A Communication Architecture for Massive Multiplayer Games
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Computer Science Department. Brigham Young University [email protected]. ABSTRACT. Many massively multiplayer online games use client-server.
Department of Computer Science ... Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are a type ... online interactive games commonly consists of huge number.
best characterized by Antonio Fumero: It's not about matching traditional models with existing ... number of students, using a notebook and a projector. ... A dedicated software on the computer of the speaker records the succession of slides.
Counter Strike), role playing games (RPGs) (such as Ev- .... like RPGs may have less aggressive workloads, limitations .... BitMask mask) Unmarshall an up-.
In contrast, relations in massively-multiplayer online games (MMOGs) are ..... All networks in both games have similar power law degree distributions,.
game show that the proposed framework performs ... nodes are routers and circular nodes are end-hosts. .... contains a tank, a number of bullets and a list of.
of being managed by a centralized server, the objects are now divided onto ... driven design constitutes a good fit for a MMOG communi- ..... dedicated IM server.
ing a summary of events which occurred during the game. Our .... game engine, which replays the actions to generate a visual sum- mary. ..... jake2.html/.
In this paper, we propose a game engine .... substantial role within the game engine. ..... http://www.gamerankings.com/xbox360/929531-timeshift/index.html.
Since asset creators are mainly artists, they usually have a very limited ... But at least when creating assets that .... transition from P2P to C/S or vice versa without altering code. .... Note that all operations needed for the management of an.
multiplayer Counterstrike game, in which different priorities can be assigned to the downstream traffic. A utility curve, applicable to a First Person Shooter (FPS).
It is best characterized by Antonio Fumero: It's not about matching traditional models with .... This enriched stream is then pushed to the client software on the notebooks of .... We registered a twitter-account1 that was to be used by all par-.
A Communication Architecture for Massive Multiplayer Games
worlds as used in massive multiplayer online games. The underlying publisher/subscriber communication layer pro- vides a high level of abstraction with a lean ...
A Communication Architecture for Massive Multiplayer Games [Position Statement] Stefan Fiedler, Michael Wallner, Michael Weber Dept. of Multimedia Computing University of Ulm 89069 Ulm, Germany stefan.fiedler,michael.wallner,weber@informatik.uni-ulm.de
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