7th Grade Syllabus 2012-2013. The following information should help you
understand what is expected this year in seventh grade. Philosophy. I want each
of ...
7th Grade Syllabus 2012-2013 The following information should help you understand what is expected this year in seventh grade.
Philosophy I want each of my students to feel empowered to achieve their highest potential. I try to present information in my classes in a variety of learning styles and methods. My goal is for each student to have a desire to question further what we are studying. Finally, I want each student to leave my class knowing that God has a plan for them and wants them to be part of the heavenly kingdom.
Behavior Plan This school year we are following the Student Association Code of Honor. Students are also expected to follow the school handbook and the school dress code. Minor incidents will be handled in the classroom. If a problem continues, parents will be notified and the student will be referred to the office.
Assignments I require that assignments must be legible and neat – not crinkled, torn or spilled on. Name, date, class, and page number must be recorded on the top right corner on all papers. All assignments are due the following day, unless otherwise stated. I will often assign “in-class” assignments. These should be turned in at the end of class. Late work is not acceptable. It is my goal to never give an assignment
unless I feel that it is important. Every assignment will be discussed in class, examples will be given and I am available for any questions. Late assignments will be penalized, depending on the type of assignment and the situation.
Grades and Renweb Grades will be posted several times a week on Renweb. Students and parents are expected to check grades on Renweb on a regular basis. Sixty percent of your grade in each subject is based on tests/projects, and forty percent on daily work. (Check your subject syllabus for more information.) 100 – A+
86-89 – B+
76-79 – C+
65-69 – D
95-99 – A
83-85 – B
73-75 – C
0-64 – F
90-94 – A-
80-84 – B-
70-74 – C-
Classroom Organization You are expected to always be ready for each class. You will need to have your binder with the appropriate supplies and your textbooks. When switching classes, you will clean your workspace and take only the materials that you need for your next class. Your work area must be clean and all materials put away so other classes can use it.
You may store some items in your desk as long as they are stored neatly. You will need to keep the rest of your items in your locker. Please do not store items on shelves or other places in the classroom. All backpacks, lunches, and jackets must be hung up on the wall or placed in your locker.
Communication and Contact Information Most assignments and information can be found on Renweb or my class website. Students will need to use the website for certain assignments and activities. www.craftcas.com You are always welcome to contact me at school (770) 424-0606. You also can contact me at home in the evenings up until 9:00 p.m. at (678) 787-0493. The best way to reach me and receive a timely response is via email
[email protected] or text message.