A Calculus of Bounded Capacities

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ambient-like calculus with bounded capacities and weighed processes, where migration ...... Godskesen, Jens Chr., Hildebrandt, Thomas, & Sassone, Vladimiro.
Under consideration for publication in J. Functional Programming


A Calculus of Bounded Capacities∗ F. Barbanera Università di Catania, Viale A.Doria 6, 95125 Catania (Italy) (e-mail: [email protected])

M. Bugliesi Università “Cà Foscari”, Via Torino 155, 30170 Venezia (Italy) (e-mail: [email protected])

M. Dezani-Ciancaglini Università di Torino, Corso Svizzera 185, 10149 Torino (Italy) (e-mail: [email protected])

V. Sassone University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RH UK (e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract Resource control has attracted increasing interest in foundational research on distributed systems. This paper focuses on space control and develops an analysis of space usage in the context of an ambient-like calculus with bounded capacities and weighed processes, where migration and activation require space. A type system complements the dynamics of the calculus by providing static guarantees that the intended capacity bounds are preserved throughout the computation.

Introduction Resource control, in diverse incarnations, has recently been the focus of extensive foundational research. Starting with the seminal work in (Pierce & Sangiorgi, 1996), topics considered include the control of the location of channel names (Yoshida & Hennessy, 1999), the guarantee that distributed agents will access resources only when allowed to do so (Hennessy & Riely, 2002; De Nicola et al., 2000; Bugliesi & Castagna, 2001; Hennessy et al., 2003). Emerging computing paradigms, such as Global Computing, have created new challenges for this research. They envision scenarios in which mobile devices (e.g. smart cards, PDAs, embedded devices) roam across domains and networks in search of computational resources, thus creating the need, for the hosting networks and environments to build reliable guarantees of a disciplined, and bounded, usage of such resources. ∗ F. Barbanera is partially supported by MIUR project NAPOLI, M. Bugliesi is partially supported by EU-FET project ‘MyThS’ IST-2001-32617, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini by EU-FET project DART IST-2001-33477, and by MIUR Project McTati, V. Sassone by EU-FET project ‘MIKADO’ IST-2001-32222. The funding bodies are not responsible for any use that might be made of the results presented here.

Our interest here is on the analysis of resources in computations of mobile agents, with specific focus on properties related to space consumption and capacity bounds. We formulate our analysis in one of the most prominent foundational models of mobility, the Ambient Calculus (Cardelli & Gordon, 1998; Cardelli & Gordon, 2000), which we extend by introducing a physical, yet abstract, notion of space. We inject this notion directly into the calculus by means of a new process constructor, the slot, which evolves out of the homonym notion of (Godskesen et al., 2002): a slot is to be interpreted as a unit of computation space to be allocated to migrating ambients and, more generally, to running processes. As in previous, related work on resource analysis (cf. Section 5), we employ a type system to control the usage of space and to provide static guarantees that the capacity bounds imposed by the distributed computational environments are preserved by the execution of local processes and by the migration of mobile agents. Resource allocation in (our calculus of Bounded Capacities) BoCa is controlled by a system of capacity types that guarantees capacity bounds on computational ambients. In this system, ambient types allow resource control policies to be specified by imposing capacity bounds that control the movement and the spawning of processes inside ambients. Then, the typing system enables us to certify statically the absence of under-/over-flows, potentially arising from an uncontrolled use of the capabilities for dynamic space allocation. Distinctive of our approach is the choice of injecting the notion of space directly into the syntax of terms/processes, rather than letting it surface only in the formalization of the dynamics of their (the terms’) execution. Our choice is deliberate, and typical of the practice to couple language design with type analysis. This coupling is critical in frameworks like Global Computing, where it is ultimately unrealistic to assume acquaintance with all the entities which may in the future interact with us, as it is usually done for standard type systems. The open and inherently dynamic nature of the network deny us any substantial form of global knowledge. Therefore, to compensate for that, we introduce syntactic constructs to support the static analysis. In our calculus the possibility of dynamically checking particular space constraints is a consequence of the explicit presence of the slot primitive. Additional, and finer, control on the dynamics of space allocation/deallocation is provided by means of a naming mechanism for slots that we introduce with a refined version of the calculus. As we will show, the new mechanisms provide the calculus with a rich and tractable algebraic theory. The semantics theory of the refined calculus is supported by a labelled transition system, yielding a bisimulation congruence adequate with respect to barbed congruence. Besides enabling powerful co-inductive characterizations of process equivalences, the labelled transition system yields an effective tool for contextual reasoning on process behavior. More specifically, it enables a formal representation of open systems, in which processes may acquire resources and space from their enclosing context. Structure of the paper. In Section 1 we give motivations for the design. In Section 2 we give the formal description of BoCa and illustrate it with a few examples. In Section 3 we introduce the system of capacity types, and prove it sound. In Section 4 we introduce the refined calculus and study its operational and behavioural semantics (based on barbed congruence). In Section 5 we discuss related work, and we conclude with final remarks in Section 6. A separate appendix describes the labelled transition system for the calculus. 2

A preliminary version of this paper appeared in (Barbanera et al., 2003). 1 Spaceful Ambients and Processes The calculus of Mobile Ambients (Cardelli & Gordon, 1998) (MA) introduced the notion of ambient acting at the same time as administrative domain and computational environment. Processes live inside ambients, and inside ambients compute and interact. Ambients relocate themselves, carrying along all their contents: their migration, triggered by the processes they enclose, models mobility of entire domains and active computational loci. Two capabilities control ambient movements: in and out. These are performed by processes wishing their enclosing ambient to move to a sibling and, respectively, out of its parent. A third capability, open, can be used to dissolve ambient boundaries. To illustrate, in the configuration a[[open b.in c]] | b[[in a.out c]] | c[[ ] the ambient b may enter a, by exercising the capability in a, and reduce to the new configuration a[[open b.in c | b[[out c]]] . Then a may dissolve the boundary provided by b by exercising open b, reducing to a[[in c | out c]] | c[[ ] . Two further reduction steps may then bring a into c and then back out reaching the final configuration a[[ ] | c[[ ] . In addition, ambients and processes may communicate. Communication is anonymous, and happens inside ambients. The configuration (x)P | hMi represents the parallel composition of two processes, the output process hMi “dropping” the message M, and the input process (x)P reading the message M and continuing as P{x := M}. BoCa extends the set of basic constructs from MA with an explicit representation of space, formalized by the slot constructor, noted . To illustrate, the configuration P | | ... | | {z } k times

represents a system which is running process P and which has k resource/space units available to migrating agents willing to enter, and for P to spawn new local subprocesses. In both cases, the activation of the new components is predicated to the presence of suitable resources: only processes and agents requiring cumulatively no more than k units may be activated on the system. The allocation of resources in BoCa is the result of explicit requests by client processes. Moving ambients must declare their resource requirements by means of tags, as in ak[ P ] ; similarly, processes willing to spawn new subprocesses must explicitly signal the cost of the spawning, as in k . P: in both cases, the tag k represents the activation cost of the associated processes at the target site. For mobile agents, migration implies a release of the space required for their computation at the source site and the acquisition of corresponding space at the target context, as formalized by the following reductions ( k is short for | . . . | , k times): ak[ in b.. P | Q ] | b[[ k


| R] &


| b[[ ak[ P | Q ] | R ]

| b[[ P | ak[ out b.. Q | R ] ] & ak[ Q | R ] | b[[ P |




The action of spawning a new local process is also made explicit in the calculus by the new process form k . P, whose dynamics is defined as follows: k .P|




Here k . P is a “spawner” which launches P provided that the local context is ready to allocate enough (i.e., k) fresh resources for the activation. The tag k represents the “activation cost” for process P, while k . P, the “frozen code” of P which has no associated cost. Clearly, to make sense of the above reductions, the tag k must provide a sound estimate of the resources needed by the associated processes, a property that we formalize in BoCa by a well-formedness condition which we impose, and assume as a pre-requisite, on all processes. The formalization of well-formedness requires, in turn, a precise definition of what is meant by “computational requirements” and “activation costs”, in short, by weight or size, of processes and agents. Various choices are at disposal. One may, for instance, measure the size of a process in terms of the process’ count of ambient occurrences and/or output, as proposed in (Charatonik et al., 2002). Alternatively, the weight of a process may be directly related to the number of its composing threads. Both choices appear controversial, however, as there is no clear-cut argument in favor of either one, and none appears to capture the import of mobility in the computational costs associated with execution. Rather than committing to any of these choices, we therefore adopt a different, and we argue more foundational, approach: namely, we measure the weight/size of a process in terms of the amount of space (i.e. the number of slots) it may potentially unleash/release to its hosting environment in the course of the computation. To make this a bit more precise, call a slot free at a given nesting level if it occurs unguarded at that level, and call a process spawned if it does not occur under any spawner: then, the weight of a process P is the count of the non-free slots occurring in the spawned subprocesses of P. Based on that, the well-formedness condition is defined by requiring that the tags attached to processes be consistent with the weight of their associated processes. Thus, for instance, ak[ ] and k . in a.. are well-formed for k = 1, as a[[ ] and in a.. both weigh 1, and ill-formed otherwise. The typing rules will also be defined so that no free slot may occur under a spawner in a good process: this is a sanity condition to rule out processes like 1 . that would be (i) hard to justify (what does it mean to spawn a free space?) and (ii) technically clumsy to deal with. While formally convenient, and conceptually intuitive, our definition of process weight convey the three different concepts associated with the standard allocate/use/free model of memory usage in programming languages. An unguarded top-level slot is naturally interpreted as a piece of unallocated memory; allocating new memory to a process is accounted for by the spawning construct, while a slot enclosed in an ambient or protected by a guard represents the usage of memory by that process. In principle, each piece of memory allocated to a process will be disposed by releasing the slots that determined that process’ weight: this is a direct consequence of our notion of well-formedness. On the other hand, the execution of a well-formed process may also end-up creating garbage, i.e. allocating


memory that is never released. For instance, the process 2 . hMi.( | (ννa)a1[ ] ) is well formed, and requires two slots to be spawned. Once spawned, however, it will never release the slot allocated to the subprocess (ννa)a1[ ] . The adoption of an explicit spawning operator allows us to delegate to the “spawner” the responsibility of resource control in the mechanism for process replication. In particular, we restrict the replication primitive “!!” to 0-weight processes only. We can then rely on the usual congruence rule that identifies ! P with ! P | P, and use ! (k . P) to realise a resource-aware version of replication. This results in a system which separates process duplication from process activation, and so allows a fine analysis of resource consumption in computation. The definition of the calculus is completed by two constructs that provide for the dynamic allocation of resources. In our approach resources are not “created” from the void, but rather acquired dynamically – in fact, transferred – from the context, again as a result of a negotiation. ak+1[ put.. P | | Q ] | bh[ get a.. R | S ]


ak[ P | Q ] | bh+1[ R | | S ]

put↓. P | | ak[ get↑. Q | R ]


P | ak+1[ | Q | R ]

Resource transfer is realised as a two-way synchronisation in which a context offers some of its resource units to any enclosed or sibling ambient that makes a corresponding request. The effect of the transfer is reflected in the tags that describe the resources allocated to the receiving ambients. We formalise slot transfers only between siblings and from father to child. As we shall see in §2.1, transfers across siblings make it possible to encode a notion of private resource, while transfer from child to parent can easily be encoded in terms of the existing constructs. 2 The Calculus The calculus is a conservative extension of the Ambient Calculus. We presuppose two mutually disjoint sets: N of names, and V of variables. The set V is ranged over by letters at the end of the alphabet, typically x, y, z, while a, b, c, d, n, m range over N . Finally, h, k and other letters in the same font denote integers. The syntax of the (monadic) calculus is defined below, with W an exchange type as introduced in Section 3. Definition 2.1 (Preterms and Terms) The set of preterms is defined by the following productions (where k ≥ 0): | 0 | P|| P | (ννa : W )P | k . P | G.. P | ! π.. P | M k[ P ]

Processes P


Messages M

::= a | x | in M | out M | open M | open | get M | get↑ | put | put↓ | M . M



::= M | (x : W ) | hMi



::= G | k .

A (well-formed) term P is a preterm such that w(P) 6= ⊥, where w is the partial weight function defined in Figure 1. 5

Fig. 1 Weight function w : Processes * ω w( )






w(P | Q)


w(P) + w(Q)

w((ννa : W )P)






w(M k[ P ] )


if w(P) = k then k else ⊥

w(k . P)


if w(P) = k then 0 else ⊥



if w(P) = 0 then 0 else ⊥

Processes are identified by one syntactic category. The type system, instead, will construe processes as belonging to two classes, defining agents to be processes that have no top-level occurrences of free slots and may legally be put under spawning. Thus, both k . hMi.. and k . | P are syntactically legal processes; on the other hand, only the former is a well-typed process (an agent), while the latter is not, because no free slot may be put directly under spawning in a well-typed term. In addition, the partial function w measures the weight of processes, and defines the conditions for well-formedness. To exemplify: • w(a1[ in c.. | b1[ ] ] ) = w(a2[ | b1[ ] ] ) = 2, by composing weights at different nesting levels; • w(1 . in a.. ) = w(2 . a2[ | b1[ ] ] ) = 0, because unspawned processes do not contribute any weight; • w(ak[ ] ) = w(k . in a.. ) = ⊥ for k 6= 1, because the tags used are not consistent with the weight of the associated processes. We rely on the standard notational conventions for ambient calculi. In particular, we write (x : W )P and hMiP for (x : W ).. P and hMi.. P, respectively, and similarly k . P to denote k . . P. We omit types when not relevant; we write a[[ P ] instead of ak[ P ] when the value of k does not matter or can be inferred by the context. Also note that in ak[ P ] the weight tag k refers to the ambient process a[[ P ] and not to the name a. We use k as a shorthand for | . . . | (k times) (then 0 is 0 ) and Ck as a shorthand for C.. . . ... C (again k times). Following a well-known approach, we restrict replication to prefixed processes, as this allows for a simplified treatment in the labelled transition system. 2.1 Dynamics of terms The dynamics of the calculus is defined as usual in terms of structural congruence and reduction (cf. Figure 2). Unlike other calculi, however, in BoCa both relations are only defined for proper (i.e., well-formed) terms, a fact we will leave implicit in the rest of the presentation. In particular, the congruence ! P ≡ P | ! P only holds with P a proper term of weight 0. Thus, to duplicate arbitrary processes we need to first “freeze” them under a spawner, i.e. we decompose arbitrary duplication into “template replication” and “process activation.” Notice also that replication only applies to prefixed processes, a restriction that is technically convenient and that does not involve any significant loss of expressive power. 6

Fig. 2 Structural Congruence and Reduction Structural Congruence: (||,00) (ννa)(P | Q)

(ννa)P | Q






P | !P

is a commutative monoid.

(a 6∈ fn(Q))

a[[ (ννb)P ]

(ννb)a[[ P ]

(ννa)a[[ 0 ]


(M1 .M2 ).P

M1 .(M2 .P)



Reduction: E ::= {·} | E | P | (ννm)E | mk[ E ] ( ENTER )

ak[ in b.. P | Q ] | b[[

( EXIT )


( OPEN ) ( GET S) ( GET D)


| b[[ ak[ P | Q ] | R ]


| b[[ P | ak[ out b.. Q | R ] ]


ak[ Q | R ] | b[[ P |

open a.. P | a[[ open.. Q | R ]


P| Q| R


ak[ P | Q ] | bh+1[ R |

| ak[ get↑. Q | R ]


P | ak+1[




(x : W )P | hMiQ


P{x := M} | Q

ak+1[ put.. P |

| Q ] | bh[ get a.. R | S ]

put↓. P |

k. P|



is an evaluation context

| R]




P ≡ P0

P0 & Q0

(a 6= b)



| S]

| Q| R]

Q0 ≡ Q



P& Q


E{P} & E{Q}

The reduction relation & formalizes the intuitions discussed in the introduction; we denote with & ∗ the reflexive and transitive closure of & . The notion of structural congruences, given in Fig. 2, arises as expected. Notice that open is the only capability that requires a co-capability. However, a closer look at the reductions shows that acts as a co-capability for mobility (for non-null weighted ambients). We also remark, that making the weight of an ambient depend explicitly on its contents allows a clean and simple treatment of ambient opening. Opening simply does not require resources, it rather may release those enclosed within the opened ambient. Few further remarks are in order on the form of the transfer capabilities. The putcapability (among siblings) does not name the target ambient, as is the case for the dual capability get. We select this particular combination because it is the most liberal one for which our results hold. Of course, more stringent notions are possible, as e.g. when both partners in a synchronisation use each other’s names. Adopting any of these would not change the nature of the calculus and preserve, mutatis mutandis, the validity of our results. In particular, the current choice makes it easy and natural to express interesting programming examples (cf. the memory management in §2.2), and protocols: e.g., it enables us to provide simple encoding of named (and private) resources allocated for spawning (cf. the initial discussion in §4). Secondly, a new protocol is easily derived for transferring resources “upwards”


from children to parents using the following pair of dual put and get. get↓a.. P , (ννm)(open m.. P | m0[ get a.. open ] ),

and put↑ , put

Transfers affect the amount of resources allocated at different nesting levels in a system. We delegate to the type system of §3 to control that no nesting level suffers from resource over- or under-flows. More precisely, our type system associates to each ambient name a two non negative integers n, N such that n ≤ N. The integers n and N can be interpreted, respectively, as the lower and upper bounds for the weight an ambient is allowed to have. In a well-typed term and in all its reducts the weight k of the process inside an occurrence of a always satisfies n ≤ k ≤ N (see Theorem 3.2). The reduction semantics itself guarantees that the global amount of resources is preserved, as it can be proved by an inspection of the reduction rules. Let free(P) denote the count of the unguarded top-level occurrences of slots in P. Then we have: Proposition 2.2 (Resource preservation) If w(P) 6= ⊥, and P & ∗ Q, then free(P) + w(P) = free(Q) + w(Q). Notice that resource preservation is a distinctive property of closed systems; in open systems, instead, a process may acquire new resources from the environment, or transfer resources to the environment, by exercising the put and get capabilities. We will return on this in Section 4, where we study the behavioral semantics of (an extension of) the calculus. 2.2 Examples We illustrate the calculus with examples and encodings of systems that require usage and control of space. Recovering Mobile Ambients. The Ambient Calculus (Cardelli & Gordon, 2000) is straightforwardly embedded in (an untyped version of) BoCa: it suffices to insert a process ! open in all ambients. The relevant clauses of the embedding are as follows: [[ a[[ P ] ]] , a0[ ! open | [[ P]]] ] ,

[[ (ννa)P]]] , (ννa)[[[P]]]

and the remaining ones are derived similarly; clearly all resulting processes weigh 0. Parent-child swap. Given that ambients may have non null weights, in BoCa this swap is possible only in case the father and child nodes have the same weight. We present it for example in the case of weight 1. Notice the use of the primitives for child to father slot transfer we defined in §2. b1[ get↓a.. put.. in a.. get↑ | a1[ put↑ . out b.. get b.. put↓ | ] ] & ∗ a1[ b1[ ] ] Ambient renaming. We can represent in BoCa a form of ambient self-renaming capability. First, define spawnk P outside a , exp0[ out a.. open.. k . P ] and then use it to define a bek b.. P , spawnk (bk[


| open a ] ) outside a | in b.. open.. P


Since open exp | k | ah[ spawnk (bk[ Q ] ) outside a | Q0 ] & ∗ bk[ Q ] | ah[ Q0 ] where k, h are the weights of Q and Q0 , respectively, we get ak[ a bek b.. P | R ] |


| open exp &∗ bk[ P | R ] |


where k is the weight of P | R. So, an ambient needs to borrow space from its parent in order to rename itself. We conjecture that renaming cannot be obtained otherwise. A memory module. A user can take slots from a memory module MEM_MOD using MALLOC and release them back to MEM_MOD after their use. 256MB

MEM_MOD , mem[[


z }| { | open m | . . . | open m ]

MALLOC , m[[ out u.. in mem.. open.. put.. get u.. open m ] USER , u[[ . . ... MALLOC | . . ... get mem . . . put | . . . ] A cab trip. As a further example, we give a new version of the the cab trip protocol from (Teller et al., 2002), formulated in our calculus. A customer sends a request for a cab, which then arrives and takes the customer to his destination. The use of slots here enables us to model very naturally the constraint that only one passenger (or actually any fixed number of them) may occupy a cab. CALL( f rom, client) , call 1[ out client . out f rom.. in cab.. open.. in f rom..(load 0[ out cab.. in client . open ] | ) ] T RIP( f rom,to, client)


trip0[ out client . open.. out f rom.. in to.. done0[ in client . open ] ]

CLIENT ( f rom,to)


(ννc)c1[CALL( f rom, c) | open load . in cab.. T RIP( f rom,to, c) | open done.. out cab.. bye0[ out c.. in cab.. open.. out to ]]




SIT E(i)


sitei[ CLIENT (sitei , site j ) | CLIENT (sitei , sitel ) | · · · |



city[[ CAB | CAB | · · · | · · · | SIT E(1) | · · · | SIT E(n) |

| ! (open call . open trip.. open bye) ]



| ··· ]

| ··· ]

The fact that only one slot is available in cab together with the weight 1 of both call and client prevents the cab to carry more than one call and/or more than one client. Moreover, this encoding limits also the space in each site and in the whole city. Comparing with (Teller et al., 2002), we notice that we can deal with the cab’s space satisfactorily with no need for 3-way synchronisations. Unfortunately, as already observed in (Teller et al., 2002), this encoding may lead to unwanted behaviours, since there is no way of preventing a client to enter a cab different from that called and/or the ambient bye to enter a cab different from that the client has left. We discuss these and related issues in further detail below and in §4.4. 2.3 Discussion In its present definition, the calculus provides a simple, yet effective, framework for expressing resource usage and consumption. On the other hand, as observed above, it is less 9

effective to express and enforce policies for resource allocation, and their distribution to distinct, possibly competing, components. Policies for resource allocation should provide safeguards against denial-of-service threats, based on the ability of misbehaved agents to attack a host by repeated space transfer requests that could overfill the target host or leave it with no space to spawn its local processes. Similarly, policies for resource distribution should be able to express protocols in which a given resource unit is selectively allocated to a specific agent, and protected against unintended use. To illustrate, consider the following term (and assume it well-formed): a1[ in b.P ] | b[[ 1. Q | | d[[ c1[ out d.R ] ] ] Three agents are competing for the resource unit in ambient b: ambients a and c, which would use it for their move, and the local spawner inside ambient b. While the race between a and c may be acceptable – the resource unit may be allocated by b to any migrating agent – it would also be desirable for b to reserve resources for internal use, i.e. for spawning new processes. In the remainder of the paper we attack both problems. The system of capacity types in §3 provides static guarantees that the resources available at a given site remain within the intended bounds. The mechanism for slot naming, in §4, yields new and effective primitives for the selective distribution of resources, and for protecting processes against the presence of races for resource acquisition. 3 Bounding Resources by Typing As outlined above, the type system provides static guarantees for a simple behavioural property, namely the absence of space under- and over-flows arising as a result of transfers during the computation. To deal with this satisfactorily, we need to take into account that transfer capabilities can be acquired by way of exchanges. The type of a capability will hence have to express how it affects the space of the ambient in which it can be performed. 3.1 Capacity Types We use Z to denote the set of integers, and note Z + and Z − the sets of non-negative and non-positive integers, respectively. We define the following domains: Intervals Effects Thread Effects

ι ∈ ℑ , {[n, N] | n, N ∈ Z + , n ≤ N} ε ∈ E , {(d, i) | d ∈ Z − , i ∈ Z + } φ∈Φ,E →E

Intervals and effects are ordered in the expected way, namely: [n, N] ≤ [n0 , N0 ] when n0 ≤ n and N ≤ N0 and (d, i) ≤ (d0 , i0 ) when d0 ≤ d and i ≤ i0 . It is also convenient to define the component-wise sum operator for effects: (d, i) + (d0 , i0 ) = (d + d0 , i + i0 ), and lift it to Φ pointwise: φ1 + φ2 = λε.φ1 (ε) + φ2 (ε).


The syntax of types is defined by the following productions: Message Types

W ::= Ambhι, ε, χi | Caphφ, χi χ ::= Shh | W

Exchange Types Process Types

Π ::= Prochε, χi | Agenthε, χi

Type Prochε, χi is the type of processes with ε effects and χ exchanges. Specifically, for a process P of type Proch(d, i), χi, the effect (d, i) bounds the number of slots delivered (|d|) and acquired (i) by P as the cumulative result of exercising P’s transfer capabilities. Type Agenthε, χi has the same meaning but in addition it assures that the process is an agent, i.e. it has no top-level occurrences of free slots and so may legally be put under spawning. Type Ambhι, ε, χi is the type of ambients with weight ranging in ι, and enclosing processes with ε effects and χ exchanges. As in companion type systems, values that can be exchanged include ambient names and (paths of) capabilities, while the type Shh indicates no exchange. As for capability types, Caphφ, χi is the type of (paths of) capabilities which, when exercised, unleash processes with χ exchanges, and compose the effect of the unleashed process with the thread effect φ. The functional domain of thread effects helps compute the composition of effects. In brief, thread effects accumulate the results from get’s and put’s, and compose these with the effects unleashed by occurrences of open. We introduce the following combinators (functions in Φ) to define the thread effects of the put, get and open capabilities. Put = λ(d, i).(d − 1, max(0, i − 1)) Get = λ(d, i).(min(0, d + 1), i + 1) Open(ε) = λ(d, i).(ε + (d, i)) The intuition is as follows. A put that prefixes a process P with cumulative effect (d, i), contributes to a “shift” in that effect of one unit. The effect of a get capability is dual. To illustrate (as suggested by one referee), one can think of a get as one step up and of a put as one step down: we can represent them graphically as respectively. and A sequence of get’s and put’s is then represented by the graph obtained by connecting the steps in the order in which they appear. For example the graph representing the sequence get a.. put.. put.. get a.. get a.. get a.. put


The smallest and the biggest levels of this graph are -1 and 2 respectively, and the thread effect ε of the corresponding sequence can be computed as follows, where we use function composition in standard order (i.e. f ◦ g(x) = f (g(x))): ε = (Get ◦ Put ◦ Put ◦ Get ◦ Get ◦ Get ◦ Put)((0, 0)) = (−1, 2). The intuition about an open capability is similar, but subtler, as the effect of opening an ambient is, essentially, the effect of the process unleashed by the open: in open n.P, the process unleashed by open n runs in parallel with P. Consequently, open has an additive import in the computation of the effect. To motivate, assume that n : Ambhι, ε, χi. Opening n unleashes the enclosed process in parallel to the process P. To compute the resulting effect 11

we may rely on the effect ε declared by n to bound the effect of the unleashed process: that effect is then added to the effect of the continuation P. Specifically, if P has effect ε0 , the composite effect of open n.P is computed as Open(ε)(ε0 ) = ε + ε0 . We could make the analysis more precise as Levi and Sangiorgi do (Levi & Sangiorgi, 2003), since, thanks to the presence of open, we know at which point in its life a given ambient can be opened, so we can give a tight estimate of the effect that remains by then (this is the effect unleashed by opening). We don’t do it since this feature is orthogonal to our development and it would complicate the type system. 3.2 The typing rules The typing rules are collected in Figures 3 and 4, where we denote with idΦ the identity element in the domain Φ. The rules in Figure 3 derive judgements Γ ` M : W for well-typed messages. The environment Γ is a set of assumptions either of the shape a : Ambhι, ε, χi with a ∈ N or of the shape x : W with x ∈ V , where all names and variables are distinct. The rules draw on the intuitions we gave earlier. Notice, in particular, that the capabilities in, out and the co-capability open have no effect, as reflected by the use idΦ in their type. The same is true also of the the co-capability put↓. In fact, the weight of an ambient in which put↓ is executed does not change: the ambient loses one slot, but the weight of one of its sub-ambients increases (cf. reduction rule ( GET D)). Fig. 3 Good Messages

Γ, M : W ` M : W


Γ ` M : Caphφ, χi Γ ` M 0 : Caphφ0 , χi Γ ` M.M 0 : Caphφ ◦ φ0 , χi

Γ ` M : Ambh−, −, −i Γ ` get M : CaphGet, χi Γ ` get↑ : CaphGet, χi

(get M)

Γ ` put : CaphPut, χi


Γ ` put↓ : CaphidΦ , χi

Γ ` M : Ambh−, −, −i Γ ` in M : CaphidΦ , χi




Γ ` M : Ambh−, −, −i (in M)

Γ ` out M : CaphidΦ , χi

Γ ` M : Ambh−, ε, χi Γ ` open M : CaphOpen(ε), χi

(open M)

Γ ` open : CaphidΦ , χi

(out M)


The rules in Figure 4 derive judgements Γ ` P : Prochε, χi and Γ ` P : Agenthε, χi for well-typed processes and agents, respectively. An inspection of the typing rules shows that any well-typed process (agent) is also well-formed (in the sense of Definition 2.1). We let


Fig. 4 Good Processes

Γ ` 0 : Agenth0E , χi



Γ ` P : Agenthε, χi Γ ` P : Prochε, χi

( )

: Proch0E , χi

Γ ` M : Caphφ, χi Γ ` P : Prochε, χi (ag pr)

Γ ` P : Prochε, χi Γ ` Q : Prochε0 , χi

Γ ` P : Agenthε, χi Γ ` Q : Agenthε0 , χi (par ag)

Γ ` P | Q : Agenthε + ε0 , χi Γ, x : W ` P : Prochε,W i


Γ ` (ννa : Ambhι, ε, χi)P : Agenthε0 , χ0 i Γ ` M : Ambh[n, N], ε, χ0 i Γ ` P : Proch(d, i), χ0 i


Γ, a : Ambhι, ε, χi ` P : Prochε0 , χ0 i (new ag)

w(P) = k

Γ ` (ννa : Ambhι, ε, χi)P : Prochε0 , χ0 i

Γ ` P : Agenthε, χi w(P) = k

(new pr)

[max(k + d, 0), k + i] ≤ [n, N] (d − i, min(N − n, i − d)) ≤ ε

Γ ` M k [P] : Agenth0E , χi Γ ` k . P : Agenthε, χi

Γ ` P : Prochε,W i

Γ ` hMiP : Agenthε,W i

Γ, a : Ambhι, ε, χi ` P : Agenthε0 , χ0 i

(par pr)

Γ ` P | Q : Prochε + ε0 , χi Γ`M :W

Γ ` (x : W )P : Agenthε,W i


Γ ` M . P : Agenthφ(ε), χi


Γ ` π.. P : Proch0E , χi w(π.. P) = 0


Γ ` ! π.. P : Agenth0E , χi


0E denote the null effect (0, 0): thus, rules (00) and ( ) simply state that the inert process is an agent, the slot form is a process and both have no effects. Rule (ag pr) says that each agent is a process. Rule (prefix) computes the effects of prefixes, by applying the thread effect of the capability to the effect of the process. The resulting process, being guarded, is an agent. Rules (par ag) and (par pr) adds up the effects of two parallel threads respectively when they are both agents or both processes. The result is an agent or a process according to the composing threads. The constructs for input, output and restriction do not have any effect: the first two transforms processes into agents while the restriction maps agents to agents and processes to processes. Rule (amb) governs the formation of the agents which are ambient processes. The declared weight k of the ambient must reflect the weight of the enclosed process. Two further conditions ensure (i) that k modified by the effect (d, i) of the enclosed process lies within the interval [n, N] declared by the ambient type (i.e. we get n ≤ k ≤ N), and (ii) that the effect ε declared by the ambient type is a sound approximation for the effects released by opening the ambient itself. The condition that ensures (i) is simply [max(k + d, 0), k + i] ≤ [n, N], where the use of max(k + d, 0) is justified by observing that the weight of an ambient may never grow negative as a result of the enclosed process exercising put capabilities. To motivate the condition that ensures (ii), first observe that opening an ambient which encloses a process with effect (d, i) may only release effects ε ≥ (d − i, i − d). The lower bound arises in a situation in which the ambient is opened right 13

after the enclosed process has completed i get ’s and is left with |d − i| put’s unleashed in the opening context. Dually, the upper bound arises when the ambient is opened right after the enclosed process has completed |d| put’s, and is left with i − d get ’s. On the other hand, we also know that the maximum increasing effect released by opening ambients with weight ranging in [n, N] is N − n. Collectively, these two observations justify the condition (d − i, min(N − n, i − d)) ≤ ε in rule (amb). Notice that the more symmetric form of previous condition, i.e. (max(n − N, d − i), min(N − n, i − d)) ≤ ε, is not sound, since we could derive {m : Ambh[0, 0], (0, 0), −i} ` m[[ put ] : Agenth0E , −i, but opening m may cause losing one slot. Rule (spawn) requires P to be an agent: the effect of k . P is the same as that of the reduct P. Finally, to prevent the effects of duplicated processes to add up beyond control, with unpredictable consequences, rule (bang) enforces duplicated processes to have null effects. Since the process after ! is prefixed the whole duplication is an agent. The following result complements Proposition 2.2 and shows that capacity bounds on ambients are preserved during computations, while the processes’ ability to shrink or expand reduces. Theorem 3.1 (Subject Reduction) Assume Γ ` P : Prochε, χi and P & ∗ Q. Then Γ ` Q : Prochε0 , χi for some ε0 ≤ ε. Proof The proof is by induction on the length of the reduction from P to Q. In the inductive case, the reasoning is by a cases analysis of the reduction in question. Rule (EXCHANGE) follows from a standard substitution lemma which can be easily proved. The interesting cases are those for rules (GET S), (GET D) and (OPEN). We give a proof disregarding the exchange components of our capacity types, as they are irrelevant for our argument. Let D be a derivation for the redex of a (GET S) reduction: Γ ` ak+1[ put.. P | | Q ] | bh[ get a.. R | S ] : Proch0E i An inspection of the typing rules – (amb), (par ag), and (ag pr) – shows that the type of the redex must indeed be of the form given. Inside D there must be judgements of the shape: Γ ` a : Ambhι, εi, Γ ` P : Proch(d, i)i, Γ ` Q : Proch(d0 , i0 )i for some ι, ε, i, i0 , d, d0 . By rules (put) and (prefix), Γ ` P : Proch(d, i)i implies Γ ` put.. P : Agenth(d − 1, max(i − 1, 0))i. Then the application of rule (amb) for deriving Γ ` ak+1[ put.. P | | Q ] : Agenth0E i has the following conditions: [max(k + 1 + d − 1 + d0 , 0), k + 1 + max(i − 1, 0) + i0 ] ≤ ι (d − 1 + d0 − max(i − 1, 0) − i0 , min(N − n, max(i − 1, 0) + i0 − d + 1 − d0 ) ≤ ε, where ι = [n, N]. The conditions required to apply rule (amb) for the derivation of the judgement Γ ` ak[ P | Q ] : Agenth0E i are [max(k + d + d0 , 0), k + i + i0 ] ≤ ι (d + d0 − i − i0 , min(N − n, i + i0 − d − d0 ) ≤ ε. 14

These last conditions can be shown to follow from the previous ones by easy algebraic manipulations. With a similar reasoning one checks that the judgement Γ ` bh+1[ | R | S ] : Agenth0E i is derivable. From this, we can get that the judgement Γ ` ak[ P | Q ] | bh+1[ | R | S ] : Agenth0E i is derivable, and then by rule (ag pr) we conclude Γ ` ak[ P | Q ] | bh+1[ | R | S ] : Proch0E i as desired. For rule (GET D) let D be a derivation of: Γ ` put↓. P | | ak[ get↑. Q | R ] : Prochεi An inspection of the typing rules –(put↓), ( ), (get↑), (prefix), (amb), (ag pr) and (par pr) – shows that inside D there must be judgements of the shape: Γ ` P : Prochεi, Γ ` a : Ambhι, ε0 i, Γ ` Q : Proch(d, i)i, Γ ` R : Proch(d0 , i0 )i for some ι, ε0 , i, i0 , d, d0 . By rules (get↑) and (prefix), Γ ` Q : Proch(d, i)i implies Γ ` get↑. Q : Agenth(min(0, d + 1), i + 1)i. Then the application of rule (amb) for deriving Γ ` ak[ get↑. Q | R ] : Agenth0E i has the following conditions: [max(k + min(0, d + 1) + d0 , 0), k + i + 1 + i0 ] ≤ ι (min(0, d + 1) + d0 − i − 1 − i0 , min(N − n, i + 1 + i0 − min(0, d + 1) − d0 ) ≤ ε0 , where ι = [n, N]. The conditions required to apply rule (amb) for the derivation of the judgement Γ ` ak+1[ | Q | R ] : Agenth0E i are [max(k + 1 + d + d0 , 0), k + 1 + i + i0 ] ≤ ι (d + d0 − i − i0 , min(N − n, i + i0 − d − d0 ) ≤ ε0 . These last conditions can be shown to follow from the previous ones by easy algebraic manipulations. From this, we get by rule (ag pr) the judgement Γ ` ak+1[ | Q | R ] : Prochεi, and then by rule (par pr) we conclude Γ ` P | ak+1[ | Q | R ] : Prochεi, as desired. For rule (OPEN) let D be a derivation of: Γ ` open a.. P | a[[ open.. Q | R ] : Prochεi Inside D there must be judgements of the shape: Γ ` a : Ambhι, ε0 i, Γ ` P : Proch(d, i)i, Γ ` Q : Proch(d0 , i0 )i, Γ ` R : Proch(d00 , i00 )i for some ι, ε0 , i, i0 , i00 , d, d0 , d00 . By rule (par pr) we can derive: Γ ` P | Q | R : Proch(d + d0 + d00 , i + i0 + i00 )i. By rules (open M) and (prefix) we get: ε = ε0 + (d, i). The conditions for using rule (amb) in deriving Γ ` a[[ open.. Q | R ] : Agenth0E i


are: [max(k + d0 + d00 , 0), k + i0 + i00 ] ≤ ι (d0 + d00 − i0 − i00 , min(N − n, i0 + i00 − d0 − d00 ) ≤ ε0 , where ι = [n, N] and k = w(Q | R). These conditions imply (d0 + d00 , i0 + i00 ) ≤ ε0 so we get (d + d0 + d00 , i + i0 + i00 ) ≤ ε and this concludes our proof. Note that agents are not preserved by reduction. For example {a : Ambh[1, 1], 0E , Shhi} ` a1[ | open ] | open a : Agenth0E , Shhi, but we cannot derive type Agenth0E , Shhi for . It follows as a direct corollary that no ambient may be subject to under/over-flows during the computation of a process. We use C [·] to denote an arbitrary context. 1 Theorem 3.2 (Absence of under/over-flow) If Γ, a : Ambh[n, N], −, −i ` P : Prochε, χi, P & ∗ C [ak[ R ] ], and the showed occurrence of a is not in the scope of a binder for a, then n ≤ k ≤ N. The proviso “not in the scope of a binder for a” is needed since the environment Γ could contain an assumption for the name a which has no connection whatsoever with the type of a bound occurrence of the same name a. In particular these two types could have very different weight ranges. 3.3 Typed Examples All the examples in §2.2 that do not use both the open and the transfer capabilities are easily seen to typecheck. The parent-child swap can be typed assuming the types Ambh[0, 1], (−1, 0)i and Ambh[0, 2], (−2, 2)i for ambients a and b respectively. The more demanding type for b is due to the encoding of capability get↓a using an ambient opening. In the cab trip protocol, one verifies that all the processes typecheck, by taking W1 = Ambh[1, 1], 0E i, W0 = Ambh[0, 0], 0E i, by declaring the c with W1 and assuming the following types for the free names call : W1 , cab : W1 , trip : W0 , load : W0 , done : W0 , bye : W0 . Below we illustrate the typing system at work with a typed version of the memory module of Section 2.2. We start with the malloc ambient MALLOC

, m[[ out u.. in mem.. open.. put.. get u.. open m ]

Since there are no exchanges, we give the typing annotation and derivation disregarding the exchange component from the types. Let Pmalloc denote the thread enclosed within the ambient m. If we let m : Ambh[0, 0], (−1, 0)i ∈ Γ, an inspection of the typing rules for 1

That is C [·] denotes simply a term with a “hole”, not an evaluation context as defined in Fig.2.


capabilities and paths shows that the following typing is derivable for any ambient type assigned to mem: Γ ` out u.. in mem.. open.. put.. get u.. open m : CaphPut ◦ Get ◦ λε..((−1, 0) + ε)i From this one derives Γ ` Pmalloc : Proch(−1, 0)i, which gives Γ ` MALLOC : Proch0E i. As to the memory module itself, it is a routine check to verify that the process MEM _ MOD

, mem[[


| open m | . . . | open m ]

typechecks with m : Ambh[0, 0], (−1, 0)i, mem : Ambh[0, 256MB], (−256MB, 256MB)i. 3.4 Inferring Effects We have shown that the type system gives enough flexibility to typecheck interesting protocols. On the other hand, the structure of the types is somehow complex: ideally, one would like to be able to use ambient types only to specify resource-related policies, without having to worry about the effects. Thus, for instance, one would specify the memory module protocol by simply declaring m : Amb[0, 0] and mem : Amb[0, 256MB] and leave it to the type system to infer the effect-related part of the types required to ensure that such bounds are indeed complied with. We look at effect inference below. To ease the presentation, we give an inference system for the combinatorial subset of the calculus and disregard communications (and hence we do not consider the set of variables V ). It is not difficult to infer effects for the whole calculus following the approach of (Barbanera et al., 2002), but it requires the introduction of variables ranging over communication types. As further simplification we avoid to consider the agent type. This is reasonable since the effect of a process is independent from the process itself being an agent or not. The problem of typing also spawning of free slots can be avoided by a simple check. The ambient types give only the range ι for the weights of processes inside them, i.e. they have the shape: Amb− hιi. For each name a in N we introduce two integer variables da , ia . So, in a sense, a pair (da , ia ) can be looked at as an effect variable for the ambient a. Our inference system determines (by a set of inequalities constraints) the instances of effect variables which make a process typable. In the inference system an effect is no longer a pair of integers, but a pair of expressions (e, e0 ) where e, e0 ∈ EXP and EXP is defined by: EXP ::= da | ia | n ∈ Z | EXP + EXP | EXP − EXP | min(EXP, EXP) | max(EXP, EXP) with a ∈ N . Of course this implies that thread effects are now functions on expressions, that is: Effects Thread Effects

ε ∈ E , {(e, e0 ) | e, e0 ∈ EXP} φ∈Φ,E →E

The rules for messages in our inference system are those in Figure 3, but for rule (open M) which becomes:


Fig. 5 Effect Inference


: Proch0E i ⇓ 0/


Γ ` 0 : Proch0E i ⇓ 0/

Γ ` M : Caphφi Γ ` P : Prochεi ⇓ ∆ Γ ` M . P : Prochφ(ε)i ⇓ ∆ Γ ` P : Prochεi ⇓ ∆

\ (prefix)

Γ ` Q : Prochε0 i ⇓ ∆0

Γ ` P | Q : Prochε + ε0 i ⇓ ∆ ∪ ∆0 Γ, a : Amb− hιi ` P : Prochεi ⇓ ∆ Γ ` (ννa : Amb− hιi)P : Prochεi ⇓ ∆

c 0) (0

[ (par)

[ (new)

Γ ` a : Amb− h[n, N]i Γ ` P : Proch(e, e0 )i ⇓ ∆ w(P) = k \   (amb) n ≤ max(k + e, 0), k + e0 ≤ N, k Γ ` a [P] : Proch0E i ⇓ ∆ ∪ da ≤ e − e0 , min(N − n, e0 − e) ≤ ia Γ ` P : Prochεi ⇓ ∆

w(P) = k

Γ ` k . P : Prochεi ⇓ ∆

\ (spawn)

Γ ` π.. P : Proch0E i ⇓ ∆

w(π.. P) = 0

Γ ` ! π.. P : Proch0E i ⇓ ∆

Γ ` a : Amb− h−i Γ ` open a : CaphOpen(da , ia )i

\ (bang)

\a) (open

The inference rules are in Figure 5 and the judgements they derive have the shape Γ ` P : Prochεi ⇓ ∆. This means that in our system, beside providing a process P with a process type Prochεi, we produce for P also a set of inequality constraints ∆, whose satisfiability implies the typability of the process in our former system. The constraints are of the form e ≤ e0 where the (integer) unknowns are of the form da , ia . [ and (amb). \ The only rules that contribute to the formation of the constraint set are (par) [ simply joins the sets of constraints of two parallel processes. It is only by means Rule (par) \ that we really produce new constraints. These ones are simply a different way of rule (amb) of stating, in our inference setting, the conditions of the (amb) rule of the type system. In our inference system, instead of checking a condition, we simply record it as a constraint whose satisfiability shall be checked at the end of the inference process. In order to check the satisfiability of a set of constraints, we can transform them in a standard way, by adding two fresh variables with suitable conditions2 for each max() or 2

Let M be the maximum weight in the types of ambients occurring in the process P and h the total number of put and get capabilities occurring in P. Then M + 2h is an upper bound for all integers which can occur in the set of constraints for P: this can be easily checked looking at the inference rules. Better bounds take into


min() subexpression, obtaining an integer linear programming problem (see for example (Nemhauser & Wolsey, 1988)). Notice that we are only interested in the satisfiability (non emptyness of the solution space) of the resulting linear programming problem, that is we have no particular target function to optimize (but the auxiliary ones introduced when we get rid of the max() or min() subexpressions). In fact, given a process P, what matters is whether the effect variables can be instantiated enabling the typing of P. An optimization problem arises only in case we need to insert P in a particular context. For instance, if P is in a context where one of its ambients a has to be opened, we could try to minimise the effect of the type of a in order to have more chances the capacity of the opening ambient not be exceeded. On the contrary, if P is in a context where one of its ambients a must contain a process Q, we need to maximize the effect of the type of a in order to allow more freedom in the choice of the process Q. It is worth noticing that any set of constraints can be extended with the following two, making the set of possible solutions always finite: −h ≤ da ≤ 0 and 0 ≤ ia ≤ h, where h is the total number of put and get capabilities occurring in P. The addition of these constraints does not affect satisfiability: this can be checked by a simple inspection of the rules. So satisfiability is trivially decidable: the complexity evaluation is out of the scope of the present paper. We can modify the above type inference by erasing environments and deriving also the ranges ι of ambients. It suffices to consider for each name a other two integer variables na , Na and replace them respectively to n, N in rule (amb). So in this case we obtain a set of constraints where also na and Na are unknown: if the constraints can be satisfied then there is also a solution such that 0 ≤ na ≤ k ≤ Na , where k is the weight of the process P. As last remark notice that Prochεi ⇓ ∆ can be seen as the principal typing of the processes P in the sense of (Wells, 2002). The advantage is that of having a compositional type analysis, where analyzing a fragment uses only the results for its subfragments, which can be analyzed independently in any order. Compositional analysis helps with separate compilation and modularity and with making a complete/terminating analysis algorithm. 4 Controlling Resource Races In this section we extend the calculus with further, term-level, mechanisms to complement the typing system in providing for a richer and stronger control over the dynamics of space allocation and distribution. As we observed in §2.3, a basic requirement is to provide for the ability by an ambient to reserve resources for internal use, i.e. for spawning new processes. In fact, reserving private space for spawning is possible with the current primitives, by encoding a notion of “named resource”. This can be accomplished by defining: k


, a[[ putk .open |



and k. (a, P) , (ννn)(n[[ (get a)k .k. open.P ] | open n.open a)

account the minimum weight in the types of ambients and the numbers of put and get separately, but this is not interesting for our aim. We replace each min(e, e0 ) subexpression by a fresh variable t and we add the following conditions: 0 ≤ e−t ≤ (M + 2h)y 0 ≤ e0 − t ≤ (M + 2h)(1 − y) with y ∈ {0, 1} and fresh. We deal with max() subexpressions similarly.


Then, assuming w(P) = k, one has (ννa)( ka | k . (a, P)) “behaves as”3 P, as desired. It is also possible to encode a form of “resource renaming”, by defining: {a/b}.P , (νn)(a[[ get b.n[[ out a.open.open b ] | put.open ] | open n.P) Then, a b-resource can be turned in to an a-resource: {a/b}.P |


&∗ P |


Encoding a similar form of named, and reserved, resources for mobility is subtler. On the one hand, it is not difficult to encode a construct for reserving a a-slot for ambients named a. For example, ambients a and b may agree on the following protocol to reserve a private slot for the move of a into b. If we want to use the space in ambient b for moving a we can write the process: (νν p, q)(p[[ in b.. get k q.. k . open.. ak[ Q ] ] | b[[ P | q[[


| putk .open ] | open p | open q ] )

where k is the weight of Q. On the other hand, defining a mechanism to release a named resource to the context from which it has been received is more complex, as it amounts to releasing a resource with the same name it was allocated to. This can be simulated loosely with the current primitives, by providing a mechanism whereby a migrating ambient releases an anonymous slot, which is then renamed by the context that is in control of it. The problem is that such a mechanism of releasing and renaming lacks the atomicity required to guard against unexpected races for the released resource. Indeed, we believe that such atomic mechanisms for named resources can not be defined in the current calculus. 4.1 Named resources and their semantics To counter the lack of atomicity discussed above, we enrich the calculus with named resources as primitive notions, and tailor the constructs for mobility, transfer and spawning accordingly. Resource units come now always with a tag, as in η , where η ∈ N ∪ V ∪ {∗} is the unit name. To make the new calculus a conservative extension of the one presented in §2, we make provision for a special tag ‘*’, to be associated with anonymous units: any process can be spawned on an anonymous slot, as well any ambient can be moved on it. In addition, we extend the structure of the transfer capabilities, as well as the construct for spawning and ambient as shown in the productions below, which replace the corresponding ones in §2. | M k[ P ] η | . . .

as in Section 2





::= get Mη | get↑η



::= . . .

as in Section 2



::= k.η | . . .

as in Section 2



| ...

as in Section 2

Again, a (well-formed) term is a preterm such that in any subterm of the form ak[ P]] or k .η P, P has weight k. The weight of a process can be computed by rules similar to those of Section 2. The anonymous slots ∗ will be often denoted simply as . 3

Using the labelled transition system defined in Appendix A one can show that these two processes are barbed congruent in the sense of Definition 4.2.


The dynamics of the refined calculus is again defined by means of structural congruence and reduction. Structural congruence is exactly as in Figure 2, the top-level reductions are defined in Figure 6. Fig. 6 Top-level reductions with named units The reductions for ambient opening and exchanges are as in Figure 2, and the rules (ENTER) and (EXIT) have ρ, η ∈ {a, ?} as side condition. The omitted subscripts on ambients are meant to remain unchanged by the reductions. ( ENTER )

ak[ in b.. P | Q ] ρ | b[[

( EXIT )

k k η | b[[ P | a [ out

( GET S) ( GET U)

bh+1 [ put.. P |


b.. Q | R ] ρ ]


ak[ Q | R ] η | b[[ P |

[ get bη . R | S ]


bh [ P | Q ] | ak+1 [ R |

[ get↑η . Q | R ]


P | ak+1[

k η





put↓. P |

k η | R]



k .η P |


k ρ

| b[[ ak[ P | Q ] η | R ]


k ρ

] η


| Q| R]

Ambients acquire tags, as in a[[ P ] η , as they move. Initially, we may interpret each occurrence of an ambient a[[ P ] as denoting the tagged occurrence a[[ P ] a . To complete a move an ambient a must be granted an anonymous resource or an a-resource. The migrating ambient releases a resource under the name that it was assigned upon the move (as recorded in the tag associated with the ambient construct): this solves the problem we discussed at the beginning of §4. Also note that the dynamics of mobility guarantees the invariant that in a[[ P ] η one has η ∈ {a, ∗}. The reductions for the transfer capabilities are the natural extensions of the original reductions of §2. Here, in addition to naming the target ambient, the get capabilities also indicate the name of the unit they request. The choice of the primitives enables natural forms of scope extrusion for the names of resources. Consider the following system: S , n[[ (ννa)(put.. P |


| p[[ out n.. in m.. open.. get na ] ) ] | m[[ open p.Q ]

Here, the private resource enclosed within ambient n is communicated to ambient m, as S & ∗ (ννa)(n[[ P ] | m[[ Q | a ] ). Finally, the new semantics of spawning acts as expected, by associating the process to be spawned with a specific set of resources. These definitions suggest a natural form of resource renaming (or rebinding), noted { η/ρ} k with the following operational semantics. { η/ρ} k . P |



& P|



We have not defined this capability as a primitive of our calculus since it can be encoded using the new form of spawning as follows, for a fresh. { η/ρ} k . P , (ννa)(k .ρ (ak[



| open ] ) | open a.. P)

Notice that name rebinding is a dangerous capability, since it allows processes to give


particular names to anonymous slots, and for instance put in place possible malicious behaviours to make all public resources their own: !{ y/∗} . This could be avoided by restricting the spawning k.η to η ∈ N ∪ V . The inverse behaviour, that is a “communist for y spaces,” is also well-formed and it is often useful (even though not commendable by everyone). Notice however that it can be harmful too: !{ ∗/y} . The possibility of encoding the renaming capability justifies also our choice of tags in the ( SPAWN ) reduction. As a matter of fact it would seem more reasonable to define this reduction as k .η P | kρ & P with the side condition η = ρ or ρ = ∗. This behaviour, however, can be approximated closely enough by putting a renaming process in parallel with the spawning one, namely { η/∗} | k .η P. It is easy to check that the type system of Section 3 can be used with no substantial modifications also for the calculus with named slots. The obvious changes required are those which guarantee syntax consistency, as e.g. that the x in x can only be instantiated by a name. I.e. a typing rule for M is: Γ ` M : Ambh−, −, −i Γ`


: Proch0E , χi



For this calculus the same properties proved in Section 3 hold. Theorem 4.1 (Subject Reduction and Under/Over-flow absence) For the processes and reduction relation of this section, we have: (i) Γ ` P : Prochε, χi and P & ∗ Q imply Γ ` Q : Prochε0 , χi with ε0 ≤ ε. (ii) If Γ, a : Ambh[n, N], −, −i ` P : Prochε, χi, P & ∗ C [ak[ R ] ], and the showed occurrence of a is not in the scope of a binder for a, then n ≤ k ≤ N. 4.2 Behavioural Semantics The semantic theory of BoCa is based on barbed congruence (Milner & Sangiorgi, 1992), a standard equality relation based on reduction and a notion of observability. As usual in ambient calculi, our observation predicate, P ↓a , indicates the possibility for process P to interact with the environment via an ambient named a. In Mobile Ambients (MA) (Gordon & Cardelli, 2003) this is defined as follows: (1)

P ↓a


P ≡ (νm)(a[ ˜ [ P0 ] | Q)

a 6∈ m˜

Since no authorisation is required to cross a boundary, the presence of an ambient a at top level denotes a potential interaction between the process and the environment via a. In the presence of co-capabilities (Levi & Sangiorgi, 2003), however, the process (ννm)(a[ ˜ [ P ] | Q) only represents a potential interaction if P can exercise an appropriate co-capability. The same observation applies to BoCa, as many aspects of its dynamics rely on co-capabilities: notably, mobility, opening, and transfer across ambients. Correspondingly, we have several reasonable choices of observation, among which (for a, η 6∈ {m}): ˜ (2)

P ↓opn a


P ≡ (ννm)(a[ ˜ [ open.. P0 | Q ] | R)


P ↓slt a


P ≡ (ννm)(a[ ˜ [


P ↓aput


P ≡ (ννm)(a[ ˜ [ put.. P0 | 22


| Q ] | R) η

| Q ] | R)

As it turns out, definitions (1)–(4) yield the same barbed congruence relation. Indeed, the presence of 0-weighted ambients makes it possible to rely on the same notion of observation as in MA, that is (1), without consequences on barbed congruences. We discuss this in further detail below. Our notion of barbed congruence is standard in typed calculi, in that we require closure (only) by well-formed contexts. Say that a relation R is reduction closed if PR Q and P & P0 imply the existence of some Q0 such that Q & ∗ Q0 and P0 R Q0 ; it is barb preserving if PR Q and P ↓a imply Q ⇓a , i.e. Q & ∗↓a . Definition 4.2 (Barbed Congruence) Barbed bisimulation, noted ', is the largest symmetric relation on closed processes that is reduction closed and barb preserving. Two processes P and Q are barbed congruent, written P ∼ = Q, if for all contexts C [·], preterm C [P] is a term iff so is C [Q], and then C [P] ' C [Q]. Let then ∼ =i be the barbed congruence relation resulting from Definition 4.2 and from choosing the notion of observation as in (i) above (with i ∈ [1..4]). Proposition 4.3 (Independence from barbs) ∼ =i = ∼ = j for all i, j ∈ [1..4]. Since the relations differ only on the choice of barb, Proposition 4.3 is proved by just showing that all barbs imply each other. This can be accomplished, as usual, by exhibiting a corresponding context. For instance, to see that ∼ =3 implies ∼ =2 use the context C [·] = [·] | opn 1 open a.b [ ] , and note that for all P such that b is fresh in P one has P ⇓a if and only slt if C [P] ⇓b . Thanks to this Proposition we can denote barbed congruence for BoCa simply by ∼ =. The import of the process weight in the relation of behavioural equivalence is captured directly by the well-formedness requirement in Definition 4.2. In particular, processes of different weight are distinguished, irrespective of the their “purely” behavioral properties. To see that, note that any two processes P and Q of weight, say, k and h with h 6= k, are immediately distinguished by the context C [·] = ak[ [·] ], as C [P] is well-formed while C [Q] is not. Ultimately, weight is a ‘behavioural’ property, in that it requires system’s space allocation. 4.3 Algebraic laws The universal quantification on contexts makes the definition of barbed congruence not effective for proving term congruences. For this reason, in Appendix A, we give a labelled transition system for the calculus of this section, and sketch a proof of adequacy of the resulting notion of labelled bisimilarity with respect to the relation of barbed congruence given in Definition 4.2. A number of algebraic laws can be proved based on the resulting co-inductive characterization of barbed congruence. We highlight some of these below. Garbage. There are many different characterization of wasted resources, and all these are congruent, provided they have the same weights. 23

(A1 )




] ∼ = (ννa)cap a.



(cap ∈ {in , out , . . . })

Indeed, all these processes are inert, hence behaviorally equivalent to the null process. Given that they have non-null weight, however, they are not congruent to the 0 process, but rather to what may be construed as a new process construct that provides an explicit representation of a notion of garbage in the calculus. Spawning. The spawning of a process cannot be observed as long as the space required is protected from other, unintended uses. This is true of the form of private spawning based on the primitive naming mechanism for slots, as well as of the encoding given earlier in this section. Specifically, we have: (A2 ) (A3 )


| k . open.. P ] | open a) ∼ = P (ννa)( a | k . a P) ∼ = P k

Transfers. Similar laws relate the exchange of slots between ambients. For example: (A4 )



| putk ] | bh[ get ak | P ] ) ∼ = bk+h[


| P]

Ambient opening and movement. Given the presence of a co-capability for open, ambient opening satisfies the same laws as the calculus of Safe Ambients of (Levi & Sangiorgi, 2003). For the calculus of §2, the mobility laws concerning out moves are weaker than the corresponding laws in (Levi & Sangiorgi, 2003), as our slots act uniformly as co-capabilities for ambient movements and process spawning. We have instead the following law for in moves: (A5 )

(ννa)(bk[ in a.. P ] | ak[


]) ∼ = (ννa)(


| ak [ bk [ P ] ] )

For the calculus of this section we get a law similar to that of (Levi & Sangiorgi, 2003) for out moves only for ambients with non-null weight:4 (A6 )

(ννa, b)(



| ak[ bk[ out a.. P ] ] ) ∼ = (ννa, b)(bk[ P ] | ak[




As a further remark, we note that there are congruences, like (A4 ), between typable and untypable terms for a fixed environment. In fact, by assuming w(P) = h, b 6∈ Γ, and Γ ` P : Proch0E , χi, the term bk+h[ k | P ] can be typed in the environment Γ, b : Ambh[k + h, k + h], 0E , χi, while (ννa)(ak[ k | putk ] | bh[ get ak | P ] ) cannot. 4.4 More Examples The cab trip revisited. Named slots allow us to avoid unwanted behaviours when encoding the cab trip example (see Figure 7). The main steps of the protocol may now be described as follows: 4

Ambients with non-null weight may be characterized by means of a typing system in which one requires that all ambient types have a strictly positive lower bound.


Fig. 7 Cab trip with named slots. CALL( f rom, client, bye) , call 1[ out client . out f rom.. in cab.. open.. in f rom..(


| open arrived . { bye/client} . open bye)]]

T RIP( f rom,to, client) , trip0 [ out client . open.. out f rom.. in to.. arrived 0 [ open.. done0 [ in client . open ] ] ] CLIENT ( f rom,to) , (ννclient : W1 , bye : W1 ) (client 1[CALL( f rom, client, bye) | in cab.. T RIP( f rom,to, client) | open done.. out cab.. 1 .call bye1[ out client . in cab.. open.. out to.. call ]] | { ∗/client} ) CAB , cab1[ call | ! (open call . open trip) ]| { ∗/cab} SIT E(i) , sitei[ CLIENT (sitei , site j ) | CLIENT (sitei , sitel ) | · · · | | | · · · ] CITY


city[[ CAB | CAB | · · · | SIT E(1) | · · · | SIT E(n) |


| ··· ]

• The cab initially contains one slot named call to signal that it is vacant. • Once the ambient call reaches a cab, it is opened there to drive cab to the client’s site. In addition, opening call inside cab leaves in cab a slot with the (private) name client of the client. Consequently, only the client whose call reached cab may eventually enter cab. • When client enters cab, it leaves a slot named client which is then rebound to an anonymous slot in order for the enclosing site to be able to accept new incoming cabs or clients on that slot. • Upon completing the trip to destination, cab sets out to complete the protocol: it opens the synchronization ambient arrived, and rebinds the slot named client to the (again private) name of the acknowledgement ambient bye. Opening arrived also unleashes the inner occurrence of done which in turn enters client to signal that it is time for client to leave cab. • At this stage client exits cab and the protocol completes with ambient bye entering cab and being opened there to drive cab out of the destination site with a slot named call. Let W1 = Amb[1, 1] W0 = Amb[0, 0]. As in Subsection 3.3 the typing environment contains call : W1 , cab : W1 , trip : W0 , done : W0 . In the new encoding, instead, the ambient bye has type W1 and is private to the client. Furthermore, we add the ambient arrived with type W0 , and we do not need the ambient load. Using the labelled transition system given in the Appendix we proved properties of the CAB system, including the expected ones that clients will not be able to board a taxi different from that called and that the ambient bye always enter the cab the client just left. These properties can be formalised in a natural way, for example for the first one we showed the full bisimilarity between the following processes: (ννclient, site1 , cab)(city[[ cab[[ in site1 .(


| · · · ) | · · · ] | site1[ client[[ in cab · · · | · · · ] | · · · ] | · · · ])

(ννclient, site1 , cab)(city[[ site1[ cab[[ client[[ · · · ] ] | · · · ] | · · · ] ) 25

Fig. 8 A travel agency. THE AGENCY , ag5[ 2cl | req | tkt desk1[ req | ! (open req.. 1 .fortkt . tkt1[ out desk.. in cl.. CONT ]| { req/tkt} )]] ] where CONT , (open.. out ag.. in plane.. rdy0[ out cl ] | THE CLIENT , cl1[ in ag.. req1[ out cl.. in desk.. open.. THE AIRCRAFT , plane4[

getoff | open


tkt/ } | open tkt ] req

fortkt ]| {

2 | open rdy.. open rdy.. TRIP..(GETOFF | GETOFF) ] cl , getoff1[ in cl.. open.. out plane | ] and

where GETOFF TRIP is the unspecified path modelling the route of the aircraft.

where · · · stand for various processes easily recoverable by looking at the given encoding. A Travel Agency. We conclude the presentation with an example that shows the expressiveness of the naming mechanisms for resources in the refined calculus. We wish to model clients buying tickets from a travel agency, paying them one slot (the fortkt inside the client), and then use them to travel by plane. At most two clients may enter the travel agency, and they are served one by one. The three components of the system are defined in Figure 8. We assume that there exists only one sort of ticket, but it is easy to extend the example with as many kinds of ticket as possible plane routes. What makes the example interesting is the possibility of letting two clients into the agency, but serving them nondeterministically in sequence. Notice that the use of the named slots is essential for a correct implementation of the protocol. When the request goes to the desk, a slot named tkt is left in the client. This slot allows the ticket to enter the client. In this way we guarantee that no ticket can enter a client before its request has reached the desk. We assume the aircraft to leave only when full. This constraint is implemented by means of the rdy ambient. The ambient getoff enables the passengers to get off once at destination; assigning weight 1 to the getoff ambients prevents them to get both into the same client. 5 Related Work Our approach is related to the work on Controlled Mobile Ambients (CMA) (Teller et al., 2002) and on Finite Control Mobile Ambients (Charatonik et al., 2002). There are, however, important difference with respect to both approaches. In CMA the notions of process weight and capacity are entirely characterized at the typing level, and so are the mechanisms for resource control (additional control on ambient behavior is achieved by means of a three-way synchronization for mobility, but that is essentially orthogonal to the mechanisms targeted at resource control). In BoCa, instead, we characterize the notions of space and resources directly in the calculus, by means of an explicit process constructor, and associated capabilities. In particular, the primitives for transferring space, and more generally for the explicit manipulation of space and resources by means of spawning and replication appear to be original to BoCa, and suitable for the development of formal analyses of the fundamental mechanism of the usage and consumption of resources which do not seem possible for CMA. Recently, (Teller, 2004) 26

introduced the ‘controlled π-calculus’ Cπ, where name creation ν represents the capability of allocating a resource to a fragment of code, and is matched up by a corresponding ‘garbage-collection’ capability k (delete). Static typing techniques are then built on top of such operators in order to express and guarantee resource bounds. As to (Charatonik et al., 2002), their main goal is to isolate an expressive fragment of Mobile Ambients for which the model checking problem against the ambient logic can be made decidable. Decidability requires guarantees of finiteness which in turn raise boundedness concerns that are related to those we have investigated here. However, a more thorough comparison between the two approaches deserves to be made and we leave it to our future work. Other relevant references to related work in this context include (Hofmann, 2002), which introduces a notion of resource type representing an abstract unit of space, and uses a linear type system to guarantee linear space consumption; (Crary & Weirich, 2000) where quantitative bounds on time usage are enforced using a typed assembly language; and (Igarashi & Kobayashi, 2002), which puts forward a general formulation of resource usage analysis. 6 Conclusion and Future Work We have presented an ambient-like calculus centred around an explicit primitive representing a resource unit: the space “slot” . The calculus, dubbed BoCa, features capabilities for resource control, namely pairs get/put to transfer spaces between sibling ambients and from parent to child, as well as the capabilities in a and out a for ambient migration, which represent an abstract mechanism of resource negotiation between travelling agent and its source and destination environments. A fundamental ingredient of the calculus is . (_), a primitive which consumes space to activate processes. The combination of such elements makes BoCa a suitable formalism, if initial, to study the role of resource consumption, and the corresponding safety guarantees, in the dynamics of mobile systems. We have experimented with the all important notion of private resource, which has guided our formulation of a refined version of the calculus featuring named resources. The presence of the space construct induces a notion of weight on processes, and by exercising their transfer capabilities, processes may exchange resources with their surrounding context, so making it possible to have under- and over-filled ambients. We have introduced a type system which prevents such unwanted effects and guarantees that the contents of each ambient remain within its declared capacity. For BoCa implementation, it would be easy to extend the existing virtual machines for ambient calculi with slots accounting for ambient movements and process spawning, and with slot transfers. Plans for future include further work in several directions. Extending the type inference as outlined at the end of section 3.4 we will be able to dynamically type-check processes obtaining in this way a proof carrying code (Necula, 1997) approach to space control. A finer typing discipline could be put in place to regulate the behavior of processes in the presence of primitive notions of named slots. Also, the calculus certainly needs behavioral theories and proof techniques adequate for reasoning about resource usage and consump27

tion. Such theories and techniques could be assisted by enhanced typing systems providing static guarantees of a controlled, and bounded, use of resources, along the lines of the work by Hofmann and Jost in (Hofmann & Jost, 2003). A further direction for future development is to consider a version of weighed ambients whose “external” weight is independent of their “internal” weight, that is the weight of their contents. This approach sees an ambient as a packaging abstraction whose weight may have a different interpretation from that of content. For instance, modelling a wallet the weight of its contents could represent the value of the money inside, whereas its external weight could measure the physical space it occupies. A directory’s internal weight could be the cumulative size of its files, while the external weight their number. Last, but not least, we would like to identify logics for BoCa to formulate (quantitative) resource properties and analyses; and to model general resource bounds negotiation and enforcement in the Global Computing scenario. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the anonymous referees of ASIAN 2003. We are also most grateful to the referees of the journal submission for the valuable criticism and feedback which contributed to improve the presentation and the technical content substantially. References Barbanera, F., Bugliesi, M., Dezani-Ciancaglini, M., & Sassone, V. (2003). A Calculus of Bounded Capacities. Pages 205–223 of: Saraswat, Vijay A. (ed), ASIAN’03. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2896. Barbanera, Franco, Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola, Salvo, Ivano, & Sassone, Vladimiro. (2002). A type inference algorithm for secure ambients. Lenisa, Marina, & Miculan, Marino (eds), TOSCA’01. ENTCS, vol. 62. Elsevier Science. Bugliesi, Michele, & Castagna, Giuseppe. (2001). Secure safe ambients. Pages 222–235 of: Hankin, Chris, & Schmidt, Dave (eds), POPL’01. ACM Press. Bugliesi, Michele, Crafa, Silvia, Merro, Massimo, & Sassone, Vladimiro. 2003 (April). Communication and Mobility Control in Boxed Ambients. To appear in Information and Computation. A preliminary version appeared in FSTTCS’02, volume 2556 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 71-84. Springer-Verlag, 2002. Cardelli, L., & Gordon, A. (1998). Mobile Ambients. Pages 140–155 of: Proceedings of f0ssacs’98. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 1378. Springer. Cardelli, Luca, & Gordon, Andrew D. (2000). Mobile ambients. Theoretical Computer Science, 240(1), 177–213. Special Issue on Coordination, D. Le Métayer Editor. Charatonik, Witold, Gordon, Andrew D., & Talbot, Jean-Marc. (2002). Finite-control mobile ambients. Pages 295–313 of: Le Métayer, Daniel (ed), ESOP’02. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2305. Springer-Verlag. Crary, Karl, & Weirich, Stephanie. (2000). Resource bound certification. Pages 184–198 of: Wegman, Mark, & Reps, Thomas (eds), POPL’00. ACM Press. De Nicola, Rocco, Ferrari, Gianluigi, Pugliese, Rosario, & Venneri, Betti. (2000). Types for access control. Theoretical Computer Science, 240(1), 215–254. Godskesen, Jens Chr., Hildebrandt, Thomas, & Sassone, Vladimiro. (2002). A calculus of mobile resources. Pages 272–287 of: Brim, L., Janˇcar, P., K˘retínsk˘y, M., & Kuˇcera, A. (eds), CONCUR’02. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2421. Springer-Verlag.


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Table A 1 Labels, concretions and outcomes Prefixes



in a | out a | open a | open | get aη | get↑η | put | put↓ | k . η



::= | |

γ | k | kη | put η | put↓ η | hMi | h−i ∗[[ get aη ] | ∗[[ get↑η ] | ηk[ out a ] | ηk[ in a ] | ηk[ exit a ] a[[ open ] | a[[ put η ] | a[[ kη ]




(νν p)h ˜ hPiiQ | (νν p)h ˜ hMiiP





A A Labelled Transition system for BoCa

We give a labelled transition system for the calculus of §4. A corresponding LTS can readily be obtained for the calculus of §2 by simply erasing all the occurrences of η and ρ from the labels and the corresponding transitions. Based on the labelled transitions, we then introduce a labelled bisimilarity which, because of its co-inductive nature, will provide powerful proof techniques for establishing equivalences (Sangiorgi, 1992; Sangiorgi & Milner, 1992; Sangiorgi, 1996). As usual for ambient calculi (Gordon & Cardelli, 2003; Levi & Sangiorgi, 2003; Merro & Hennessy, 2002; Bugliesi et al., 2003), the labelled α

transitions have the form P −−→ O, where P is a well-formed term, and • the label α encodes the minimal contribution by the environment needed for the process to complete the transition; • the outcome O can be either a concretion, i.e. a partial derivative which needs a contribution from the environment to be completed, or a process. Table A 1 defines labels and concretions. In (νν p)h ˜ hPiiQ the process P represents the moving ambient and the process Q represents the remaining system not affected by the movement. In (νν p)h ˜ hMiiP the message M represents the information transmitted and the process P represents the remaining system not affected by the output. In both cases p˜ is the set of shared private names. Tables A 2 and A 3 give the labelled transition system. In writing the rules we will use the following standard conventions: • if O is the concretion (νν p)h ˜ hPiiQ, then: — (ννr)O = (νν p)h ˜ hPii(ννr)Q, if r 6∈ fn(P), and (ννr)O = (ννr, p)h ˜ hPiiQ otherwise. / — O | R = (νν p)h ˜ hPii(Q | R), where p˜ are chosen so that fn(R) ∩ { p} ˜ = 0. • if O is the concretion (νν p)h ˜ hMiiP, then: — (ννr)O is (νν p)h ˜ hMii((ννr)P), if r 6∈ fn(M), and (ννr, p)h ˜ hMiiQ otherwise. / — O | R = (νν p)h ˜ hMii(P | R), where p˜ are chosen so that fn(R) ∩ { p} ˜ = 0. The transitions are similar to the transitions defined for (Levi & Sangiorgi, 2003; Bugliesi et al., 2003) when we interpret an occurrence of a slot as a co-capability for movement and spawning. The newest rule is ( WEIGHT ) which allows to distinguish processes only on the 30

basis of their weights. Peculiar to our calculus are the rules dealing with slots: in particular rule ( SLOT-0) says that each process becomes itself using no slot, instead rule ( SLOT-1) says that one slot can be consumed becoming the null process. Rule ( SLOT-0) is useful for allowing the movement and the spawning of processes with weight 0. Peculiar are also rules ( SLOT- INC ) and ( SLOT- DEC ) in which the weights of the ambient change. The labelled transition semantics agrees with the reduction semantics: this can be easily checked from the definitions. Theorem A.1 Table A 2 Commitments: Visible transitions (PATH )

(C AP ) M ∈ {in a, out a, open a, open, put, put , k . η} ↓



k η

1 η

Q −−→ Q1

1 η

0 ?

P −−→ P


P −−→ P


(S LOT-1)

P −−→ P1 −−→ 0

P | Q −−−→ P1 | Q1 ( PUT )

∈ {get aη , get↑η } M


P | Q −−→ P0 | Q0 ( SLOT- DEC )

( SLOT- INC ) M ∈ {get aη , get↑η }

put η


P −−−→ P0

P −−→ P0

a[[ put η ]

∗[[ M ]

bk[ P ] −−−→ bk+1[ P0 ]

ak+1[ P ] −−−−−→ ak[ P0 ] (O UTPUT )

(I NPUT ) hMi


(x : χ)P −−→ P{x := M}

hMiP −−→ (νν)hhMiiP

(I N -O UT )

(C O -I N )

P −−→ P0

1 η

M ∈ {put, put↓} P −−→ P0 Q −−→ Q0


M . P −−→


(k ≥ 1)

k+1 η

(G ET ) M


(M1 .M2 ).P −−→ P0

M.P −−→ P (S LOT-0)

( WEIGHT ) w(P) = k


M1 .(M2 .P) −−→ P0

k η

M ∈ {in a, out a}, η, ρ ∈ {b, ∗} ηk[ M ]

bk[ P ] ρ −−−−→ (νν)hhbk[ P0 ] η ii

P −−→ P0 a[[

k ρ

k η


ah[ P ] −−−−→ (νν)hhP0 ii00

(E XIT )

(C O - OPEN ) ηk[ out a ]


P −−−−−−→ (νν p)h ˜ hP1 iiP2

P −−−→ P0

ηk[ exit a ]

a[[ open ]

a[[ P ] −−−−−→ P0

ah[ P]] −−−−−−→ (νν p)(P ˜ 1 | ah[ P2] )


Table A 3 Commitments: τ transitions and structural transitions (τ-E NTER ) ηk[ in a ]

k η


P −−−−−→ (νν p)h ˜ hP1 iiP2

h = w(P1 | Q1 ) (fn(P1 ) ∪ fn(P2 )) ∩ {q} ˜ = 0/ (fn(Q1 ) ∪ fn(Q2 )) ∩ { p} ˜ = 0/


Q −−−−→ (ννq)h ˜ hQ1 iiQ2 τ

P | Q −−→ (νν p, ˜ q)(a ˜ h[ Q1 | P1] | P2 | Q2 ) (τ-E XIT )

(τ- OPEN )

ηk[ exit a ]

P −−−−−−→ P1

k η

a[[ open ]

open a

P −−−−→ P1

Q −−→ Q1

Q −−−−−→ Q1 τ


P | Q −−→ P1 | Q1

P | Q −−→ P1 | Q1

(τ- TRAN D)

(τ- TRAN S) ∗[[ get aη ]

P −−−−−−→ P1

a[[put η]]

P −−−−−→ P1


P | Q −−→ P1 | Q1 (τ- SPAWN )

(τ- EXCHANGE ) h−i

Q −−→ (ννq)h ˜ hMiiQ1

P −−→ P1

Q −−−−→ Q1


P | Q −−→ P1 | Q1


put↓ η

∗[[ get↑η ]

Q −−−−−→ Q1



P | Q −−→ P1 | Q1

(R ES ) α

(τ-A MB )


P −−→ O

P −−→ O



(R EPL )



π.. P −−→ O

P −−→ P0

n 6∈ fn(α)


(ννn)P −−→ (ννn)O

P | Q −−→ O | Q

Q −−→ Q1

P −−→ P1

P | Q −−→ (ννq)(P ˜ 1 | Q1 ) (PAR )

k η


fn(P) ∩ q˜ = 0/

n[[P]] −−→ n[[P0]


!π.. P −−→ !π.. P | O

Table A 4 Commitments: Higher-Order transitions (HO O UTPUT ) h−i

P −−→ (νν p)h ˜ hMiiP0

fv(Q) ⊆ {x} p˜ ∩ fn(Q) = 0/


P −−−→ (νν p)(P ˜ 0 | Q{x := M}) (HO I N /C O -I N ) M

P −−→ (νν p)h ˜ hP1 iiP2

M ∈ {ηk[ in a ] , a[[

k η ]}

/ p˜ ∩ fn(Q) = 0,

h = w(P1 | Q)


P −−→ (νν p)(a ˜ h[ P1 | Q ] | P2 ) (HO O UT ) ηk[ out a ]

P −−−−−−→ (νν p)h ˜ hP1 iiP2

/ p˜ ∩ fn(Q) = 0,

ηk[ out a ] Q

h = w(P2 | Q)

P −−−−−−−→ (νν p)(P ˜ 1 | ah[ P2 | Q ] )




If P −→ Q then P & Q. Conversely, if P & Q then P −→ Q0 for some Q0 ≡ Q. We can also shows that our definition of barb coincides with one particular action of the labelled transition system: the action a[[ 0∗ ]. This follows from the fact that for all Q we a[[

0 ∗


get a[[ Q ] −−−−→ (νν)hhQii00. Below, we write in to denote

0. ∗

Proposition A.2 a[[ in ]

P ↓a if and only if P −−−→ (νν p)h ˜ hQiiR for some p, ˜ Q, R. Following (Merro & Hennessy, 2002; Bugliesi et al., 2003), in order to provide a characterization of barbed congruence in terms of (weak) labelled bisimilarity, we introduce a new, higher-order transition for each of the first-order transitions whose outcome is a concretion, rather than a process. The new transitions are collected in Table A 4. The higher-order labels occurring in these transitions encode the minimal contribution by the environment needed for the process to complete a transition. Thus, in (HO O UTPUT ) the process Q represents the context receiving the value M output by P, and the variable x is a placeholder for that value. In rule (HO I N) the environment provides an ambient a[[Q]] in which P1 moves, while in the rule (HO C O -I N) the environment provides an ambient Q moving into a. Finally in rule (HO O UT) we can imagine the environment wrapping the process P with an ambient a[[Q]]. We are now ready to give the relation of labelled bisimilarity. Let Λ be the set of all labels including the first-order labels of Table A 1 as well as the higher-order labels determined by the transitions in Table A 4. We denote with λ any label in the set Λ. As usual, we focus on weak bisimilarities based on weak transitions, and use the following notation: λ

τ ∗ λ

ˆ λ

τ ∗

τ ∗

i) =⇒ denotes −→ −→−→ ; λ

ii) =⇒ denotes −→ (also noted =⇒) if λ = τ and =⇒ otherwise. Definition A.3 (Bisimilarity)


A symmetric relation R over closed processes is a bisimulation if PR Q and P −→ P0 imply ˆ λ

that there exists Q0 such that Q =⇒ Q0 and P0 R Q0 . Two processes P and Q are bisimilar, written P ≈ Q, if PR Q for some bisimulation R . This definition of bisimilarity is only given for closed processes. We generalize it to arbitrary processes as follows: Definition A.4 (Full bisimilarity) Two processes P and Q are full bisimilar, P ≈c Q, if Pσ ≈ Qσ for every closing substitution σ. Note that the definition of bisimilarity only tests transitions from processes to processes. As expected the full bisimilarity is a congruence: this can be proved using the technique of (Merro & Hennessy, 2002; Bugliesi et al., 2003). Moreover the full bisimilarity is sound but not complete w.r.t. the reduction barbed congruence. Theorem A.5 (Soundness of full bisimilarity) If P ≈c Q then P ∼ = Q. 33

Proof Notice that rule ( WEIGHT ) distinguishes processes of different weights. Then it is enough to show that ≈c is reduction closed and barb preserving, up to ≡. Assume that P ≈c Q and τ P & P0 . By Theorem A.1 P −→≡ P0 . Since P ≈c Q, there exits Q0 such that Q & ∗ Q0 and 0 0 P ≡≈c ≡ Q . Now assume P ≈c Q. If P↓a then, by Proposition A.2, and rule (HO C O -I N), a[[ in ] R

a[[ in ] R

P −−−−→ S for some R, S. Since P ≈c Q we know that Q ====⇒ S0 for some S0 ≈c S, from which Q ⇓a , as desired. The failure of completeness is due to the fact that contexts are insensitive to repeated entering and exiting. This phenomena is called stuttering in (Sangiorgi, 2001) and it is typical of movements which do not consume co-capabilities, as happen in our calculus. Let us recall an example given in (Zappa Nardelli, 2003), which shows the problem also for BoCa. No context can distinguish between the processes: (ννn)(in a.. out a.. in a.. n[[ open ] | !open n.. out a.. in a.. n[[ open ] ) (ννn)(in a.. n[[ open ] | !open n.. out a.. in a.. n[[ open ] ) which are not fully bisimilar.