PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
ABSTRACT Tourism is an economic component with a spectacular dynamics, the integrated analysis of this economic sector being a key element in understanding complex relationships that give sustainability to local economies with specific resources. The study aims to analyze the structural dynamics of the economic profile of spa resorts for the period 2000-2015 and identifying the role of the spa sector in the development of territorial systems with tourist functionality. In order to quantify this dynamics, a database was created at the resort level, with the main economic indicators (turnover, profit, number of companies and employees) at the four-digit NACE code (classification of activities in the national economy). Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the relationship between tourism and the other components of the economic system. The results of this study confirm the importance of spa tourism in the dynamics of local economies with specific resources and the prospects of increasing the complexity of the tourist function at the level of each analyzed territorial system. Also, the results highlight the differentiated dynamics of spa resorts as a result of the very different dynamic context they benefit from. KEYWORDS: tourism, SPA tourism, territorial system, territorial management. JEL CLASSIFICATION: Z320, R12
Tourism has become today a real economic engine, the generator of functional complexity in territorial systems, which is based on the exploitation of tourism resources (Drăghici et al.; 2016, Pintilii et al., 2015).The important role played at the level of local economies is also acknowledged by a series of studies confirming the socio-economic benefits of this activity (Kapczynski and Szromek, 2008; SilvaGustavo,2010; Perić et al., 2017; Page et al., 2017).Additionally, through its development, an important objective of sustainable development can be achieved, namely,protecting and managing in an appropriate manner, natural and cultural resources (Todorovic, 2015).
1University of Bucharest, Romania,
[email protected] 2University of Bucharest, Romania,
[email protected] 3University
of Bucharest, Romania,
[email protected] of Bucharest, Romania,
[email protected] 5University of Bucharest, Romania,
[email protected] 4University
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
In the economic systems with tourism functions, which represent the exploitation of the spa resources, tourism is a fundamental part, participating in the development of other economic sectors (Drăghici et al., 2015). The economic impact generated by the spa industry on the global economy is both directly through income and employmentgenerated by the spa sectors and indirectly, adding to these multiplier effects (Global Spa & Wellness Economy Monitor, 2014).In this context, establishing the economic role that balneary tourism can have at the level of territorial systems with specific resources becomes particularly important. Mineral and thermal springs have been used by the population for a long time for multiple purposes,as healing, socializing and even spiritual, representing today the roots of the spa industry. Of the 203 countries where spa is present, 86% of the industry is concentrated in three major regions: Europe, North America and Asia Pacific (Global Spa & Wellness Economy Monitor, 2014).In Europe, spa tourism has evolved from classic to modern, offering a wider range of services besides medical ones, such as wellness, sports, leisure, food, etc. (Perić et al., 2017).For Romania, the development of this type of tourism is a strategic objective of great importance (Master Planul pentru Dezvoltarea Turismului Național 2007 – 2026), from the point of view of specific resources (1/3 of the natural mineral springs existing in the continent)and the number of localities and areas that have received the status of spa and balneoclimatic resorts(30 localities and areas according to H.G. No 926/2016).Taking into account the above mentioned, spa tourism can be a viable solution for development for the tourist localities with specific resources.
Analysis of the structural dynamics of the economic profile for each spa resort in Romania, assumed the creation of a statistical database at the four-digit NACE code level, for four economic indicators considered relevant (number of companies, number of employees, turnover and profit),over a period of 15 years (2000-2014).Based on this, the importance of balneary tourism in the local economy was quantified, by calculatingthe share of the four economic indicators,, previously listed, from the spa sector, in the total local economy. Subsequently, for each indicator were made the spatialization at the level of Romania and the matrix of trends of the variation of the ranks to follow, the evolutionary dynamics of the spa sector in the total economy at the local level.
From the point of view of the evolution of the number of companies in the spa sector in the total number of companies (Figure 1), in the year 2000, only 4 resorts exceeded 40% (Moneasa, BăileTușnad, Eforie and Predeal) and 23 resorts recorded a share between 15-40% (e.g. BăileHerculane, Călimănești, Borșa and so on). With the economic crisis in 2008, the number of spa resorts with over 40% and between 15-40% fell, Moneasa being the only resort with over 40% share for the number of companies. The last year of our analysis, places the Băile Tuşnad and Moneasa resorts on the first two places as the number of companies in the spa sector, most resorts, ranging between 5-15%.
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
Figure 1.Evolution of the share of the number of companies in the SPA sector in the total number of companies Source: project UB/1375 In the case of the evolution of the number of employees in the spa sector in total number of employees (Figure 2),in the first year of analysis, 8 resorts (SânMartin, Budureasa, Băile Herculane, Călimăneşti, Băile Govora, Slănic, Predeal and Băile Tușnad), records shares of employees over 50%,a resort between 30-50%, 15 resorts between 10-30%, and with a share below 10%, a number of 22 resorts (Săcelu, OcnaSibiului, Borsec, etc.). The global economic crisis is causing changes in resorts that in 2000 recorded more than 50%, four of these resorts falling below this percentage, but the number of resorts with a 30-50% employment rate increased from a resort in the first year of analysis to nine resorts in 2008. The largest number of employees in the spa sector in 2014 is registered in Călimăneşti with 797 employees, Slănic Prahova with 240, Govora with 148 and Băile Tușnad with 127 employees.
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
Figure 2. Evolution of the share of the number of employees in the spa sector in the total number of employees Source: project UB/1375
The evolution of the turnover, shows that for the entire period of analysis, 2000-2014, only two resorts registered a share of over 50% (Slănic Prahova and BăileTuşnad). Most spa resorts have a turnover below 10%:in 2000, there were 25 resorts, during the economic crisis (2008), 31 resorts, and in the last year, 29 resorts (Figure 3).
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
Figure 3. Evolution of the share of the turnover of the SPA sector in the total turnover Source: project UB/1375 In the analysis of the evolution of the profit share in the spa sector in the total profit, we can see for the entire analyzed interval, a higher concentration for the resorts with a share of the profit below 10%.Sporadically, there are resorts with a high share of profit, over 50% - in 2000 a number of 5 resorts (Budureasa, Geoagiu, Călimăneşti, BăileTușnad and Eforie), in 2008 - 6 resorts and 2014 with 2 resorts (Slănic Prahova and Bughea de Sus). Table 1, shows the variation in the number of companies in the spa sector, from the total number of companies, where is remarkablea high share of the resorts that have a relatively constant evolution, of 73.9%, of the total, 15.2% of the resorts have a general downward trend and only 10.8% of the total spa resorts have a growth trend. The first three positions are occupied by resorts that have as dominant economic activity, the tourism, and the last positions are held by those resorts where spa resources do not represent a sustainable development for the territorial system itself.
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
Figure 4. Evolution of the profit share of the spa sector in total profit Source: project UB/1375
Moneasa Baile Tusnad Predeal Eforie Olanesti BaileHerculane OcnaSugatag Geoagiu Sacelu Borsec Busteni Slanic Moldova CalimanestiCaciulata Sinaia
4 1 2 3 5 24 33 8 18 11 10 30 7 15
2 1 3 4 5 18 33 9 7 12 11 31 8 17
2 1 3 4 5 15 25 6 13 8 11 35 7 18
1 2 3 4 5 14 28 9 11 12 8 34 6 13
2 1 3 4 5 10 16 14 12 9 7 26 6 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 18 14 11 13 10 16 7 9
1 2 3 4 5 13 25 15 16 7 12 9 6 10
1 3 2 4 5 11 27 12 14 10 15 6 7 9
1 3 2 4 5 6 22 11 19 13 12 7 8 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 18 11 23 8 13 7 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 8 15 11 21 6 12 7 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 7 12 9 23 6 10 8 11 14
1 2 3 4 5 7 12 8 26 6 9 10 11 14
2 1 3 4 5 6 7 10 21 9 8 11 12 13
Table 1. Changes on the percentage of companies number from spa tourism sector in the total companies number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Sovata Mangalia Voineasa Bazna Budureasa Sanmartin Govora Soveja VatraDornei Merei Baltatesti Tasnad Buzias Borsa Techirghiol Bizusa Sangeorz Bai Covasna TarguOcna Lipova OcnaSibiului Bughea de Sus Tinca Amara Slanic Prahova Calacea Onesti Turda Iasi Pucioasa Valenii de Munte Chiscani
6 12 19 25 9 16 26 41 21 27 28 22 13 20 14 39 23 38 34 17 37 46 31 32 29 45 43 40 44 36 42 35
6 13 24 25 10 16 26 41 22 19 30 21 15 27 14 39 20 37 34 23 38 46 28 32 29 45 42 40 44 36 43 35
9 10 28 34 12 16 24 33 19 23 29 20 17 21 14 41 22 38 36 26 30 46 32 31 27 40 44 42 45 39 43 37
7 8 10 11 25 27 38 22 17 21 15 18 24 24 30 30 20 23 22 28 26 19 21 29 19 15 18 17 16 20 35 25 23 31 37 35 39 38 27 33 31 37 46 46 33 34 29 32 32 36 36 40 42 42 43 43 44 44 41 41 45 45 40 39 Relatively constant trend
Linear trendline
8 15 33 12 23 17 21 30 25 26 24 27 22 20 19 32 28 34 35 31 37 46 36 29 39 44 42 43 41 40 45 38
8 17 26 11 22 14 21 30 24 27 18 28 23 20 19 35 32 33 37 34 36 42 38 29 31 44 43 45 40 41 46 39
8 18 22 17 25 13 24 39 23 28 20 26 21 19 16 30 37 34 35 33 31 45 36 32 29 41 42 43 40 44 46 38
9 12 17 17 14 16 16 29 21 25 15 14 27 28 39 32 24 20 28 26 25 24 26 22 23 19 20 21 18 15 32 35 37 39 33 33 35 36 34 34 30 30 36 46 40 38 31 31 29 27 41 41 42 43 45 40 43 42 44 44 46 45 38 37 Overall growth trend
13 17 14 28 19 16 27 33 25 26 24 23 20 22 18 39 38 36 35 32 29 34 37 31 30 43 45 41 42 44 46 40
13 15 16 28 18 17 26 29 27 25 24 22 19 20 21 34 36 35 31 32 33 45 38 30 37 42 43 40 41 44 46 39
13 16 15 17 19 18 24 32 25 27 20 23 21 22 28 35 36 33 30 34 31 46 38 29 37 43 41 39 40 44 42 45
14 15 15 16 16 17 26 18 18 19 17 20 19 21 30 22 22 23 25 24 20 25 27 26 23 27 24 28 28 29 33 30 29 31 34 32 32 33 31 34 37 35 35 36 39 37 40 38 38 39 36 40 43 41 41 42 42 43 45 44 46 45 44 46 Overall downward trend
Source: project UB/1375
4 3
2 5
3 9
3 10
3 10
3 8
2 5
3 4
3 4
5 4
5 2
3 2
4 1
2 3
2 3
24 7 19 6 9 17 16 10 20
12 7 9 6 8 17 15 13 21
12 6 1 7 8 17 18 13 19
11 9 2 8 7 12 14 13 28
6 9 5 7 8 14 15 13 11
5 7 15 6 10 12 14 13 11
7 10 4 9 11 14 13 12 8
6 9 2 7 11 12 13 14 8
6 10 1 5 11 7 13 14 9
7 9 2 6 10 8 14 1 11
6 8 1 3 12 7 9 15 11
4 6 1 5 10 7 11 16 9
5 3 6 13 7 8 10 12 9
5 7 6 8 9 10 11 14 13
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
15 32 25 2 44 14 45
20 30 29 11 44 16 45
23 32 26 14 11 21 45
15 25 26 21 6 19 44
17 19 25 24 16 20 36
18 19 25 26 9 21 38
18 23 19 25 24 21 30
22 19 17 24 15 20 27
16 25 19 20 22 15 26
17 24 16 30 29 22 20
16 23 17 29 27 18 24
15 23 17 12 30 22 18
15 21 18 11 28 19 17
15 20 17 21 23 18 16
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Calimanesti Căciulata Govora Slanic Prahova Baile Tusnad Olanesti Predeal Moneasa Sanmartin Eforie Geoagiu Sinaia Busteni Slanic Moldova BaileHercul ane Sovata Merei VatraDornei Budureasa Sacelu Covasna Ocna Sugatag
Table 2. Changes on the percentage of employees number from spa tourism sector in the total employees number
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Mangalia Sangeorz Bai Bazna Amara TarguOcna Techirghiol Turda Tasnad OcnaSibiulu i Borsa Iasi Baltatesti Tinca Bughea de Sus Lipova Onesti Chiscani Buzias Voineasa Pucioasa Calacea Valenii de Munte Borsec Soveja Bizusa
11 12
14 23
16 22
16 22
12 22
16 22
17 20
16 23
17 24
19 27
19 32
19 25
22 24
19 24
22 23
36 22 27 18 30 39 46
37 26 28 24 31 34 46
36 27 30 20 34 31 46
38 27 29 20 32 35 40
43 30 29 26 34 35 40
39 28 27 24 37 35 43
33 27 32 26 37 34 43
32 28 30 25 37 33 43
34 28 31 27 39 33 41
40 26 28 23 38 34 15
37 28 26 20 38 35 10
29 39 24 26 34 31 38
31 37 29 27 36 32 41
29 27 28 34 35 31 40
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
23 37 41 33 43
25 10 39 18 43
25 37 42 15 44
24 36 45 17 46
23 37 42 18 46
17 31 34 23 46
15 36 29 22 46
18 36 29 26 46
23 37 29 21 46
25 39 33 18 46
31 39 30 21 42
28 35 32 27 36
26 35 30 25 33
25 33 26 30 32
31 32 33 34 35
28 38 40 21 13 34 42 35
27 40 33 22 19 32 41 38
29 39 33 10 24 35 40 41
30 39 31 18 23 37 42 43
31 38 33 21 32 39 44 45
30 40 32 20 41 36 44 45
28 41 39 16 40 35 44 45
31 39 38 21 41 35 40 44
32 40 38 18 30 36 42 43
32 41 37 21 36 31 45 44
34 41 40 22 33 25 43 44
33 41 40 20 37 21 43 44
34 39 38 20 40 23 43 46
37 38 41 22 36 43 44 45
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
31 29 26
42 35 36
28 43 38
34 41 33
41 28 27
42 33 29
42 38 31
45 42 34
44 45 35
43 42 35
46 45 36
45 46 42
45 44 42
46 39 42
44 45 46
Linear trendline
Relatively constant trend
Overall growth trend
Overall downward trend
Source: project UB/1375 Regarding the evolution of the variation of the ranks for the number of employees (Table 2), we notice a high share of the resorts that registered a relatively constant trend for the analyzed interval, of 73.9% of the total. In contrast, the share of the resorts with a general downward trend was about 21.7% for the same interval of analysis,two resorts showing a general evolution of growth (4.34% Călimăneşti and Olăneşti).
3 1
4 1
1 3
5 20 8 9 4 13 7 29 10 6 18 46 45 21 30 15
14 20 11 5 6 10 8 15 9 3 18 45 46 22 29 7
9 16 12 3 8 11 7 23 10 5 17 43 46 18 28 6
8 16 10 4 9 6 11 13 12 7 17 42 46 20 27 3
6 14 9 7 13 3 10 12 11 2 17 39 46 20 25 8
6 13 9 14 11 5 10 7 12 8 16 23 46 19 20 2
8 13 9 3 12 6 7 2 11 10 15 18 46 20 25 14
14 10 8 2 11 6 7 5 9 12 13 17 46 15 23 21
4 1
2 1
1 2
2 1
2 1
7 18 8 19 4 14 9 24 10 5 16 46 45 20 30 15
2 1
Slanic Prahova Baile Tusnad CalimanestiCac iulata Govora Sinaia Predeal Moneasa Eforie Olanesti Geoagiu Slanic Moldova Sanmartin BaileHerculane Sovata OcnaSugatag Bughea de Sus Covasna Amara Sacelu
Table 3. Changes on the percentage of turnover from spa tourism sector in the total turnover
1 4
1 5
2 4
1 2
1 2
1 2
12 13 7 2 10 3 6 9 8 16 14 18 46 17 24 11
10 11 7 2 13 3 8 4 9 16 14 23 27 17 22 15
8 10 7 3 13 5 9 1 11 16 12 22 27 17 29 23
9 8 6 7 15 4 10 5 18 12 11 16 24 14 26 17
4 7 5 9 12 6 11 8 13 10 14 17 22 16 23 15
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Bazna Mangalia TarguOcna Busteni Merei VatraDornei Sangeorz Bai Buzias OcnaSibiului Techirghiol Voineasa Turda Borsa Iasi Soveja Baltatesti Tinca Tasnad Budureasa Chiscani Pucioasa Lipova Onesti Borsec Calacea Valenii de Munte Bizusa
34 17 22 11 27 25 12 13 36 21 26 31 23 39 33 42 38 29 6 43 32 37 41 35 44
35 17 24 11 28 23 12 19 36 22 27 33 26 39 34 43 14 25 16 40 31 38 42 37 44
33 21 30 13 28 23 12 17 35 24 26 31 27 40 36 42 16 25 19 38 37 34 41 39 43
41 19 32 14 29 24 13 22 37 20 26 34 27 38 30 40 15 25 21 35 36 31 44 39 42
45 18 32 15 36 21 19 25 33 24 34 29 22 38 31 39 14 26 30 37 35 28 43 40 41
44 18 28 15 34 21 16 27 37 24 40 29 19 35 41 33 23 26 31 36 32 30 43 38 42
45 18 31 15 36 22 17 29 42 24 35 32 21 38 37 34 27 25 30 39 33 28 41 40 43
41 23 26 17 35 19 16 31 38 22 36 33 21 37 42 30 24 27 29 40 32 34 39 43 44
38 24 26 18 34 20 16 32 40 19 31 36 22 37 44 29 25 28 27 41 30 35 39 43 42
40 25 26 21 35 19 28 32 15 23 30 37 22 38 39 34 27 29 41 42 20 33 36 44 43
40 26 21 30 39 20 37 28 12 38 34 32 24 35 43 36 25 29 18 42 19 33 41 44 45
35 24 18 21 37 19 38 26 20 42 33 31 25 34 45 28 32 30 14 40 15 36 41 43 44
37 22 21 19 34 20 42 25 28 38 39 27 23 29 43 31 32 33 13 40 30 36 41 44 45
39 19 20 18 25 21 24 27 28 30 38 32 26 33 31 34 35 36 29 37 41 40 42 43 44
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
33 23 Relatively constant trend
45 46 Overall downward trend
Linear trendline
Overall growth trend
Source: project UB/1375 Analyzing the change in rankings on the share of the turnover, for the period 2000 - 2014, we find that approximately 19.5% of the spa resorts have a general tendency to decreaseof the turnover from spa tourism,compared to about 67.3%, which registered a relatively constant trend and only 5 resorts registered a general growth trend (Slănic Prahova, Govora, Sinaia, OcnaȘugatag, Bughea de Sus) (Table 3).
46 12 4 6 11 23 44 8 15 9 1 25 2 7 5 16 14 19 20 17 24 26 21
46 22 15 2 16 8 5 9 11 10 24 31 4 14 7 17 13 27 34 20 33 12 25
15 11 5 3 12 6 17 8 14 13 7 31 1 16 10 33 22 30 9 23 18 28 19
29 9 7 2 16 5 8 4 6 11 18 24 3 15 26 32 23 22 14 19 17 25 10
8 5 7 1 13 6 10 11 9 12 19 17 3 15 14 40 24 23 16 18 20 22 34
14 10 15 1 9 3 8 5 12 13 4 22 7 17 6 44 18 30 34 23 24 42 38
46 12 5 7 8 17 29 18 13 11 1 27 3 9 6 19 20 10 14 31 22 37 21
46 7 15 2 8 20 14 10 6 9 3 35 1 12 5 17 13 18 16 25 23 22 30
46 8 5 3 12 18 10 20 6 9 11 40 1 13 4 32 15 16 7 19 24 30 22
46 10 4 3 5 19 1 17 9 8 15 44 2 12 7 30 24 16 14 25 22 32 18
46 11 2 12 10 21 3 27 8 7 32 43 4 19 14 35 5 13 9 17 36 38 6
45 12 35 6 7 14 10 16 4 5 36 40 1 9 13 28 15 8 3 26 27 38 11
43 17 9 23 5 15 7 8 4 3 36 44 1 10 6 46 2 14 18 26 24 39 12
42 11 36 16 3 9 43 8 6 5 15 44 1 17 7 46 2 14 19 34 23 26 21
Bughea de Sus Sinaia Moneasa Olanesti CalimanestiCaciulata TarguOcna Sacelu Sovata Predeal Eforie Slanic Moldova OcnaSugatag Baile Tusnad Mangalia Sanmartin Voineasa Geoagiu Busteni BaileHerculane Techirghiol VatraDornei Amara Sangeorz Bai
Table 4. Changes on the percentage of profit from spa tourism sector in the total profit
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Covasna Govora Soveja Pucioasa Turda Merei Baltatesti Borsec Borsa Chiscani Iasi Buzias Tasnad Tinca Sibiului Onesti Bazna Budureasa Lipova Calacea Valenii de Munte Bizusa
13 12 28 32 27 22 30 29 20 40 33 10 25 35 45 38 31 4 24 37 41 39
21 19 35 31 25 11 38 34 28 33 30 16 27 22 45 37 32 13 29 41 40 42
Linear trendline
21 18 34 39 30 22 41 19 23 29 31 17 24 25 46 33 42 2 32 43 37 44
16 11 1 20 22 41 34 39 31 31 20 27 44 38 42 40 24 23 30 28 37 35 33 26 29 29 23 13 26 21 39 37 45 45 15 43 25 33 40 36 41 42 28 34 Relatively constant trend
17 14 44 29 31 26 39 38 23 36 33 27 25 28 21 41 45 37 34 42 43 35
11 19 38 33 39 31 28 41 21 34 32 29 36 24 27 42 45 37 26 44 43 40
16 4 42 28 36 23 40 43 24 30 33 26 41 32 38 35 15 34 25 44 39 45
13 10 41 33 37 30 32 22 29 39 35 27 38 31 43 36 18 28 34 42 40 45 Overall Growth trend
21 6 19 30 40 36 37 18 29 35 38 23 43 44 28 39 26 3 32 42 41 45
19 11 46 28 21 20 27 37 29 26 31 25 41 39 35 36 43 16 32 40 45 33
27 32 39 21 29 20 37 24 35 36 38 26 42 43 34 40 25 2 41 44 45 46
28 31 33 36 27 20 13 21 30 40 34 35 39 41 45 42 38 12 37 43 44 46
25 29 4 33 30 27 28 26 38 39 32 31 43 36 21 37 44 35 41 42 45 46 Overall Downward trend
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Source: project UB/1375 The variation of the ranks, regarding the share of the profit in the spa sector presents the following situation:six resorts have a general decreasing trajectory, with a share in the total spa sector of 13.04% the same number of resorts has a general growth trajectoryand a number of 33 resorts, meaning 71.7%, indicates a steady trend. 4. CONCLUSIONS Following the analyzes carried out, we can hierarchize the tourist resorts in the spa sector in three categories depending on the contribution of the SPA sector to the local economic system: Resorts where the spa function brings the most important economic contribution to the local economy, representing the main economic sector.There are resorts in which investments have been made consistently, implying a positive economic trajectory. Stations where the spa function is declining,its contribution to the local economy is insignificantand so the basic function is unclear,presenting the risk of moving away from it. Resorts where the spa sector is replaced by other economic sectors, as its contribution to the local economy is becoming less and less. The analysis of the role of tourism in the structural dynamics of territorial systems with specific resources is particularly important due to the need to model the capacity of tourism to give sustainability to local and regional economies (Peptenatu et al., 2012; Braghină et al., 2011).These approaches can also contribute to consistent methodological progress in modeling functional disruptions in territorial systems (Andronache et al., 2016; Braghină et al., 2012; Prăvălie et al., 2014; Pintilii et al., 2016). Tourism, which is based on natural resources, can be a decisive factor in the structural model of the local economic profile,and increasing the role of this spa tourism in Romaniacan only be achieved with the support of local authorities and consistent financial investment. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research activities were financed by the research project - Structural Dynamics and Spatial Distribution of Creative Economies in Romania – UB/141083. REFERENCES 559
PROCEEDINGS OFTHE 11thINTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE “The Role of Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century” November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA
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