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Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design. Basic Principles. Emphasizing AASHTO LRFD Procedures. Praveen Chompreda, Ph. D. MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY | 2009 ...
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Basic Principles

Part I: Introduction

Emphasizing AASHTO LRFD Procedures

Praveen Chompreda, Ph. D.

Reinforced vs. Prestressed Concrete Principle of Prestressing H Historical lP Perspective Applications Classification and Types Advantages Design Codes Stages of Loading

MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY | 2009 | EGCE 406 Bridge Design

Reinforced Concrete „

Reinforced Concrete

Recall Reinforced Concrete knowledge: ‰

‰ ‰

‰ ‰

Concrete is strong in compression but C b weakk in tension Steel is strong in tension (as well as compression) Reinforced concrete uses concrete to resist compression and to hold the steel bars in place, and uses steel to resist all of the tension Tensile strength of concrete is neglected (i.e. zero) RC beam always crack under service load Cracking moment of an RC beam is generally much lower than the service moment

Principle of Prestressing „


„ „

Prestressing is a method in which compression force is applied to the reinforced concrete section. section The effect of prestressing is to reduce the tensile stress i the in h section i to the h point i that h the h tensile il stress is i below b l the cracking stress. Thus, the concrete does not crack! It is then possible to treat concrete as an elastic material The concrete can be visualized to have 2 force systems ‰ ‰


Principle of Prestressing „

Internal Prestressing Forces External Forces (from DL DL, LL LL, etc…) etc )

These 2 force systems must counteract each other

Principle of Prestressing „

Stress in concrete section when the prestressing force is applied at the c.g. c g of the section (simplest case)

Historical Perspective

Stress in concrete section when the prestressing force is applied eccentrically with respect to the cc.g. g of the section (typical case)


The concept of prestressing was invented centuries ago when metal bands were wound around wooden pieces (staves) to form a barrel. barrel

Smaller Compression




= „

F/A CrossSection

+ Fe0y/I

Prestressing Force



Stress from DL

Stress from LL

Small Compression Stress Resultant

The metal bands were tighten under tensile stress, which creates compression between the staves – allowing them to resist internal liquid pressure

Historical Perspective

Historical Perspective „



The concept of prestressed concrete is also not new. In 1886 a patent was granted for tightening steel tie rods in 1886, concrete blocks. This is analogous to modern day segmental constructions. constructions Early attempts were not very successful due to low strength of steel at that time. time Since we cannot prestress at high stress level, the prestress losses due to creep and shrinkage of concrete quickly reduce the effectiveness of prestressing.

Applications of Prestressed Concrete „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

Bridges Sl b in Slabs i buildings b ildi Water Tank Concrete Pile Thin Shell Structures Offshore Platform Nuclear Power Plant Repair p and Rehabilitations

Eugene Freyssinet (1879-1962) (1879 1962) was the first to propose that we should use very high strength steel which permit high elongation of steel. steel The high steel elongation would not be entirely offset by the shortening of concrete (prestress loss) due to creep and shrinkage. „ „

First prestressed concrete g in 1941 in France bridge First prestressed concrete bridge in US: Walnut Lane B id iin P Bridge Pennsylvania. l i Built B il in 1949. 47 meter span.

Classification and Types „ „ „ „ „ „ „

Pretensioning v.s. Posttensioning External v.s. Internal Linear v.s. v s Circular End-Anchored v.s. Non End-Anchored Bonded v.s. Unbonded Tendon P Precast t v.s. Cast-In-Place C t I Pl v.s. Composite C it Partial v.s. Full Prestressingg

Classification and Types „

Classification and Types

Pretensioningg vs. Posttensioningg ‰

In Pretension, the tendons are tensioned against some abutments before the concrete is place place. After the concrete hardened, the tension force is released. The tendon tries to shrink back to the initial length but the concrete resists it through the bond between them, thus, compression force is induced in concrete. concrete Pretension is usually done with precast members. Pretensioned Prestressed Concrete Casting Factory

Classification and Types ‰

In Posttension, the tendons are tensioned after the concrete has hardened. hardened Commonly, Commonly metal or plastic ducts are placed inside the concrete before casting. After the concrete hardened and had enough strength, strength the tendon was placed inside the duct, stressed, and anchored against concrete. concrete Grout may be injected into the duct later. This can be done either as precast or cast-in-place. ti l

Concrete Mixer

Classification and Types Precast Segmental Girder to be Posttensioned In Place

Classification and Types „

E External l vs. IInternall Prestressing P ‰


Linear vs. Circular Prestressing ‰


Prestressingg mayy be done inside or outside Prestressing can be done in a straight structure such as beams (linear prestressing) or around a circular structures such as tank or silo (circular prestressing) structures,

Bonded vs. Unbonded Tendon ‰

The tendon may be bonded to concrete (pretensioning or posttensioning with grouting) or unbonded ( (posttensioning i i without ih grouting). i ) B Bonding di hhelps l prevent corrosion of tendon. Unbonding allows readjustment dj t t off prestressing t i force f att later l t times. ti

Classification and Types „

Partial vs. Full Prestressing ‰


Prestressing tendon P d may be b used d in combination b withh regular reinforcing steel. Thus, it is something between full prestressed concrete (PC) and reinforced concrete (RC). The goal is to allow some tension and cracking under full service load while ensuring sufficient ultimate strength. We sometimes use partially prestressed concrete (PPC) to control camber and deflection, increase ductility, and save costs.

Classification and Types „

End-Anchored vs. Non-End-Anchored tendons ‰


IIn P Pretensioning, tendons d transfer f the h prestress through the bond actions along the tendon; therefore, it is non-end-anchored In Posttensioning, g tendons are anchored at their ends using mechanical devices to transfer the prestress to concrete;; therefore,, it is end-anchored. ((Groutingg or not is irrelevant)

RC vs vs. PPC vs. vs PC

Advantages of PC over RC „

Take full advantages of high strength concrete and high strength steel ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰

„ „

Need N d less l materials i l Smaller and lighter structure No cracks Use the entire section to resist the load Better corrosion resistance Good for water tanks and nuclear plant



ACI-318 Building Code (Chapter 18) AASHTO LRFD (Chapter 5)


Other institutions


‰ ‰

PCI – Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute PTI – Post Post-Tensioning Tensioning Institute

Very effective for deflection control Better shear resistance

Stages of Loading „

Design Codes for PC

Unlike RC where we primarily consider the ultimate lti t lloading di stage, t we mustt consider id multiple lti l stages of construction in Prestressed Concrete The stresses in the concrete section must remain below the maximum limit at all times!!!

Stages of Loading „


Typical stages of loading considered are Initial and d Service S i Stages St Initial ((Immediatelyy after Transfer of Prestress)) ‰ ‰


Full prestress force N MLL (may No ( or may nott have h MDL depending d di on construction type)

Service ‰ ‰

Prestress loss has occurred MDL+MLL

Stages of Loading „

For precast construction, we have to investigate some intermediate states during transportation and erection

Part II: Materials and Hardwares for Prestressingg Concrete Prestressing Steel Prestressing Hardwares

Concrete „

Mechanical properties of concrete that are relevant to the prestressed concrete design: ‰ ‰ ‰

Compressive Strength M d l off Elasticity Modulus El i i Modulus of Rupture

Concrete: Compressive Strength „




AASHTO LRFD For prestressed concrete, the compressive strength should be from 28-70 MPa at 28 days For reinforced concrete,, the compressive strength should be from 16-70 MPa at 28 days Concrete with f’c > 70 MPa can be used when supported by test data

Concrete: Modulus of Elasticity „ „

AASHTO ( Ec = 0.043γ 0 043γc1.5(f (f’c)0.5 MPa ‰ ‰


Concrete: Modulus of Rupture „

γc1.5 in kg/m3 ff’c in MPa


For normal weight concrete, we can use Ec =4800(f’c)0.5 MPa

„ „

Indicates the tensile capacity of concrete under bendingg Tested simply-supported p concrete beam under 4-point bending configuration fr = My/I = PL/bd2 AASHTO ( ‰

Concrete : Summary of Properties

fr = 0.63 (f’c)0.5 MPa

Prestressing Tendons „


Prestressing tendon may be in the form of strands, t d wires, i round d bar, b or threaded th d d rods d Materials ‰ ‰

High Strength Steel Fib R i f Fiber-Reinforced d Composite C it ((glass l or carbon b fib fibers))

Tendons „

Prestressing Steel

Common shapes of prestressing tendons

Most Popular Æ ((7-wire Strand))

Prestressing Strands „

Prestressing strands have two grades ‰ ‰


Grade G d 250 (fpu = 250 ksi k or 1725 MPa) MP ) Grade 270 ((fpu = 270 ksi or 1860 MPa))

Types of strands ‰ ‰

SStressed d Relieved R li d SStrand d Low Relaxation Strand (lower prestress loss due to relaxation of strand)

Prestressing Strands

Prestressing Strands

Prestressing Strands „

Modulus of Elasticity ‰ ‰


Hardwares & Prestressing Equipments „

Pretensioned Members ‰


H ld D Hold-Down Devices D

Posttensioned Members ‰

Anchorages „ „

‰ ‰

Stressing St i A Anchorage h Dead-End Anchorage

Ducts Posttensioningg Procedures

Pretensioned Beams

197000 MPa for Strand 207000 MPa for Bar

The modulus Th d l off elasticity l i i of strand is lower than that of steel bar because strand is made from twisting of small wires together.

Pretensioning Hardwares „

Posttensioned Beams

Hold-Down Devices for Pretensioned Beams


Posttension Hardwares ‰ ‰ ‰

Posttensioning Hardwares - Anchorages

Stressing St i A Anchorage h Dead-End Anchorage Duct/ Grout Tube

Posttensioning Hardwares - Anchorages

Posttensioning Hardwares - Anchorages

Posttensioning Hardwares - Ducts

Posttensioning Procedures

Posttensioning Procedures

Grouting is optional (depends on y used)) the system

Prestress Losses

Part III: Prestress Losses

„ „

Prestress force at any time is less than that during jacking Sources of Prestress Loss ‰

Sources of Prestress Losses Lump Sum Estimation of Prestress Loss

Prestress Losses „

Sources of Prestress Loss (cont.) ‰


Friction : Friction in the duct of p posttensioningg system y causes stress at the far end to be less than that at the jacking end. Thus, the average stress is less than the jacking stress

Anchorage Set : The wedge in the anchorage h may set in i slightly li h l to llockk the tendon, causing a loss of stress

Elastic Shortening : Because concrete shortens when the prestressing force is applied to it. The tendon attached to it also shorten, causing stress loss

Prestress Losses „

Sources of Prestress Loss (cont.) ‰ Shrinkage : Concrete shrinks over time due to the loss of water, leading to stress loss on attached tendons ‰ Creep : Concrete shortens over time under compressive stress, stress leading to stress loss on attached tendons

Prestress Losses

Time Line of Prestress Loss Posttensioningg


Sources of Prestress Loss (cont.) ‰






Steell R St Relaxation l ti : Steel loss its stress with time due to constant elongation the elongation, larger the stress, the larger the loss. loss

Pretensioning (AS RE) J ki Jacking (against abutment)





( (cutting g strands)

Instantaneous Losses

Prestress Loss – By Types Pretensioned Instantaneous







Elastic Shortening

Friction A Anchorage Set S Elastic Shortening

Shrinkage (Concrete) Creep (Concrete) Relaxation (Steel)

Shrinkage (Concrete) Creep (Concrete) Relaxation (Steel)

Effective fpe

Time-Dependent Losses

Prestress Loss - Pretensioned Posttensioned


Prestress Loss - Posttensioned

Lump Sum Prestress Loss „


Pretress losses can be very complicate to estimate ti t since i it d depends d on so many factors f t In typical yp constructions,, a lump p sum estimation of prestress loss is enough. This may be expressed in terms of: ‰ ‰

Lump Sum Prestress Loss „

Total stress loss (in unit of stress) Percentage of initial prestress

Lump Sum Prestress Loss

A. E. Naaman (with slight modifications) – not including FR, AS ‰ ‰ ‰

Start with 240 MPa for Pretensioned Normal Weight Concrete with Low Relaxation Strand Add 35 MPa for Stress-Relieved Strand or for Lightweight Concrete D d Deduct 35 MPa MP ffor Posttension P

Types of Prestress Pretensioned

P t Prestress Loss L (fpi-fpe) (f i f ) (MP (MPa)) Types of Concrete

Stress-Relieved Low Relaxation Strand Strand

Normal Weight Concrete Li ht i ht C Lightweight Concrete t

275 310

240 275

Posttensioned Normal Weight Concrete Lightweight Concrete

240 275

205 240


ACI-ASCE Committee (Zia et al. 1979) ‰

This is the Maximum Loss that you may assumed

T Types off Prestress Pretensioned

Types of Concrete Normal Weight Concrete Lightweight Concrete

Maximum Prestress Loss (fpi fpe) (MPa) (fpi-fpe) Stress-Relieved Low Relaxation Strand Strand 345 380

276 311

Lump Sum Prestress Loss

Lump Sum Prestress Loss „


T.Y. Lin & N. H. Burns S Source off Loss L

AASHTO LRFD (for CR CR, SR SR, R2) ( (5 9 5 3)

P Percentage off Loss L (%) Pretensioned


Elastic Shortening (ES)



Creep of Concrete (CR)



Shrinkage of Concrete (SR)



Steel Relaxation (R2)






Note: Pretension has larger loss because prestressing is usually done when concrete is about 1-2 days old whereas Posttensioning is done at much later time when concrete is stronger.

Lump Sum Prestress Loss „


Partial Prestressing Ratio (PPR) is calculated as:

PPR = „ „


Aps fpy Aps fpy + As fy

PPR = 1.0 1 0 for Prestressed Concrete PPR = 0.0 for Reinforced Concrete

Elastic Shortening Loss (ΔfpES) is calculated as:

ΔfpES =

E ps Eci

Part IV: Allowable Stress Design g

fcgp,Fi +G

E ps ⎡ Fi Fi e02 MG e0 ⎤ = + − ⎢ ⎥ Eci ⎣ A c I I ⎦

Stress of concrete at the c.g. of tendon due to prestressing force and dead load

Stress Inequality Equation Allowable Stress in Concrete Allowable Stress in Prestressing Steel Feasible Domain Method Envelope and Tendon Profile

Basics: Sign Convention „

Basics: Section Properties

In this class, the following convention is used: ‰ ‰ ‰

c.g. g off Prestressingg Tendon Area: Aps

Concrete CrossSectiona Area: Ac

Tensile Stress in concrete is negative g (-) () Compressive Stress in concrete is positive (+) Positive Moment:

„ yt ((abs))


e ((-)) kt (-)


Positive Shear:


h (abs)

kb (+)

e (+)

„ Center of Gravity of Concrete Section (c.g.c)


I Kt Kb Zt Zb

yb (abs)


In some books,, the sign g convention for stress mayy be opposite so you need to reverse the signs in some formula!!!!!!!!!

Basics: Section Properties „

Moment of Inertia, I ‰

I = ∫ y dA 2


‰ ‰



Rectangular section about c.g. Ixx = 1/12*bh3 Ix’x’ = Ixx + Ad2

yt and yb are distance from the c.g. of section to top and bottom fibers, respectively Sectional modulus modulus, Z (or S) ‰ ‰

Zt = I/yt Zb = I/yb

c.g. of Prestressing Tendon Area: Aps

Basics: Section Properties „

Kern of the section, section k, k is the distance from cc.g. g where compression force will not cause any tension i iin the h section i Consider C id T Topp Fib Fiber (Get Bottom Kern, kb)


F Fe0 y t − Ac I

e0 =

I = kb Ac y t

Consider C id Bottom B tt Fiber Fib (Get Top Kern, kt)


F Fe0 y b + Ac I

e0 = −

I = kt Ac y b

Note:Top kern has negative value

Basics: General Design Procedures „

„ „ „ „ „

Stress in Concrete at Various Stages

Select Girder type, materials to be used, and number b off prestressing t i strands t d Check allowable stresses at various stages g Check ultimate moment strength Check cracking load Check shear Check deflection

Stress Inequality Equations „

Allowable Stress in Concrete

We can write four equations based on the stress at the top and bottom of section at initial and service stages



Stress Inequality Equation



F Fe M F ⎛ e ⎞ M σ t = i − i o + min = i ⎜ 1 − o ⎟ + min ≥ σ ti Ac Zt Zt Ac ⎝ kb ⎠ Zt



F Fe M F ⎛ e σ b = i + i o − min = i ⎜ 1 − o Ac Zb Zb Ac ⎝ kt




! ServiceBottom

F Feo Mmax Fi ⎛ eo ⎞ Mmax σt = − + = ≤ σ cs ⎜1− ⎟ + Ac Zt Zt Ac ⎝ k b ⎠ Zt

⎞ Mmin ≤ σ ci ⎟− ⎠ Zb

F Feo Mmax F ⎛ eo σb = + − = ⎜1− Ac Zb Zb Ac ⎝ kt

⎞ Mmax ≥ σ ts ⎟− Zb ⎠


AASHTO LRFD (5.9.4) provides allowable stress in p strength g at that concrete as functions of compressive time Consider the following limit states:


Immediately after Prestress Transfer (Before Losses)


‰ ‰


Compression Tension

Service (After All Losses) ‰ ‰

Compression C i Tension

Allowable Stress in Concrete „

Immediately after Prestress Transfer (Before Losses) ‰

„ „

Using compressive strength at transfer, f’ci


„ „

At service (After All Losses) Compressive Stress

Allowable All bl compressive i stress = 00.60 60 f’ci Allowable tensile stress

Allowable Stress in Concrete „

Allowable Stress in Concrete

At service (After All Losses) Tensile Stress

Allowable Stress in Concrete - Summary Stage g Initial

Where Tension at Top

Load Fi+MGirder

Compression Fi+MGirder at Bottom Service Compression F+MSustained at Top 0.5(F+MSustained)+MLL+IM Tension at Bottom




With bonded reinf…

-0.25√f’ci > -1.38 MPa

Without bonded reinf.

0.60 f’ci 0.45f’c







F+MSustained+0.8MLL+IM (Service III Limit State)


Normal/ Moderate exposure


Corrosive exposure

0 U b d d tendon Unbonded d * Need to check all of these conditions (cannot select only one)

Allowable Stress in Prestressing Steel „

ACI and AASHTO code specify the allowable stress t in i the th prestressing t i steel t l att jacking j ki and d after ft transfer

Allowable Stress in Prestressing Steel „

ACI-318 ACI 318 (2002)

Allowable Stress in Prestressing Steel „


Allowable Stress in Prestressing Steel

Allowable Stress Design „

There are many factors affecting the stress in a prestressed girder ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰

„ „

For bridges, we generally has a preferred section type for a given range of span length and we can select a girder spacing to be within a reasonable range

The Section used ((dead load)) Girder Spacing (larger spacing Æ larger moment) Slab Thickness (larger spacing Æ thicker slab)

Stages of construction

Sections „


Prestressing Force (Fi or F) L Location off prestress tendon d (e0) ( 0) Section Property (A, Zt or Zb, kt or kb) External moment, which depends on „


Allowable Stress Design

AASHTO Type I-VI Sections

ft 50 75 100 150

m 15 23 30 46

Sections „

AASHTO Type I-VI Sections (continued)

Bridge Girder Sections

Bridge Girder Sections

Allowable Stress Design

Feasible Domain - Equations „



For a given section, we need to find the combination bi ti off prestressing t i fforce (Fi or F, F which hi h depends on the number of strands), and the location of strands (in terms of e0) to satisfy these equations Possible methods: ‰


Keep trying some number of strands and locations ((Trial & Error)) We use “Feasible Domain” Method

We can rewrite the stress inequality equations and add one more equation to them

No No.


Stress Inequality Equation



⎛1⎞ e0 ≤ k b + ⎜ ⎟ Mmin − σ ti Zt ⎝ Fi ⎠




⎛1⎞ e0 ≤ kt + ⎜ ⎟ Mmin + σ ci Zb ⎝ Fi ⎠





ServiceService Bottom


P Practical i l Li Limit i







⎛ 1⎞ e0 ≥ k b + ⎜ ⎟ Mmax − σ cs Zt ⎝F ⎠

⎛ 1⎞ e0 ≥ kt + ⎜ ⎟ Mmax + σ ts Zb ⎝F ⎠

e0 ≤ ( e0 )mp = y b − dc ,min = y b − 7.5 cm


Feasible Domain – Graphical Interpretation

Feasible Domain „




Envelope - Equations „


Envelope - Equations

We use the same equation as the feasible domain, except that we’ve already known the F or Fi and want to find e0 at different points along the beam

No No.

Case Initial-Top Initial-Bottom Service-Top p


ServiceService Bottom


P Practical i l Li Limit i

Feasible domain tells you the possible location and prestressing force at a given section to satisfy the stress inequality equation We usually use feasible domain to determine location and d prestressing i force f at the h most critical i i l section i (e.g. ( midspan of simply-supported beams) After we get the prestressing force at the critical section, section we need to find the location for the tendon at other points to satisfy stress inequalities We use the prestressing envelope to determine the g of the beam (tendon ( location of tendon alongg the length profile)

Stress Inequality Equation ⎛1⎞ e0 ≤ k b + ⎜ ⎟ Mmin − σ ti Zt ⎝ Fi ⎠


⎛1⎞ e0 ≤ kt + ⎜ ⎟ Mmin + σ ci Zb ⎝ Fi ⎠





⎛ 1⎞ e0 ≥ k b + ⎜ ⎟ Mmax − σ cs Zt ⎝F ⎠


⎛ 1⎞ e0 ≥ kt + ⎜ ⎟ Mmax + σ ts Zb ⎝F ⎠


We then have 5 main equations ‰


I & II provide the lower bound of e0 (use minimum of the two) III and d IV provide id the th upper bound b d off e0 (use ( maximum i of the two) „



e0 ≤ ( e0 )mp = y b − dc ,min = y b − 7.5 cm

„ „




IIIa uses F+MSustained III IIIb uses 0.5(F+MSustained)+MLL+IM IIIc uses F+MSustained+MLL+IM IV uses F+MSustained+0.8MLL+IM

V is a practical limit of the e0 (it is also the absolute lower bound)

Envelope & Tendon Profile

Envelope & Tendon Profile

Envelope & Tendon Profile

Envelope & Tendon Profile


Note ‰


The tendon Th d profile f l off pretensioned d members b are either straight or consisting of straight segments The tendon profile of posttensioned member may be g tendon or smooth curved, but no sharpp one straight corners



There is an alternative to draping the strands in pretensioned t i d member b We pput pplastic sleeves around some strands at supports to prevent the bond transfer so the prestress force will be less at that section

Load – Deflection – Concrete Stress

Part II: Ultimate Strength g Design g Concrete and Prestressing Steel Stresses Cracking Moment Failure Types A l i ffor Mn – Rectangular Analysis R t l Section S ti T-Section A l i ffor Mn – TAnalysis T Section S i

Load - Deflection „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

1 & 2: Theoretical camber (upward deflection) of prestressed beam 3: Self weight + Prestressing force 4: Zero deflection ppoint (Balanced ( ppoint)) with uniform stress across section 5: Decompression point where tension is zero at the b bottom fiber fb 6: Cracking point where cracking moment is reached 7: End of elastic range (the service load will not be larger than this) 8 Yielding 8: Yi ldi off prestressing i steell 9: Ultimate strength (usually by crushing of concrete)

Prestressing Steel Stress

Prestressing Steel Stress „





Cracking Moment

The pprestressingg steel stress increases as the load increases Crackingg of beam causes a jump j p in stress as additional tension force is transferred from concrete (now cracked) to prestressing steel At ultimate of prestressed concrete beam, the stress in g fpy and steel is somewhere between yyield strength ultimate strength fpu Stress is lower for unbonded tendon because stress is distributed throughout the length of the beam instead of just one section as in the case of bonded tendon At ultimate, the effect of prestressing is lost and the section behaves jjust like an RC beam

Cracking Moment „


F Feo Mcr F ⎛ eo + − = ⎜1− Ac Zb Zb Ac ⎝ kt

Concrete cracks when bottom fiber reaches the tensile capacity (modulus of rupture)

fr = -0.63 (f’c)0.5 MPa (

Failure Types

The moment at this stage is called “cracking moment” which depends on the geometry of the section and prestressing force σb =


⎞ Mcr = fr ⎟− ⎠ Zb




Solve the above equation to get Mcr

Mcr = F (eo − kt ) − fr Zb Note: Need to input fr and kt as negative values !!!


This is similar to RC Fracture of steel after concrete cracking. This is a sudden failure and occurred because the beam has too little reinforcement Crushing of concrete after some yielding of steel. This is called tension tension-controlled. controlled. Crushing of concrete before yielding of steel. This is a brittle failure due to too much reinforcement. reinforcement It is called overreinforced or compression-controlled.

Failure Types

Analysis for Ultimate Moment Capacity „

Analysis assumptions ‰


‰ ‰ ‰

Analysis for Ultimate Moment Capacity „

Recall from RC Design that the followings must b satisfy be ti f att allll times ti no matter tt what h t happens: h

Analysis for Ultimate Moment Capacity „

For equilibrium, there are commonly 4 forces ‰ ‰



‰ ‰


Compression in concrete C Compression p in Nonprestressed p reinforcement Tension in Nonprestressed reinforcement Tension in Prestressed reinforcement



Plane section remains plane Pl l after f bending b d (linear (l strain distribution) Perfect bond between steel and concrete (strain p y) compatibility) Concrete fails when the strain is equal to 0.003 Tensile strength stren th off concrete c ncrete is neglected ne lected at ultimate ltimate Use rectangular stress block to approximate concrete stress distribution

They also hold in Prestressed Concrete!

For concrete compression, we still use the ACI’s rectangular stress block

Rectangular Stress Block

Rectangular Stress Block 0.85 f 'c ≤ 28 MPa ⎧ ⎪ ⎛ f ' − 28 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎪ β1 = ⎨0.85 − 0.05 ⎜ c ⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎟ 28 ≤ f 'c ≤ 56 MPa 7 ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎪ f 'c ≥ 56 MPa 0.65 ⎩⎪

β1 is equal to 0.85 0 85 for f ’c < 28 MPa It decreases 0.05 for everyy 7 MPa increases in f ’c Until it reaches 0.65 at f ’c > 56 MPa

Analysis for Ultimate Moment Capacity „

For tension and compression in nonprestressed reinforcement, i f t we d do th the same thing thi as in i RC design: ‰


Assume that the steel yield first; i.e. Ts = Asfy or Cs = As’ffy’ Check the strain in reinforcement to see if they actually yield or not, not if not not, calculate the stress based on the strain at that level & revise the analysis to find new value of neutral axis depth, depth c Ts = Asfs = AsEsεs = AsEs· 0.003(c-d)/c

Analysis for Ultimate Moment Capacity „

For tension in prestressing steel steel, we observe that we cannot assume the behavior of prestressing steel (which is high strength steel) t l) tto bbe elasticl ti perfectly plastic as in the h case off steell reinforcement in RC

Analysis for Ultimate Moment Capacity „

„ „

At ultimate of prestressed concrete beam, the stress in steel is clearly not the yield strength but somewhere between yield strength fpy and ultimate strength fpu W called We ll d iit fps The true value of stress is difficult to calculate (generally requires nonlinear moment-curvature analysis) so we ggenerallyy estimate it usingg semi-empirical p formula ‰ ‰

Ultimate Stress in Steel: fps „ „

⎛ c fps = fpu ⎜ 1 − k ⎜ dp ⎝ ‰

ACI Æ Bonded Tendon or Unbonded Tendon AASHTO Æ Bonded Tendon or Unbonded Tendon „

Ultimate Stress in Steel: fps

AASHTO LRFD Specifications For Bonded tendon only ( (5 7 3 1 1) and for fpe 0 5fpu p > 0.5f p

⎞ ⎛ fpy ; k = 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1.04 − fppu ⎠ ⎝

⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠

Note: for ppreliminaryy design, g we mayy conservativelyy assume fps=fpy (

For Unbonded tendon, see

Analysis for Ultimate Moment Capacity „

„ „


Notes on Strain Compatibility The strain in top of concrete at ultimate is 0.003 We can use similar triangle to find the strains in concrete or reinforcingg steel at anyy levels from the topp strain We need to add the tensile strain due to prestressing (occurred before casting of concrete in pretensioned or before grouting in posttensioned) to the strain in concrete at that level to get the true strain of the prestressing steel

Resistance Factor φ

Maximum & Minimum Reinforcement „

M i Maximum Reinforcement R i f t (5 ( 7 3 3 1) ‰



The maximum of nonprestressed and prestressed reinforcement shall be such that c/de ≤ 0.42 c/de = ratio between neutral axis depth (c) and the centroid depth of the tensile force (de)

Minimum Reinforcement ( ‰

‰ ‰

The minimum Th i i off nonprestressed t d and d prestressed t d reinforcement shall be such that ØMn > 1.2M 1 2Mcr (Mcr = cracking ki moment), ) or ØMn > 1.33Mu (Mu from Strength Load Combinations)

R it Resistance Factor F t Ø Section Type

RC and PPC w/ PPR < 0.5

PPC with 0.5< PPR < 1

(PPR = 1.0)

Under-Reinforced Section c/de ≤ 0.42

0 90 0.90

0 90 0.90

1 00 1.00

Over-Reinforced O R i f d SSection ti c/de > 0.42

Nott N Permitted

0 70 0.70

0 70 0.70



Rectangular vs. vs T T-Section Section „



Most prestressed concrete p or Tbeams are either I-Shaped shaped (rarely rectangular) so they have larger compression flange If the neutral axis is in the flange we called it rectangular flange, section behavior. But if the g neutral axis is below the flange of the section, we call it Tsection behavior This has nothing to do with the overall shape of the section !!!


Note: if c/de > 0.42 the member is now considered a compression member and different resistance factor applies (see AASHTO does d es not n t permit ermit the use se off over-reinforced er reinf rced RC (defined as sections with PPC < 0.5) sections

Rectangular vs. vs T T-Section Section



If it is i a T-Section T S ti bbehavior, h i th there are now two t value l off widths, idth namely b (for the top flange), and bw (web width) We need to consider nonuniform width of rectangular stress block

Rectangular vs. vs T T-Section Section

T-Section T Section Analysis „

We divide the compression side into 2 parts ‰ ‰



Overhanging O h portion off flange fl (width ( d h = b-b b bw ) Web ppart (width ( = bw )

We generally assume that the section is rectangular first and check if the neutral axis depth (c) is above or below the flange thickness, thickness hf Note:ACI method checks a=ß1c with hf, which may give slightly li htl diff differentt result lt when h a < hf but b t c > hf

T-Section T Section Analysis

T-Section T Section Analysis

From equilibrium


0.85f 'c bw β1c + 0.85f 'c (b − bw )β1hf = Aps fps + As fy − As ' fy '

0.85f 'c bw β1c + 0.85f 'c (b − bw )β1hf = Aps fps + As fy − As ' fy '

For preliminary analysis, or first iteration, we may assume fps = fpy and solve for c


Aps fy + As fy − As ' fy '− 0.85f 'c (b − bw )β1hf 0 85f 'c bw β1 0.85

For a more detailed approach, we recall the equilibrium

⎛ ⎜ ⎝

Substitute fps = fpu ⎜ 1 − k


c dp

⎞ ⎟⎟ , Rearrange and solve for c ⎠

Aps fpu + As fy − As ' fy '− 0.85 0 85f 'c (b − bw )β1hf 0 85f 'c bw β1 + kAps fpu / d p 0.85

T-Section T Section Analysis „

T-Section T Section Analysis Flowchart

Moment Capacity (about a/2) a⎞ a⎞ a⎞ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ Mn = Aps fps ⎜ d p − ⎟ + As fy ⎜ ds − ⎟ − As ' fy ' ⎜ ds '− ⎟ 2⎠ 2⎠ 2⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ⎝ h ⎞ ⎛ +0.85 0 85f 'c (b − bw )β1hf ⎜ a − f ⎟ 2⎠ ⎝

T-Section T Section Analysis Flowchart

T Section T-Section „


In actual structures, the section is pperfect T or I shapes p there are some tapering flanges and fillets. Therefore, we need to idealized the true section to simplify the analysis. Little accuracy may be lost.

We need this for ultimate analysis only. We should use the true section property for the allowable stress analysis/ design


Part III: Composite p Beam



Composite generally means the use of two diff different t materials t i l iin a structural t t l elements l t Example: p Reinforced Concrete ‰

Typical Composite Section Composite p Section Properties p Actual, Effective, and Transformed Widths Allowable Stress Design Stress Inequality Equation, Feasible Domain, and Envelope Cracking Moment Ul i Ultimate M Moment C Capacity i

Composite Beam „

In the context of bridge design, the word composite it bbeam means the th use off ttwo diff differentt materials between the beam and the slab ‰

Steel Beam + Concrete Slab „ „


Steel beam carries tension Concrete in slab carries compression

Prestressed Concrete Beam (high-strength (high strength concrete) + Concrete Slab (normal-strength concrete) „ „

Prestressed P d Concrete C beam b carries i tension i Concrete in slab carries compression



Concrete – carry compression St l R Steel Reinforcement i f t – carry tension t i

Example: p Carbon Fiber Composite p ‰ ‰

Carbon Fiber – carry tension E Epoxy Resin Matrix Matri – hold h ld the fibers in place lace

Typical Composite Sections

Typical Composite Sections „

Slab may be cast: ‰


Why Composite? „

EEntirely l cast-in-place l with removable formwork Using precast panel as a formwork formwork, the pour the concrete topping

There are some benefits of using precast elements l t ‰ ‰ ‰


There are some benefits of putting the composite slab ‰ ‰

Particular Design Aspects „


There are 3 more things we need to consider specially for composite section (on top of stuffs we need to consider for noncomposite sections) T Transformation f i off SSection i ‰ ‰


Loadingg Stages g ‰ ‰


Actual width vs. Effective width vs. Transformed width Composite Section Properties Allowable Stress Design SShored o vs. U Unshored s o Beams a s

Horizontal Shear Transfer

Save Time Better Quality Control Cheaper

Provide continuity between elements Quality control is not that important in slabs

Composite Section Properties „

There are 3 value of widths we will use: ‰

‰ ‰

Actuall width A d h off the h composite section (b): (b) This Th is equal to the girder spacing Effective width of the composite section (be) Transformed width of the composite section (btr)

Composite Section Properties „

Effective Width ‰



Composite Section Properties „

The stress distribution across the width are not uniform – the farther it is from the center, the lesser the stress. To simplify the analysis, we assume an effective width where the stress are constant throughout We also assume the effective width to be constant along the span.

Effective Width (AASHTO LRFD -

boverhang ⎧ b b 'w = max ⎨ w ⎩bf / 2

Exterior Girder

Exterior Beam


Composite Section Properties „

‰ ‰

Typically the concrete used for slab has lower strength than h concrete used d for f precast section i Lower strength Æ Lower modulus of elasticity Thus, we need to use the concept of transformed section to transform the slab material to the precast material

btr = be nc = be


≅ be

Modular Ratio, usually < 1.0

f 'c ,CIPC f 'c ,PPC

⎧b 'w / 2 + 6ts ⎪ = + min ⎨ boverhang 2 ⎪ L/8 ⎩ be,int


Transformed Width


bw Interior Girder

Interior Beam

⎧b 'w + 12ts ⎪ be = min ⎨ s ⎪ L/4 ⎩

Composite Section Properties

Transformed Width ‰

s be



Composite Section Properties „

Composite Section Properties

Summary of steps for Width calculations

Actual Width b Equals to girder p g spacing

Effective Width be Accounts for nonuniform stress distribution


Composite CrossSectiona Area: Acc

Precast Cross CrossSectiona Area: Ac

ytc ((abs) b)

yt (abs)

yy’tc (abs)



‰ ‰

„ dpc

Most of the theories learned previously for the noncomposite it section ti still till hold h ld but b t with ith some modifications We will discuss two design limit states ‰ ‰


Precast vs. Composite




ybc (abs)

yb (abs)


Acc = Ac + tsbtr ytc, ytb Igc Ztc, Zbc dpc

Design of Composite Section

c.g. p Composite c.g. Precast

h (abs)


Transformed Width btr Accounts for dissimilar material properties

Composite Section Properties

After we get the transformed section, we can th calculate then l l t other th section ti properties ti

Allowable All bl St Stress D Design i Ultimate Strength Design

Allowable Stress Design - Composite „ „ „ „

OUTLINE Shored vs. Unshored Stress Inequality Equation Feasible Domain & Envelope

Allowable Stress Design - Composite „


In allowable stress design, we need to consider two loading stages as pprevious; however, the initial moment ((immediatelyy after transfer) is resisted by the precast section whereas the service moment (after the bridge is finished) is resisted by the composite section (precast section and slab acting together as one member) We need to consider two cases of composite construction methods: h d ‰


Shored vs vs. Unshored

Shored – beam is supported by temporary falsework when the slab is cast The falsework is removed when the slab hardens cast. hardens. Unshored – beam is not supported when the slab is cast.

Shored vs vs. Unshored „


Moments resisted by the precast and composite sections are different in the two cases Fully Shored ‰ ‰


Precast: Girder Weight Composite: Slab Weight, Superimposed Loads (such as asphalt ) and Live Load surface),

Unshored ‰ ‰

Precast: Girder Weight and Slab Weight Composite: Superimposed Loads (such as asphalt surface), and Live Load

Shored vs vs. Unshored „ „

FULLY SHORED Consider, as example, the top of precast beam σt =

Shored vs vs. Unshored

Top of precast, not top of composite i

„ „

F Feo (MGirder ) (MSlab + MSD + MLL +IM )y 'tc − + + ≤ σ cs Ac Zt Zt Igc

σt =

Shored vs vs. Unshored „

UNSHORED Consider, as example, the top of precast beam F Feo (MGirder + MSlab ) (MSD + MLL +IM )y 'tc − + + ≤ σ cs Ac Zt Zt Igc

Stress Inequality Equations

From both case we can rewrite the stress equation q as:

Case σt = „

Mp = Moment resisted by the precast section (use Zt, Zb) ‰ ‰


F Feo (MP ) (MC ) − + + ≤ σ cs Ac Zt Zt Z 'tc

Fully Shored: Mp = Mgirder Unshored: Mp = Mgirder + Mslab

Mc = M Moment resisted i d bby the h composite i section i ((use Z’tc, Zbc) ‰ ‰

Fully Shored: Mc = Mslab + MSD + MLL+IM Unshored: Mc = MSD + MLL+IM




I ii lB Initial-Bottom

III Service-Top ! IV Service-Bottom VI Service-Top Slab


We can also write similar equation for stress at the bottom of composite beam

Top p of precast, p not top of composite

Stress Inequality Equation σt =

Fi Fi eo Mmin Fi ⎛ eo ⎞ Mmin − + = ≥ σ ti ⎜1− ⎟ + Ac Zt Zt Ac ⎝ kb ⎠ Zt

σb =

Fi Fi eo Mmin Fi ⎛ eo ⎞ Mmin + − = ≤ σ ci ⎜1− ⎟ − Ac Zb Zb Ac ⎝ k t ⎠ Zb

σt =

F Feo M p Mc F ⎛ eo ⎞ M p Mc − + + = + ≤ σ cs ⎜1− ⎟ + Ac Zt Zt Ztc Ac ⎝ k b ⎠ Zt Z 'tc

σb =

F Feo M p Mc F ⎛ eo + − − = ⎜1 − Ac Zb Zb Zbc Ac ⎝ kt

σ t ,slab =

⎞ M p Mc − ≥ σ ts ⎟− ⎠ Zb Zbc

Mc M E nc = c c ,CIPC ≤ σ cs,Slab Ztc Ztc Ec ,PPC

Stress at the top of the slab must also be less than the allowable compressive stress

Feasible Domain & Envelope

Top of precast

We can rewrite the stress equations and add practical limit equation


No. I


Stress Inequality Equation

Initial-Top p


Initial Bottom Initial-Bottom


S Service-Top T

⎛1⎞ e0 ≤ k b + ⎜ ⎟ Mmin − σ ti Zt ⎝ Fi ⎠ ⎛1⎞ e0 ≤ kt + ⎜ ⎟ Mmin + σ ci Zb ⎝ Fi ⎠ ⎞ Z ⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ e0 ≥ k b + ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ M p + Mc t − σ cs Zt ⎟ Z 'tc ⎝ F ⎠⎝ ⎠







⎞ Z ⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ e0 ≥ kt + ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ M p + Mc b + σ ts Zb ⎟ Zbc ⎝ F ⎠⎝ ⎠


Practical Limit

e0 ≤ ( e0 )mp = y b − dc ,min


Service-Top Slab

σ t ,slab =

„ „




F Feo M p ΔMcr F ⎛ eo + − − = ⎜1− Ac Zb Zb Zbc Ac ⎝ kt

ΔMcr =

⎞ M p ΔMcr − ≥ σ ts ⎟− Z Z b bc ⎠

Zbc ⎡F (eo − kt ) − M p ⎤⎦ − fr Zbc Zb ⎣

Mcr = ΔMcr + M p

σb =

F Feo Mcr F ⎛ eo ⎞ Mcr + − = = fr ⎜1− ⎟ − Ac Zb Zb Ac ⎝ k t ⎠ Zb

Mcr = F (eo − kt ) − fr Zb

Ultimate Strength Design - Composite „

Cracking C k occurs in the h composite section We find ∆Mcr ((moment in addition to Mp) σb =

Cracking occurs in the precast section The equation is the same as noncomposite section

Mc M E nc = c c ,CIPC ≤ σ cs,Slab Ztc Ztc Ec ,PPC

II. Cracking moment is greater Mp ‰

We consider 2 cases 1. Cracking moment is less than Mp ‰

Cracking Moment - Composite „

Cracking Moment - Composite

Ultimate strength of composite section follows similar procedure to the T-section. T-section Some analysis tips are: ‰


When the neutral axis is in the slab, we can use a composite Tsection with flange width equals to Effective Width and using ff’c of the slab When the neutral axis is in the precast section section, we may use a Transformed Section and f’c of the precast section - This is an pp value but the errors to the ultimate moment approximate capacity is small.

Shear Transfer Mechanisms

Shear Transfer „

To get the p composite behavior, it is very important that the slab and girder must not slip past each other



The key parameter that determines whether these two parts will slip past each other or not is the shear strength at the interface of slab and girder This interfacial shear strength comes from: ‰ ‰

Shear Transfer – Cohesion & Friction

Shear Transfer - Formula „


Cohesion is the chemical bonding of the two materials. It depends on the cohesion factor ((c)) and the contact area. The ggreater the area, the larger the cohesion force.

Friction (F = μN) Cohesion


AASHTO LRFD (5.8.4) The nominal shear resistance at the interface between two concretes cast at different times is taken as: Friction Factor


Friction is due to the roughness of the surface. It depends on the friction factor or coefficient of friction (μ) and the normal force (N). To increase friction, we either make the surface rougher (increase μ) or increase the normal force.

Area of Concrete Transfering Shear Cohesion

Area of shear reinforcement crossing the shear plane Compressive force normal to shear plane

⎧≤ 0.2f 'c Acv Vnh = cAcv + μ( Avf fy + Pc ) ⎨ 5 5 Acv ⎩ ≤ 5.5 COHESION FRICTION


Vhu ΦVhn =ΦμN

Shear Transfer – Cohesion & Friction „

Shear Transfer – Cohesion & Friction „

AASHTO LRFD ( (5 8 4 2)

Minimum Shear Reinforcement „

For Vn/Acv > 0.7 MPa, the cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement crossing the interface per unit length of beam must not be less than

0.35bv Avf ≥ fy „ „ „

If less, then we cannot use any Avffy in the nominal shear strength The spacing of shear reinforcement must be ≤ 600 mm Possible reinforcements are: ‰ Single S l bbar ‰ ‰


Width of the interface (generally equals to the width of top flange of girder)

Stirrups (multiple legs) W ld d wire Welded i fabric f bi

Reinforcement must be anchored properly (bends, hooks, etc…)

The normal force in the friction formula comes from two parts ‰ Yielding of shear reinforcement „ If cracking k occurs at the h interface, there will be tension in the steel reinforcement crossing the interface. This tension force in steel is balanced b the by h compressive i force f in i concrete at that interface; thus, creating normal “clamping” clamping force. ‰ Permanent compressive force at the interface „ Dead Weight of the slab and wearing earin surface s rface (asphalt) (as halt) „ Cannot rely on Live Loads


N=Avf fy

Ultimate Shear Force at Interface „

There are two methods for calculating shear force per unit length at the interface ((the values mayy be different)) ‰

Using Classical Elastic Strength of Materials

Vuh =

( ΔVu ) Q Igc

Moment of Inertia of the composite section ‰

Factored shear force acting on the composite section only (SDL +LL+IM) Moment of Area above the shear plane about the centroid of composite section

Using Approximate Formula (C5.8.4.1-1)

Vuh =

Vu de

Total Factored vertical shear at the section Distance from centroid of tension p of the deck steel to mid-depth

Ultimate Shear Force at Interface „

The critical section for shear at the interface is generally the g section where vertical shear is the greatest ‰ ‰

Some Design Tips „

First critical section: h/2 from the face of support May calculate at some additional sections away from the support (which has lower shear) to reduce the shear reinforcement accordingly


Critical Section For Shear „

h h/2 „


Resistance Factor (Φ) for shear in normal weight concrete : 0.90

For T and Box Sections which cover the full girder spacing with thin concrete topping (usually about 50 mm), we may not need any shear reinforcement (need only surface roughening) g g) – need to check For I-Sections, we generally require some shear reinforcement at the interface We generally design the web shear reinforcement first (not taught), and extend that shear reinforcement through the interface. Then we check if that area is enough for horizontal shear transfer at the interface. ‰ ‰

Final Notes on Composite Behavior „


Composite C it section ti iis used d nott only l ffor prestressed t d concrete t sections, but also for steel sections. Benefits is that the slab helps resists compression and helps prevent lateral torsional buckling of the steel section, as well as local bucklingg at the compression p flange. g

If not, we need additional reinforcement If enough, then we do nothing

Final Notes on Composite Behavior „

The analysis concept is similar to that of prestressed concrete. There are also: ‰



Effective width and transformed section Shored and Unshored Construction Sh Shear Transfer T f att IInterface t f


Final Notes on Composite Behavior „

There are various ways to transfer shear at steel-concrete interface



Final Notes on Composite Behavior Shear Stud is one of the most common shear h connectors – it is welded to the top flange of steel girder


Final Notes on Composite Behavior

Part IV: Things I did not teach but you should be aware of !!! Shear Strength – MCFT Unbonded and External Prestressing Anchorage Reinforcement Camber and Deflection Prediction Detailed Calculation of Prestress Losses Steel Girder with Shear Stud

Shear „


Shear - MCFT

Traditionally, the shear design in AASHTO Standard Specification is similar to that of ACI, ACI which is empiricalbased Th axial The i l force f from f prestressing i reduces d the h principal i i l tensile stress and helps close the cracks; thus, increase shear h resistance.





Shear „

The shear resisting mechanism in concrete is very complex and we do not clearly understand how to predict it AASHTO LRFD (5.8.3) (5 8 3) uses new theory, theory called “modified compression field theory (MCFT)” Th actuall theory The h is very complicated l d but b somewhat h simplified procedure is used in the code This theory is for both PC and RC

Minimum Transverse Reinforcement

The nominal shear resistance is the sum of shear strength of concrete, concrete steel (stirrups) (stirrups), and shear force due to prestressing (vertical component)


Vn = Vc + Vs + Vp ≤ 0.25f 'c bv dv + Vp Vs =

Av fy dv cot θ s

Vc = 0.083 β f 'c bv dv

We need some transverse reinforcement when the ultimate shear force is greater than ½ of shear strength from concrete and prestressing force

Vu > φ0.5(Vc + Vp ) „

If we need it, it the minimum amount shall be

Av ≥ 0.083 0 083 f 'c

bv s fy

Minimum Transverse Reinforcement „

Maximum Spacing ‰

Unbonded or External Prestressing „

For vu