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Cel ebrat ing t he Il l awarra's Cul t ural Herit age
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10thApril MOUNTKEMBLAOVAL KEMBLAHEIGHTS www.lostwollongong.com/mountain2sea
Saturday9thApril - Day1
Sunday10thApril - Day2
Market SquareWollongong10am-7pm
Mount KemblaOval 10am-2pm
Experience the Illaw arra' s rich, colourful cultural diversity. Enjoy a community banquet of tastes, smells, sights and sounds. International food stalls, music, dance and art. Relax in the outdoor living room, entranced by our story tellers and inspired by cultural w orkshops
?M ountain2Sea Festival Trophy? featuring traditional picnic fair games Rural Fire Brigade and emergency services displays and demonstrations Scouts games for the kids Charity BBQ and Drinks
KemblaHeightsBowlingClub10am-Late Free barefoot bow ling and raffles M usic & entertainment until late Classic car display 3pm ' M ountain2Sea Festival Trophy' Barefoot bow ls, coal shovelling competition and trophy presentations
National Trust VintageBazaar OldCourt House9.30am-3pm Fabulous vintage clothes and accessories, cakes, goodies, books, plants, cards, linens, jew ellery and all your favourites at the annual National Trust Vintage Bazaar
Mount KemblaHotel 10am-Late Traditional music, entertainment, displays, classic menu from the chef and bar staff in period costumes 12pm-4pm mining heritage display
IllawarraMuseum11am-4pm Discover more about our region' s history at the Illaw arra M useum, including their fantastic WWI exhibition. The museum show the w ay locals lived from the first settlers, farming, miners, timber cutters, steelw orkers and more
Mount KemblaHeritageCentre10am-4pm Opening of new WWI exhibition ?From Coal Tunnels to Dirt Trenches? Coffee, tea, sandw iches and cakes Tours to Windy Gully & Kembla Heights Free Mount Kembl a / Kembl a Height s Premier Il l awarra Shut t l e Bus 10am-6pm