The science standards for the sixth grade provide the foundation for a course that
is based on a rich and ... In-class projects and labs will be assigned frequently.
6th GRADE SCIENCE 2013-2014 Exploring the life, earth, and physical sciences Course Description Welcome! This year is going to be an awesome year in science! The focus for science in grade six is to provide students with a foundation for hands-on experiences that allow for the active engagement and concrete examples that students require in order to understand basic science concepts. Sixth graders will continue to develop the investigative skills they have been acquiring since kindergarten, expanding them to include the skill of differentiating between observation and inference, and introducing the structure and function of plants, animals, Earth's atmosphere and weather, and the conservation of energy. Instructional Philosophy Our intent is to allow students to make connections from the classroom to the real world. Since all students learn at different levels and speeds, our classroom activities and instruction will be based on a variety of methods. Course Goals and Standards The science standards for the sixth grade provide the foundation for a course that is based on a rich and wide variety of learning experiences that actively engage students and accommodate a broad range of student learning styles through varied materials and instructional strategies. Students will observe, interact with materials and people, and ask questions as they explore new concepts and expand their knowledge. Course goals include: 1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of technological design and scientific inquiry, including process skills, mathematical thinking, controlled investigative design and analysis, and problem solving. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the law of conservation of energy and the properties of energy and work. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between Earth's atmospheric properties and processes and its weather and climate. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and responses of animals that allow them to survive and reproduce. 5. The student will demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and responses of plants that allow them to survive and reproduce. Extra Help Opportunities At any time a student may request time for extra help; designated times will be before or after school and if scheduling allows, during lunch/recess. Major Assessments and Grading Practices/ Major Course Assignments and Projects We will be completing four major units of study throughout the year. At the end of each unit, the student will be given a unit test covering the material we have studied and experienced. The unit test will be given with at least a one week notice, will include a study guide, and will involve one FULL day of review. These unit tests are a huge portion of the student’s grade. It is important that the student studies extensively. In-class projects and labs will be assigned frequently. Students will have ample time to complete the assignments in class. However, the student will be required to complete assignments at home if they are not finished in class. Quizzes will be given frequently throughout the school year. Please check the teacher pages on the school web site for dates. Student’s grades will be recorded and transferred to Power School every two weeks. Grade reports may be requested at any time. Grading Scale A points system will be used to record and assess students’ knowledge. For example, a quiz may be worth 20 points where a test may be worth 120 points. If a student scores 15 out of 20 on the quiz, they earned a 75%. If a student scores 110 out of 120 on the
100-93 92-85 84-77 76-70 69 &
test, they earned a 92%. The grade percentage is calculated by dividing the points earned by points possible. The grade table to the right shows the grading scale adopted by CCSD and will be used to determine the letter grade of students. Make-up Work It is the responsibility of the student to ask for and obtain any missed work. All handouts and notes will be available on Smart School as well as in the designated area in the classroom. As per CCSD policy, a student has 3 days to make up any work that was assigned during their absence. Work that was assigned previous to the absence is due the day the student returns. Homework Homework assignments will be meaningful, respectful, and possible. All assignments will be updated on the teacher pages found on the school web page. Class work not completed in class may be finished for homework. Additionally, students are responsible for copying all weekly assignments posted on the homework board. On time=100 1 day late =70 2 days late=0 Classroom Rules and Procedures The school discipline plan, along with our classroom overview, is presented to the students during school. During the first week, rules and procedures will be discussed, modeled, and practiced to teach the expectations within the school and classroom. The expectation is that all students to follow the school P.R.I.D.E rules. A copy of the school’s P.R.I.D.E rules is in the student agenda. Class Supplies Students will need a composition notebook for each semester (2 for the year). Students will utilize these notebooks for notes, labs, activities, etc. All handouts will be glued into these notebooks. That being said, all students are required to have a glue stick every day in class. If students do not have either of these materials, they will not earn participation points and their grade could be affected. It also STRONGLY recommended that student’s have their own art supplies (markers, colored pencils, etc) as we will be frequently drawing the science concepts throughout the year. Parent/Teacher Communication If you have any questions or need to get in touch with me, please email me at
[email protected] . I will check email frequently and respond as soon as possible. Please note that planning schedules may not allow me to call back and that email normally ensures a quicker response. Smart School The school web page is the absolute best way to communicate and keep track of what is going on in class. Updates are made weekly with information including, daily assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, labs, and resources. I strongly recommend using this tool to find out about your child’s daily school activities. At any given time, postings are subject to change; check as often as possible to stay current. The website is: Information may be accessed with or without logging in. I highly encourage students to share the responsibility of checking for updates. I look forward to a wonderful year and look forward to having your child in class. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation and support! Sincerely,
Saretha Lavarnway
[email protected] 843.763.1529
WISH LIST: Colored copy paper Construction paper Art supplies (markers, colored pencils, etc.) Paper towels Kleenex Glue sticks!!! YOU WILL NEED THIS AT ALL TIMES! Hand sanitizer