atau pengubahsuaian yang mungki" timbul. apa-apa ketidaktepatan. ... 461 50
Petalin, Jaya. Puan L Mageswary .... Juga, buat pilihan makanan yang kaya
dengan ..... bahan yang betul, cara masak yang sesuai serta bahan peri sa
nutritional status of adults of two rural coastal villages in Northern Malaysia ... questionnaire was used to interview the villagers concerning their health. Out.
Family Health Development Division, Department of Public Health,. Ministry of Health ... Framingham Risk Scores and anthropometric measurements. Ms Moy ... Prof Dr Rabindarjeet Singh, School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus, ...... outcome among pr
DKI Jakarta Province between September and October 2005, this paper reports the risk factors of exclusive breastfeeding and potential roles of fathers in sup-.
The optical sensor is completely integrated into the CNC unit of the CGM. ....
Koordinatenmesstechnik (Principle of Sensors and Devices for Small Features).
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Popia Pisang Mentega Kacang. 110. Biskut Lapis .... Kacang Pis (rujuk resipi di
muka surat 36) ..... ramuan ke dalam periuk tanah atau periuk masak perlahan.
Unmarried Female Graduates at the University of Jordan. Hayder A ... Key words: Attitudes, breastfeeding, health, Jordan, knowledge, policy, university students.
Introduction: There is a lack of information on the trans fatty acid (TFA) content in Malaysian foods. The objective of this study is to determine the TFA content.
Fatty Acids Content of Selected Foods in Malaysia Mal J Nutr 19(1):The 87 -Trans 98, 2013
The Trans Fatty Acids Content of Selected Foods in Malaysia Akmar ZD, Norhaizan ME*, Azimah R, Azrina A & Chan YM Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
ABSTRACT Introduction: There is a lack of information on the trans fatty acid (TFA) content in Malaysian foods. The objective of this study is to determine the TFA content of bakery products, snacks, dairy products, fast foods, cooking oils and semisolid fats, and breakfast cereals and Malaysian fast foods. This study also estimated the quantity of each isomer in the foods assayed. Methods: The trans fatty acid content of each food sample was assessed in duplicate by separating the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in a gas chromatography system equipped with HP88 column (USA: split ratio 10: 1) for cis/trans separation. Five major TFA isomers, palmitoelaidic acid (16: 1t9), petroselaidic acid (18:1t6), elaidic acid (18:1t9), vaccenic acid (18: 1t11) and linoelaidic acid (18:2t9, 12), were measured using gas chromatography (GC) and the data were expressed in unit values of g/100 g lipid or g/100 g food. Results: The total TFA contents in the studied foods were