53th Annual Pontiac Invitational Championship

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Sep 14, 2014 - MOTELS: There are 3 motels within one mile of the course. Best Western 815-842-2777, Super 8 815-844-6888
53th Annual Pontiac Invitational Championship Saturday, September 13th & Sunday, September 14th, 2014 SCHEDULE: The Championship will be 36 holes medal play, in 3 classes determined by handicap, championship flight (0 to 6), th th A flight (7 to 11), B Flight (12 & up). 18 holes will be played Saturday, September 13 and 18 holes Sunday, September 14 . The winners will be determined at scratch over 36 holes. th

ENTRY FEE: The entry fee will be $90 which includes $5 skin game each day. Entries close September 8 , 2013 or when field is filled. 162 entries will be accepted. Players with a handicap of 6 or above, please include a copy of your current handicap card. PRIZES: Over $7,000 in prizes based on 120 entries in merchandise certificates and trophies will be awarded Sunday after competition play. In the event of a tie for any championship, winners will be determined by sudden death playoff. PRACTICE ROUND: Course open to public. Pro Shop phone is 815-842-1249. Call for Tee Time. Not included in Entry Fee. STARTING TIMES: starting times for Saturday by mail. Pairings and starting times for Sunday will be made and posted after play on Saturday and will be based on scores that day. CLUB SERVICE: All weather swimming pool available to players and their families. Locker and shower facilities available. MOTELS: There are 3 motels within one mile of the course. Best Western 815-842-2777, Super 8 815-844-6888 and Quality Inn 815-844-4444. DRIVING DIRECTIONS: 459 Elks Club Road - Exit 197 off I-55. 1 mile east on Rt. 116. Entrance across from KFC.

MAIL WITH PAYMENT TO: PONTIAC ELKS GOLF SHOP, BOX 708, PONTIAC IL. 61764 PRO SHOP PHONE 815-842-1249 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ENTRY FORM Invite Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________________________________________ Email:________________________________________________________________Hdcp__________________________ Phone:_____________________________________Approximate Saturday Tee Time_____________________________