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INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #186 ... graphic arts. Note: One credit ... Whoops! There was a problem loading this page. 5






Promotion and Retention of Students

REVISION HISTORY: 1/05/09 6/18/12


PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish promotion and retention guidelines for the District.


GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY A fixed set of criteria will not be used to determine promotion from one grade or level to another, except at the senior high level. The well-being of the individual pupils and the wellbeing of the group will be the primary factors to be considered. Retention shall be used sparingly. Only when it is to the advantage of the student will the student be retained. Although retention may be recommended by teachers, the assignment only shall be made with the approval of the principal, following a review of the individual case. When retention of a pupil is being considered, teachers must confer with the pupil's parents well before the end of the school year. HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC PROMOTION A.

Promotion shall be by grades in grades 7 and 8 and by subject in grades 9 through 12.


A pupil shall be classified for any year in the Senior High School having received the qualifying number of credits. Beginning with the Class of 2012, the recommended number of credits for a student at Pequot Lakes Senior High School shall be the following, with 22 credits minimum required for graduation: Sophomore – 6 Junior – 12 Senior – 18

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Graduation Completion of the following Graduation Standard Requirements is mandatory for graduation by the Minnesota Department of Education:     

4 credits of English/Language Arts; 3 credits of mathematics (encompassing at least algebra, geometry, and statistics and probability); 3 credits of science (one credit in biology and two credits of the student’s choosing); 3.5 credits in social studies encompassing U.S. History, geography, world history, government and citizenship, and economics; and 8 elective credits, one of which must be in the Arts—visual art, music, theater, or graphic arts.

Note: One credit equates to two semesters or a yearlong class. D.

To receive a diploma at Pequot Lakes School, students must meet the credit requirements as described above, pass the Minnesota Graduation Basic Standards tests or the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments Second Edition (MCA-IIs) per state requirements or higher guidelines.


Special Education Special Needs students will receive a diploma. Criteria for the diploma will be based upon the district's graduation requirements allowing for accommodations and modifications stated in the student's Individual Learning Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan.


7th & 8th grade students must earn a minimum of 19 credits per year, 5th & 6th grade students a minimum of 16 credits per year, to pass to the next grade level. • • • •

In addition, a student who fails a single subject four times will not be promoted until summer school is completed. Summer school is available for students who do not meet the minimum requirements. After school tutoring is available through the “PM Patriots” targeted services’ program. This program may be an option for students not making satisfactory progress. Candidates will be selected by teacher referral. On-site alternative education may be an option for 7th & 8th grade students not making satisfactory progress.

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Credits: (5th Grade) Required Courses Credits/Qtr. Reading/Writing 2.00 Math 1.00 Science 1.00 Social 1.00 Phy. Ed. .50 Art .25 General Music .25 Total Possible Credits Per Year:

Credits/Year 8.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 .50 .25 .25 21.00

Credits: (6th Grade) Required Courses Credits/Qtr. Reading/Writing 2.0 Math 1.0 Science 1.0 Social 1.0 Phy. Ed. .2 Art .2 General Music .2 PLTW .2 Keyboarding .2 Total Possible Credits Per Year:

Credits/Year 8.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 21.0

Credits: (7th & 8th Grades) Required Course:


English 1.0 Math 1.0 Science 1.0 Social Studies 1.0 Practical Arts 1.0 Phy. Ed./Life Skills 1.0 Total Possible Credits Per Year: B.

Credits/Year 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 24.0

Criteria Student retention is based on many factors, each contributing to the overall academic progress of the student. The following criteria will be considered in student retention: 1)

Failure to earn a minimum of 19 credits a year for 7th/8th grades and 16 credits for 5th/6th grades. Policy 513.5 Page 3 of 4

2) 3) 4) 5)

Attendance Social physical maturity Individual ability; special needs students Effort shown; utilizing supplemental services

Students who are not promoted may repeat the entire grade level the following year. In the event a retention decision is made, goals must be written indicating what will be accomplished during retention


The basis for promotion in the elementary grades (K-4) shall be scholastic achievement, emphasizing the reading content area. Other factors to consider include intellectual ability, social and emotional maturity, and attendance records.


The basis for retention shall be compelling evidence that the student is likely to benefit emotionally, socially, and/or academically. The following statements are intended to assist in identifying children who are most likely to benefit and those who are not: 1) 2)


Retention is never to be used as a punishment, or to supplant other education services (i.e., Title I or special education). The decision to recommend retention should be made by a team that has already explored other options and is prepared to make possible retention recommendations by spring conferences (mid-March). In the event a retention decision has been mutually agreed upon between the team and parents, goals must be written indicating what is to be accomplished during the year of retention. Monitoring must take place throughout the first marking period of the retention year to report back to parents the effectiveness of the decision.

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