A Chemical Probe that Labels Human Pluripotent Stem Cells - Core

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Mar 6, 2014 - 2Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan ..... CD235, CD41a, or CD43, suggesting that KP-1 is useful for ..... ogy Research Advancement Institution of Japan (BRAIN), JST (CREST), and.
Cell Reports

Resource A Chemical Probe that Labels Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Nao Hirata,1,2,9 Masato Nakagawa,3,9 Yuto Fujibayashi,4,9 Kaori Yamauchi,5,9 Asako Murata,1,2,9 Itsunari Minami,1 Maiko Tomioka,1 Takayuki Kondo,3 Ting-Fang Kuo,1,2 Hiroshi Endo,3,8 Haruhisa Inoue,3 Shin-ichi Sato,1,2 Shin Ando,1,2 Yoshinori Kawazoe,2 Kazuhiro Aiba,1 Koh Nagata,1 Eihachiro Kawase,5 Young-Tae Chang,6,7 Hirofumi Suemori,5 Koji Eto,3 Hiromitsu Nakauchi,8 Shinya Yamanaka,1,3 Norio Nakatsuji,1,5,* Kazumitsu Ueda,1,4,* and Motonari Uesugi1,2,* 1Institute

for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan 3Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan 4Division of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan 5Stem Cell Research Center, Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan 6Department of Chemistry & MedChem Program of Life Sciences Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117543, Singapore 7Laboratory of Bioimaging Probe Development, Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore 138667, Singapore 8Laboratory of Stem Cell Therapy, Center for Experimental Medicine, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 108-8639, Japan 9These authors contributed equally to this work *Correspondence: [email protected] (N.N.), [email protected] (K.U.), [email protected] (M.U.) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2014.02.006 This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). 2Institute


A small-molecule fluorescent probe specific for human pluripotent stem cells would serve as a useful tool for basic cell biology research and stem cell therapy. Screening of fluorescent chemical libraries with human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and subsequent evaluation of hit molecules identified a fluorescent compound (Kyoto probe 1 [KP-1]) that selectively labels human pluripotent stem cells. Our analyses indicated that the selectivity results primarily from a distinct expression pattern of ABC transporters in human pluripotent stem cells and from the transporter selectivity of KP-1. Expression of ABCB1 (MDR1) and ABCG2 (BCRP), both of which cause the efflux of KP-1, is repressed in human pluripotent stem cells. Although KP-1, like other pluripotent markers, is not absolutely specific for pluripotent stem cells, the identified chemical probe may be used in conjunction with other reagents. INTRODUCTION Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) (Thomson et al., 1998) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) (Takahashi et al., 2007) have been serving as valuable tools for basic biological research and as promising resources for regeneration therapy. Despite advances, substantial challenges remain for the clinical application of stem cells. One safety concern has been posed by the appearance of teratomas in animal models transplanted with cell samples containing a small number of

undifferentiated stem cells. Methods of detecting and ablating undifferentiated stem cells are required for safer stem cell therapy. Antibodies against stage-specific embryonic antigens 4 and 5 (SSEA-4 and SSEA-5) have been used extensively to detect human pluripotent stem cells (Henderson et al., 2002; Tang et al., 2011; Thomson et al., 1998). SSEA-4 is a glycolipid that is expressed in early embryos and, for unknown reasons, is presented selectively on the surface of hESCs and embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells (Henderson et al., 2002). SSEA-5, which is classified as an H-type 1 glycan, is a recently identified antigen specifically expressed in human pluripotent stem cells (Tang et al., 2011). Other markers of human stem cells include Oct3/Oct4 and Nanog, which are transcription factors required for the maintenance of undifferentiated states of stem cells and are downregulated upon differentiation (Chambers et al., 2003; Mitsui et al., 2003; Niwa et al., 2000; Pesce and Scho¨ler, 2001; Rosner et al., 1990). Although their antibodies are highly useful for detecting pluripotent cells, these unstable protein tools suffer from high cost and often require fixation and permeabilization of cells. Alkaline phosphatase is another routinely used marker of human stem cells (Shamblott et al., 1998; Thomson et al., 1995). Although the assay for its enzymatic activity provides a simple method for detecting stem cells, this housekeeping enzyme is expressed in a number of other cell types, and its specificity to pluripotent stem cells is a major concern. A small molecule fluorescent probe specific for human pluripotent stem cells would permit their rapid detection and separation. Furthermore, small molecule probes provide reversible detection that can be tuned by varying the dose. Stable, chemically defined, and cost-effective synthetic probes would offer significant advantages as tools for basic research and for lowering the risk of tumor formation in stem cell therapy. Cell Reports 6, 1165–1174, March 27, 2014 ª2014 The Authors 1165






104 103


1 (KP-1)

101 102 103 104

Partially differentiated hiPSCs


KP-1 Partially differentiated hESCs








Figure 1. Discovery of KP-1 (A) Chemical structure of KP-1. (B) Bright-field image of hiPSCs on mouse STO feeder cells. Scale bar represents 300 mm. (C) Fluorescence image of hiPSCs on feeder cells incubated with KP-1 (2 mM) for 3 hr. Scale bar represents 300 mm. (D) Flow cytometric analysis of a mixture of hiPSCs and feeder cells doubly stained with KP-1 and a-SSEA-4-Alexa 647. hiPSCs and feeder cells were dissociated with Accutase into single cells and stained with KP-1 (2 mM) for 3 hr and a fluorescence-labeled anti-SSEA-4 (a-SSEA-4-Alexa 647) for 30 min. (E–J) Effects of cell differentiation on the staining pattern of KP-1. (E) Bright-field and (H) fluorescent images are shown of a partially differentiated hiPSC colony incubated with KP-1 (4 mM) for 4.5 hr. (F) Bright-field and (I) fluorescence images are shown of hESC colonies incubated with KP-1 (1 mM) for 2 hr. (G) Bright-field and (J) fluorescence images are shown of partially differentiated hESC colonies incubated with KP-1 (1 mM) for 2 hr. hESCs were treated with 500 nM retinoic acid for 4 days. Scale bars represent 450 mm. See also Figures S1–S3.

RESULTS Discovery of Kyoto Probe 1 To identify a fluorescent probe that is selective for human pluripotent stem cells, we screened 326 fluorescent compounds from chemical libraries (Ahn et al., 2007; Kawazoe et al., 2011). The image-based screening using human iPS cells (hiPSCs) isolated 21 molecules that stained hiPSCs more strongly than they stained feeder cells (mouse STO cells). We focused our subsequent efforts on a highly fluorescent rhodamine molecule (molecule 1, Kyoto probe 1 [KP-1]), which displayed the greatest selectivity (Figures 1A–1C). The excitation and emission spectra and fluorescent properties of KP-1 are shown in Figure S1A. The selectivity of KP-1 for hiPSCs was confirmed by flow cytometry (Figures 1D, S1B, and S1C). Mixtures of hiPSCs and feeder cells were treated with KP-1 (Figure S1B), an Alexa Fluor 647-labeled anti-SSEA-4 (Figure S1C), or both (Figure 1D). When the cells were stained simultaneously with KP-1 and the antiSSEA-4, KP-1 stained essentially all of the SSEA-4-positive 1166 Cell Reports 6, 1165–1174, March 27, 2014 ª2014 The Authors

cells, but not the SSEA-4-negative cells. Thus, KP-1 is capable of differentiating between hiPSCs and feeder cells. To examine the proportion of hiPSCs that is stained by KP-1, we carried out similar experiments using feeder-free culture conditions (Figures S1D–S1G). The results indicated that KP-1 stained 99.18% of hiPSCs, whereas an SSEA-4 antibody labeled 98.17% of hiPSCs. An observation made during our evaluation of KP-1 further confirmed its specificity for pluripotent stem cells. When iPSCs are overgrown, central parts of the colonies tend to initiate differentiation, due to contact inhibition (Bortell et al., 1992; Green and Meuth, 1974). Treatment with KP-1 selectively stained the undifferentiated parts of such colonies, but not the central parts (Figures 1E and 1H). When similar experiments were conducted with colonies of hESCs (Suemori et al., 2006), the colonies were stained more strongly than the feeder cells (Figures 1F and 1I). When the colonies were partially differentiated by treatment with retinoic acid (Ben-Shushan et al., 1995), the differentiated parts of the colonies were less densely




Figure 2. Selective by KP-1




(A and B) Fluorescence microscopic imaging of (A) hESCs and (B) ESC-derived differentiated cells in the presence of KP-1 (1 mM). Differentiated cells were derived from hESCs by treatment with retinoic acid (500 nM) for 4 days and treated with KP-1 (1 mM) for 1 hr. The left panels show bright-field images, and the right panels show fluorescence images. Scale bars represent 100 mm. (C) Fluorescence histograms from flow cytometric analysis of hESCs and the ESC-derived differentiated cells. See also Figure S2.

Differentiated cells

Relative Cell Number

than KP-1, perhaps due to its rapid formation of covalent bonds to cellular proteins (Svensson et al., 2002), it still localized in mitochondria of hiPSCs C (Figures S3B–S3I). We treated hiPSCs 100 with the chloroacetyl derivative of KP-1 hESCs, KP-1 (-) and used 2D SDS-PAGE to isolate mito80 hESCs, KP-1 (+) chondrial proteins labeled with KP-1 (Figure S3J). Mass-sequencing analysis 60 Differentiated cells, KP-1 (-) (Mann et al., 2001) of the fluorescently Differentiated cells, KP-1 (+) labeled bands revealed peptide se40 quences of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2), a mitochondrial enzyme that 20 has been reported to interact with a rhodamine derivative (Kim et al., 2011). Although 0 100 101 102 103 104 binding to ALDH2 might account for Fluorescence Intensity (KP-1) the mitochondrial localization of KP-1, this abundant enzyme is expressed in numerous cell types (Greenfield and Piestained (Figures 1G and 1J). Flow cytometric analysis of hESCs truszko, 1977) and is not likely to be responsible for the selecand retinoid-treated differentiated cells revealed that ESCs tivity of KP-1 for pluripotent stem cells. were stained 100-fold more strongly by KP-1 than the differentiated cells (Figure 2). These observations suggest that KP-1 KP-1 Selectivity and ABC Transporters is capable of distinguishing between pluripotent stem cells and Concurrent with our study of KP-1, an independent project was differentiated cells. investigating the expression levels of 44 ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters in hESCs and iPSCs. ABC proteins transMitochondrial Localization of KP-1 port hydrophobic small molecules and lipids across cell What is the basis for the selectivity of KP-1? KP-1 appears to be membranes in an ATP-dependent manner (Moitra and Dean, cell permeable, and its subcellular localization overlaps with that 2011; Ueda, 2011; Young and Holland, 1999) and are involved of MitoTracker Red (MitoRed) (Minamikawa et al., 1999), a mito- in protection against xenobiotics and cholesterol homeostasis chondria-selective fluorescent marker (Figure S2). MitoRed (Ueda, 2011). The investigation with five lines of hESCs and labeled mitochondria both in hiPSCs and feeder cells; however, three lines of hiPSCs showed intriguing expression patterns KP-1 stained mitochondria only in iPSCs (Figures S2A–S2E), of four ABC proteins involved in xenobiotic efflux (Figure 3A). indicating that KP-1 localizes in the mitochondria of human RT-PCR experiments revealed that both hESCs and iPSCs pluripotent stem cells. The staining pattern of KP-1 remained express ABCC1 (multidrug-resistance protein 1 [MRP1]) and the same in the presence of CCCP, an uncoupling reagent that ABCG2 (breast cancer-resistance protein [BCRP]) at detectable disrupts the mitochondrial membrane potential (Heytler, 1963; levels but have little, if any, expression of ABCB1 (MDR1) and Kasianowicz et al., 1984), indicating that the staining properties ABCC2 (MRP2) transporters. Expression levels of ABCB1 and of KP-1 are independent of the membrane potential (Figures ABCG2 were markedly higher (29- and 24-fold, respectively) S2F–S2I). in differentiated cells prepared with retinoic acid, which To isolate mitochondrial proteins that interact with KP-1, we express the differentiation marker, CDX2 (Bernardo et al., synthesized a chloroacetyl derivative of KP-1 (Figure S3A). 2011; Niwa et al., 2005), than in human pluripotent stem cells Although this highly reactive derivative is slightly less selective (Figure 3B). Cell Reports 6, 1165–1174, March 27, 2014 ª2014 The Authors 1167








Fold Increase


30 20 10



Figure 3. Expression Patterns of ABC Transporters in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (A) Comparison of mRNA expression levels of ABCB1 (MDR1), ABCC1 (MRP1), ABCC2 (MRP2), and ABCG2 (BCRP) transporters among hESCs (blue bar) and hiPSCs (red bar). Five hESC lines (KhESC-1, KhESC-2, KhESC-3, KhESC-4, and KhESC-5 in a left-to-right bar) and three hiPSC lines (201B7, IMR90-1, and IMR90-4, in a left-to-right bar) were examined. (B) Fold increases of mRNA of ABCB1 (MDR1), ABCC1 (MRP1), ABCC2 (MRP2), and ABCG2 (BCRP) transporters between hESCs (blue bar) and differentiated cells (red bar). Each bar shows an averaged value of the five hESC lines (KhESC-1, KhESC-2, KhESC-3, KhESC-4, and KhESC-5). See also Figure S4.

We hypothesized that the selective staining of pluripotent stem cells by KP-1 is due to increased expression of ABCB1 and ABCG2 in differentiated cells, resulting in the selective export of KP-1. To investigate the role of ABCB1 and ABCG2 in the selectivity of KP-1, we established cell lines that stably express ABCB1 or ABCG2 (KB/ABCB1 and KB/ABCG2, respectively) from the KB3-1 line of human epidermoid carcinoma cells, which have undetectable expression levels of those transporters (Taguchi et al., 1997; Ueda et al., 1987). We treated the cells with KP-1 for 2 hr, captured their images using a fluorescence microscope (Figures 4A and 4B), and quantified the signals (Figures 4C and 4D). Parental KB3-1 cells were strongly stained by KP-1, whereas fluorescent signals were significantly lower or undetectable in KB/ABCB1 and KB/ABCG2 cells. KP-1 staining of KB/ ABCB1 or KB/ABCG2 cells was restored by treatment with cyclosporine A or fumitremorgin C (Figures 4A–4D), which are known inhibitors of ABCB1 (Tamai and Safa, 1990) or ABCG2 (Allen et al., 2002), respectively. Similar experiments were conducted with ABCC1 (MRP1), a transporter whose expression is unchanged upon cell differentiation (Chen et al., 2001; Nagata et al., 2000). Overexpression of ABCC1 did not result in export of KP-1, whereas calcein AM, a known substrate of ABCC1 (Versantvoort et al., 1995), was eliminated (Figures S4A and S4B). These results collectively suggest that KP-1 is a selective substrate for both ABCB1 and ABCG2. We next examined the effects of transporter inhibitors on the selectivity of KP-1 for hESCs. When differentiated cells derived from ESCs were treated with cyclosporine A or fumitremorgin C, the differentiated cells were labeled by KP-1 approximately 103 more strongly than those untreated with the inhibitors (Figures 4E and 4F). These results indicate that the selectivity of KP-1 depends on its efflux via ABCB1 and ABCG2, whose expression is repressed in human pluripotent cells and induced upon differentiation. 1168 Cell Reports 6, 1165–1174, March 27, 2014 ª2014 The Authors

Selectivity Profiling of KP-1 with Human Somatic Cells If induction levels of ABCB1 and ABCG2 expression depend on the direction and degree of differentiation from pluripotent stem cells, the usefulness of KP-1 might be limited. Previous studies have reported that either ABCG2 or ABCB1 is induced in early hematopoiesis (Tang et al., 2010; Uchida et al., 2004; Zhou et al., 2001); therefore, we examined KP-1 staining of hematopoietic cells derived from hESCs (Takayama et al., 2008, 2010) (Figure 5A). Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis showed that KP-1 distinguishes between SSEA-4-positive hESCs and human early hematopoietic cells expressing CD45, CD235, CD41a, or CD43, suggesting that KP-1 is useful for monitoring early hematopoiesis. We next examined the ability of KP-1 to monitor other clinically important differentiation processes: cardiomyogenesis and neurogenesis. KP-1 was capable of distinguishing between hiPSCs and hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (Figures S5A and S5B), as confirmed by flow cytometric analysis (Figure 5B). We used RT-PCR to examine the expression patterns of 44 human ABC transporters in cardiomyocytes derived from hiPSCs (Figure S4C). Surprisingly, neither ABCG2 nor ABCB1 was induced during cardiomyogenesis. Instead, three ABC transporters, ABCA1, ABCC5, and ABCD3, were induced during differentiation (Figure S4C). The ability of two cell surface membrane ABC transporters, ABCA1 and ABCC5, to cause efflux of KP-1 was examined by overexpressing each transporter in HEK293 cells. However, no clear efflux of KP-1 was observed from these cells (data not shown). It is possible that cardiomyocytes have other ABC transporter-independent mechanisms for excluding KP-1. In contrast to human cardiomyocytes, hiPSC-derived neuronal stem cells (Morizane et al., 2011) were as strongly stained by KP-1 as hiPSCs (Figures S5C and S5D). The inability of KP-1 to distinguish between hiPSCs and human neuronal stem cells prompted us to examine staining patterns of KP-1 in a range of human primary cells (Figures 6A–6I). FACS analysis showed that KP-1 stained human brain astrocytes as strongly as hiPSCs, consistent with our observation that KP-1 labels human neuronal stem cells. In contrast, KP-1 exhibited weaker staining patterns in human lung cells, human adrenal microvascular cells, human prostate epithelial cells, human hepatocytes, human bronchial epithelial cells, and human brain microvascular cells. These results are consistent with expression profiles of ABC transporters in human tissues (Langmann et al., 2003): human tissues associated with secretion (adrenal gland), metabolic activity (liver), barrier systems (lung, bronchia), and reproductive organs (prostate) tend to display strong expression of ABC transporters. Overall, the results suggest that KP-1 is useful for monitoring a wide range of differentiation processes from human pluripotent stem cells, with the exception of neurogenesis. We also tested staining patterns of KP-1 with several human cancer cell lines (Figures 6J–6L). KP-1 exhibited weaker staining in HepG2 cells (hepatocellular carcinoma) and human EC (1156QE) cells than in hiPSCs, whereas HeLa cells, a cervical cancer cell line that displays low ABC transporter expression (Ahlin et al., 2009), were labeled by KP-1 as strongly as hiPSCs. Thus, KP-1 might find its use in classifying cancer cells.










6 4 2 0



ABCB1 inhibition by CsA


8 4 0




ABCG2 inhibition by FTC

Figure 4. KP-1 Selectivity and ABC Transporters (A) Fluorescence microscopic images of KB3-1 cells and KB/ABCB1 cells. The cells were treated with 1 mM KP-1 for 2 hr (left panel) or with 1 mM KP-1 for 2 hr in the presence of 5 mM cyclosporine A (CsA; right panel). Scale bars represent 2 mm. (B) Fluorescence microscopic images of KB3-1 cells and KB/ABCG2 cells. The cells were treated with 1 mM KP-1 for 2 hr (left panel) or with 1 mM KP-1 for 2 hr in the presence of 10 mM fumitremorgin C (FTC; right panel). Scale bars represent 2 mm. (C and D) Quantitative analysis of the fluorescence intensities of KP-1 in KB3-1 (open bar in C and D), KB/ABCB1 (solid bar in C), and KB/ABCG2 (solid bar in D) cells. It is evident that treatment with CsA or FTC restores the staining of KP-1. (E and F) Fluorescence histograms from flow cytometric analysis of hESCs and ESC-derived differentiated cells in the presence of (E) 10 mM CsA or (F) 10 mM FTC. hESCs (red line) or differentiated cells (blue line) were incubated with 1 mM KP-1 for 1 hr or with 1 mM KP-1 and 10 mM inhibitor (pink line) for 1 hr. CsA and FTC were used as ABCB1 and ABCG2 transporter inhibitors, respectively. Shaded histograms and gray line represent hESCs and differentiated cells without KP-1, respectively. See also Figure S4.

Relative Cell Number



Relative Fluorescence Intensity (A.U.)

KB/ABCB1 100

Relative Cell Number


Relative Fluorescence Intensity (A.U.)






We isolated the 10% of cells most brightly stained by KP-1 and cultured them for another 3 weeks. Surprisingly, 80 40 only a small portion (