Apr 2, 2014 - Room A: Lokaler. Room B: hostwriter.org ... Film Screening â Conference Room. AFTERNOON ... ZEIT Online
Doors open, registration Tea & coffee
Tea & Coffee
MORNING SESSIONS 9:30 Welcoming remarks Dr. Mark Speich, Managing Director, Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications (@vf_institute) Matthias Spielkamp, Partner, iRights.Lab (@spielkamp)
9:45 When worlds collide: Innovation and Journalism KEYNOTE: Ludovic Blecher, Directeur Général, The Digital Innovation Press Fund, Paris (@lblecher) One-on-one with Ludovic Blecher, HOST: Matthias Spielkamp Q&A
11:00 What kind of software does journalism need? LIGHTNING TALK: Jonathan Stray, AP/Knight Overview Project (@jonathanstray) PANEL DISCUSSION
− Jonathan Stray − Annette Leßmöllmann, Professor for Science Communication, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (@annetteless) − Michael Kreil, OpenDataCity (@MichaelKreil) HOST: Geraldine de Bastion, newthinking.de
12:00 New Ideas for a Changing Media World PRESENTATIONS: – Lorenz Matzat, Lokaler (@Datenjournalist) – Tamara Anthony, hostwriter.org (@Hostwriter_org) – Georg Dahm & Denis Dilba, Substanz (@FailBetterMedia)
BREAKOUT LUNCH SESSIONS 12:45 New Ideas for a Changing Media World Conversations with presenters Upstairs rooms Room A: Lokaler Room B: hostwriter.org Room C: Substanz
1:15 Exposing the invisible Film Screening – Conference Room
AFTERNOON SESSIONS 2:00 Automated Journalism LIGHTNING TALK: Frederik Fischer, Founder, Tame.it (@FrederikFischer) PANEL DISCUSSION − Frederik Fischer − Domenika Ahlrichs, deputy managing editor, ZEIT Online (@dahlrichs) − Lorenz Matzat, founder, Lokaler (@datenjournalist) HOST: Solana Larsen, managing editor, Global Voices (@solanasaurus)
3:15 Tea & Coffee
3:45 Are drones a journalist’s best friend? PANEL DISCUSSION − Ben Kreimer, Drone Journalism Lab, University of Nebraska (@benkreimer) − Marek Tuszyinski, co-founder, Tactical Technology Collective (@Info_Activism) − Ramak Molavi, lawyer, iRights.Law HOST: Matthias Spielkamp, partner, iRights.Lab
5:00 Farewell remarks
5:15 Wine, beer & Brez’n
iRIGHTS.LAB iRights.Lab is an independent think tank based in Berlin. We develop solutions for the challenges societies face resulting from digitisation. Our team of experts for journalism, copyright and privacy law, communications security, licencing models and more provides research, develops and implements strategies, and offers a context for interdisciplinary discussion – to stakeholders from business, politics, the public sector and civic society. Our mission: to help use the opportunities of digitisation for the greatest possible benefit to society. iRights.Lab has no affiliation with any political party or a proximity to a certain persuasion. www.iRights-lab.de
VODAFONE INSTITUTE FOR SOCIETY AND COMMUNICATIONS The Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications explores the potential of mobile and digital technologies to improve political, social and economic participation and to give better access to education. The institute is a think and do tank that fosters the dialogue between science, business and politics. It initiates projects and research, and publishes reports to give practical recommendations for decision makers. Through events and social media communications we provide a platform for debate. www.vodafone-institut.de