tpe ; ¦' . - .« His wisdom ,- His justice in- ¦ 'Irnh „rT- Q and „ certain and1 unlovable to be noeti ? ed ground wit, price ^e poetized wJi were .«« sold «irf at «i a» high a„ tatioaS ,t(j Biroh ,men. Rabbis Wiae, V E fey. J. GA.mi K ,„ of Trenton , N. . J,, ce™m 8°« ™^le ' ¦ way. He would be kept long enough dom of will; thou art the mystery o carnate themselves. All ¦' tt* na^ . wrUes us askingWt we send a copy of 0" b,r,Md ^ underhand- tions of the . earth, are members ^ "^^^ ld th ie °" H ,the Isbakut . and Dkhohah to the ¦ ¦ .;New en , .;• . ,, . , ' x iT. , . Gruss and^ thanks to ^ our friend Dr. '£ . . , v ^ j ,? . ' ,.' the cooperation of the Hebrew Congre-. would be made greater by the closer very:, heart and soul! Whence didst tions are manifestations of this soul Pnson at. that city, where Jersey Sta a ^ . . . ¦ '£! .confidence between, him and the child- thou spHng, glory, and majesty of the :All .mankind is one being.-,I f one mem i ¦ ¦ Q . -wouia ul ff ao i aanor io a meirppwiian conCT^ : there, are twenty-two Jewish prisoners ^_ ^ . - ' ^The report.0i the^ ritual committee on ren and their parents. Show a congre: universe 7 . No burning sun brought ber inflicts pain on andther,; the. pain e t gl , a 0l ^ ^ ' , emP-|e - ' ^"°'"™. the new union prayer-book was a . mat- g