may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information .... I love feeling in alignment with m
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Disclaimer This 5-Step System has been written to provide information to help you lose weight. Every effort has been made to make this information as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on weight loss only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of information on the topic. The purpose of this 5-Step System is to educate. The author does not warrant that the information contained in this guide is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this guide. Copyright © 2017 – Chelsea Hyland. All rights are reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
About the Author Chelsea Hyland has a passion for empowering men and women to live their most fulfilling life, each and every day, by helping them regain health and vitality, while losing excess weight. The achievement of blissful health, joy, and happiness is what she wishes for all. Chelsea has experienced her own transformation that led her to helping others achieve vibrant, lasting health. She has created this report which reveals 5 simple yet transformational tips anyone can apply to effortlessly lose weight. It is her expectation that you will excel at whatever you put your mind to, and she has great faith in you to achieve your dreams. By the end of this report, you will know how to jump-start your weight loss so that you can finally have the body and life you’ve always wanted.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Table of Contents Introduction
Chapter 1 - My Secret Weapon For Weight Loss So I Can Burn Fat While Sitting On The Couch
Chapter 2 What’s Water Got To Do With It? Chapter 3
Transformational Mind-Hack for Serious Weight Loss
Chapter 4
Some Plants Are Good Plants
Chapter 5
Focusing on the “Why”
Conclusion Resources
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Introduction There is so much conflicting weight loss information out there, and I am here to providing you with simple information in the form of a 5-Step System. This system is repeatable and proven to be effective, for lasting results. With all of the advice from friends, family, and medical professionals on how to lose weight, I remember feeling overwhelmed and confused. What I want to do with you today is to help make this process less of a confusing maze, and more of a clear path… towards achieving lasting weight loss. Can you lose 5 pounds in a week? Most definitely. And most importantly, you can keep it off, too. In fact, using these simple methods, you can eventually lose all the weight you want. And there’s no need for complicated diets, calorie counting or killing yourself at the gym, either. Make a commitment to follow these tips for at least the next 7 days. Here’s how…
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Chapter 1 Step #1 - My Secret Weapon For Weight Loss So I Can Burn Fat While Sitting on the Couch Intermittent fasting is a practice that I have been using for the last 3 years. I can confidently say that it has revolutionized my body in more ways then one.
This practice has helped me look young and vibrant, increase flexibility, provided me with mental clarity, and helped me lose weight.
I will briefly explain how it can revolutionize your life too. All you need to do is eat within a particular eating window. For me, it ranges between a 4-5 hour window.
However, I have evolved to this point and would not recommend that you go straight into this short eating window. I would recommend a window of 8 hours.
This is what I would recommend for BEST RESULTS.
So, if you were eating within an 8 hour window.. let’s say you wake up and 8am and have your first meal at 10am. This would mean that you have from 10am to 6pm to eat.
With the remaining 16 hours to fast, this allows your body to turn into a fat burning machine.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
This is the practice that allows me to burn fat while sitting on the couch (or my exercise ball). Intermittent fasting has many other benefits, but for the purposes of your next 7 days, I want to really drive this message home that this single tip is really what can take your weight loss from the level of mediocrity to the level of a weight loss guru.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Chapter 2 Step #2 - What’s Water Got To Do With It? Depending on the water content in your foods, you will need to drink a certain amount of pure water.
For example, if you eat mostly fruits and vegetables, you would not need to drink as much pure water.
However, if you eat mostly cooked foods where the hydration has been steamed or baked out of the food, then drinking more water is advantageous for you to see best results.
The reason being is due to the body needing to push out older matter at a faster rate, thereby enabling your metabolism to speed up.
Here is a short story that perhaps you can identify with:
Michelle had headaches, salt cravings, junk food cravings… and she just couldn’t seem to lose the extra pounds.
No matter what she did, she always felt tired, sluggish and overweight.
Then she read an article on how important it was to drink plenty of water. The article said if your urine is yellow, you’re not drinking enough water and you should drink more.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
So Michelle started making an effort to drink plenty of water. She had a glass as soon as she woke up in the morning, and another one mid-morning, and another at lunch and so forth.
Drinking water became a habit for her that stuck for life. Know why?
Because her headaches were gone. She had more energy. She could exercise longer. She wasn’t so hungry anymore. She ate less. She felt better. And she lost the weight.
All because of a few glasses of water each day.
Are you hungry? Drink a big glass of water and wait 20 minutes – you might be surprised to find your hunger is practically gone.
Are you craving salt? It could simply be that you’re thirsty.
Do you have headaches, poor memory or feel tired? Again, try drinking more water.
Your body is continuously losing water throughout the day especially if you active and it is critical to replace in so that your organs can function effectively, and so that you get the amazing external results you desire.
Not only that – water helps energize your muscles, making it easier for you to move around and get exercise.
Water makes your skin look good, and it helps your kidneys to transport waste out of your body.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Larger individuals need more water than thinner individuals, which just makes sense. If you’re not sure if you’re drinking enough water, look at the color of your urine. Is it almost the color of water? Then you’re doing good. Is it dark yellow? Then you’re dehydrated and you should be drinking more.
The sneaky trick? Is what your body might try to pull on you in the beginning. If you’ve been chronically dehydrated, then drinking more water can actually make you feel nauseous for the first few hours or days. That’s okay, because it’s your body flushing toxins out of your system.
Just keep drinking and I promise you will start feeling better and losing weight in no time.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Chapter 3 Step #3 - Transformational Mind-Hack for Serious Weight Loss The question that I will be asking you in just a moment may seem slightly odd to you, but bear with me. Here it is: Do you ever feel not good enough?
The feeling of not being good enough is common in our society and it breaks my heart because we are all worthy beings.
Here’s the next question that may be running though your mind right now: “What the heck does feeling good enough have to do with losing weight over the next 7 days?”
Here’s what it has to do with weight loss.
Because of the nature of most humans, there is a tendency to unconsciously self-sabotage oneself when one is wanting to achieve or acquire a particular thing, body, career, etc.
In the case of weight loss, if the individual desires weight loss, and a vibrant physical body, one must begin to disassociate with who s/he once was in order to become the person s/he wants to be.
This stems from feelings of worthiness and self-doubt. By nipping this feeling in the bud, you simply bypass this (natural) tendency and allow yourself to achieve the weight loss results that you are so deserving of.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
There is a definite reason why someone gains weight, however each person has their particular reason.
It is essential to really reflect on your habits and patterns and examine yourself in an objective way. By doing this, you are making yourself aware of seemingly automatic habitual thought patterns which have morphed into beliefs.
A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.
Notice your thoughts around your self-image and weight. Create new habitual thoughts, and before you know it, you will have created a whole new belief for yourself.
For example: I like the idea that I can have any kind of body I desire. I love that I am the creator of my physical body. I love feeling in alignment with my food choices. I love nourishing my amazing body with healthy foods.
By repeating these new thoughts, your new beliefs will emerge.
The Mind-Hack is in the self-awareness. When you experience that selfawareness, ask this simple question: Who am I becoming?
Here’s the thing, who you are right now is irrelevant. You you are BECOMING is what you need to focus on.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
This mind-hack will allow you to change old habits and become the person you need to be in order to lose this weight over the next few days (and beyond).
With this mind-set, you are way ahead of most people out there today.
Many people simply have no clue why they aren't able to reach their goals, whether it be a health goal, relationship goal, financial goal, or otherwise.
You now have the power to do it.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Chapter 4 Step #4 - Some Plants Are Good Plants The plants that revitalize every cell of your being are plants that are made outside, from nature.
Eat foods that come from a plant, not foods made in a plant.
This one statement has personally transformed my body’s ability to lose weight.
The “normal” weight loss approaches simply do not apply.
Many people eat all of this packaged food that the body does not recognize, and then the body actually stores that food as fat.
By applying this tip, it will literally allow your body to release weight in as little as one day.
The main objective I hear when I tell my clients this is, “But Chelsea, what will I eat?”
There are several recipes that you can create and items you can buy from the grocery store that taste absolutely amazing.
For example, I eat chocolate ice cream daily while remaining in vibrant health, cellulite-free, with abs, and while losing weight.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
It is not like I am a rare breed, or something of that nature. I simply follow the laws of nature and have found recipes to create that taste exactly like what I would buy in the store. Here is a chocolate ice cream recipe that I make often (even with whipped cream): 3 frozen ripe bananas 3 tbsp cocoa or cacao powder 2 tbsp. salted almond butter 1/4 cup almond milk Blend this in a Vitamix high-speed blender or food processor. Whipped cream: 1 can full-fat coconut milk stored in the refrigerator overnight 2 tbsp liquid sweetener of your choice Blend in high speed blender. Serve with whipped cream on top. This is literally like having your “cake” and eating it too! Click this link to watch a 3 Minute 32 Second Video where I show you How to Make Ice Cream at Home Without an Ice Cream Machine.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Chapter 5 Step #5 - Focusing on the “Why” This is the most important, yet also the most overlooked method of accomplishing anything, including weight loss.
If you focus only on, “I want to lose weight,” then it’s too easy to give up and quit.
But if you focus on the reasons WHY you want to lose weight, your motivation and resolve stay high and losing weight becomes much easier.
So why do you want to lose weight? To look better? Feel better? Fit into your clothes? Stop being embarrassed? Attract someone? Keep a relationship? Make an ex-love jealous at what he is missing? There are all sorts of reasons, and only you know yours.
Here is a brief example: Marcia tried several times over the years to lose weight, but she never had much success.
But when she decided to go to her 20th high school reunion, everything changed.
Now she had a reason for losing weight – to look amazing when she saw her old boyfriend Bill.
Bill had dumped Marcia just before Senior Prom, and Marcia wanted Bill to know what a terrible mistake he’d made.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
So she worked hard to lose the weight, picturing Bill’s face when he saw her. She also pictured the girls who used to make fun of her and tease her, and imagined how jealous they would be at how amazing she looked.
Marcia had absolutely no trouble passing on desserts, eating less, drinking more water and exercising.
And by the time the reunion came, Marcia was looking better than she had in 20 years. She walked into that reunion with total confidence and had the time of her life.
See? If you focus on your reason why, everything else just falls into place.
The sneaky bit – no one but you needs to know your reason why, and that’s the beauty. You want revenge on your ex for leaving you? Want to make someone jealous? Do you want to look like the hottest mom in the neighborhood?
Whatever motivates you, that’s where you should continually focus your thoughts. When you do, the motivation to eat right and exercise will naturally propel you to your goal faster and perhaps even easier than you ever imagined.
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Conclusion You are so powerful and can create the exact health and body that you desire. You really can have the health and vitality of your dreams and these tips will certainly help you along your path to lasting health. The Eternal Nature of your being is the most beautiful constant evolution, and a feeling of health will carry out through life in the most fulfilling way. Here’s to your health! Love, Chelsea
5 Sneaky Steps to Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days
Recommended Resource Chelsea’s Personal Website: Several delicious recipes are in the Blog section.