7 Surefire strategies for your online success

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7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com. Page 5. SEO &
7 Surefire strategies for your online success

Before the webinar, answer the following: What are you hoping to learn in today's webinar? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

How soon are you willing to make changes to improve your online marketing efforts? Today

This week

This month

within 3 mos

within 6 mos.

Other _____________________________________________________________

Following begins the webinar with a place for your notes: You are here if: You are a_________________________________ ___




You want some ________________________________ YES



You are a ____________________________________ YES



You serious about your__________________________




You have _______________ & ___________ overwhelm YES



You don't know ________________________________ YES



You are NOT a Marketing _______________________ YES



You need some __________________________ advice YES




7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com Here's what you are going to learn: The _________________________________________ for your online success. and The __________ Surefire Strategies for your online success.

The 7 surefire strategies include: 1. The importance of ________________________________________________. 2. The importance of _________________________ and ___________________ before you begin your website development project ( & why it _____________). 3. The _________________________________ to avoid on your website (also the #1 reason for having a website....REALLY!) 4. Top tools & strategies to use on your website or blog to grow _____________ and potential ____________________________. 5. If you are thinking about PPC (aka pay-per-click advertsing) _________________! 6. A way to get your MBS health business consistently found on Page #________ for a local _______________________ search. 7. An ____________________, _________________ & ________________ to greatly expand your online presence, capture highly targeted leads & grow your business for way less than you'd expect.

Why is any of this of value? It can save you _________________ , ________________, & ________________.

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7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com

Ready? Let's Begin ! Did You Know? _____ % of consumers use the internet to find local businesses. _____ % of Smart Phone users are looking for Local businesses & services every week. _____ % of Smart Phone users that look for Local businesses & services & take action that day! _____ % It works for all businesses. People search for all types of businesses & services on mobile devices.

Are you convinced yet? YES



Do you have some sort of online presence?




If no, are you ready to do something about it?




Strategy #1: __________________________________ Notes: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com Strategy #2 _____________________________________________________ Notes: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Strategy #3 _____________________________________________________ Notes: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

What matters to google ? 1. __________________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4.__________________________________ 5.__________________________________

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7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com SEO & Social Media Notes: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Most Used Social media platforms Facebook _____% Twitter _____% Linked In _____% YouTube _____% Blogging _____% Google + _____% Pinterest _____%

Strategy #4 What's the most important part of any website? What's your guess ? ____________________________________________________________________ (Hint: it has nothing to do with anything we've covered so far)

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________

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7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Strategy #5a: FREEBIES RULE See your __________________________________ go up _____% and more when you offer something ___________ and _______________________.

This is called a _________________________________ in online marketing land.

Strategy #5B: Bump your ________________________ another ______% to ______ % with a ____________________.

Strategy #6: Landing Pages? Don't do any __________________________ without them! Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com Strategy #7: Get involved in ____________________________________________________! If done ____________, they can be a significant key to your _______________ & __________ success.

Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Ready for a comprehensive online marketing solution that's: 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________

Here's what that looks like: 1. A "Best Practices" _______________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ 3. A Report with your ______________________________________________ 4. __________________ and _________________ Instructions

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7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com 5. SEO = _______________________________________________________ 6. __________________ with right side bar images that measure 300 x 250 7. Exposure on ___________________________.com/___________________ 8. Exposure on ___________________________.com/___________________ 9. Exposure on ___________________________.com/___________________ 10.

Exposure on ____________________.com/______________ (+$95)


Inclusion in our ________________________ Newsletter

What do you think all of this is worth? Your answer....take a guess : _____________________________ What do you pay for a 1/4 page ad in your local newspaper? $_________ Where do you see more value? __________________

Take More Notes! _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

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7 Surefire strategies for your online success with Online Media Expert Liz Gracia of NewMousemedia.com _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

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