Many activities are free! Have a great summer, and we look forward to see- ing you back ... Denver Public Library : The
Denver Public Schools
6th Grade Newsletter Last Issue May 2014
It’s the end, but...also the beginning! Special points of interest: KCAA does not have school on Memorial day, May 26th. There is NO SCHOOL on May 30th (which is not on the DPS calendar). The last day of school is June 6th, and it is an early dismissal (12:47). The first day back to school is on August 25th.
When summer arrives, students need something to do! What better way to keep them busy than to get them involved with learning programs available in the area. In this last issue, summer enrichment programs will be highlighted, and the best thing? Many activities are free! Have a great summer, and we look forward to seeing you back on August 25th!
The Denver Post webpage provides information about day camps for drama, science, math, and art!
Inside this issue: Literacy Programs
Math/ Tenmarks
Breakthrough enver
History, Science and Art exhibits
Literacy Programs Reading Program: Regis University has summer reading classes available for grades K-12. Classes meet only once during the week for about an hour. This program is a community service, and it is free to the public. Call Regis University for more information: 1.800.978.3532.
Writing Camp: CU Denver is offering writing workshops through the Denver Writing Project. Scholarships are still available. The Young Writer’s Camp will be June 9-13 from 9am-3pm. Call 303.556.8394 for more information.
Denver Public Library : The Denver Library network kicks off its reading program on June 2 and it runs all summer until August 9th. Visit
Math Help! Tenmarks is a FREE online resource you can use at home or at the library! After a pre-test, students are given individualized practice problems to help them master skills they may have struggled with over the course of the year. IT’S FREE If your child loves animals, consider setting up a time when they can volunteer at a shelter this summer!
To register, go to the following website: www.
“I believed in studying, because I knew education was a privilege…” -Wynton Marsalis
Breakthrough-Denver (Leadership and Academics) Breakthrough is a tuitionfree 6-week program for kids. The partnership between Kent Denver and DPS schools offers struggling students assistance in academics to prepare them for upper-middle school, highschool, and beyond. During the school year, assistance is offered on Saturdays,
and students can receive free tutoring throughout the year. Orientation is on May 24th. For more information, call 303.770.7660. Website:
History, Science, and Art Exhibits Denver’s Colorado History Museum has a lot of fun things to do this summer from history readings on Wednesday to bands and exhibits. Also, don’t forget to check out Dale Chihuly’s outdoor sculp-
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ture exhibit at the Denver Botanical Gardens this summer. It begins June 14th.
The YMCA offers free and reduced-priced learning programs this summer.
The Denver Museum of Nature and Science currently has an exhibit on Mayan Culture! Go explore!
6th Grade Newsletter