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Accident Analysis Package (MAAP) and Geographical Information System (GIS) ... This newly developed software package was designed for 5 districts in.

ABSTRACT This paper describes development and application of a road accident analysis and visualization package Road Accident View (RAV), which integrated Microcomputer Accident Analysis Package (MAAP) and Geographical Information System (GIS) components. GIS offer an advanced engine to drive, both area-wide and location-oriented investigations. With this system the possibility to raise and solve accident problems related to street segments, intersections, and neighborhoods may ease much of the labor-intensive production effort. Thus, more emphasis may be given to complex analyses and in-depth investigations. This newly developed software package was designed for 5 districts in Malaysia, namely Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Petaling Jaya, Georgetown and Johor Bahru, and can be adapted very easily to any other city. This system would be useful for improving the road safety management when combined with existing road accident database. Keywords: Geographical Information System, Spatial database, tabular database, road accident

INTRODUCTION The rapid urbanization and motorization has resulted in deterioration to environment, traffic congestion and major road safety issues. Road accident is one of the major problems in Malaysia (PDRM, 2003). According to the road accident statistic in 2003 (Fig 1), about 15 persons had been killed on the road every day. In response to this problem, various strategies and plans have been formulated by Malaysia government in order to reduce the number of road accident and crash fatalities. In year 2001 the Malaysia government is committed to reduce road accident fatalities to 4 road accident fatalities per 10,000 vehicles by year 2010. An efficient accident reporting system is a basic requirement in attempting to tackle road accident problems. Hence, proper database management system has to be acquired and maintained (Brain and Chris, 1988). The Malaysia government has adopted MAAP (Microcomputer Accident Analysis Package) in managing and analyzing the accident related information since year 1991. However, MAAP database is inadequate, especially in identifying accident-prone location. The best approach to improve accident location identification is to integrate the Geographical Information System (GIS) and MAAP to form more comprehensive accident analysis systems. In Malaysia, implementation of GIS in road safety is conducted since 1993, which pilot study is located at Seremban and Shah Alam (Ahmad Rodzi, 1998, Radin Umar, 2000). In the early GIS study for traffic accident management system, MAAP and MapInfo are used. The system

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PAPER NO : 5 provides the facilities to prioritize accident prone areas based on junction, link and kilometer post. This has resulted in a quick data analysis and hence provides a better evaluation and remedial measures. However, this system is inadequate in detail specific accident prone location analysis and proper statistical analysis. In addition, this system is running in DOS environment. Therefore an improved accident analysis system, which provide better in-depth analysis and compatible to up-to-date computer environment is required to monitor and management road accident efficiently. The main objective of the paper is to describe the development of a GIS program Road Accident View (RAV) for road accident management and improvement.

GIS DATABASE In general, GIS may be defined as a computer-based information system, which attempts to capture, store, manipulate, analyze and display spatially referenced and associated tabular attribute data, for solving complex research, planning and management problems (Fischer and Nijkamp, 1991). In road safety research, GIS is a tool with great potential for structuring information to improve monitoring and evaluation of road accident study and assist in related policy decisions. To create a database with relationships between spatial reference and tabular attributes, this system employed Oracle Database 9i as spatial data storage, while RAV was used for developing the user-interface and analysis tools. There were several advantages of GIS that were identified:




Location referencing – The ability of a GIS to locate links and nodes of a road system in two dimensional coordinates and connect roadways together is what made the development of the corridor. Incorporation of non-traditional Databases – Databases, which are not traditionally used in crash analyses can be incorporated and used to search for possible relationships to crashes. In this study, land use data, census data, and zoning ordinance data were used as examples. Data set that can be translated to spatial coordinate. Visual analysis – One of the most powerful features of a GIS-base system is the capability to produce figures or maps, which can be used to visually assess the problem.

GIS USER-INTERFACE The quality of the system input gives direct impact on the output of the system. Therefore input forms and screens should be designed with this critical relationship in mind. The design of the GIS user-interface and its application is discussed below. The Microsoft Visual Basic programming language was used for developing the user-interface and analysis tools.

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PAPER NO : 5 Two modules were developed in this system, namely Geo-referencing and Road Accident View module. Geo-referencing module was used to obtained accident location coordinate and information (landmark, road name and node number) for each link and node, while the second module was used to capture and store accident location, and also carried out accident analysis. Geo-referencing Module In the Geo-referencing module, a picture box window like that shown in Fig. 1 appears. This module allows user to capture and store three type of geo-information, namely landmark, road name and node number into spatial database. By clicking the map on the selected location, a small dialog window will appear. This small dialog window will display three operation buttons, which are node system, landmark and road name. By clicking the operation button and then entering values into the appropriate box, the capture information will be stored in spatial database. Road Accident View Interface The Road Accident View Interface module is used to capture accident location and to carry out in-depth analysis. On selection of this module a dialog window similar to that in Fig. 2 appears. Accident location searching and identification is facilitated by map location finder (Fig. 3). The user can captures accident location by clicking left mouse button on confirmed location. Upon this process, longitude and latitude data will be transferred and stored into spatial database. The selected location will be marked and label with “ROAD ACCIDENT LOCATION” as shown in Fig. 2. Various accident analyses for area-wide and also specific location can be conducted within this interface. There are, 1. Area wide analysis includes, a. District accident analysis (Fig. 4). b. Distribution plot for overall, vehicle, severity, time and collision type. (Fig. 5) c. Accident prone location ranking (Frequency, point and cost ranking) (Fig. 6). d. Kilometer-post analysis (Fig. 7) 2. Specific location analysis includes, a. Node information (Fig. 8) b. Worst accident location identification.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION An efficient accident recording and analysis system is a basic requirement in attempting to tackle road accident problem on a rational basic. However, accident data alone are not sufficient. By integrating the traditional system with Geographical Information System, which offers spatial referencing capabilities and graphical display, a more effective accident analysis system can be realized. Therefore, one of the ways to tackle accident problem is by mapping the event position as accurately as possible. This can be done by geo-coding (plotting the location onto map) accident information.

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PAPER NO : 5 This study has described a framework for prototype in establishes a GIS database for five districts, namely Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Kelang, Georgetown and Johor Bahru for accident analysis application using Road Accident View (RAV). By integrating data sources within GIS environment, this system will be able to capture, store, retrieve, process and analyze the accident investigation process graphically and thus apply the diagnosis rules in a more realistic way. GIS offer an advanced engine to drive, both area-wide and location-oriented investigation. A GIS-based application was chosen as the best alternative to improve the accuracy and timeliness in prioritizes accident location. The initial advantages are its’ user-friendly software interface; ability to locate locations quickly and accurately on a map; database setup is inexpensive and RAV utilizes data that are readily available (POL27 and MAAP) and accurate. With the proper setup of database, RAV system may represents an important enhancement to traditional database management systems and presentation graphics tools because it provides the decision maker with a powerful way to retrieve, and display database on its spatial characteristics. Therefore, the decision maker can be either used the node analysis or distribution plot (Figure 5 and 8). For an analysis on a particular location, node analysis is the famous among them. This function able to visualize road accident on the selected area with map and photos (Figure 8), and simultaneously, further information such as site information and accident data will be display statistic graphically. A user indicates a crash location by using the location finders to zoom into a particular area of the map. Once the specific location is found, the user clicks on the node in map where the crash occurred. Feedback about the selected location is then given to the user. Distribution plot provide a better query system in priorities and identify the prone accident by defining the prone accident by defining the cluster blackspot (Figure 5). With the few type of distribution plot, it is attempt to present the overall accident location in general. RAV system came with a lot of advantages, such as this system allows quick access for obtaining information and it is able to store a wide range of spatial information. With simple menu driven program that can be quickly and easily learned, users can obtain the relevant information in a short period and the system enhancement information presentation and management in form of maps, graphic , photo and textual. In term of data structure, it is simply and easy to implement database so that the organization is understand and communicate. The most important is RAV is exclusive design for non-computer expertise, especially for policemen since the system is integrate and link with MAAP.

CONCLUSION Improved management of road safety and in-depth analysis in road accident using advanced technology such as Geographical Information System (GIS) can substantially help to achieve efficient road safety management and targeted road safety performance. GIS interface is suitable as its features allow it to process and analyze a vast amount of spatially distributed information. This study has established a GIS database for a systematic approach to accident investigation and analysis in Malaysia. The computerization of accident investigation and analysis was necessary and this trial has shown the advantages of the system to overcome the

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PAPER NO : 5 current problems of slow, inconsistent and error-prone investigation process. This system would be useful for improving the road safety management when combined with existing road accident database.

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Figure1: Geo-referencing Interface

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Figure 2: Road Accident View Interface

Figure 3: Accident Location Finder

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Figure 4: District Level Accident Analysis

Figure 5: Distribution Plot

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Figure 6: Accident Prone Ranking

Figure 7: Kilometer Post Analysis

Figure 8: Node Information

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