53) Sample Facility Layout Diagram

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Please Note the following features of the plant layout diagram: 1) A scale ... 6) Location of all structures above ground level and within property lines. Structures  ...
Construction Permit Application

53) Sample Facility Layout Diagram


Construction Permit Application

Sample Plant Layout Diagram

EP 1

Building #1 Tier 1 40’ Height

EP 3

EP 2



Building #2 24’ Height

EP 10 Silo #1 48’ Height


Corn Pile, 3’ High FE # 9

EP5 EP7 Tier 3 32’ Height



Water Tower 52’ Height 0

Tier 2 28’ Height





Emission Point Building Edge Tier Edge Fence Line Property Line Unpaved Road

XYZ Ethanol. 2616 Main ST. Midtown, NE 68421 FID #: 000000 Date: 01/01/1998

Please Note the following features of the plant layout diagram: 1) A scale bar and a North arrow. 2) Property lines 3) Fence lines or any physical barriers precluding public access. 4) Locations of all buildings within the property lines. Locations of tiers on multi-level buildings. Include the building and structure heights, and tier heights. A description of the buildings or structures is optional. 5) Locations of ALL emission points. Emission point need not be to scale, however every emission point should be labeled. 6) Location of all structures above ground level and within property lines. Structures above ground level, such as gasoline storage tanks, grain storage silos, etc., must be shown. Structures at ground level, such as concrete pads, paved parking lots, etc., are optional. 7) Locations of unpaved and paved roads, railroad tracks, and area sources, such as grain piles and wetcake storage, must be shown if their fugitive emissions must be included in the permit application. 8) If this is for an existing source, clearly indicate which units exist and which are part of this permitting action. 9) All buildings and structures above ground level and all emission points must be marked with identification numbers consistent with all of the sections of the construction permit application. Note: AutoCAD or equivalent computer aid drawings on paper and on disk are preferred; sketches are acceptable, aerial photographs without the requested information are NOT acceptable. 07-292b