RSUIF-12 A 16.2 Gbps 60 GHz SiGe Transmitter for Outdoor Wireless Links B. Sheinman#1, E. Bloch#, N. Mazor#, R. Levinger#, R. Ben-Yishay#, O. Katz#, R. Carmon#, A. Golberg*, J. Vovnoboy#, A. Bruetbart*, M. Rachman* and D. Elad# # IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel * Tadiad, Information Technologies & Services, Ashrat, Israel 1
[email protected] Abstract— A fully integrated 60 GHz transmitter in 130 nm BiCMOS SiGe technology for outdoor applications is presented. The transmitter covers the entire 57-66 GHz band supporting a record data rate of 16.2 Gbps at 6 dBm output power, 512 QAM with an EVM of -34 dB. The single ended saturated power, OP1dB, and OIP3 are above 18 dBm, 16 dBm and 23 dBm respectively. The transmitter meets the most stringent ETSI emission mask for point-to-point communication at class6LB, 500 MHz bandwidth with an output noise floor below -133 dBm/Hz. The area of the transmitter is 15 mm2 and it consumes 1.2 W. Index Terms — 60 GHz, V-Band, Transmitter, SiGe, linear, mm-Wave.
II. TRANSMITTER DESIGN High modulation requires both high linearity and SNR performance. The linearity is translated to component level requirement while the SNR is achieved by lowering the overall transmitter gain and PA noise. Highly linear components were developed: PA with OIP3 > 23 dBm, attenuator with IIP3 > 20 dBm, driver with OIP3 > 20 dBm and mixer with OIP3 > 10 dBm. These high linearity figures enable a transmitter with a relatively low gain (between 15 to 25 dB) – thereby lowering the output noise floor below -133 dBm/Hz. A low phase noise synthesiser (-97 dBc/Hz @ 1 MHz offset) with a 125 MHz band spacing was also developed to support the recommended channel spacing for fixed outdoor radio links.
I. INTRODUCTION The unlicensed 60 GHz frequency band provides large uninterrupted bandwidth for high speed wireless communications. Significant work [1,2,3] has been done in development of communication links for indoor applications targeting the WiGig [4] standard. For outdoor applications there is a growing demand for low cost high data rate short range (