A comparative study between multiple cannulated ...

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the Intertan versus cannulated screws or a dynamic hip screw. J. Trauma 71(3):625–634. 11. Schwartsmann CR, Jacobus LS, Spinelli Lde F, Boschin LC,.
A comparative study between multiple cannulated screws and dynamic hip screw for fixation of femoral neck fracture in adults Babak Siavashi, Arash Aalirezaei, Mersad Moosavi, Mohammad Reza Golbakhsh, Dariush Savadkoohi & Mohammad Javad Zehtab International Orthopaedics ISSN 0341-2695 International Orthopaedics (SICOT) DOI 10.1007/s00264-015-2881-9

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Author's personal copy International Orthopaedics (SICOT) DOI 10.1007/s00264-015-2881-9


A comparative study between multiple cannulated screws and dynamic hip screw for fixation of femoral neck fracture in adults Babak Siavashi 1 & Arash Aalirezaei 1 & Mersad Moosavi 1 & Mohammad Reza Golbakhsh 1 & Dariush Savadkoohi 1 & Mohammad Javad Zehtab 1

Received: 7 February 2015 / Accepted: 3 May 2015 # SICOT aisbl 2015

Abstract Purpose In younger adults with fractures of the femoral neck, anatomic reduction is compulsory and maintaining the reduction is crucial. Both cannulated screws and dynamic hip screw (DHS) have the capacity of compression in the fracture site but the strength for keeping reduction is not the same. The aim of this study was to compare the results with fixations of the femoral neck fractures with cannulated screws versus dynamic hip screw. Methods This is a randomized clinical trial study on 58 cases with a minimum of one year follow-up. Leg length discrepancy, Harris Hip Score, infection, avascular necrosis of femoral head, and union of the fracture site were evaluated. Results There were two failures in the first trimester in the cannulated screw group and three more failures in the second and third trimesters in this group. In the DHS group, there was no reduction and fixation failure in the follow-up period. There was no fixation failure (0 %) in Group B (DHS) but there were five fixation failures (18 %) in Group A (screw), and there is significant difference between the groups (p0.01). It means that AVN and its rate are separate phenomena compared with reduction and fixation. It is mainly related to the force of impact, primary displacement, and the time between fracture and reduction/ fixation. There was a significant difference between both groups in Harris Hip Score (p value