To explain the nature, functioning and issues related to money, banks and non- ...
S.B. Gupta (1995) Monetary Economics - Institutions, Theory and Policy. 12.
srb-B.Com. Part-II Rev. Syllabus - 2004 Pg. No. 14
B.Com. Part-II Revised Syllabus-June 2004. 6. Money and Financial System Objectives: 1.
To explain the nature, functioning and issues related to money, banks and non- bank financial institutions in India to the students.
To acquaint the students fully with the changing role of financial institutions in the process of growth and development.
Section I Unit I : Money : Functions, constituents to money supply in India (Ml, M2, M3, M4) - Meaning and changing relative importance of each, High pow ered money - meaning and uses, sources of changes in high pow ered money.
Unit II : Finance :Role of finance in an economy, kinds of finance, Financial system, components, Financial intermediaries; Markets and instruments and their functions.15 Unit III : Indian Banking System : Definition of bank, Commercial banks functions and importance, Balance Sheet of a bank, - meaning and importance liabilities and assets, Lead bank Regional Rural Banks,
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
N A B A R D.20Unit IV :Credit Creation - process, limitations, Determination of money supply and total bank credit.
Section II Unit V : Development Banks and other non-banking financial institutions : Their main features, Unregulated credit markets in India - main features. 10 Unit VI : Reserve Bank of India - functions,instruments of credit control. Main features of monetary policy since independence.
Unit VII: Problems and Policies of Allocation of Institutional Credit and Interest Rates : A) Problems between the Government and Commercial Sector, Inter-sectoral and inter-regional large
problems, problems
borrow ers, Operation of conflicting pressure
before and after bank Nationalisation in 1969. B) Interest rates : Various rates in India (bond rate,billrate, deposit rates, lending rate) Administered rates and market determined rates. 20 Unit VIII Practical Banking Operations (through bank visit)
a) Bank customer; b) Procedure of opening, operation, transferring and closing of an account. c) Issue of D.D., M.T., T.T., discounting of negotiable instruments. d) Bankers rights and obligations. e) Credit card and debit card - ATM.REFERENCE BOOKS:
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
srb-B.Com. Part-II Rev.Syllabus - 2004 Pg. No.15
References : 1. Tannans Banking Law and Practice in India 2. Sayers Modern Banking 3. S.S.M. DesaiRural Banking in India 4. K.C. Shekhar Banking Theory and Practice 5. CrowtherAn Outline of Money 6. S.K. Basu Current Banking Theory and Practice 7. D.M. Mithani Money Banking:- International Trade and Public Finance 8. M.C.Vaish Modern Banking Trade and Public Finance 9. S.G. Panandikar Banking in India 10. B.H. B eckhart B anking S ystem 11. S.B. Gupta (1995) Monetary Economics - Institutions,Theory and Policy 12. R.B.I. (2000) Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India (Annual) 13. L.V. Chandlar & S.M. Goldteld (1977) The Economies of Money and Banking - Harper & Row, New York 14. S.MitraMoney and Banking, Random - House, New York 15. C . Rangarajan (1999)Indian Economics - Essay on Money and Finance 16. P.F. SmithEconomics of Financial Institutions and Markets 17. R.B.I. Report of the Committee to Review the working of the Monetary System (Chakravarty Committee)
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Y.V. Reddy (2000)Review of Monetary and Financial Sector Reform s in India - A Central Bankers Perspective
S.B. Gupta Monetary Planning of India : S.Chand, New Delhi.
M.Y. Khan Indian Financial System:- Theory and Practice - Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.24.Reserve Bank of India Functions and W orkings
Banking Commission Reports
Reserve Bank of India Annual Report(s)
Report on Currency Finance
A.K. Sengupta and M.K. Agarwal Money Market Operations in India - Skylark Publications, New Delhi
N. Vinayakan Banking 2000, A.D. Kanishka Publishing, Delhi
V.R. Panchamukhi, K.M. Raipuria R.
Tondon, Money and Finance
in W orld Economic Order - Indus Publishing Co., New Delhi. 31.
Merrill Financial Planning in the Bank - Mcmillan India Ltd., New Delhi.
A. Distribution of Marks
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
srb-B.Com. Part-II Rev.Syllabus - 2004 Pg. No. 16
N ATURE OF QUESTION PA P E R Money and Financial System (Total Marks - 100) Instructions : 1)
Q. No. 1 & Q. No. 7 are compulsory.
Attempt any two questions from Q. No. 2,3 & 4.
Attempt any one question from Q. No.5 & 6.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Objective Questions
Q. 2
Short Answ ers
20 Marks
Q. 3
Short Answ ers
20 Marks
Q. 4
Short Answ er
Q. 5
Essay Type Questions
Q. 6
Q. 7
10 Marks
10 Marks
Eassy Type Question A)
10 Marks
10 Marks
Essay Type Question
20 Marks
20 Marks 20 Marks
20 Marks
20 Marks
Shivaji University, Kolhapur