Grade Language Arts. Vocabulary Workshop – Level C - Sadlier-Oxford.
Exercises in English – Level H – Loyola Press. • Composition of formal research
St. Elizabeth Seton School
Scope and Sequence - Language Arts & Literature Middle School (Grades 6, 7, and 8) 6th Grade Language Arts Vocabulary Workshop – Level A - Sadlier-Oxford Exercises in English – Level F – Loyola Press Development of written and verbal vocabulary Increase complex sentence structure and usage Identify parts of speech including diagramming Develop instructional, explanatory, cause/effect, and compare/contrast writing styles 7th Grade Language Arts Vocabulary Workshop – Level B - Sadlier-Oxford Exercises in English – Level G – Loyola Press Development of written and verbal vocabulary Compose instructional, explanatory, and persuasive writing styles Develop research and formal writing skills Vary writing styles through sentence and paragraph structure 8th Grade Language Arts Vocabulary Workshop – Level C - Sadlier-Oxford Exercises in English – Level H – Loyola Press Composition of formal research papers Practice use of MLA standards Expand proficiency in various writing styles Review grammar and mechanics Language Arts – Grade Level 6th, 7th and 8th Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary and Loyola Press Exercises in English Structure and Method Students enrolled in grade level middle school classes will become proficient in writing with direct instruction in structured writing skills for instructional, explanatory, persuasive, formal, cause/effect and compare/contrast writing pieces. Students are expected to apply grammar and vocabulary learned in the direct instruction of these subjects. Assessment will be their writing pieces along with exams covering the vocabulary and grammar.
St. Elizabeth Seton School
6th Grade Literature Novel based instruction Exposure to various literary genres and story elements Bridge to Teribithia – Paterson Walk Two Moons – Creech The Pinballs – Byers Sigh of the Beaver – Speare Freak the Mighty – Rodman 7th Grade Literature Novel based instruction Exposure to more complex story elements Compose poetry to include numerous styles and structures Where the Red Fern Grows – Rawls Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry – Taylor Let the Circle be Unbroken – Taylor The Giver – Lowry Hatchet – Paulsen Brian’s Winter – Paulsen 8th Grade Literature Interpret and relate key passages from literature Determine underlying issues and points Extensive exposure of the Holocaust Romeo and Juliet – Shakespeare The Hobbit – Tolkien A Wrinkle in Time – L’Engle The Outsiders – Hinton Night – Wiesel