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State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, New York, NY, USA ...... 1Jersey General Hospital, Department of Cardiology, St Helier, Jersey ...... Method: In the COACT (CathOlic medical center percutAneous Coronary ..... 1The University of Melbourne, St Vincent's Hospital- Department of Medicine, Melbourne,.
6 OPENING LECTURE CAN WE IMPROVE MYOCARDIAL PROTECTION DURING ISCHEMIC INJURY? R. Ferrari Department of Cardiology and LTTA Centre, University Hospital of Ferrara, Ferrara and Maria Cecilia Hospital, GVM Care & Research, E.S. Health Science Foundation, Cotignola, Italy Cardiac protection is a broad term that refers to all strategies aimed at the attenuation of the damage caused by myocardial ischaemia (MI) and reperfusion. The term is used both in the experimental and clinical field, embracing a very wide (too wide in fact!) range of conditions from reduction of coronary atherosclerosis progression to an immediate reduction of the myocardial infarct size due to acute ischaemia and/or reperfusion. There is no doubt that cardiac protection is a story of broad success but there are also some failures. Indeed, the progression of coronary atherosclerosis can be reduced with angiotensin II inhibitors and statins with a consequential improvement of outcome. Equally, after the demonstration that coronary thrombosis is the cause and not the result of MI, timely restoration of blood flow (reperfusion) has become the standard treatment for these patients, with a corresponding limitation of infarct size, long-term improvement of MI and, more importantly, a reduction in mortality. Despite this success, however, the process of late restoration of blood flow to the ischaemic myocardium can paradoxically induce injury, a phenomenon known as reperfusion injury (RI). Therefore, the major challenge of cardiac protection today is to reduce RI. The problem is that RI is a complex phenomenon, involving many unclearly defined players, all contributing to the final damage that is inflicted on the heart. RI was originally described as a cell swelling, hyper-contracture or disruption of the intra-cellular structure and, in time, has progressed to at least four other types of cardiac dysfunction such as: myocardial stunning, the no-reflow phenomenon, reperfusion arrhythmias and finally lethal reperfusion injury described as an independent mediator of cardiomyocyte death (either necrosis, apoptosis, autophagy or necroptosis), different from ischaemic injury. Several approaches to reduce RI were tried with antioxidants, aderosine, beta and CA2+ blockers, statins, glucose with or without insulin and K, Trimetazidine, cyclosporine and other inhibitors of the Ca2+ pore – all without success. Recently, non-pharmacological interventions have also been proposed to reduce RI, mainly pre and post conditioning. The ideas come from the experimental laboratory, showing that brief cycles of ischaemia and reperfusion performed before a prolonged coronary occlusion or after reperfusion reduced infarct size in dogs. However, when applied to the clinic (mainly post-conditioning as pre-conditioning is difficult) protocols produced good results in small, proof of concept trials but not in a large randomised clinical trial.


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9 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY: TOPICAL ISSUES CULPRIT-ONLY VERSUS COMPLETE REVASCULARIZATION STRATEGIES TO TREAT MULTIVESSEL DISEASE AFTER PRIMARY PCI FOR STEMI G. Di Pasquale, E. Filippini, P. Camillo Pavesi, G. Franco Tortorici, G. Casellai, P. Sangiorgio Department of Cardiology, Maggiore Hospital, Bologna, Italy In 30% to 60% of patients presenting with STEMI significant stenoses are present in one or more non infarct-related arteries (IRA). The 2014 ESC/EACTS guidelines give a class IIb (level B) recommendation for immediate revascularization of non-culprit artery in selected patients. Since the STEMI guidelines publication, three randomized clinical trials have shown a significant benefit of complete revascularization when compared with culprit-only PCI. In the PRAMI trial (n = 465) complete revascularization at the time of culprit artery PCI was associated with significant reduction in cardiovascular outcomes when compared with culprit-only PCI. Similarly, in the CvLPRIT trial (n = 296), complete revascularization at index hospitalization was associated with a significant reduction of composite primary endpoint compared with treating only the IRA. In the DANAMI 3 - PRIMULTI (n= 627) FFR-guided complete revascularization before discharge significantly reduces the composite primary end-point of mortality, non-fatal re-infarction, and ischemia-driven revascularization compared with only culprit lesion PCI. Four meta-analyses recently published in 2014 and 2015, including randomized and nonrandomized clinical trials, have shown concordant results in terms of better outcome in favour of complete revascularization. However, there is firm evidence only for reduction of MACE with complete revascularization largely driven by reduction in repeat revascularization, without firm evidence for the reduction in death or myocardial infarction when compared with culprit-only revascularization. In conclusion, the current available evidence from the randomized clinical trials, with a total sample size of a bit more than 1700 patients, is not robust enough to firmly recommend complete revascularization in STEMI patients. This uncertainty lend support to the continuation of the COMPLETE trial. This ongoing trial is anticipated to enroll 3900 patients with STEMI from across the world and will be powered for hard outcomes of death and myocardial infarction. Until the results of the COMPLETE trial are reported, physicians need to individualize care regarding the opportunity and the timing of the non-IRA PCI.


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10 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY: TOPICAL ISSUES SIGNIFICANCE OF INCOMPLETE REVASCULARIZATION IN STABLE AND UNSTABLE CAD S.J. Brener Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, NY Methodist Hospital, New York, NY, USA Aims: To describe the impact of complete revscularization, anatomical or functional, on clinical outcomes in patients with stable or unstable coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous or surgical revascularization. Method: Review of data from clinical trials and national registries spanning two decades. Results: In the Medicine, Angioplasty or Surgery (MAAS II) study, 611 patients with multivessel coronary artery disease were randomized to one of the above three arms. In a retrospective analysis, complete revascularization was achieved in 64% of the CABG group and 36% of the PCI cohort. At 10 years, the rate of cardiovascular death in patients with complete revascularization was significantly lower than in those with incomplete revascularization, 9.3% vs. 15.7%, P=0.04. In patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and multivessel coronary artery disease, more complete revascularization is also associated with better outcomes. In a metaanalysis of 8 trials encompassing over 8,000 patients, multivessel PCI was an independent predictor of lower rate of major adverse cardiac events - HR=0.74 (95% CI 0.57 to 0.97), P=48hrs; 39.5% underwent angiography. No significant covariate differences for n=12,265 propensity-score-matched pairs. Mortality was the highest within the first 3 months (1.8%). No effect of angiography on survival to hospital discharge (odds ratio (OR) 1.22, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.88, 1.70). However, of n=12194 pairs discharged alive, angiography was associated with increased 3-month survival (OR 2.57, 95%CI 2.05, 3.23). Sensitivity testing for the effect of an unmeasured confounder (relative risk 1.5, prevalence 30% and 80% in non-ICA and ICA groups respectively) did not alter results. The effect of angiography persisted at 6 months (OR 2.28, 95%CI 1.72, 3.02) and at 12 months (OR 2.29, 95%CI 1.83, 2.87). Conclusion: Patients with TN-NSTEACS benefit from ICA, with improved survival to 12 months.


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357 ANGINA PECTORIS, UNSTABLE ANGINA, ACS EFFECT OF THE KV1.3 VOLTAGE-GATED POTASSIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER PAP-1 ON THE INITIATION AND PROGRESS OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS IN A RAT MODEL W. Xiaofen, R. Xu, M. Cao, L. Ruan, X. Wang, C. Zhang Department of Gerontology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China Acute coronary syndrome is a serious medical emergency. It occurs when an atherosclerotic plaque ruptures, leading to thrombus formation within a coronary artery. Previous studies have shown that T cells are involved in the initiation and progression of acute coronary syndrome. CD4+CD28null T lymphocytes increase in atherosclerotic plaque, and voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 blockers can suppress the function of these cells in vitro by preventing exocytosis of their cytoplasmic granules. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of PAP-1, a small molecule voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 blocker, on the development of atherosclerosis (AS) in a rat model and the potential mechanism for this effect. Plasma lipids, interferonc, CRP, CD4+CD28null T cells, and perforin were increased and unstable atherosclerotic plaques developed in the rat model of AS. Blockade of the Kv1.3 potassium channel via PAP-1 administration decreased perforin levels and prevented plaque formation but had no effect on the other changes seen in this AS model. These findings suggest that the small molecule, voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 blocker PAP-1 can suppress the development of AS in a rat model, most likely by inhibiting the exocytosis of cytoplasmic granules from CD4+CD28null T cells.


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358 ANGINA PECTORIS, UNSTABLE ANGINA, ACS ANGIOPLASTY IMPROVES MORTALITY IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC ANAEMIA M. Zaman1, R.S. Gorantla2, H. Uppal3, N. Lavu3, S. Chandran4, R. Potluri3 1University Hospital of South Manchester, Cardiology, Manchester, United Kingdom 2Columbia University of Physicians and Surgeons- Bassett Medical Center, Internal Medicine, New York, USA 3Aston University, Acalm Study Unit in Collobaration with Aston Medical School, Birmingham, United Kingdom 4North Western Deanery, Acute Medicine, Manchester, United Kingdom Aims: Angioplasty has changed the management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, in patients with chronic anaemia the evidence for angioplasty in ACS is less well known. We sought to investigate the role of angioplasty in patients with anaemia presenting with ACS, and how it affected mortality. Method: Anonymous information on patients with ACS, attending a large multi-ethnic general hospital in Manchester, United Kingdom in the period 2000-2013 was obtained from the local health authority computerised hospital activity analysis register using ICD-10 and OPCS coding systems according to the ACALM protocol.


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Results: Out of 25294 patients, 1551(6.1%) patients had Anaemia as defined by national standards. Of these, 89(5.7%) patients underwent angioplasty with mean age 65.0 years and were significantly younger than patients who did not undergo angioplasty. Patients who did not undergo angioplasty had higher prevalence of Ischaemic Stroke(6.2% vs 1.1%), Heart Failure(36.7% vs 11.2%) and Chronic Kidney Disease(18.7% vs 4.5%), whilst angioplasty patients had higher prevalence of previous ACS (27.2% vs 36.0%) and peripheral vascular disease(6.8% vs 7.9%). Multi-nominal logistic regression analysis revealed Heart Failure(RR2.16), Ischaemic Stroke(RR3.67) and Chronic Kidney Disease(RR1.39) as significant predictors of mortality in this patient group. Angioplasty(RR7.81) and previous ACS(RR1.88) conferred mortality improvement in this patient group.

Conclusion: We have shown that angioplasty confers significantly improved mortality in the management of ACS in patients with chronic anaemia. The findings of this study highlight the need for clinicians to conscientiously think about the individual benefits and risks of angioplasty for every patient with chronic anaemia rather than confining to stereotypes.


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359 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY AND STENTING ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION AND PREGNANCY-CASE IN YOUNG PATIENTS WITH THIRTY-THREE YEARS AND EIGHT MONTHS OF PREGNANCY M. De Oliveira Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Aims: Acute myocardial infarction is the leading cause of death in the developed world. Risk factors such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, smoking, physical inactivity, obesity diet increases the incidence of coronary disease. Nonetheless concomitance of pregnancy, female and youth are not correlated to MI's incidence and are rare (0.01%). Method: We treated a patient of 33 years arrived in the emergency room with infero-dorsal AMI Killip III-IV and eight months pregnant. she was admitted to ICU with acute respiratory failure and cardiogenic shock (BP = 60x40 mm Hg),tachycardia, tachydyspneic,CB =120bpm, torpor,,cold extremities, hemodynamically unstable. She was treated with pressor amines (dobutamine 6mcg/kg/min),noradrenaline (6mcg/kg/min), volume (1500ml SF 0.9%),oxygen(6L/min).Due to worsening of the clinical state we did oro-tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation and immediate caesarean. There born male fetus in good condition. Results: After cesarean she was underwent coronary angiography, left ventriculography by right femoral artery access which showed occlusion of the circumflex artery in proximal third.RCA and LAD were free of obstructive lesions. Left ventriculography showed moderate lower hypokinesia and she received (clopidogrel 600mg/200mg AAS/10.000 IU IV heparin).The LCA was catheterized with catheter guide JL3.5-6F and crossed the lesion with guidewire 0014 mediumsupport. We used vacuum thrombi PRONTO V3 and implemented intensive aspirations of intracoronary thrombus until the establishment of TIMI 3,Then a 3.0x24mm Endeavor stent was placed in the lesion being expanded to 16 atm with excellent angiographic result . Conclusion: The clinical case shows rare case (0.01%)of AMI in young pregnant women(33 years-8 months)in cardiogenic shock, which was treated with immediate cesarean, thrombus aspiration and implantation coronary stent, Mother and child was discharged 8 days after admission.


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360 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY AND STENTING PRE-EXPOSURE TO NORMOBARIC HYPEROXIA HAS NO EFFECT ON MYOCARDIAL INJURY BIOMARKERS AFTER PERCUTANEOUS TRANSLUMINAL CORONARY ANGIOPLASTY A. Mohamadi, M. Namdari, B. Rasoulian, A. Raoufi, A. Nazari Lorestan University of Medical Siences, Madani Hospital, Khoramabad, Iran Aims: It has been determined in animal models that hyperoxia-induced preconditioning could reduce ischemia-reperfusion injury of the heart tissue. Short-term ischemia and subsequent reperfusion occurs unavoidably in coronary angioplasty.The purpose of the present study was to determine the possible effect of oxygen pretreatment in inducing preconditioning during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Method: Thirty two patients who had been referred for elective angioplasty were randomly divided into the“control” and the “oxygen” groups. The subjects in the oxygen group were exposed to normobaric oxygen (nearly 70% O2)via non-rebreathing masks for 1 hour at 12 and 2 hours before PTCA. One hour after the last oxygen pre-exposure period, the patients underwent PTCA (20seconds of balloon inflation, 2 min of reperfusion).The chest pain score and cardiac injury biomarkers(troponin I and CKMB) were assessed 12 hours after the coronary angioplasty.Biomarkers data and chest pain scores were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon t-test. Results: Troponin I and CKMB levels were elevated in both groups after angioplasty, but there was not any significant difference between groups in this regard (p =0.23 and 0.47 respectively). The average pain score during the balloon inflation in the oxygen group was lower than in the control group (2.8±1.2 versus 4.11±1.21, p=0.008). Conclusion: Two times of 1h pre-exposure to normobaric hyperoxia (nearly 70%) at 12 and 2 hours before percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty has no significant effect on myocardial injury biomarkers, Troponin I and CKMB.


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361 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY AND STENTING ACUTE ANGIOGRAPHIC, ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC AND CLINICAL FINDINGS IN OUTOF-HOSPITAL CARDIAC ARREST PATIENTS ADMITTED TO URGENT CORONARY INTERVENTION - TEN YEAR EXPERIENCE FROM LARGE INVASIVE CARDIOLOGY CENTER A. Zelias, A. Trabka-Zawicki, K. Zmudka Institute of Cardiology Jagiellonian University Medical College, Interventional Cardiology Clinic, Krakow, Poland Aims: The main purpose of the study was to evaluate coronary angiography findings in out-ofhospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients Method: We analysed angiographic, electrocardiographic, clinical and laboratory findings of all consecutive OHCA patients admitted to urgent coronary angiography and angioplasty (UCA/PCI) in our institution since 2000 to 2011 Results: We analysed 405 patients after OHCA. On coronary angiography acute coronary lesions were found in 82% of cases. Acute occlusion was present in 48% of patients, in 34% there were other acute lesions, i.e. >90% stenosis in major coronary artery, lesions with unstable morphology, fresh thrombus or with TIMI 50%) coronary artery stenosis. Although in multivariate analysis only ST-segment elevation and/or chest pain before cardiac arrest were independently correlated with acute coronary occlusion or critical stenosis, more than half of nonST elevation OHCA patients had acute coronary lesions. The type of ST segment changes did not have any influence on survival. Conclusion: Most of OHCA patients admitted to UCA/PCI had acute coronary lesions. Although ST-elevation were found to independently correlate with presence of acute lesion, most patient without ST-segment elevation were also diagnosed of ACS. ECG did not adequately discriminate which OHCA patient should be admitted to UCA/PCI nor affect prognosis.


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362 DRUG THERAPY, CLINICAL TRIALS PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PHARMACHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF ATP SENSITIVE POTASIUM CHANNELS(KATP)IN LANGENDORFF RAT HEART SYSTEM.THE IMPACT OF ISCHEMIAREPERFUSION F. Revnic1, C.R. Revnic2, S. Voinea3, C. Pena4, B. Paltineanu5 1NIGG"Ana Aslan", Biology of Aging, Bucharest, Romania 2UMF"Carol Davila, Cardiology, Bucharest, Romania 3UMF"Carol Davila", Oncology, Bucharest, Romania 4NIGG"Ana Aslan", Biology Aging, Bucharest, Romania 5UMF Tg.Mures, General Surgery, Bucharest, Romania Aims: The ATP sensitive K channels (KATP ) have been implicated in myocardium recovery following an ischemic aggression. It has been suggested that phosphorilation of KATP , following activation of protein kinase C via diacylglycerol, leads to the closing of K channels. The aim of study was concerned with conjugate investigation of these two cellular components in Langendorff retrograde perfused isolated rat heart system Method: After 20 ` stabilisation of heart parameters was induced 45 min ischemia followed by 60 min reperfusion . Results: After 30 min reperfusion there was a significant reduction in LVPD the decrease in contractility of heart muscle by blocking K channel with glibenclamid. In the case of association of glibenclamid with DOG, activator of protein kinase C, the reduction of contractile force is less. Activation of protein kinase C abolishes the blocking effect of K channels by glibenclamid, in such a way that at the begining of reperfusion cardiac frequency increases above control values, leading to a slight decrease in time Ischaemia/reperfusion modifies functional parameters in isolated heart, and the action of factors which act upon K channels(either bloking or debloking them) is expressed by modification of these functional parametersThe traditional mechanism of pharmacological agents action to limit lesions produced by experimental ischaemia/reperfusion is related with favorable modification in oxygen supplay balance. Conclusion: K channels openers seems to posses an unique antiischaemic mechanism which cannot be explained by improving the oxygen supply or reduction of its consumption, and the antiischaemic effect is produced by a direct cardioprotective action


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363 DRUG THERAPY, CLINICAL TRIALS EPIGALLOCATECHIN-3-GALLATE DECREASED PLATELET AGGREGATION INDEPENDENT OF CONCOMITANT ASPIRIN, CLOPIDOGREL OR TICAGRELOR TREATMENT S.J. Hong, H.J. Joo, D.S. Lim Korea University Anam Hospital, Cardiology, Seoul, Korea Aims: Although epigallocatechin-3e-gallate (EGCG), which is found in high contents in the dried leaves of green tea, has been reported to have anti-platelet effect, synergistic effect of EGCG in addition to under current antiplatelet medications remains to be elucidated. Method: Blood samples were obtained from total 40 participants individuals who took aspirin (ASA, n=10), clopidogrel (CPD, n=10), ticagrelor (TCG, n=10) and no antiplatelet medications (Control,n=10). Ex vivo platelet aggregation and adhesion under various stimulators were analyzed by multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA) and Impact-R. PAC-1 and P-selectin expressions in human platelets were analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: In MEA analysis (Figure 1), ADP and TRAP-inducible platelet aggregations werewas lower in the CPD and the TCG groups; arachidonic acid (AA)-inducible platelet aggregation was lowered in the ASA group; whereas, collagen (Col)-inducible platelet aggregations were comparable among 4 groups. EGCG reduced ADP, TRAP, AA and Col-inducible platelet aggregation inwith dose-dependent manner in the Control group. There were no significant differences inof ADP, TRAP, AA and Col-inducible platelet aggregation among 4 groups under the maximal EGCG treatment (200umol/L). Impact-R showed no significant differences inof the platelet adhesion (surface coverage) among 4 groups. EGCG had no significant effect on PAC-1 and P-selectin expressions among 4 groups. Conclusion: Ex vivo treatment of EGCG yielded the maximal suppression of ADP, TRAP, AAASPI and Col-inducible platelet aggregation independent ofto aspirin, clopidogrel or ticagrelor treatment. EGCG had no significant effect on the platelet adhesion and PAC-1 and P-selectin expression. EGCG may be a potential target for the new antiplatelet drug development in the future.


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364 DRUG THERAPY, CLINICAL TRIALS PHARMACOKINETICS (PK), PHARMACODYNAMICS (PD), AND SAFETY OF TICAGRELOR IN CHINESE PATIENTS WITH STABLE CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD) H. Li1, J. Guo2, G.F. Carlson3, R. Teng4 1Peking University Third Hospital, Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Haiden District- Beijing, China 2Peking University Third Hospital, Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Beijing, China 3AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Clinical Research, Gaithersburg, USA 4AstraZeneca LP, Clinical Pharmacology, Gaithersburg, USA Aims: Ticagrelor and AR-C124910XX (active metabolite) bioavailability are ~40% higher in Asians versus Caucasians. We investigated the PK, PD and safety of ticagrelor in Chinese CHD patients. Method: Study: open-label, single-centre, randomised, phase IV (NCT02064985). Patients (n=12/dose) on chronic low-dose aspirin (75–100mg/day) received ticagrelor 45, 60 or 90mg (single dose: Days 1 and 7; twice daily [bid]: Days 3–6). Endpoints: PK parameters, inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation (IPA; final-extent), P2Y12 reaction units (PRU), adverse events (AEs). Results: All 36 patients completed the study. Dose-proportional (45mg vs 90mg) increases in ticagrelor and AR-C124910XX Cmax and AUC0–12h occurred. Day 1: mean IPA was similar up to 2h, then higher up to 48h (all timepoints) with ticagrelor 90mg versus lower doses. Mean PRU was markedly reduced at 1h versus baseline with all doses, with maximum mean PRU reduction (72–88%) at ~3h. With 45, 60, and 90mg bid, IPA (Day 7) was >85%, >90% and >95%, respectively. PRU values were lower with 90mg (range 17–32) versus 45mg (48–98) and 60mg (36–81). PK, IPA, and PRU differences between 45mg and 60mg dosing were small. Proportion of patients with >1 AE was 33% (45mg), 33% (60mg), and 42% (90mg). Most AEs were mild. Conclusion: Following single and multiple dosing, exposure to ticagrelor and AR-C124910XX increased between 45 and 90mg doses in Chinese CHD patients. Ticagrelor (45, 60 and 90mg) markedly reduced platelet aggregation, and IPA and PRU magnitude generally increased with increasing doses. Exposure and PD differences between 45 and 60mg were small.


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Conflict of Interest Disclosure Sttatement: For ICCAD, Astrazenca will provide funds for my registration/attendance and travel to the congress to present these data. I have no other conflicts of interest’

365 DRUG THERAPY, CLINICAL TRIALS EFFECTS OF A NOVEL HYPOLIPIDEMIC COMPOUND (D-47) ON SERUM LIPID LEVELS OF WHHLMI RABBITS S. Tamura1, Y. Yu2, T. Nakagawa1, R. Nagasaka1, T. Tsunoda3, K. Ogawa3, M.O. Tori3, T. Koike2, M. Shiomi2 1Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Division of Comparative Pathophysiology, Kobe, Japan 2Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Institute for Experimental Animals, Kobe, Japan 3Tokushima Bunri University, Medical Chemistry- Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Tokushima, Japan Aims: Although effects of statin on serum lipid levels and cardiovascular events are potent, statins’ effect on cardiovascular event is limited. Therefore, a compound having different mechanism may be contribute to further reduction of cardiovascular events. We developed a new compound showing hypolipidemic effects. Method: The compounds were administered to WHHLMI rabbits, an animal model for hypercholesterolemia and coronary atherosclerosis, for 5 weeks at a dose of 30 mg/kg of D-47, 0.5 mg/kg of pitavastatin, 50 mg /kg of bezafibrate, and 300 mg/kg of EPA. Serum lipid levels were assayed every week by enzymatic methods. Lipoprotein was fractionated with a ultracentrifuge. Expression of mRNA of liver was analyzed with RT-PCR. Results: Compared to the initiation of drug administration, serum cholesterol levels at the 5 weeks of administration were decreased by 23% in D-47 group, 28% in EPA group, and 30% in pitavastatin group. Serum triglyceride levels were decreased by 41% in D-47 group, and 34% in EPA group. However, bezafibrate did not affect serum lipid levels. These decrease in D-47 group was mainly due to a decrease in VLDL fraction. In RT-PCR analyses, expression of FAS was decreased in D-47 group. Conclusion: D-47 is a potent hypolipidemic compound.


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366 DRUG THERAPY, CLINICAL TRIALS XUEFU ZHUYU PRESCRIPTION FOR THE TREATMENT OF ANGINA PECTORIS: A METAANALYSIS OF RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS S.M. Gao, S. Gao, L. Li, Y.H. Bian, C.Q. Yu Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin, China The main objective of this study is to quantitatively analyze Xuefu Zhuyu prescription treatment efficacy and safety of coronary heart disease with angina pectoris. In China, Xuefu Zhuyu prescription as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been widely used in the treatment of angina pectoris, therefore, systematically and objectively evaluate the efficacy of Xuefu Zhuyu prescription is necessary. Retrieving total 8 databases, Cochrane Library, Pubmed, Web of Science, Elsevier, CNKI, Wanfang, CBM, and VIP, the literatures as of April 2015 has been published in both English and Chinese, are absorbed into angina pectoris clinical randomized controlled trials that the treatment of Xuefu Zhuyu prescription alone or merged with conventional Western medicine, and compared with the treatment of conventional Western medicine. All reports which were selected in accordance with strict inclusion criteria will be analyzed with Revman 5.3 software for statistical analysis, end effect index to relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). A total of 10 articles were 735 cases of patients with angina pectoris included in the standard, the results showed that the treatment group effect better than the control group (RR = 1.27; 95% CI = [1.19, 1.37]). No adverse reactions of Xuefu Zhuyu prescription has been reported. Application in the treatment of angina pectoris, Xuefu Zhuyu prescription could improve the efficiency, and has the characteristics of less adverse reaction. However, due to effect of the low quality of the absorbed studies of samples, publication bias and other factors, there has to be more high-quality, multiple-center, large-sample randomized controlled trials to validate the curative effect of Xuefu Zhuyu prescription. Key words: Xuefu Zhuyu prescription; coronary heart disease; angina pectoris; meta-analysis; randomized controlled trial Acknowledgments This project was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2014CB542902, http://program.most.gov.cn/). The funders had no role in study design and data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the paper.


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367 ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION, VASCULAR BIOLOGY EFFECTS OF CERIUM OXIDE NANOPARTICLES IN HUMAN ENDOTHELIAL CELLS: VIABILITY, APOPTOSIS, INFLAMMATION AND OXIDATIVE STRESS S. Del Turco1, G. Ciofani2, V. Cappello3, T. Navarra1, C. Caselli1, M. Gemmi3, V. Mattoli2, G. Basta1 1Institute of Clinical Physiology, Council of National Research, Pisa, Italy 2Center of MicroBioRobotics @SSSA, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia- Pontedera Pisa- Italy, Pisa, Italy 3Center for Nanotechnology Innovation @NEST, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia- Pisa- Italy, Pisa, Italy Aims: The endothelium plays a key role in cardiovascular physiopathology and represents an important target for drug or gene therapy. Cerium oxide nanoparticles (nanoceria) have attracted much attention due to their antioxidant potential. We explored the cytocompatibility and the antiinflammatory, antioxidant and anti-apoptotic effects of nanoceria on endothelial umbilical vein endothelail cells (HUVECs). Method: HUVECs were incubated for 24h and 48h with nanoceria in cell culture medium at 50 μg/mL. Cell viability and proliferation was assayed by WST-1 assay. Flow cytometry analysis was used to evaluate apoptosis and microparticle release. Vascular adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) expression by surface enzyme immunoassay, intracellular ROS production by the DCF assay, IL6 release by ELISA assay and nanoparticle uptake evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: Nanoceria did not affect cell vitality and did not induce apoptosis in HUVECs at any of the incubation time. Nanoceria reduced the H2O2 (25μmol/L)-induced ROS production in a timedependent manner (-40%±10%, -26%±8%, p