5. Pathology - General Pathology - Kalam Books

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General Pathology 91. Questions. 201. Alcohol keratin is composed of a. Desmin b. Pre keratin c. Vimentin d. Neurofilaments. 202. The cell most sensitive to ...
General Pathology


General Pathology Questions 201. a. b. c. d.

Alcohol keratin is composed of Desmin Pre keratin Vimentin Neurofilaments

202. a. b. c. d.

The cell most sensitive to ischemia is Myocardial fibres Glial cells of brain Renal tubular epithelium Cortical neuron

203. a. b. c. d.

Oncocytes are seen in Pituitary Thyroid Pancreas Thymus

204. a. b. c. d.

Coagulation necrosis is seen in all except Myasthenia gravis Burns Tuberculosis Zenker’s degeneration

205. a. b. c. d.

One of the following is an apoptosis inhibitor gene (SGPGI 04) P53 Bcl 2 Rb c myc

206. Exudation of plasma & leukocytes in acute inflammation is from the (PGI 89) a. Venules b. Capillaries c. Arterioles d. Both b & c




207. a. b. c. d.

Phagocytosis was discovered by (TN-99) Ehrlich Metchnikoff Ruska Pasteur

208. a b. c. d.

Bradykinin is a clevage product of (TNPSC - 2K ) Kininogen Pre kallikrien Kallikrein Histamine

209. a. b. c. d.

Pro-inflammatory cytokines are all except IL1 IL2 IL 6 TNFα

210. a. b. c. d.

Granuloma seen in all except (AIIMS 01) TB Yersinia Mycoplasma Leprosy

211. a. b. c. d.

Chemotaxis mediated by (ICS 98) Histamine Leukotriene B4 & C5a Leukotriene C4 & C3a Bradykinin

212. Which leukotriene is adhesion factor for the neutrophil on the cell surface to attach to endothelium (JIPMER 01) a. B4 b. C4 c. D4 d. E4 213 a. b. c. d.

Keloid scars are made up of (JIPMER 98) Dense collagen Loose fibrous tissue Granulomatous tissue Loose areolar tissue

General Pathology 214. a. b. c. d.


Articular cartilage is made up of (JIPMER 81) Type I Collagen Type II Collagen Type III Collagen Type IV collagen

215. Endothelium, leukocyte interaction during inflammation mediated through (PGI - 03) a. Selectin b. Intergrin c. Defensin d. Endothelin 216. a. b. c. d.

In acute inflammation pain is mediated by (TN 93) Serotonin Histamine Bradykinin Cytokine

217. a. b. c. d.

The most common glycoprotein in BM is Laminin Fibronectin Type IV collagen Heparan sulfate

218. a. b. c. d.

Pale infarct not seen in (AP-95) Lung Liver Spleen Heart

219. a. b. c. d.

In shock characteristic feature is (PGI- 97) Cardiac failure Poor perfusion of tissue Cyanosis Oedema

220. a. b. c. d.

All are risk factors for DVT except (AI 03) Duration at surgery >30min Obesity Age 40yrs of >30min duration; Gen. surgery in Pt