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Abstract: This research carried through an exploratory survey, to analyze how the implantation and use of the EDI, in the automobile industry, has been occurred,.
XXI International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management International IIE Conference 2015 Aveiro, Portugal. July 6-8, 2015

The use of Interorganizational Systems (IOS) in the automobile industry: An exploratory study about Eletronic Data Interchange (EDI) Okano MT1, Vendrametto O2, Santos OS3, Fernandes ME4 Abstract: This research carried through an exploratory survey, to analyze how the implantation and use of the EDI, in the automobile industry, has been occurred, under the point of view of small and medium companies of the sector, having observed positive and negative aspects associated to the implantation through five theoretical models that deal with the EDI and the Interorganizational Systems (IOS). Keywords: IOS; EDI; Interorganizational Systems;

1 Introduction Nowadays, the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is considered an indispensable tool for interchanging data and transactions between auto parts and vehicle companies. Since the decade of 80, the EDI was adopted by automobile industry and vehicles manufacturers that had determined the adoption of this system for their suppliers led this process.


Tsuguio Okano (e-mail: [email protected] ) FATEC Barueri. São Paulo. SP. Brazil 2Oduvaldo Vendrametto (e-mail: [email protected]) Paulista University. São Paulo. SP. Brazil 3Osmildo

Sobral dos Santos (e-mail: [email protected] ) Potiguar University. Natal. RN. Brazil. 4Marcelo

Eloy Fernandes (e-mail : [email protected] ) FATEC Barueri. São Paulo. SP. Brazil.


2 Objectives The objective of this study is to analyze the deployment process and use of EDI for small and medium enterprises in the auto parts sector, based on the opinions of managers and others involved in the process, and document analysis. The specified objectives are identify as has occurred the EDI implementation process between manufacturers and small and medium enterprises and identify positive and negative aspects related to the implementation of EDI by small and medium-sized enterprises.

3 Method To achieve the aim of this study, a survey was conducted for supply auto parts companies for Brazilian Automotive Industry that use EDI and experts involved. To collect the information necessary to consider the EDI implementation process for suppliers of auto parts industries, we opted for the use of exploratory qualitative research. The analysis was oriented evaluation of the responses and other sources. This is an exploratory study that seeks to capture in early research, as has occurred the implementation of EDI, from the point of view of small and medium enterprises. One of the most important aspects of the analysis is the comparison of theoretical models with the perception of respondents..

4 Results During the literature review, we found several definitions for the term EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). Furthermore, research found the expression "Interorganizational Systems" (IOS), which is sometimes used in a manner equivalent to EDI. Regarding to the stage of implementation of the EDI (model of Lummus & Duclus, 1995) it was observed that the companies are in the period of transaction, with low level of integration with internal systems. The amplitude of partners (model of Tuunainem, 1998) with that the companies carry through EDI is small, and the type of appropriation (model of Subramani, 2004) is exploitation. The analysis of the interorganizationals relations (model of Bensaou and Venkatraman, 1995) disclosed that much few areas use this technology, and that the vehicle manufacturer uses the coercitive power in the implantation process. Positive aspects of EDI - The need to provide for automakers. Improvement and automation in the EDI process. Error reduction and greater control in the EDI process. Negative aspects of EDI - The experts were unanimous in affirming that there is a negative aspect and the existence of penalties and demerits by the automakers is related to faults that some suppliers make.


5 Conclusion Overall, the survey indicated that the use of EDI by auto parts companies is still in a very early stage. When comparing these aspects in theoretical models selected in the literature with the reality of these companies, it is seen that those concepts are, in most cases, far from becoming reality. At the same time, it can be said that the characteristics and the benefits obtained with the use of EDI systems are very small compared with that feature models.

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