Cambodia:!Project!to!be!confirmed! Australia:!Project!to!be!confirmed. [#where#is#the#money#going?#]#. Page 1 of 1. 5c -
YGAP is a group of volunteers changing the world without changing the way we live. YGAP runs crea:ve and innova:ve fundraising projects for community development outcomes.
So what’s the
Awesome idea?
During the month of May (5th month) we will be collec:ng 5c pieces to provide funding to 5 projects aimed at allevia:ng poverty! There is $150,000,000 worth of 5c pieces in circula:on in Oz! We will be doing you a favor geLng rid of your 5c pieces and puLng them to good use!
[ why ] When is the last :me you stopped to pick up a 5c coin? When is the last :me you used a 5c coin? In our society we don’t value the 5c coin! We want to create social change and empower communi:es to be self sustainable.
[ how ] Collect 5c pieces: -‐ Provide Australians with a flat-‐packed ‘container’ to collect 5c pieces -‐ Target 5 corpora:ons, schools, government bodies to be ini:al partners -‐ Collec:ons deposited at any of the 4 big banks
[ what ] Our market: -‐ We aim to market it heavily within businesses and corpora:ons -‐ We’ll begin in Melbourne with an aim to go na:onal in 2013
[ where is the money going? ] This ini:a:ve will support the following 5 projects: Rwanda: Building a school and community development project Ghana: An: child trafficking project working with child slaves and funding a safe home Bangladesh: Building a school Cambodia: Project to be confirmed Australia: Project to be confirmed
[ how would we spend the $3K from the Awesome FoundaCon? ] While we have been able to secure some great partnerships with organisa:ons and individuals to provide services in-‐kind, a short fall remains for the MANUFACTURING of a container for the appeal. Buro North an industrial design agency has been working hard with us over the last month on the container design. In order to get this campaign off the ground we aim to secure $3K from the Awesome Founda:on to kick-‐start the container produc:on. Containers are paramount to making this campaign a success! More info on YGAP’s 5c Ini:a:ve: h`p://