Mar 30, 2010 - We thank Flynn Halliday for granting access to the site, Alan ... We also thank Matt McGlone and Vince Neall for their comments on an earlier.
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
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A 4300 year palynological and sedimentological record of environmental change and human impact from Wharau Road Swamp, Northland, New Zealand M. B. Elliot , B. Striewski , J. R. Flenley , J. H. Kirkman & D. G. Sutton To cite this article: M. B. Elliot , B. Striewski , J. R. Flenley , J. H. Kirkman & D. G. Sutton (1997) A 4300 year palynological and sedimentological record of environmental change and human impact from Wharau Road Swamp, Northland, New Zealand, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 27:4, 401-418, DOI: 10.1080/03014223.1997.9517545 To link to this article:
Published online: 30 Mar 2010.
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Date: 29 January 2016, At: 14:58
© Journal of The Royal Society of Nev, Zealand Volume 27 Number 4 December 1997 pp 401-418
A 4300 year palynological and sedimentological record of environmental change and human impact from Wharau Road Swamp, Northland, New Zealand
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M. B. Elliot1 4 B. Striewski1, J. R. Flenley1, J. H. Kirkman2 and D. G. Sutton3
The palynology and sedimentology of the late Holocene Wharau Road Swamp, Northland, are described Organic sediment began accumulating ca 4300 yr B P m a valley as a result of damming by a basaltic lava flow from nearby Mount Te Puke Mixed conifer-hardwood forest dominated the region until major anthropogenic forest clearance dated by radiocarbon at ca 600 yr B P Dacrydium cupressinum was the dominant taxon Agathis austrahs was always present until European clearance, with peaks in the pollen record at inferred ages of ca 3700 yr B P and ca 1800 yr B P Climate changes similar to those registered in other pollen diagrams from northern New Zealand are evident, and suggest that climate was wetter and warmer than at present before 4000 yr B P From about 2600 yr B P climate became drier and cooler, indicated by a decline in Ascanna lucida and D cupressinum A period of milder and wetter climate from ca 2000 yr B P is suggested by increases m D cupressinum A lucida and Cvathea Major forest disturbance at ca 600 yr B P is recorded by a sharp decline in all tree and shrub taxa accompanied by increases in herbs and ptendophytes, and a coincident sharp rise in charcoal influx Also of particular importance at this time is the dramatic rise in the curve for Ptendium esculentum (bracken), which is associated with Polynesian land clearance and cultivation The date for forest clearance is much later than the widely accepted date of ca 1000 yr B P for first settlement Sedimentological evidence, in particular changes in grain-size distribution, supports palynological inferences of anthropogenic disturbance of local vegetation and associated soil instability Increased rates of erosion are indicated by sharp rises in coarse grainsize fractions from ca 700 yr B P These granulometric trends are accompanied by changes in sediment chemistry, especially potassium and sodium, which show increased concentrations Keywords palynology, sedimentology, pollen diagram, forest clearance, Holocene, Wharau Road Swamp, charcoal, climate change, Agathis australis Dacrydium cupressinum Pteridium esculentum
INTRODUCTION Investigation of the vegetational history of many parts of New Zealand has indicated that Postglacial climate change can be identified in pollen records One of the most widely documented of such changes has been that of the Ascanna lucida decline (McGlone & Moar 1977) However, the most significant feature of the Holocene has been the late and severe human impact on the environment It has been widely accepted that human settlement first occurred at around 1000 radiocarbon yr B P (Davidson 1984), or soon after (Anderson &
1Department of Geography, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand 2Department of Soil Science, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand 3Centre for Archaeological Research, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand 4 Present address Department of Soil Science, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand
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Journal of The Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 27, 1997
McGovern-Wilson 1990). The evidence for this derives largely from dated archaeological sites. More recently assessments of radiocarbon dates by Anderson (1991), McGlone et al. (1994) and McFadgen et al. (1994) suggest that first settlement occurred nearer 700 yr B. P. The effect of Polynesian settlement on the vegetation of New Zealand has been profound. Large areas of forest were cleared, chiefly by fire, for a variety of reasons including agriculture, travel, hunting and settlements (McGlone 1983). Perhaps one of the more important reasons for clearance of forest was to promote bracken growth—bracken {Pteridium esculentum) was a major carbohydrate food source for Maori in prehistoric New Zealand (Best 1942). The concordance of evidence from pollen records, charcoal fragments and sediment analysis indicates that forest clearance was often rapid, and it is now well established that the sharp rises in the curves for Pteridium esculentum and charcoal influx are firmly associated with anthropogenic modification of the landscape (McGlone 1983,1989; Newnham et al. 1989). This paper presents a radiocarbon-dated pollen profile and sedimentological data from Wharau Road Swamp, extending from approximately 4300 yr B. P. to the time of European settlement, recording pre-human environmental change and deforestation of that region. Despite previous work, there remains controversy as to the dating, amplitude and nature of these climatic and anthropogenic changes, and especially as to their date in northern New Zealand. The present paper is an attempt to apply the palynological technique in an area where there are traditions of long Maori occupancy, and where previous work by Chester (1986) had found possible evidence of early forest clearance. In addition, integration of sedimentology (especially grain-size analysis and sediment chemistry) with pollen analyses permits the correlation of erosive events with vegetation disturbance. This work forms part of a larger multi-disciplinary project using peat deposits and lake sediments from Holocene sites in the Northland peninsula aimed at reconstructing the timing of first human disturbance in northern New Zealand (see Elliot et al. 1995). DESCRIPTION OF THE WHARAU ROAD SITE The Wharau Road Swamp is located just south of the Hauparua Inlet, an arm of the Kerikeri Inlet, and west of Onewhero Bay in the Bay of Islands (Fig. 1; NZMS 260 GR P05/052635). The peat swamp from which the cores were extracted covers approximately 17.5 hectares, and includes an ephemeral lake at its western end. The surrounding hills are of low relief, nowhere exceeding 100 m a.s.l., comprising Triassic-Jurassic greywacke basement rocks of the Waipapa Series (Kear & Hay 1961). The swamp slopes gently to the west and is enclosed in a valley basin partially dammed by a basaltic lava flow from Mount Te Puke (Ferrar 1925). Volcanic bombs presumed to derive from nearby Mount Te Puke (Wellman 1962), and which strati graphically underlie Taupo Pumice (Pullar et al. 1977), indicate that the formation of the swamp pre-dates the Taupo eruption of ca 1850 yr B. P. (Froggatt & Lowe 1990). This assumes that damming of the swamp occurred at the same time as the formation of Mount Te Puke, which is thought to have formed from a single eruption (Chester 1986). Although Smith et al. (1993) dated Te Puke basalts by K/Ar to 140000 ± 60000 yr B. P , earlier work using the K/Ar method (Stipp & Thompson 1971) indicated a much younger age for Te Puke of 17000 ± 6000 yr B.P. Stipp and Thompson concluded that, whilst K/Ar dating of these rocks could not be accepted with any great confidence, there was little doubt that Te Puke basalts were late Quaternary and probably Holocene. The modern undisturbed vegetation of the swamp is relatively rich floristically. Numerous shrubs and small trees tolerant of high water tables are present; especially abundant are Cordyline australis, Leptospermum scoparium and Coprosma tenuicaulis. Typha orientalis is common, and the sedge Eleocharis acuta is widespread. Many small herbs occur as scattered individuals, including Isachne sp., an aquatic grass. The swamp margin is fringed in many places by Acacia species. The extra-local vegetation includes the Waitangi State Forest, which is planted in exotic trees, mainly Pinus sp. Elsewhere the land is either cleared
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Fig. 1 Location and physiography of the Wharau Road Swamp, Bay of Islands Numerical values are elevations (in metres) A—B line shows coring transect across swamp
Journal of The Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 27, 1997
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and in pasture or supports shrubby vegetation, chiefly Leptospermum scoparium and Ulex europaeus. MATERIALS AND METHODS Stratigraphy Using a D-section sampler (Jowsey 1966) a series of boreholes was made along a transect across the swamp (Fig. 1). This transect location was chosen because of its relatively undisturbed state. Much of the lower, western parts of the swamp have been drained and cleared for farming. Borehole 5 was selected for pollen analysis because it provided the longest sequence of organic deposition. This core can be divided from top to bottom into six broad stratigraphic units (Fig. 2): loose peaty mud; coarse peat; organic mud (gyttja); coarse peat; organic mud;-and a substratum of sandy clay. The adjacent boreholes (4 and 6) have similar stratigraphy. Field descriptions of borehole 5 following the Troels-Smith (1955) system are discussed below. The uppermost unit extends to a depth of 0.33 m, the top 0.20 m of which was too loose to be retained in the sampler. This dark brown material was made up of Argilla, Grana and Substantia humosa in a ratio of 2:1:1. The second unit extends to 1.60 m and can be subdivided into two sub-horizons. The uppermost sub-horizon, between 0.33 and 0.50 m, consists of dark brown Detritus herbosus and Substantia humosa in a ratio of 2:2. The lowermost sub-horizon, between 0.50 and 1.60 m, consists of red-brown Detritus herbosus and Substantia humosa in a ratio of 3:1. The third unit, between 1.60 and 1.74 m, consists of a brown gyttja made up of Detritus herbosus, Substantia humosa and Argilla in a ratio of 2:1:1. A transition, extending from 1.74 to 1.88 m, includes equal amounts of Argilla, Grana, Limus detrituosus and Detritus herbosus. The upper and lower boundaries of this unit are not well defined, and transitions are noted in the field records. From 1.93 to 2.46 m the fourth unit consists of dark brown/black Detritus herbosus and Substantia humosa in a ratio of 3:1. The fifth unit, extending from 2.46 to 3.51 m, consists of brown Limus detrituosus, Argilla, Grana and Detritus herbosus in equal parts. The lowermost unit, from 3.51 m to the base (4.00 m), comprises Argilla and Grana in a ratio of 3:1. Palynology Pollen slides for microscopic examination were prepared using standard alkali and acetolysis procedures (Faegri & Iversen 1989). At the onset of the chemical preparation Lycopodium marker spore tablets were added for absolute pollen frequency calculations (Stockmarr 1971). Where necessary, hydrofluoric acid treatment was used to remove sand and fine silt; sodium pyrophosphate was used to deflocculate clay-rich samples (Bates et al. 1978); and oxidation of some samples was necessary to remove lignic material. Samples were then mounted in silicone oil (Andersen 1960) and examined under a Zeiss Axiophot photomicroscope. Counts of pollen and spores were continued until at least 200 grains of dryland taxa were included. Taxonomic nomenclature used follows Allan (1961), Moore & Edgar (1976) and Connor & Edgar (1987). Charcoal counts were obtained by counting across a centre traverse until at least ten Lycopodium spores had been counted (after Bush et al. 1992). From these counts estimates were obtained of charcoal concentration. Sedimentology Sedimentological analyses were carried out for grain size, mineralogy, chemistry and organic content. Cores 1-3 were used for determination of grain size and organic matter measurements (a total of 69 samples), core 7 for sediment mineralogy (a total of 30 samples) and core 5 for sediment chemistry (a total of 33 samples). Additional grain-size analyses were carried out on core 5, but these were restricted to coarse (>60 ((im) and fine (