A Compact Equivalent Circuit Model for the SRR ... - IEEE Xplore

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Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore 119260. Abstract-This paper proposes a compact ...
A Compact Equivalent Circuit Model for the SRR Structure in Metamaterials M. F. Wu, F. Y. Meng, and Q. Wu 1.

School of Electronics and Information Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 150001

J. Wu 2.

China Research Institute of Radio wave Propagation, Xinxiang, Henan, China 102206

L. W. Li 3.

Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore 119260

Abstract-This paper proposes a compact equivalent circuit

macro performance of SRR arrays or counterparts. While

model to characterize the split ring resonator (SRR) structure in








metamaterials, based on the modeling approaches of the spiral

computationally intensive and require experience. These field

inductors in MMIC. In the equivalent circuit model, the lumped

solvers also do not provide any insight into the engineering

elements distribute compactly, and can be directly estimated by

trade-offs involved in the design of new geometry. Although

the geometry parameters of the SRR. Numerical simulation

the better field solvers are excellent for verification, they are

results show that the model can simultaneously predict more than

inconvenient at the initial design and optimization stages.

one resonance frequency of the SRR, and the predicted resonance

To meet the requirement, this paper proposes an approach to

frequency is accurate enough. The equivalent circuit model can be

analyze an individual SRR by a compact equivalent circuit

advantageous to probe the root of the negative permeability,

model based on the spiral inductors modeling methods in



MMIC. The equivalent circuit model can facilitate the analysis

metamaterials exhibiting left-handed properties over multiple

and optimization of SRR-based metamaterials, and predict

frequency bands.

more than one resonant frequency, which is very important for






SRR-based metamaterials exhibiting left-handed properties I.


In 1999, the negative value of effective permeability was

over multiple frequency bands [3]. II.


first achieved by using an array of the metallic artificial atoms called Split Rings Resonators (SRRs) [1]. Since then, many

Researches have been shown that an individual SRR can

research works have been conducted after various methods for

realize the electromagnetic performances of SRRs arrays [4],

realizing negative permeability, especially after the negative

so we had to just look into the performances of an individual

refractive index was experimentally verified [2]. SRR has been

SRR, instead of investigating the entire effective behaviors of

approved to be a useful artificial atom for design and

SRRs arrays in this section. Fig.1 shows the geometry of an

fabrication the artificial media. However, there are still some

individual square SRR, which functions as current sheets while

performances to be improved, such as the anisotropy, lossy and

an incident plane wave magnetic field H is penetrating through

bandwidth with the SRR-based metamaterials.

it. Differing from the spiral inductors, there are two splits in the

It is promising to arrive at the aims through probe the micro

out ring and the inner ring of SRR. So the SRR equivalent

electromagnetic effects of SRR or counterpart, and design or

inductors approximately estimated by four side parts inductors,

improve its geometry. However, most of this modeling work

namely L1, L2, L2 and L3, respectively shown in Fig.2,

has centered on the development of field solvers to predict the

according to the square spiral inductors lumped circuit models.

0-7803-9433-X/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE.

APMC2005 Proceedings

L2 produced by one side integrated outer and inner current sheet, while L1 and L3 represent the self-inductors produced by an

LD =

K µ0 n 2 L 2 [ln( ) + 0.5 + 0.178 ρ + 0.0146 ρ 2 + ρ 2π 0.5(n − 1) S 2 (n − 1) S 1 W + t )] + 0.178 × − ln( n n W ( ρ n) 2

integrated sheet and a sheet with a split.


(2 L − 2 S ) − D (2 L − 2 S )



Hence the equivalent circuit model and its lumped elements distribution can be shown in Fig.3, and several distributed capacitances also exist in the equivalent circuit model, namely C1, C2, C2, and C3 respectively, which can be determined by the following approaches.

Fig. 1. The geometry configuration of an individual square SRR

Fig. 3. The lumped element distribution in equivalent circuit model of SRR Fig. 2. The SRR self-inductors calculation divisions in four sides

The total capacitances with SRR consist of two parts. One

The self-inductors produced by one side integrated outer and

part is the coupling capacitance between the outer and the inner

inner current sheet such as L2 can be directly estimated by

rings, and the other one is produced the electric charges accumulate at the two splits. The coupling capacitance Cc can

followed formulas [5]: LD =

µ0 n L 2 [ln( ) + 0.5 + 0.178 ρ + 0.0146 ρ 2 ρ 2π

be estimated by the following equation [6] [7]:


0.5(n − 1) S 2 (n − 1) S 1 W + t )] + + 0.178 − ln( 2 n n W ( ρ n)


nW + (n − 1) S L


Cc = [0.06 + 3.5 × 10−5 (rout + rin )]


Then the coupling capacitance should be divided into four (2)

Here, t represents the vertical parameter of SRR, and the lateral

equal counterparts named C0 for SRR four sides, hence: 1 C0 = [0.06 + 3.5 × 10−5 (rout + rin )] 4


parameters are completely specified by the following:

Here rout and rin represent the radius of the outer circumcircle

1. 2. 3. 4.

and the inner circumcircle of SRR respectively.

The number of turns, n The metal width, W

It is vital to estimate the capacitances at the outer and inner

The length of out ring sides, L

splits, but it is difficult because of the intense electromagnetic

The space between inner and outer rings, S

brink effects, so they are estimated by corrected the parallel

However, L1 and L3 cannot be directly estimated by equations (1) and (2), because of the errors caused by splits. So a new variable named integrality coefficient K should be inserted to rectify the self-inductors of one side, thus L1 and L3 can be estimated by following expressions:

plane capacitance formula as the following approaches: Cinner split = 3ε 0 s/D


Couter split = 25ε 0 s/D


Here s means the effective parallel plane area, and D means the distance of the parallel planes at the splits.

The distributed capacitances C1, C2 and C3 can be determined by equations (6) and (7) as following approaches: C1 = C0 + Couter split C2 = C0 C3 = C0 + Cinner split

(8a) (8b) (8c)

which display the Z21 coefficient phase degree abruptly changes 180 degrees at above three frequency points. All above simulation results indicate that the equivalent circuit becomes resonant at 6GHz, 15.5GHz and 26.5GHz respectively, which are good agreement with numerical results with error less than 8%. Conclusions can be made based on above results that SRR has three resonant frequency 6GHz, 16.8GHz and 27.8GHz



respectively, and can be precision-predicted by the equivalent circuit model.

In order to testify the proposed equivalent circuit model, numerical simulations are necessary. Let’s choose a set of



geometry parameters of SRR shown in Fig.1 such as: L=6mm, W=0.5mm, S=1mm, D=1mm, and the vertical size t=0.5mm.

Based on the spiral inductors modeling method in MMIC,

Firstly, CST Microwave Studio is considered to predict the

the proposed equivalent circuit model has compact distributed

resonance frequencies of SRR. Shown in Fig.4, a vacuum

elements and they can be directly estimated by the geometry

waveguide is employed, then its transmission coefficient is

parameters. Numerical simulation results testify that the

nearly 1 and its phase of image part of the Z21 is shown in Fig.5. equivalent circuit model can simultaneously predict three The results indicate that electromagnetic wave Propagate

resonant frequency points with high precision, which is

through the vacuum waveguide with no reflection, and its Z21

extremely important for SRR-based metamaterials exhibiting

coefficient phase degree abruptly changes 180 degrees at about

left-handed properties over multiple frequency bands.

20.5GHz. Then SRR can be centered in the vacuum waveguide shown


in Fig.4, thus the transmission coefficient of the waveguide with SRR is simulated shown in Fig.6, which display S21

This work was partly supported by a grant from the National

abruptly drops to less than –35 dB at 6GHz, 16.8GHz and

Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60372051), and

27.8GHz respectively, and the Z21 coefficient phase degree

Fund for the National Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic

abruptly changes 180 degrees at above three frequency points

Environment (No.514860303).

besides 20.5GHz, shown in Fig.7. The simulation results indicate that the vacuum waveguide become almost reflective


at three frequency points because of the SRR centered in it, thus we can estimate that the SRR has its resonance at 6.0 GHz, [1]

J. B. Pendry, A. J. Holden, D. J. Robbins, and W. J. Stewart,

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equivalent circuit can be obtained and shown in Fig.8, which

exhibiting left-handed properties over multiple frequency bands. J. Appl.

display S21 abruptly drops to less than –35 dB at 6.0 GHz, 15.5

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GHz and 26.5 GHz respectively. Furthermore, the phase of its Z21 coefficient can be simultaneity obtained and shown in Fig.9,


R. W. Ziolkowski, “Design, fabrication, and testing of double negative metamaterials,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.

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Qun Wu, Ming-feng Wu, Fan-yi Meng, Jian Wu, and Le-wei Li.

Sunderarajan S. Mohan, The Design, Modeling and Optimization of

Modeling the Effects of an Individual SRR by Equivalent Circuit

On-Chip Inductor and Transformer Circuits, Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford

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National Radio Science Meeting, July 3-8, 2005, Washington, DC, USA

Qun Wu, Ming-feng Wu, Fan-yi Meng, Jian Wu, Le-Wei Li, “Research on The SRR Structure LHM Based on Transmission Line Theory”. Journal of Radio Science, in Chinese, in press.

Fig. 4. The geometry of vacuum waveguide with

Fig. 5. The phase degree of the Z21 of the vacuum waveguide without SRR

centered SRR

Fig. 6. The transmission coefficient S21 of the vacuum waveguide with centered SRR.

Fig. 7. The phase degree of the Z21 of the vacuum waveguide with centered SRR 200


)) 1 ni 150 Z( g a 100 m (i e s a h p 50


)) 1, 2( S ( -40 B d -60









10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

freq, GHz





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

freq, GHz

Fig. 8. The transmission coefficient S21 of the vacuum

Fig. 9. The phase degree of the Z21 of the vacuum

waveguide with centered SRR predicted by the

waveguide with centered SRR predicted by the

equivalent circuit model.

equivalent circuit model