A case for Zambia - Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation

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May 8, 2013 - facilitate the development of E-Commerce activities in the economy;. ➢ To facilitate the ... Private com
Strengthening telecommunications infrastructure for economic growth and security:

A case for Zambia

By: Gertrude Mwangala Akapelwa –Ehueni Board Chairperson ZICTA

India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Presentation Outline  Introduction to Zambia: Economic Statistics  Zambia’s Strategic Geographical Position  National Information and Communication Technology policy  ZICTA’s mandate  Projects related to infrastructure development  How do our people use the ICT Infrastructure  Current GSM Site Map  Optic Fibre Network  Last Mile Connectivity for Learning Institutions Project  Multi purpose centers  Challenges of attaining UAS objectives India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Introduction to Zambia: Economic Statistics

Zambia Area: 752,618 Km2

Area: 752,618 Km2

Population : 13,046,508 Pop. Density: 17 per km GDP : US$15.69 Billion Per Capita: US$ 1,203

Zambia’s Strategic Geographical Position • Zambia’ position makes it a natural hub for investment in the ICT sector. • Its citizens has good educational levels with excellence in English language which ranks the country among the very best on the African continent.

• Its relations with many countries making it an investment- friendly destination.

• Therefore infrastructure is the key to economic growth.

National Information and Communication Technology policy  To ensure that ICT infrastructure and services are available to and affordable for the greatest possible proportion of the population by encouraging the deployment of ICT assets and infrastructure that will enhance the provision of ICT services  To promote cost-effective last-mile technologies for providing access to commercial and public information services by communities, especially in rural and underserved areas;  To promote a stable, fair and competitive investment climate to facilitate the development of E-Commerce activities in the economy;  To facilitate the development of an effective, industry-responsive, timely legal and regulatory system capable of supporting the development and growth of the ICT sector; India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


ZICTA’s mandate  The Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Act No. 15 of 2009 gives ZICTA, the mandate to determine a SYSTEM that promotes widespread availability and usage of electronic communication services and networks through out Zambia by encouraging the installation of electronic communication networks and provision of services in un-served or underserved areas and communities.  Under the same Act creation of Universal Access fund to finance the installation of electronic communication networks with a view of extending the provision of ICT services to un-served or underserved areas and communities through use of a UAS Fund. India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


ICT infrastructure development Projects In order strengthen telecoms infrastructure for economic development as well as security in the country, ZICTA is promoting the following:  Establishment of GSM sites by Mobile operators  ZICTA under Universal access installing GSM sites in rural areas.  Private Internet providers delivering broadband through satellite  Private companies installing fibre optic networks  ZICTA implementing the last mile connectivity  ZICTA installing multi purpose centers India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


How do our people use the ICT Infrastructure  People in the rural areas are placing ICTs at the same priority level as food because it gives them security to call their family whenever in emergency  Farmers are linked to the farmers union database to enquire on availability of markets and prices for their produce before spending money on travel.  Zambians in rural areas, due to rapid extension of mobile services are able to do online banking transaction without leaving their village, making the unbanked banked .  Cross border trade has increased between Zambia and its neighbours through increased mobile and internet access they are able to transact online, and even look for markets for their goods and services.  Health workers provide their cell numbers to their patients who can call them in case of need  Response rate to disaster under the disaster mitigation centre has improved in the country Therefore ICT infrastructure has become a government priority India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Current GSM Site Map

   

Facts 1,340 out 1,421 wards have at least some GSM signal coverage 214 wards have less than 50% geographical coverage 55% Geographical coverage (country coverage) At least close to 90% population coverage 10.1 million subscribers (66% mobile penetration) India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


The Future for GSM connectivity ZICTA is financing the establishment of GSM sites in rural areas (starting with chiefdoms) using solar energy and satellite broadband

Team stuck during survey for towers in WP


The mobile operators continue to expand the GSM networks in profitable locations India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Delivering broadband through satellite

Private INTERNET PROVIDERS using satellite broadband

India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Infrastructure: Optic Fibre Network Expansion

Expansion of the optic fibre network in Zambia has been phased into three parts. Phase 1 of the network was completed in 2007. Under phase I, Zambia through its electricity utility company, ZESCO managed to build a network from Lumwana in the north up to Kazangula border in the South for connection via Walvis Bay in Namibia.

India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Optic Fibre Network Expansion Phase II, of ZESCO’s optic fibre was completed in December 2012 at the total cost of USD 60 million and it involved both expansion and an upgrade of phase I. Under Phase II Zambia managed to expand to the northern and eastern parts of Zambia as well as extending the optic fibre network from Kazangula to Senanga and Mongu in the Western Parts of the country.

India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Optic Fibre Network Expansion In 2013, Zambia optic fibre expansion plans include establishing new undersea connection points via Botswana and Zimbabwe using South Africa in the south of Zambia. For the northern and eastern parts of Zambia, further connections by ZESCO into Tanzania will be done via Dares Salaam. With regards to Malawi and Mozambique, the optic fibre under Phase III expansion will be connected via Chipata and Katete respectively. India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Optic Fibre Network Expansion In 2012, CEC Liquid Telecoms managed to lay 610 km of underground fibre cable between Chirundu to Kasumbalesa as part of its national backbone infrastructure. Further, 540 km of optical ground wire (OPGW) Copperbelt fibre ring was laid to improve data transmission capacity on the Copperbelt Province. In terms of the metropolitan area, a local fibre access ring 175 km long was laid to cater for Lusaka area.

India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


ConnectinG Learning Institutions Project is aimed at transforming the education system through adopting the usage of ICTs and equipping the upcoming generation with skills relevant in the current information age. Facts:  There are about 8,200 schools countrywide  Only 2,500 schools have electricity (i.e. main grid/solar/gen set)  Only about 2,000 public schools have at least one computer  Internet connectivity is almost non-existent in public schools  Min. of Education has not adopted ICT as a subject in curriculum

India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Connecting Learning Institutions Project deliverables per institution include:  40 user lab (colleges), 20 user lab (schools)  1 printer  2 desktop computers (for admin use)  MS Office applications  Internet connectivity and subscription for first 12 months  Training of at least 3 teachers in ICT skills Project Implementation:  Phase 1 (current) – target is 47 colleges and 150 schools countrywide  Phase 2 (2013) – target is 200 schools  Ultimate goal is to reach all schools/colleges that meet criteria for “ICT readiness” India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Connecting Learning Institutions Financing the Last Mile connection for Public Universities:  ZICTA has financed the last Mile connection to the three Public Universities in the Capital - Lusaka, on the Copperbelt and in the region of the country Contributing to the Review of the Education Curriculum:  ZICTA has been incorporated into a committee that is reviewing the Ministry of Education curriculum to include ICTs as a subject India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Multi – Purpose Telecentres • ZICTA in conjunction with Rural Based Societies and Cooperatives embarked on the establishment of Multi – purpose Community Telecenters (MCT) aimed at ensuring rural communities have access to basic telecoms/ ICT services e.g internet, fax and public phones • Though funding of these projects was done by ZICTA, management is done by the locals of the respective communities. E.g Women organisations • A total of fifteen (15) have been established in rural communities including one at the National Assembly Buildings. India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Challenges of attaining UAS objectives  Weak support infrastructure such as roads, electricity, broadband backbone.  High cost of ICT equipment and applications. No local manufactures.  Insufficient funds to accomplish desired targets in reasonable duration  Low ICT skills in market.  High cost of Internet bandwidth.

India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi


Thank You

India Global ICT Forum: Innovations to Drive Economies 6-8 May 2013, New Delhi