to visually create simple rules to compose Web sites and data sources. We de- ..... care of notifying all the URI call-backs (or Web hooks) whenever a given condi- ...... iPhone application, a native API to Bluetooth did not exist at that time.
5 From the Internet of Things to the Web of Things: Resource Oriented Architecture and Best Practices 1
Dominique Guinard1,2, Vlad Trifa1,2, Friedemann Mattern1, Erik Wilde3 1
Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich
SAP Research, Zurich
School of Information, UC Berkeley
Abstract Creating networks of “smart things” found in the physical world (e.g., with RFID, wireless sensor and actuator networks, embedded devices) on a large scale has become the goal of a variety of recent research activities. Rather than exposing real-world data and functionality through vertical system designs, we propose to make them an integral part of the Web. As a result, smart things become easier to build upon. In such an architecture, popular Web technologies (e.g., HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, Ruby) can be used to build applications involving smart things, and users can leverage well-known Web mechanisms (e.g., browsing, searching, bookmarking, caching, linking) to interact with and share these devices. In this chapter, we describe the Web of Things (WoT) architecture and best practices based on the RESTful principles that have already contributed to the popular success, scalability, and evolvability of the Web. We discuss several prototypes using these principles, which connect environmental sensor nodes, energy monitoring systems, and RFID-tagged objects to the Web. We also show how Web-enabled smart things can be used in lightweight ad-hoc applications, called “physical mashups”, and discuss some of the remaining challenges towards the global World Wide Web of Things.
5.1 From the Internet of Things to the Web of Things As more and more devices are getting connected to the Internet, the next logical step is to use the World Wide Web and its associated technologies as a platform for smart things (i.e., sensor and actuator networks, embedded devices, electronic appliances and digitally enhanced everyday objects). Several years ago, in the 1
The original publication is available at published in the book: “Architecting the Internet of Things”, edited by M. Harrison, F. Michahelles and D. Uckelmann.
Cool Town project, Kindberg et al. (2002) proposed to link physical objects with Web pages containing information and associated services. Using infrared interfaces or bar codes on objects, users could retrieve the URI of the associated page simply by interacting with the object. Another way to use the Web for real-world objects is to incorporate smart things into a standardized Web service architecture (using standards, such as SOAP, WSDL, UDDI) (Guinard et al. 2010). In practice, this would often be too heavy and complex for simple objects. Instead of these heavyweight Web services (SOAP/WSDL, etc.), often referred to as WS-* technologies, recent “Web of Things” projects (Wilde 2007; Guinard et al. 2010c; Luckenbach et al. 2005; Stirbu 2008) have explored simple embedded Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) servers and Web 2.0 technology. In fact, recent embedded Web servers with advanced features (such as concurrent connections or server push for event notifications), can be implemented with only 8 KB of memory and no operating system support, thanks to efficient cross-layer TCP/HTTP optimizations, and can therefore run on tiny embedded systems, such as smart cards (Duquennoy et al. 2009). Since embedded Web servers in an Internet of Things generally have fewer resources than Web clients, such as browsers or mobile phones, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) has proven to be a good way of transferring some of the server workload to the client. So far, projects and initiatives, subsumed here under the umbrella term “Internet of Things”, have focused mainly on establishing connectivity in a variety of challenging and constrained networking environments. A promising next step is to build scalable interaction models on top of this basic network connectivity and thus focus on the application layer. In the Web of Things concept, smart things and their services are fully integrated in the Web by reusing and adapting technologies and patterns commonly used for traditional Web content. More precisely, tiny Web servers are embedded into smart things and the REST architectural style (Richardson and Ruby 2007; Fielding 2000) is applied to resources in the physical world (Guinard et al. 2010c; Luckenbach et al. 2005; Duquennoy et al. 2009; Hui and Culler 2008). The essence of REST is to focus on creating loosely coupled services on the Web, so that they can be easily reused. REST is the architectural style of the Web (implemented by URIs, HTTP, and standardized media types, such as HTML and Extensible Markup Language (XML) and uses URIs for identifying resources on the Web. It abstracts services in a uniform interface (HTTP’s methods) from their application-specific semantics and provides mechanisms for clients to select the best possible representations for interactions. This makes it an ideal candidate to build a “universal” architecture and Application Programming Interface (API) for smart things. As we will explain in this chapter, the services that smart things expose on the Web usually take the form of a structured XML document or a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object, which are directly machine-readable. These formats can be understood not only by machines, but are also reasonably accessible to people; provided meaningful markup elements and variable names are used and documentation is made available. They can also be
supplemented with semantic information using microformats, so that smart things can not only communicate on the Web, but also provide a user-friendly representation of themselves. This makes it possible to interact with them via Web browsers and thus explore the world of smart things with its many relationships (via links to other related things). Dynamically generated real-world data on smart objects can be displayed on such “representative” Web pages, and then processed with Web 2.0 tools. For example, things can be indexed like Web pages via their representations, users can “google” for them, and their URI can be emailed to friends or it can be bookmarked. The physical objects themselves can become active and publish blogs or inform each other using services, such as Twitter.2 The general idea is that the Web is being used as a decentralized information system for easily exposing new services and applications, made possible, directly or indirectly, by smart things. The Web-enablement of smart things delivers more flexibility and customization possibilities for end-users. As an example, tech-savvy end-users, at ease with new technologies, can easily build small applications on top of their appliances. Following the trend of Web 2.0 participatory services, in particular Web mashups (Zang et al. 2008), users can create applications mixing real-world devices, such as home appliances, with virtual services on the Web. This type of applications is often referred to as physical mashup (Wilde 2007, Guinard et al. 2010c). As an example, a music system could be connected to Facebook or Twitter in order to post the songs one mostly listens to. On the Web, this type of small, ad-hoc application is usually created through a mashup editor (e.g., Yahoo Pipes3), which is a Web platform that enables tech-saavy users (i.e., proficient users of technology) to visually create simple rules to compose Web sites and data sources. We describe how these principles and tools can also be applied to empower the user to create physical mashups on top of their things. In Section 2 and 3 we provide a “cookbook” describing the design steps towards embedding smart things into the Web. We also discuss a number of patterns and illustrate them via real prototypes that we have developed over the past few years. In Section 4, we use three concrete prototypes to exemplify how developers, domain-experts, and tech-savvy users can all benefit from a composable Web of Things. Finally, in Section 5 and 6 we discuss the remaining challenges towards implementing a World Wide Web of Things.
2 3
5.2 Designing RESTful Smart Things The “Web of Things” can be realized by applying principles of Web architecture, so that real-world objects and embedded devices can blend seamlessly into the Web. Instead of using the Web as a transport infrastructure – as done when using WS-* Web services – we aim at making devices an integral part of the Web and its infrastructure and tools by using HTTP as an application layer protocol. The main contribution of the “Web of Things” approach is to offer a foundation for the next step beyond basic network connectivity. We hope that the Web of Things can do for real-world resources what the Web did for information resources: basic connectivity was a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for the Internet to grow as spectacularly as it is still growing today; it was the architecture of the Web that allowed data and services to be shared in a way that was unheard of before, and that spurred the decentralized growth of what was made available on the Web. In this section, we describe the use of REST (Fielding 2000) as a universal interaction architecture, so that interactions with smart things can be built around universally supported methods (Pautasso and Wilde 2009). In the following, we provide a set of guidelines to Web-enable smart things and illustrate them with concrete examples of implemented prototypes. As case study, we describe how we Web-enabled a wireless sensor network (Sun SPOT4). These guidelines are based on the concepts of Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA), described by Richardson and Ruby (2007). Our main goal is to focus on how these concepts can be applied and adapted in order to apply to smart things.
5.2.1 Modeling Functionality as Linked Resources The central idea of REST revolves around the notion of a resource as any component of an application that is worth being uniquely identified and linked to. On the Web, the identification of resources relies on Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), and representations retrieved through resource interactions contain links to other resources, so that applications can follow links through an interconnected web of resources. Clients of RESTful services are supposed to follow these links, just like one browses Web pages, in order to find resources to interact with. This allows clients to “explore” a service simply by browsing it, and in many cases, services will use a variety of link types to establish different relationships between resources.
In the case of the Sun SPOT, each node has a few sensors (light, temperature, accelerometer, etc.), actuators (digital outputs, LEDs, etc.), and a number of internal components (radio, battery). Each of these components is modeled as a resource and assigned a URI. For instance, typing a URI such as http://.../sunspots/spot1/sensors/light in a browser requests a representation of the resource light of the resource sensors of spot1. Resources are primarily structured hierarchically and each resource also provides links back to its parent and forward to its children. As an example, the resource http://.../sunspots/spot1/sensors/ provides a list of links to all the sensors offered by spot1. This interlinking of resources that is established through both, resource links and hierarchical URI, is not strictly necessary, but well-designed URIs make it easier for developers to “understand” resource relationship and even allow non-link based “ad-hoc interactions”, such as “hacking” a URI by removing some structure and still expecting for it to work somehow.5 In a nutshell, the first step when Web-enabling a smart thing is to design its resource network. Identification of resources and their relationships are the two important aspects of this step.
5.2.2 Representing Resources Resources are abstract entities and are not bound to any particular representation. Thus, several formats can be used to represent a single resource. However, agreedupon resource representation formats make it much easier for a decentralized system of clients and servers to interact without the need for individual negotiations. On the Web, media type support in HTTP and the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) allow peers to cooperate without individual agreements. It further allows clients to navigate amongst the resources using hyperlinks. For machine-to-machine communication, other media types, such as the XML and the JSON have gained widespread support across services and client plat-
In some browsers this “URI hacking” is even part of the UI, where a “go up” function in the browser simply removes anything behind the last slash character in the current URI and expects that the Web site will serve a useful representation at that guessed URI.
forms. JSON is a lightweight alternative to XML that is widely used in Web 2.0 applications.6 In the case of smart things, we suggest support for at least an HTML representation to ensure browsability by humans. Note that since HTML is a rather verbose format, it might not be directly served by the things themselves, but by intermediate proxies, as described in Section 0. For machine-to-machine communications, we suggest using JSON. Since JSON is a more lightweight format compared to XML, we believe that it is better adapted to devices with limited capabilities such as smart things. Furthermore, it can directly be parsed to JavaScript objects. This makes it an ideal candidate for integration into Web mashups. In the Sun SPOT example, each resource provides both, an HTML and a JSON representation. As an example, the listing in Figure 5.1a shows the JSON representation of the temperature resource of a Sun SPOT and Figure 5.1b shows the same resource represented as an HTML page with links to parents, subresources, and related resources. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
{"resource": {"methods":["GET"], "name":"Temperature", "children":[], "content": [{"description":"Current Temperature", "name":"Current Ambient Temperature", "value":"27.75"}]}}
Fig. 5.1a JSON Representation of the Temperature Resource of a Sun SPOT
Fig. 5.1b HTML Representation (Rendered by a Browser) of the Temperature Resource of a Sun SPOT Containing Links to Parent and Related Resources
5.2.3 Servicing Through a Uniform Interface In REST, interacting with resources and retrieving their representations all happens through a uniform interface which specifies a service contract between the clients and servers. The uniform interface is based on the identification (and thus interaction) of resources, and in case of the Web, this interface is defined by the HTTP. We concentrate on three particular parts of this interface: operations, content-negotiation, and status codes. Operations HTTP provides four main methods to interact with resources, often also referred to as “verbs”: GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. GET is used to retrieve the representation of a resource. PUT is used to update the state of an existing resource or to create a resource by providing its identifier. POST creates a new resource without specifying any identifier. DELETE is used to remove (or “unbind”) a resource. In the Web of Things, these operations map rather naturally, since smart things usually offer quite simple and atomic operations. As an example, a GET on http://.../spot1/sensors/temperature returns the temperature observed by spot1, i.e., it retrieves the current representation of the temperature resource. A PUT on
http://.../sunspots/spot1/actuators/leds/1 with the updated JSON representation {”status”:”on”} (which was first retrieved with a GET on /leds/1) switches on the first LED of the Sun SPOT, i.e., it updates the state of the LED resource. A POST on http://.../spot1/sensors/temperature/rules with a JSON representation of the rule as {“threshold”:35} encapsulated in the HTTP body, creates a rule that will notify the caller whenever the temperature is higher than 35 degrees, i.e., it creates a new rule resource without explicitly providing an identifier. Finally, a DELETE on http://.../spot is used to shutdown the node, or a DELETE on http://.../spot1/sensors/temperature/rules/1 is used to remove rule number 1. Additionally, another less-known verb is specified in HTTP and implemented by most Web servers: OPTIONS can be used to retrieve the operations that are allowed on a resource. In a programmable Web of Things, this feature is quite useful, since it allows applications to find out at runtime what operations are allowed for any URI. As an example, an OPTIONS request on http://.../sunspots/spot1/sensors/tilt returns GET, OPTIONS. Content Negotiation HTTP also specifies a mechanism for clients and servers to communicate about the requested and provided representations for any given resource; this mechanism is called content negotiation. Since content negotiation is built into the uniform interface of HTTP, clients and servers have agreed-upon ways in which they can exchange information about requested and available resource representations, and the negotiation allows clients and servers to choose the best representation for a given scenario. A typical content-negotiation for the Sun SPOTs looks as follows. The client begins with a GET request on
http://.../spot1/sensors/temperature/rules It also sets the Accept header of the HTTP request to a weighted list of media types it understands, for example to: application/json;q=1, application/xml;q=0.5. The server then tries to serve the best possible format it knows about and specifies it in the Content-Type of the HTTP response. In our case, the Sun SPOT cannot offer XML and would thus return a JSON representation and set the HTTP header Content-Type: application/json. Status Codes Finally, the status of a response is represented by standardized status codes sent back as part of the header in the HTTP message. There exist several dozens of codes which each have well-known meaning for HTTP clients. In a Web of Things, this is very valuable since it gives us a lightweight but yet powerful way of notifying abnormal requests execution. As an example, a POST request on http://.../sunspots/spot1/sensors/acceleration returns a 405 status code that the client has to interpret as the notification that “the method specified in the request is not allowed for the resource identified by the request URI.”
5.2.4 Syndicating Things Many applications for smart things require to syndicate information about objects or collections of objects. With Atom, the Web has a standardized and RESTful model for interacting with collections, and the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) extends Atom's read-only interactions with methods for write access to collections. Because Atom is RESTful, interactions with Atom feeds can be based on simple GET operations which can then be cached. Atom enables decoupled scenarios by allowing clients to monitor smart things by subscribing to feeds and polling a feed on a remote server, instead of directly polling data from each device. We implemented this model for the Sun SPOTs, since it fits the interaction model of sensor networks. Thus, the nodes can be controlled (e.g., turning LEDs on, enabling the digital outputs, etc.) using synchronous HTTP calls (client pull) as explained before, but can also be monitored by subscribing to feeds (node push). For example, a subscription to a feed can be done by creating a new “rule” on a sensor resource and POSTing a threshold (e.g., > 100).
http://.../sunspots/spot1/sensors/light/rules In response, the Sun SPOT returns a URI to an Atom feed. Every time the threshold is reached, the node pushes a JSON message to the Atom server using AtomPub. This allows for thousands of clients to monitor a single sensor by outsourcing the processing onto an intermediate, more powerful server.
5.2.5 Things Calling Back: Web Hooks While Atom allows asynchronous communication between clients and smart things, clients still need to pull the feed server on a regular basis to get data. In addition to being inefficient in terms of communications, this might be problematic for scenarios where the focus is on monitoring. This is often the case with applications communicating with wireless sensor networks. For those applications, we suggest supporting HTTP callbacks, sometimes called Web hooks.7 Web hooks are a mechanism for clients and applications that want to receive notifications from other Web sites using user-defined callbacks over HTTP. Users can specify a callback URI where the application will POST data to once an event occurs. This mechanism has been used by the PayPal service which allows you to specify a URI to be triggered by the service once payment has been accepted. As an example, let us consider again the case of creating a new rule on a Sun SPOT: http://.../sunspots/spot1/sensors/light/rules Now, alongside with the rule, the client POSTs a URI on which it will listen for incoming messages. Every time the threshold is reached, the node (or an intermediate) will push a JSON message to the given URI(s). Using Web hooks is a first step towards bi-directional, real-time interaction with smart things. However, this model has a number of limitations as it requires from clients to have a public URI where data can be posted to, which is rarely the case when clients are behind a firewall. We will discuss further solutions in Section 0.
5.3 Web-enabling Constrained Devices Although Web servers are likely to be embedded into more and more devices, we cannot assume that every smart device will directly offer a RESTful interface. In some cases, it makes sense to hide the platform-dependent protocol to access the resources of a particular device, and to expose them as RESTful service provided by a gateway. The actual interactions behind that RESTful service are invisible and often will include specialized protocols for the specific implementation scenario. REST defines the notion of intermediaries as a core part of the architectural style, and therefore such a design can easily be achieved by implementing the RESTful service on intermediaries. By using either proxies or reverse proxies, it is furthermore possible to establish such an intermediary from the client or from the server side, effectively introducing a robust pattern for wrapping non-RESTful services in RESTful abstractions. In practice, two solutions are possible: Web connectivity directly on the smart things, or indirectly through a proxy. Previous work has shown that serving content using Web servers on resource-constrained devices is feasible (Duquennoy et al. 2009). Also, in the foreseeable future, most embedded platforms will have native support for TCP/IP connectivity (in particular with 6LowPAN (Hui and Culler 2008), therefore, a Web server on most devices is a reasonable assumption. This approach is sometimes desirable, as there is no need to translate HTTP requests from Web clients into the appropriate protocol for the different devices, and thus devices can be directly integrated and make their RESTful APIs directly accessible on the Web, as shown in the right part of Figure 5.2.
Fig. 5.1 Web and Internet Integration with Smart Gateways and Direct Integration
However, when an on-board HTTP server is not possible or not desirable, Web integration takes place using a reverse proxy that bridges devices that are not directly accessible as Web resources. We call such as proxy a Smart Gateway (Trifa et al. 2009) to account for the fact that it is a network component that does more than only data forwarding. A Smart Gateway is a Web server that hides the actual communication between networked devices (e.g., Bluetooth or Zigbee) and the clients through the use of dedicated drivers behind a RESTful service. From the Web clients' perspective, the actual Web-enabling process is fully transparent, as interactions are HTTP in both cases. As an example, consider a request to a sensor node coming from the Web through the RESTful service. The gateway maps this request to a request into the proprietary API of the node and transmits it using the communication protocol understood by the sensor node. A Smart Gateway can support several types of devices through a driver architecture, as shown in Figure 5.3, where the gateway supports three types of devices and their corresponding communication protocols. Ideally, gateways should have a small memory footprint to be integrated into embedded computers already present in network infrastructures, such as wireless routers, set-top boxes, or Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices. Aside from connecting limited devices to the Web, a Smart Gateway can also provide more complex functions to devices such as orchestration and composition
of several low-level services, offered by various devices into higher-level services available through the RESTful service. For example, if an embedded device measures the energy consumption of appliances, the Smart Gateway could provide a service that returns the total energy consumption as a sum of the data collected by all the devices connected to the gateway. Additionally, a gateway could take care of notifying all the URI call-backs (or Web hooks) whenever a given condition is met.
5.3.1 Example: A Smart Gateway for Smart Meters A prototype for a smart meter infrastructure illustrates the application of the WoT architecture and the concept of Smart Gateways for monitoring and controlling the energy consumption of households. We used intelligent power sockets, called Plogg8, which can measure the electricity consumption of the appliance plugged into them. Each Plogg is also a wireless sensor node that communicates over Bluetooth or Zigbee. However, the integration interface offered by the Ploggs is proprietary, which makes the development of applications using Ploggs rather tedious, and does not allow for easy Web integration.
Fig. 5.2 Appliances Attached to Ploggs Power Outlets Which Communicate with a Smart Gateway Offering the Ploggs’ Functionalities as RESTful Web Services
The Web-oriented architecture we have implemented using the Ploggs is based on five main layers as shown in Fig. 5.2. The Device Layer is composed of appliances we want to monitor and control through the system. In the Sensing Layer, each of these appliances is then plugged into a Plogg sensor node. In the Gateway Layer, the Ploggs are discovered and managed by a Smart Gateway as described before. In the Mashup layer the Ploggs’ services are composed together to create an energy monitoring and control application, using Web scripting languages or composition tools. Finally, this application is made available through a Web User Interface in a Web browser (e.g., on a mobile phone, a desktop computer, a tablet PC, etc.) The Smart Gateway in this example is a C++ application running on an embedded machine, whose role is to automatically find all the Ploggs in the environment and make them available as Web resources. The gateway first periodically looks for the Ploggs in the area by scanning the environment for Bluetooth devices. The
next step is to expose them as RESTful resources. A small footprint Web server (Mongoose9) is used to enable access to the Ploggs' functionalities over the Web, simply by mapping URIs to the various requests of the native Plogg Bluetooth API. In addition to discovering the Ploggs and mapping their functionalities to URIs, the Smart Gateway has two other important features. First, it offers local aggregates of device-level services. For example, the gateway offers a service that returns the combined electricity consumption of all the Ploggs found at any given time. The second feature is that the gateway can represent resources in various formats. By default an HTML page with links to the resources, is returned, this ensures browsability. Using this representation the user can literally “browse“ with any Web client the structure of smart meters to identify the one he or she wants to use and directly test the Ploggs by clicking on links (e.g., for the HTTP GET method) or filling forms (e.g., for the POST method). Alternatively, the Smart Gateway can also represent results of resources like JSON, to ease the integration with other Web applications. To illustrate the concept from a client point of view, let us briefly describe an example of interaction between a client application (e.g., written in Ajax) and the Ploggs' RESTful Smart Gateway. First, the client contacts the root URI of the application http://.../EnergieVisible/SmartMeters/ with the GET method. The server responds with the list of all the smart meters connected to the gateway. Afterwards, the client selects from that list the device it wants to interact with identified by a URI http://.../EnergieVisible/SmartMeters/RoomLamp alongside with the format it wants to get back (using HTTP content negotiation, see Section 5.2.3). By issuing a GET request on this resource with the Accept header set to application/json;q=1, it gets back a JSON representation as shown in Figure 5.4 below. In the response message of this listing, the client finds energy consumption data (e.g., current consumption, global consumption, etc.) as well as hyperlinks to related resources. Using these links, the client can discover other related “services“.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
GET /EnergieVisible/SmartMeters/RoomLamp [...] HTTP/1.x 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { “deviceName”: “RoomLamp”, “currentWatts”: 60.52, “KWh”: 40.3, “maxWattage”: 80.56 “links”: [{“aggregate”: “../all”}, {“load”: “../load”}, {“status”: “/status”}] }, {...}]
Fig. 5.4 JSON Representation of a Plogg connected to a Lamp
As an example, by contacting http://.../RoomLamp/status with the standard OPTIONS method, the client gets back a list of the methods allowed on the status resource (e.g., Allow: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT). By sending the PUT method to this URI alongside with the representation (e.g., JSON) {“statu”:”off”}, the appliance plugged into the Plogg is turned off. The Web-enabling of the Ploggs through a Smart Gateway allows building fully Web-based energy monitoring applications. It also enables simple interactions, such as bookmarking connected appliances, and control or monitor them from any device (e.g., a mobile phone, an embedded computer, a wireless sensor node, etc.), offering a standard Web browser or understanding the HTTP protocol.
5.4 Physical Mashups: Recomposing the Physical World In this section, we illustrate how the Web of Things concepts and architecture facilitates the creation of mashups in the physical world. A Web mashup is an application that takes several Web resources and uses them to create a new application. Unlike traditional forms of integration, mashups focus mainly on opportunistic integration occurring on the Web for an end-user's personal use and generally for non-critical applications (Yu et al. 2008). They are usually created ad-hoc, using lightweight and well-known Web technologies, such as JavaScript and HTML, and contribute to serving short terms needs. As an example, a mashup can be
created to display, on Google Maps, the location of all the pictures posted to Flickr.10 By extending the mashup concept to physical objects and applying RESTful patterns to smart things, we allow their seamless integration into the Web, thus enabling a new range of applications based on this unified view of a Web of information resources and physical objects. We call this concept “physical mashup”, because it is directly inspired from Web 2.0 mashups. In this section, we present three mashups representing three different use cases. In the first prototype, we create an energy monitoring and control system based on the Ploggs Smart Gateway. In the second, we show how domain experts (e.g., product managers, marketing executives, etc.) can leverage such tools to build a business intelligence platform suited to their business needs. In the last example, we show how end-users could use a visual physical mashup editor to dynamically “configure” their home appliances.
5.4.1 Energy Aware Mashup: “Energie Visible”
Fig. 5.5 The Web-Based User Interface for Monitoring and Controlling the Ploggs
In this first example, we create a mashup to help households to understand their energy consumption and to be able to remotely monitor and control it. 10
The idea of the “Energie Visible”11 project is to offer a Web dashboard that enables people to visualize and control the energy consumption of their household appliances. The dashboard is shown in Fig. 5.5 and provides six real-time interactive graphs. The four graphs on the right side provide detailed information about the current electricity consumption of all the detected Ploggs. Thanks to the Ploggs Smart Gateway described before, the dashboard can be implemented using any Web scripting language or tool (PHP, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, etc.). The Energie visible application was built using Google Web Toolkit (GWT)12, which is a platform for developing JavaScript Web applications in Java, and provides a large number of easily customizable widgets. To display the current energy consumption in real time, the application simply sends HTTP GET requests to the gateway http://.../EnergieVisible/SmartMeters/all.json on a regular basis or subscribes to this resource using Web hooks. The resulting feed entry is then dispatched to the corresponding graphs widgets, which can directly parse JSON, and extract the relevant data in it to be displayed. The “Energie Visible” prototype was deployed at the headquarters of a private foundation working on sustainability (cudrefin0213) and has now been running reliably since November 2008. The aim of the project was to help visitors and members to better understand how much each device consumes in operation and in standby. The Ploggs are used to monitor the energy consumption of various devices, such as a fridge, a kettle, several printers, a file server, computers and screens. A large display in the office enables people passing by to experiment with the energy consumption of the devices. The staff can also access the user interface of any Plogg with the Web browser of their office computer.
The project is available on 13 12
5.4.2 Business Intelligence Mashup: RESTful EPCIS
Fig. 3.6 Architecture of the RESTful EPCIS Based on the Jersey RESTful Framework and Deployed on Top of the Fosstrak EPCIS
The Electronic Product Code (EPC) Network (Floerkemeier et al. 2007) is a set of standards established by industrial key players towards a uniform platform for tracking and discovering RFID-tagged objects and goods in supply chains. This network offers a standardized server-side EPC Information Service (EPCIS) for managing and offering access to track and trace RFID events. Implementations of EPCIS provide a standard query and capture API through WS-* Web Services. In order to integrate not only embedded devices, but also RFID-tagged everyday items into the Web of Things, we use the concepts presented to turn the EPCIS into a “Smart Gateway”. This helps to better grasp the benefits of a seamless Web integration based on REST, as opposed to using HTTP as a transport protocol only (as WS-* Web Services use it). The EPCIS offers three core features. First, it offers an interface to query for RFID events. The WS-* interface, however, does not allow to directly query for RFID events using Web languages, such as JavaScript or HTML. More importantly, it does not allow to explore the EPCIS using a Web browser, or to search for tagged objects or exchange links pointing to traces of tagged objects. To remedy the problem, we implemented a RESTful translation of the EPCIS WS-* interface. As shown in Fig. 3, the RESTful EPCIS (Guinard et al. 2010b) is a software module based on Jersey14, a software framework for building RESTful applications. Clients of the RESTful EPCIS, such as browsers or Web applications, can query for tagged objects directly using REST and its uniform HTTP interface. Requests are then translated by the framework into WS-* calls on the standard 14
EPCIS interface. This allows for the RESTful EPCIS to serve data provided by any implementation of the EPCIS standard. In our case we use Fosstrak (Floerkemeier et al. 2007)15, an open source implementation of the standard. The first benefit of the RESTful EPCIS is that every RFID event, reader, tagged object or location is turned into a Web resource and gets a globally resolvable URI, which uniquely identifies it and can be used to retrieve various representations. EPCIS queries are transformed into compositions of these identifiers and can be directly executed in the browser, sent by email, or bookmarked. As an example, a factory manager who wants to know what tagged objects enter his factory can bookmark a URI, such as: http://.../epcis/rest/location/urn:company:factory1/reader/urn:company:entra nce:1 Furthermore, these URIs are linked together through their representations in order to reflect the relationships of the physical world. This makes the RESTful EPCIS directly browsable. Indeed, in addition to the XML representation of tagged objects offered by the standard, it also provides HTML, JSON and Atom representations. With the HTML representation, end-users can literally browse tagged things and their traces simply by following hyperlinks in the very same way as they browse the Web of documents. For example, a location offers links to co-located RFID readers. With the Atom representation, end-users can formulate queries by browsing the hyperlinked EPCIS and obtain the updated results represented as Atom feeds, which browsers can understand and directly subscribe, too. As an example, a product manager can create a feed in order to be automatically updated in his browser whenever one of his products is ready to be shipped. He can then use the URI of the feed to send it to his most important customers so that they could track the goods' progress as well. This is a simple but very useful use case, which would require a dedicated client to be developed and installed by each customer in the case of the WS-* based EPCIS.
5.4.3 A Mashup Editor for the Smart Home Tech-savvy users can create Web mashups using “mashup editors”, such as Microsoft Popfly or Yahoo Pipes. These editors usually provide visual components representing Web sites and operations (add, filter, etc.) that users only needs to connect (or pipe) together to create new applications. We wanted to apply the
same principles to allow users to create physical mashups without requiring any programming skills.
Fig. 5.7 The Physical Mashup Framework
We briefly introduce our physical mashup architecture and two mashup editors built on top of it. As shown in Fig. 5., the system is composed of four main parts. We first have RESTful, Web-enabled, smart things and appliances. In our prototype, we tag them with small 2D barcodes in order to ease their identification with mobile phones. We then have “virtual“ services on the Web, such as Twitter, Google Visualization API, Google Talk, etc. In the middle, the mashup server framework allows to compose services of different smart appliances as well as virtual services on the Web. It is in charge of executing the workflows created by end-users in their mashup applications. It discovers, listens, and interacts with the devices over their RESTful API. The last components are the mashup editors themselves, which allow users to create mashup applications very easily. We implemented two mashup editors using this architecture. The first one is based on the Clickscript project.16 A Firefox plugin written on top of an Ajax library allows people to visually create Web mashups by connecting building blocks of resources (Web sites) and operations (greater than, if/then, loops, etc.). Since it is written in JavaScript, Clickscript cannot use resources based on proprietary service protocols. However, it can easily access RESTful services, such as those provided by Web-enabled smart appliances. This makes it straightforward to create Clickscript building blocks that represent smart appliances. The mashup shown in Figure 5.8 gets the room temperature by GETting the temperature re-
source. If it is below 36 degrees, it turns off the Web-enabled air-conditioning system. The second editor was implemented on the Android Mobile Phone. Once again, thanks to the support of HTTP in Android, RESTful communication with smart appliances was straightforward. Similarly to Clickscript, the mobile editor allows the creation of simple mashups. However, due to the screen constraints of the mobile phone, a mashup is created by going through a wizard. Users first select the appliances they want to include in the mashup. They do this simply by scanning a barcode on the appliance using the phone's camera. These codes are basically pointing back to the root URLs of the appliance’s RESTful APIs. They then set up the rules they want to implement and the virtual services they want to interact with. For example, users can create a mashup that switches on their appliances, e.g, turning the heating up, whenever their phone detects that they are moving towards home (based on their GPS traces).
Fig. 5.8 Using the Clickscript Mashup Editor to Create a Physical Mashup by Connecting Building Blocks Directly to a Browser
5.5 Advanced Concepts: The Future Web of Things So far, we have shown how Web standards and design principles can be leveraged for smart things. While this seems to be a rather adequate architecture for the Web of Things, many open challenges remain. In this section, we explore three such challenges, and sketch potential solutions for each. We begin by discussing the
needs for real-time data of many smart things applications. Then, we address the challenges of finding and understanding services available in a global Web of Things. We finally look at mechanisms for sharing smart things.
5.5.1 Real-Time Web of Things HTTP is a stateless client/server protocol where interactions are always initiated by the client, and there is no protocol context bigger than a request/response exchange. This interaction model is well-suited for control-oriented applications where clients read/write data from/to embedded devices. However, this clientinitiated interaction models seem inappropriate for bi-directional event-based and streaming systems, where data must be sent asynchronously to the clients as soon as it is produced. For example, many pervasive scenarios must deal with real-time information to combine stored or streaming data from various sources to detect spatial or temporal patterns, as is the case in many environmental monitoring applications. As such applications are often event-based and embedded devices usually have a low-duty cycle (i.e., sleep most of the time), smart things should also be able to push data to clients (rather than being continuously polled). To support the complex, datacentric queries required for such scenarios, more flexible data models are required to expose sensor data streams over the Web. In this section, we explore the recent developments in the real-time Web to build such a data model that is more suited to the data-centric, stream-based nature of sensor-driven applications. As mentioned before, using syndication protocols, such as Atom, improves the model when monitoring, since devices can publish data asynchronously using AtomPub on an intermediate server or Smart Gateway. Nevertheless, clients still have to pull data from Atom servers. Web streaming media protocols (RTP/RTSP) have enabled transmission of potentially infinite data objects, such as Internet radio stations. Sensor streams are similar to streaming media in this respect. However, streaming media mainly support play and pause commands, which is insufficient for sensor streams where more elaborate control commands are needed. The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)17 is an open standard for real-time communication based on exchanges of XML messages, and powers a wide range of applications including instant messaging (Google Talk is based on XMPP). Although widely used and successful, XMPP is a fairly complex standard, which is often too heavy for the limited resources of embedded devices used in sensor networks.
An alternative type of Web applications that attempt to eliminate the limitations of the traditional HTTP polling has become increasingly popular. This model, called Comet18 (also called HTTP streaming or server push), enables a Web server to push data back to the browser without the client requesting it explicitly. Since browsers are not designed with server-sent events in mind, Web application developers have tried to work around several specification loopholes to implement Comet-like behavior, each with different benefits and drawbacks. One general idea is that a Web server does not terminate the TCP connection after response data has been served to a client, but leaves the connection open to send further events. Based on this brief overview, one can observe that the tradeoff between scalability and query expressiveness is also present in the Web world. However, as the recent developments in Web techniques have allowed to build efficient and scalable publish/subscribe systems, we suggest that a Web-based pub/sub model could be used to connect sensor networks with applications. PubSubHubbub (PuSH)19 is a simple, open pub/sub protocol as an extension to Atom and RSS. Parties (servers) speaking the PuSH protocol can get near-instant notifications (via callbacks) when a feed they are interested in is updated. PuSH can also be used as a generalpurpose messaging protocol for devices (Trifa et al. 2010). The following model can be used to enable Web-based stream processing applications where users can post queries using an HTTP request to one or more sensors. The HTTP request shown in Figure 5.9, collects the light and temperature sensor readings twice per second (the ds.freq=2 Hz parameter) only if the light sensor value is not over “200“ and the temperature reading is less than “19“: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
POST /datastreams/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded ds.device=purpleSensor &,light &ds.freq=2 &ds.filter=light