... the prepared photographs was accomplished using specialized graphical software (Adobe Photoshop CS4 ex- tended, version 11.0Ã20071101 [20071101.m.
670 AND 810 NM DIODE LASER FOR DIABETIC WOUNDS wounds with a combination of two low-level lasers according to the following laser protocol: Laser dosage and protocol
Low level diode red-light laser (Gallium-AluminumIndium-Phosphate; GaAlInP laser) [Physiolaser Olympic, ªREIMERS & JANSSEN GmbH Medical Technology, Germany] with a wavelength of 670 nm using a contact hand-held probe (Handylaser Sprint-670) (power: 500 mW, energy: 10 J, time: 48 s) was irradiated to the wound bed area (energy density: 10 J/cm2). Low level diode infra-red laser (Gallium-AluminumArsenide; GaAlAs laser) [Physiolaser Olympic, ªREIMERS & JANSSEN GmbH Medical Technology, Germany] with a wavelength of 810 nm using a noncontact hand-held probe (Handylaser Sprint-810) (power: 250 mW, energy: 12 J, time: 50 s) was irradiated through a 2 cm distance to the wound. The probe contained a lens to diverge the laser beam to irradiate the wound margins (estimated energy density: 1.33 J/cm2).
There was a series of previously defined protocols regarding laser irradiation and frequencies on the laser device. The laser protocol used was a defined, fixed on-device protocol of ªREIMERS & JANSSEN GmbH Medical Technology Company for the treatment of acute wounds. This protocol included 5-second intervals of continuous Nogier A’ (292 Hz), Nogier B’ (584 Hz), and Nogier C’ (1168 Hz) frequencies, which were repeated during the treatment period for both laser types. Therapeutic sessions. The low-level laser therapy sessions were performed every third day. In this method, a total of seven therapeutic sessions were done. These sessions were on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 20th and 24th days after wound creation, which was defined as the day-zero study session.
FIG. 1. Distinct wound area was measured using powerful graphical software. (Color image can be found at www.liebertonline.com/pho).
623 Outcome measurements: Wound healing promotion was evaluated through serial digital photography and wound area measurement in the successive sessions. Photography of the wounds was performed during each therapeutic session. In addition, we did a primary evaluation of the wounds the day after completion of the therapeutic intervention. In control rats, following the anesthesia, we performed the photography alone. Photography of the wounds. Photography of the wounds was done using a high-quality digital microscope (AM313 Dino-Lite digital microscope; Dino-Lite, The Netherlands) connected to a laptop personal computer on which the required software for application of the microscope was installed. The digital microscope was fixed on a square metalbased stand holder (MS35B Digital Microscope holder, DinoLite, The Netherlands) and the magnification level was adjusted at each photography session to acquire the maximum size and sharpness of the captured wound area in the taken photographs. Also, a standard millimeter-graded metal ruler with a label including the rat code and session number was placed adjacent to the wound while taking the photographs, for the sake of calibration of the software in order to calculate the wound area. Wound area measurement. Measurement of the wound area in the prepared photographs was accomplished using specialized graphical software (Adobe Photoshop CS4 extended, version 11.020071101 [20071101.m. 190 2007/11/ 01:02:00:00 cutoff; m branc] ª 1990-2007 Adobe Systems Inc., U.S.A.) (Fig. 1). The entire process of area measurement was done by a single person who was blinded to the group of the rat and the session for each wound being measured. This avoided measurement biases by multiple measurers. Finally, the outcomes were reported as successive measured wound areas, percentage of open wound area (%OWA), and wound healing rate for each evaluation session.