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Hans-Volker KARL C). Elk e GRóNING C"). Ca rs te n ..... An extensive list of Steneosaurus species was provided by KREBS (1962). Similar and closely related ...
ISSN: 0211- 8327

Stud ia Geo l óg ica Salma ntice ns ia, 41 (2) : pp, 187-201

FIRST REMAINS OF THE HEAD OF STENEOSAURUS (CROCODYLOMORPHA: TELEOSAURIDAE) FROM THE LATE JURASSIC OF OKER (LOWER SAXONY; GERMANY) {Prim eros res tos cefálicos de Ste neosaur us (Cro codylomorpba: Teleosa u rida e) del Jurásico Superior de Ok er (Baja Saj on ia, Alemania)¡

Ha ns-Volker KA RL C) Elk e GRóNING C") Ca rs te n BRAUCKMANN (**) Nils KN ÓTSCI-IKE (** *) CO} Geocenter of the Lnivers ity Go rtinge n. Op t. Geobi o logy . Go ldsc hmidtstrasse, 3.

0 -3707: G óttin ge n . Corre o-e : hka rl@uni-goett ingen .de o r hvkarl@web .de COO} Inst itute of Geology a nd Pa laeo ntology . Claustha l l'niversity of Techno logy.

Leibnizst rasse , 10 . 0-38 678 Clau st hal -Zellerfe lel . Corre o-e : Elke.G ro [email protected], Carsten.Brau [email protected] e COOO): Oin osaur Park Mün ch eh age n . Alte Zollstrasse , 5. 0-3 1547 Rehb urg- Loccum . Correo-e: palaeo_nils@bot mail.com

( F ECHA DI. R fCErCI ()~ :

200S-07-25) (FrcHA DI' BIBlID 10211-8327 (2008 ) 44 (2); IS7-20 1]

,' DMI>16 N:


RESUMEN: Se describen dos resto s cefálicos del cocod rilo marino Steneosaurus breuirostris Owen , 1842, del Jurásico Superior, p roveni entes del Kimme rielgie nse del monte Langenberg cer ca de la co munidad ele Oker, Baja Sajo nia, Alemani a. Se trata de fragme ntos de un rostrum y una mandíbul a infe rio r y represen tan el primer hallazgo de partes de la cabeza en es ta localidad . La compa ración co n materiales parecidos de Steneosa u rus jugleri CV. Meyer, 1845) y SI. picteti (De Tribol et , 1873) , casi con temporá neos, hace supo ne r qu e las últimas dos esp ec ies so n sinónimas co n Sto breuirostris. Palab ras clave: Croco d ylo mo rpha , Ne osuchia , Sten eosaurus breuirostris , J urásico Sup erio r, Kimme ridgie nse , O ker, Alemania noroccidental,


Edicion es Universida d de Salama nca

Stud . Ge o l. Salmant., 44 (2) . 200S: pp. 18" · 201


H .- V . K ARL, E . G Ró NING,


U M UCl~\L\ N N

& 1\. K NO ISLH KE

Firsr rernains 01' the head 01' Steneosaurus (Cro codyl om orpha: Teleosauridav) fro rn rhe Late j u rassic 0 1'O ke r (Lowe r Saxo ny, Germ an y)

ABSTRACT: Tw o rern ains o f th e head regio n o f the Late jurassic marine crocod ile Steneosaurus breuirostris O we n, 1842 are describ ed from the Kimrneridgian of the Langenberg near Oker, Low er Saxo ny, Gerrn any . They co ns ist of fragrnents of a ros trurn and a lower jaw (ma nd ible) anc1 represent the fírst record 01' parts of the hea d frorn this locality. A co mpariso n with similar materi a ls of th c near ly con temporary Sten eosaurus jugleri (V. Meye r, 184";) and SI. pi cteti (De Tribolet, 1873) suggest that the latte r two s pecies are syno ny mous with St. breuirostris. Key w ord s : Cro cody lomo rp ha , Neos uchia , Sten eosaurus breoirostris, Late ]urassic, Kimmeridgian , O ker, Lower Saxony, nort hwestern Germany.

INTRODUCTION As alrea dy documented by KARL et al. (200 6) in the ir compilatio n o n Late ] urassi c a nd Earl y Cretaceo us c ro co d iles fro m north w est e rn German y, Sten eosaurus rernai ns fro m tbe "Kimmeridge " of Oker (close to the nort hern slope of the Harz Mou ma ins in Lower Saxony/Ge rmany) we re pr eviously restricted to isolated tee th an d vertebrae . In the rneantime the p rospecting tea m of the "Dinosaur Park Mün ch e hagen" d isco vere d and prepared the first fragmentary ros trum and a part of the lo we r jaw (mand ible) which can be assigned to the species Steneosau rus breuirostris Owen, 1842.

GEOLOGICALAND STRATIGRAPHICAL SETTING The ge o logy and biostratigraph y as we ll as the histo ry of quarrying in tbe La nge nberg section have aJread y be en pubJ ish ed in detaiJ by KAnL et a l. (2006) . Therefore , he re we only need to repeat the most ímpo rtant data : The large quarry o f the "Rohs toffbetriebe Ok er Gmb H & Co " is sítuat ed at th e western slo pe of th e Langenberg, be tween Oker a nd Sch le wecke . Accordi rig to FlSCHER (99 1), it exposes a ne arly 200 m thick and large ly calcareou s to mariy Late ] uras sic seq ue nce wh ich reaches from the "Lower Coral Oolite" C'L'ntere r Korallen-Ool ith", highe r Ox fordian ; ap pro ximate ly Perispb inctes pumilis Zone) up to the "Uppe r Kimmeridge " (as tradi tionally used in Lower Saxony; = Lo we r Kimmeridgian of the British stratig rap hy , approx imate ly Aulacostepb anus autissiodo rus Zone). The ex act co rrela tion with the su bboreal standard zon at íon based 00 ammo noids (G RAMANN el al. , 1997) is fa r fro m clear beca u s e a m m onoids a re e x t re m ely ra re in the Lange nbe rg quarry. Acco rdin g to LOOK 0985: 393), the sed írne nts of the Lo w e r a n d Midd le Cora l Oo lite a re marin e ; u p sc c tion , sta rt ing w ith the tppe r Coral Oolite , enviro nm ents beca me mor e and mo re brackish (see figure 1) , During the "Kimm e ridge" the La ngen berg a re a was part uf a sha llow-w ate r ba si n ; the depositi o o al enví ro n rnent in thi s time -sp a n is interp re te d as a lago o n 0 1' bay. Th e detail e d stratig ra p hy is based o n microfossils (PAPE, 1970; ZIHRlL, 1990) .


Ed icio nes Univ ersidad de Salama nca

Stud . Geol. Salmant., 44 (2), 200S pp . 187-201

H .-V . KAIU., E. GH V N1NG , C. Bn.A U CK ~ I A 7\: 7\: & N . K-NOT SCHKE Firsr rcm ains of lhe: head of Sten eosa u rus (Croco d ylo rno rpha: Teleosa uridae) Irorn the

Late )urassic o f O k er ( Lo w er Saxo nv . Gerrna ny)


LltNl . tltt ltn Phll cht


Longenberg Quorry





LAYER 96 : Complete Plants


~ U





& N.



(Croc od yl ornorp ha: Tcl eo saur ídae) from rhe Late j urassic of O ker (Lower Saxon y, Germa ny ) Sre l1eO Sc/WlIS

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1841: 60-204. PAPE, H . ( 9 70 ) : Die M al m sehi ehtfol g e v o m Lan g en b e r g b e i Ok e r ( ri ord l. Harzvo rlan d). Mitt . Geol . Inst. Tecb n . Uniu. Ha nnouer , 9: 41-134. SANDER , P. M .; 1'vIATEUS, O .; LAVEN, T. & KNÓTSCHKE, N . (2006); Bo ne histo logy ind icates in sul ar dwarfism in a new Late j urassic sau ropod d ino sa ur. Na tu re, 44 1: 739-741. SELENKA, E. (867) : Di e fo ssile n Krokod iline ri eles K im m er id g e v on Hannover. Palaeontograp b ica . Beitr. Naturg. Vorw., 16 (3 . Li eferung): 137-144 , pls. 9-11. Cassel. STEEL, R. ( 973): Crocodylia. In: Encyclopedia 01 Palaeoberpetology (e dit. KLHN, O.). Gu stav Fisch er , Stu ttgart , Part 16: 1-16. STURM, H. & BRAUCKMANN, c. (999); SeJtene unel w en iger be kannte Fossilien aus c1em Mal m bei H ildeshei m . A rb . Palaont. Ha n n ouer, 27 (2) : 53-65. WESTPHAL, F. ( 961); Zur Systern atik der deutseben u nel eng li scbe n Lias-Krokod ili er . f\ '.

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:f Ediciones Un iversidad de Salamanca

Stud . GeoJ. Salm ant., 44 (2), 2008 pp. 187-201