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documents also involves a way to compute the position of missing ... where, rik is the rank of di in search engine sk and n is the total number of documents.
A Comprehensive OWA-Based Framework for Result Merging in Metasearch Elizabeth D. Diaz, Arijit De, and Vijay Raghavan Center of Advanced Computer Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 70504 [email protected] {axd9142, raghavan}@cacs.louisiana.edu

Abstract. When a query is passed to multiple search engines, each search engine returns a ranked list of documents. The problem of result merging is to fuse these ranked lists such that optimal performance is achieved as a result of the combination. In this paper, our primary contribution is a result merging method, based on fuzzy set theory that adapts the quantifier-guided, Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operators introduced by Yager. The proposed framework is more comprehensive than the existing OWA operator based method, as our investigation evaluates alternative heuristics for missing documents (those existing exist in some, but not all, ranked lists) in order to place such documents into the ranked lists before merging. It shows that the effectiveness of the merging process is improved over the based strategy known as Borda-fuse.

1 Introduction A metasearch engine is a system that supports unified access to multiple existing search engines. When a query is passed to a metasearch engine, it dispatches the query to a set of search engines, extracts results from the returned pages, and merges them into a single ranked list. In this paper we propose a result-merging algorithm for the meta-search process. Our algorithm is unique as it handles missing documents thereby dealing with one of the biggest challenges in the result-merging [7,8]. A missing document is a document that has been retrieved by some search engines, but not by others. Therefore they appear in some ranked lists, but not in others. A document might be missing from a ranked list if the search engine (a) does not retrieve it, (b) does not index it, (c) if it does not covered it. Handling missing documents also involves a way to compute the position of missing documents in the ranked lists where they are missing. This paves the way for inserting missing documents into the ranked lists in an effort to come up with a more homogenous environment for merging. In this paper we propose (1) a comprehensive method for result-merging that is based on the OWA operators and (2) two different heuristics for handling missing documents. D. Ślęzak et al. (Eds.): RSFDGrC 2005, LNAI 3642, pp. 193 – 201, 2005.

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005


E.D. Diaz, A. De, and V. Raghavan

2 Related Work Data fusion techniques for result merging, in the context of metasearch, have been well explored by researchers. Thompson [12], Fox & Shaw [5], Alvarez'[1] have all explored this area. Other models include the Logistic Regression Model [6], and the Linear Combination Model. Aslam and Montague proposed two models [2]. The first model, Borda-Fuse, (based on the political election strategy Borda Count) works by assigning points to each document in each of the lists to be merged, is optimal [11, 17] in comparison to standard voting methods but has demonstrated limitations[9] with respect to both the Condorcet Principle and Order, and the Increasing and Decreasing Principles. The second method, the Weighted Board-Fuse, a weighted version of Borda-Fuse requires training to determine the best weights for the performance of the search engines but performs better than Borda-Fuse. Recently, Bordogna proposed a method, named SOFIA [3], which merges the lists from the different search engines by using OWA operators and the fitness scores for each search engine. However SOFIA does not attempt to estimate a value for missing documents. On the contrary, it punishes a missing document by assigning a zero value. Bordogna [3] while reporting the SOFIA method presents experimental results based on only 15 search engines showing any type of comparison to other related methods. Also in SOFIA the fitness scores for various search engines are based on training by means of user feedback. Also SOFIA is a method that uses training to determine the fitness scores of search engines.

3 Merging Approach In this section we discuss the proposed method for merging documents; the OWA method. We also describe two heuristic strategies for handling missing documents. 3.1 Positional Value and Heuristics for Handling Missing Document The positional value (PV) of a document di in the resulting list lk returned by a search engine sk is defined as (n – rik + 1)


where, rik is the rank of di in search engine sk and n is the total number of documents in the result. Let PVi be the positional values for a document d in the ith search engine. Let m be the total number of search engines. Let r be the number of search engines in which d appears. Let j denote a search engine not among the r search engines where d appears. In heuristic H1 PVj for all j is denoted by the average of the positional values of the documents in r search engines. Equation (2) denotes this.

A Comprehensive OWA-Based Framework for Result Merging in Metasearch



PVj =

∑ PV



i =1

r r

PVj =




i =1


In heuristic H2 PVj for all j is denoted by the average of the positional values of the documents in m search engines in which d appears. Equation (3) denotes this. 3.2 OWA Operator Our OWA approach is based on the OWA operators proposed by Yager. An OWA operator, F, of dimension n is a mapping F: Rn -> R which has an associated weighting vector, W = [w1, w2, ... wn] T ,given by n

wj ε [0,1] and

∑w = 1





F(a1, a2,..., an) =

∑w b , where b j



is the jth largest ai.



It can be seen that the OWA operators depend on the weighing function. A number of special cases have been listed in the literature [16]. We point out three special cases of the OWA operators, distinguished by the weighting vector W: Max: F (a1, a2, an) = max {a1, a2,..., an}

where W = [1,0,…,0]T

Min: F (a1, a2,..., an ) = min {a1, a2,..., an } where W =[0,0,…,1]T

a 1 + a 2 + ...a n n 1 1 1 T where W = [ , ,.... ] n n n

Average: F (a1, a2,..., an) =

(6) (7)


OWA operators, introduced by Yager, can be characterized by three measures. These are the “or”, the “and” and the “disp” operators.

1 orness (w) = n -1


∑ (n-i)w . i=1


andness (w) = 1 – orness(wi).




disp (w) = −∑ wi ln(wi). i=1



E.D. Diaz, A. De, and V. Raghavan

3.3 Definition of Weights for OWA

The weights used for the aggregation using the OWA operator can be either generated from a learning mechanism or be associated with a linguistic quantifier [4, 16] according to the formula shown in equation 12. Here Q is the associated linguistic quantifier and n is the number of criteria in the merging process.

i i −1 wi = Q( ) − Q( ).1 ≤ i ≤ n. n n


Thus, if we have 4 search engines, then the weights for the quantifier Q (r) = rα where α ≥ 0 , is calculated as: ⎡1⎤ w1 = ⎢ ⎥ ⎣4⎦


⎡2⎤ , w2 = ⎢ ⎥ ⎣4⎦


⎡1⎤ - ⎢ ⎥ ⎣4⎦


, (13)

w3 =

⎡3⎤ ⎢4⎥ ⎣ ⎦


⎡2⎤ -⎢ ⎥ ⎣4⎦


⎡ 4⎤ , w4 = ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 4⎦


⎡3⎤ -⎢ ⎥ ⎣4⎦



Thus, the process used in quantifier-guided aggregation is to use the quantifier Q to generate a set of OWA weights, w1…wn where n is the number of alternatives and then (2) for each alternative calculate the overall importance or satisfaction as F (d1, d2, …., d n)) where F is an OWA aggregation using the weights found in equation (5). 3.4 Application of OWA for Result Merging

In this section we discuss our proposed application of the OWA operator to result merging. We have a finite number of search engines (m) each of which returns a ranked list of documents for a query. We merge the lists into a single ranked list by representing a document d as a set of positional values, S as shown in equation 14. S = { PVj | ∀j 1 ≤ j ≤ m}


Here m is the number of search engines and PVj is the position of document d in the ranked list returned by search engine j. We define an OWA operator F for a document d as shown in equation 15. Here wj is the weight derived from equation (12). F (d ) =

m j=1

w j * PVj


The OWA operator, from equation (15), provides an overall PV for any document d in the merged list. Four steps must be followed for aggregating the results from different search engines. (1) Calculate the position values (PV’s) for each document in different search engines, based on the rank of the document as defined in this section. Consider one of the alternatives as stated above for calculating the position values (PV’s) of a missing document in the list of results returned by a search engine. (2) For each search engine, arrange the position values (PV’s) of each of the documents in descending order to obtain an m tuple for each document. (3) Calculate weights for each search engines from the formula as given in equation (12). (4) Apply

A Comprehensive OWA-Based Framework for Result Merging in Metasearch


the OWA operator F on the tuples to get a rank for each document and arrange the documents in the descending order of their ranks. Example: OWA with Missing Document Heuristic: H1 Table 1(a) shows the results from four search engines for a query q. The rows in the table represent the documents retrieved by these search engines in the descending order of their local similarity. M indicates that the particular document is missing in the search engine. In the first step, the PVs of the documents returned by a search engine are calculated based on their positional values as defined before. The results are shown in Table 1(b). Each column in the table represents the PVs of a particular document. In step 2 the PVs of each of the documents is arranged in descending order as shown in Table 1(c). Each column in the table represents the PVs of a particular document, in the descending order. In step 3 the weights for the algorithm are derived from the equations (12) and (13). Table 1(d) shows the value when the weights of α = 0.5. In step 4 the OWA operator F, defined as in equation 15 is applied on the tuples in Table 1(e) to obtain an overall rank for each document. Table 1. This table shows the five steps in computing the document weights and corresponding document ranks using the OWA method

4 Experiments and Results We used the data set TREC 3 obtained from TREC, (Text Retrieval Conference). The data set contains 50 topics (analogous to queries) numbered 151-200 and 40 systems (analogous to search engines). Thus, topics (queries) are passed onto a system (search engine). The search engines then return a set of documents in the form of a ranked list. Each document is either relevant (represented by 1), highly relevant (represented by 2) or not relevant (represented by 0). Search engines return up to 1000 documents when queried with a certain topic. We also used the recall based precision method for


E.D. Diaz, A. De, and V. Raghavan

evaluation of each strategy. The theory for recall based precision can be found in [10]. We used recall values of 0.25, 0.5, and 1 to do our evaluations. Below is a list the steps performed to obtain the experimental results. 1. Pick a number m [2, 12], where m is the number of search engines to be searched/merged. 2. Pick a query q [151, 200] at random, and submit/dispatch q to the m search engines selected in the previous step. 3. Use either OWA/Borda-fuse for merging the results from the m search engines employing a heuristic (either H1 or H2) for handling missing documents and a value of α quantifier for the OWA method. 4. Calculate the average precision for the documents in the merged list. 5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 in order to replicate 200 times. 6. Repeat steps 2 – 5 and obtain an average precision for each m. We ran our experiments comparing the OWA method, with quantifier values of 0.5, 1, 2, and 2.5 to the Borda Method when both heuristic H1 and H2 we used to handle missing documents. Figure 1 shows the variation in RB-precision of the merged list when the number of search engine result sets being merged increases from 2 to 12. The number of search engines being merged is represented in the X-axis while RB-precision is

Fig. 1. The figure displays a graph that shows how the OWA method compares against the BORDA method when using heuristic H1 for handling missing documents

A Comprehensive OWA-Based Framework for Result Merging in Metasearch


represented in the Y-axis. The graph shows variation in RB-precision of the merged list with the number of search engines being merged for BORDA and OWA with quantifiers of 0.5,1,2 and 2.5. Here heuristic H1 is used to handle missing documents in case of both BORDA and OWA. RB-precision increases as the number of search engine result sets being merged increases from 2 to 4. A peak value is reaches at this point. Following this the value decreases and increases somewhat periodically. Also in this case the OWA methods do significantly better than the BORDA method. Figure 2 shows a graphical plot similar to Figure 1. The only difference in this case is that the heuristic H2 is employed. Notice that as the number of search engines increases, the BORDA method does worse while the OWA method with different quantifiers does better. When more than 8 search engines are merged the OWA method with different quantifiers do better than the BORDA method.

Fig. 2. This figure shows a graph that compares the OWA and Borda when using heuristic H2 to handle missing documents

Table 2 summarizes the improvement of the OWA method, for quantifier values of 0.5,1,2 and 2.5, over the BORDA method when using each of the two heuristics H1 and H2 when merging between 2 and 12 search engine result sets. In general OWA improves over BORDA mainly when eight or more search engines are being merged, irrespective of what the quantifier value for OWA is and what heuristic we are employing. The OWA method shows greater improvement over the BORDA method when employing the heuristic H2. In case of heuristic H1 the OWA method with quantifier value of 2.5 gives the best results, followed by OWA with quantifier value of 2, 0.5 and 1. Similar results are observed for heuristic H2.


E.D. Diaz, A. De, and V. Raghavan

Table 2. Improvement of OWA over BORDA for different heuristics when using different values of alpha quantifier

5 Conclusion and Future Work In this paper we introduce a new method for merging result sets from multiple search engines. This is the OWA method. We report results of our experiments comparing the OWA method with the existing BORDA method. Our results clearly show how the OWA method improves over the BORDA method. We also explore two different heuristics for handling missing documents before result merging. These heuristics are based on the rank or position of documents in the result sets. We also show how employing our heuristics affect the two methods. In future work we propose to explore how pre selecting search engines before merging result sets from them affect the performance of the metasearch process. We explore strategies for pre selecting search engines for result merging.

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A Comprehensive OWA-Based Framework for Result Merging in Metasearch


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