sensors Article
A Continuous Liquid-Level Sensor for Fuel Tanks Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Antonio M. Pozo 1 , Francisco Pérez-Ocón 1, * and Ovidio Rabaza 2 1 2
Department of Optics, Faculty of Science, Edificio Mecenas, Campus Universitario de Fuentenueva, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain;
[email protected] Department of Civil Engineering, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain;
[email protected] Correspondence:
[email protected]; Tel.: +34-958-241-000; Fax: +34-958-248-533
Academic Editor: Gonzalo Pajares Martinsanz Received: 18 March 2016; Accepted: 13 May 2016; Published: 19 May 2016
Abstract: A standard problem in large tanks at oil refineries and petrol stations is that water and fuel usually occupy the same tank. This is undesirable and causes problems such as corrosion in the tanks. Normally, the water level in tanks is unknown, with the problems that this entails. We propose herein a method based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to detect in real time the interfaces in a tank which can simultaneously contain water, gasoline (or diesel) and air. The plasmonic sensor is composed of a hemispherical glass prism, a magnesium fluoride layer, and a gold layer. We have optimized the structural parameters of the sensor from the theoretical modeling of the reflectance curve. The sensor detects water-fuel and fuel-air interfaces and measures the level of each liquid in real time. This sensor is recommended for inflammable liquids because inside the tank there are no electrical or electronic signals which could cause explosions. The sensor proposed has a sensitivity of between 1.2 and 3.5 RIU´1 and a resolution of between 5.7 ˆ 10´4 and 16.5 ˆ 10´4 RIU. Keywords: fuel tanks; plasmon resonance
fuel level;
air-fuel-water interfaces;
plasmonic sensor;
1. Introduction The presence of water inside fuel tanks currently poses a problem. The water can originate from condensation and, in regions prone to floods, there is also a higher risk of water infiltrating in the tanks. Also, the water combines with sulfur and other chemical components of the fuel to corrode the inside of the tank [1]. Being denser than the fuel, the water lies at the bottom of the tank, and when the water surpasses the maximum permitted level, it must be removed from the tank. Currently, it is therefore essential in the fuel industry to have methods to detect the presence of water in fuel tanks and furthermore measure the water level in real time, but fuel tanks in refineries and petrol stations normally use rudimentary methods—for instance, a stick with a special paste (water-finding paste) is inserted into the tank (if the tank is not very deep). When in contact with water, this paste changes color, indicating the presence but not the level of the water in the tank [2]. Different types of sensors have been proposed to measure the level of fuel in tanks, such as sensors based on ultrasonic Lamb waves [3], capacitive sensors [4], pressure sensors [5], and sensors based on optical fiber [6,7]. All these sensors work when a single type of liquid occupies the tank. However, when the tank contains fuel and water, other methods have been proposed to detect the water content in the tank and to measure the levels of the water and fuel in the tank. These methods are based on acoustics [8], microwave reflection [1], reflectometry [9,10], electrode arrays [11], magnetic floats [12], pressure sensors [13,14], and capacitance sensors [15]. All these methods have advantages and disadvantages [16,17].
Sensors 2016, 16, 724; doi:10.3390/s16050724
Sensors Sensors 2016, 2016, 16, 16, 724724
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Sensors Sensors 2016, Sensors 2016, 16, 724 16, 2016, 724 16, 724 Sensors 2016, 16, 724
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Our sensor sensor isthe is based based In the Inthe the present In present the present paper, we paper, we have have we designed have designed anthe optical an optical optical that sensor that indicates, indicates, that indicates, in real in Our real time, intime, real thetime, level level the of on level ofon of 2an ofsensor 13 2 or ofsensor 213 of 13 In the paper, we have designed an that indicates, insensor real time, level of toon surface surface plasmon plasmon resonance resonance (SPR) (SPR) and and overcomes overcomes many of of the the limitations oftank. of the the sensors sensors proposed proposed to air,air, the the level air, level the ofpresent level water, of water, of and water, and the the and level level the of level the of the gasoline ofgasoline theoptical gasoline ormany diesel orsensor diesel orin diesel the inlimitations the tank. intank. the Our Our sensor Our issensor based isthe based isonbased on air, the level of water, and the level of the gasoline or diesel in the tank. 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Our sensor Our sensor sensor is based is based is based on on environments environments such as as fuel fuel tanks, tanks, as as opposed opposed toof to capacitance capacitance sensors sensors orsensors or those based based on electrodes. date. 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Our sensor does not pid-response nd rapid-response rapid-response device device device that that can that can be can be used be used in used in in inflammable inflammable orare explosive or or explosive explosive sensors, sensors, which which can can become become obstructed obstructed and and are susceptible susceptible tosensors mechanical mechanical damage. damage. 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Our Our device device Our has device has no no has obstructed and susceptible toor mechanical damage. Our has no problems friction, heating, ntain ncontain movable movable movable parts, parts, parts, as opposed as of as opposed opposed toare to to sensors sensors based based based on floats on floats floats or pressure or or pressure pressure acoustic acoustic orfriction, or electromagnetic electromagnetic interference. interference. problems problems problems of friction, ofsensors friction, heating, heating, heating, or hysteresis, hysteresis, or on hysteresis, nor nor does does nor it does have itdevice have it thehave the drawback drawback the drawback of susceptibility ofofsusceptibility of susceptibility to to to or hysteresis, nor does it have the drawback ofdevice susceptibility to acoustic or electromagnetic interference. me obstructed come obstructed obstructed andand areand are susceptible are susceptible to to mechanical to mechanical damage. damage. damage. OurOur device Our device has has nohas no no acoustic acoustic acoustic orsusceptible electromagnetic or electromagnetic ormechanical electromagnetic interference. interference. interference. 2.nor Design 2. nor Design of of the Plasmonic Sensor Sensor ng, ating, heating, or hysteresis, or or hysteresis, hysteresis, does nor does itdoes have itthe have it Plasmonic the have the drawback the drawback drawback of susceptibility of of susceptibility susceptibility to to to 2. Design Design the Plasmonic Sensor 2. Design 2. 2. of Design the ofofthe Plasmonic ofPlasmonic the Plasmonic Sensor Sensor Sensor gnetic tic nterference. interference. interference. The The operational operational principle principle is is based based onon surface surface plasmon plasmon resonance. resonance. Noble Noble metals metals have have a dense a dense The operational principle isfree based on surface resonance. Noble metals have dense assembly assembly of of negatively negatively charged charged free electrons electrons in anplasmon an equally equally charged charged positive-ion positive-ion background. background. If aan Ifdense an The The operational operational The operational principle principle principle is based is based ison based on surface surface oninplasmon surface plasmon plasmon resonance. resonance. resonance. Noble Noble metals Noble metals have metals have a dense have aa dense monic nic Sensor Sensor Sensor assembly ofoptical negatively charged free electrons inin an equally charged positive-ion background. If an external external field is charged is applied applied at one one point point the the metal, metal, the the local local density density of background. of free free electrons electrons at that that assembly assembly assembly of optical negatively of negatively offield negatively charged charged freeat free electrons electrons free electrons in in an in equally an in equally an charged equally charged charged positive-ion positive-ion positive-ion background. background. Ifatan If an If an external optical field is applied at one point in the metal, the local density of free electrons at that place ple principle nciple is based is based is based onexternal surface onexternal on surface surface plasmon plasmon plasmon resonance. resonance. resonance. Noble Noble metals metals metals have have ahave dense ainfield dense athe dense place place in in the the metal metal changes changes due due to to the the force force of the field applied. applied. A metal-dielectric A local metal-dielectric interface interface supports external optical optical field optical field is applied field is applied is applied at one atNoble one point at point one inofpoint the in the metal, metal, the metal, the local local the density density of density free of free electrons of electrons free electrons atsupports that at that at that ininsurface the metal changes due todue the force offorce the field applied. metal-dielectric interface supports surface ged y harged charged freefree electrons free electrons electrons an in equally an in an equally equally charged charged charged positive-ion positive-ion background. background. background. Ifthe anIffield an IfAan surface plasma plasma oscillations, oscillations, which which are charge-density charge-density oscillations (free (freeelectrons) electrons) along along thethe place place in place the in the metal in metal the changes metal changes changes due to positive-ion the to due the force to the ofare the force of the field offield applied. applied. applied. A oscillations metal-dielectric A metal-dielectric A metal-dielectric interface interface interface supports supports supports plasma oscillations, which are charge-density oscillations (free electrons) along theelectrons) metal-dielectric applied is ied applied at one at one at point one point in point the insurface the in metal, the metal, metal, the the local the local density local density density of free of free of electrons free electrons electrons at at that at that metal-dielectric metal-dielectric interface. interface. Surface Surface plasmon plasmon (SP) (SP) isthat is the the quantum quantum of of these these oscillations. oscillations. The The SPs SPs arearethe surface surface plasma plasma plasma oscillations, oscillations, oscillations, which which are which are charge-density charge-density are charge-density oscillations oscillations oscillations (free (free electrons) (free electrons) along along the along the interface. Surface plasmon (SP) is the quantum of these oscillations. The SPs are associated with es nges uedue to due the to the force to the force offorce the ofassociated the field ofmetal-dielectric the field applied. field applied. applied. A A metal-dielectric A Surface metal-dielectric interface interface interface supports supports supports associated with with ainterface. longitudinal a metal-dielectric longitudinal electric electric field field (TM-polarized or p-polarized) that that hashas its its maximum maximum ata atare metal-dielectric metal-dielectric interface. interface. Surface Surface plasmon plasmon plasmon (SP) (SP) is(TM-polarized the is (SP) the quantum isquantum theorquantum ofp-polarized) these of these of oscillations. these oscillations. oscillations. The The SPs SPs The are are SPs longitudinal field (TM-polarized or p-polarized) that its maximum athas the metal-dielectric s, ions, lations, which which which are are charge-density are charge-density charge-density oscillations oscillations (free (free electrons) (free electrons) electrons) along along along the the the the the metal-dielectric metal-dielectric interface itself itself and and decays decays exponentially exponentially both both onon the the metal metal asmaximum as well well as on the associated associated associated with with aelectric longitudinal with a oscillations longitudinal a interface longitudinal electric electric field electric field (TM-polarized field (TM-polarized (TM-polarized or p-polarized) orhas p-polarized) or p-polarized) that that has that its its has maximum itsasmaximum aton atthe at interface itself and decays exponentially both on the metal as well as on the dielectric medium. e. urface ace. Surface Surface plasmon plasmon plasmon (SP) (SP) is (SP) the is the is quantum the quantum quantum of these of these of oscillations. these oscillations. oscillations. The The SPs The SPs are SPs are are dielectric dielectric medium. medium. the the metal-dielectric metal-dielectric the metal-dielectric interface interface interface itself itself and itself and decays decays and exponentially decays exponentially exponentially both both on both on the the metal onmetal theasmetal well as well as on well as on the asthe on the For SPs to be excited, the condition ofits resonance must bebe fulfilled, according to to which thethe nal udinal gitudinal electric electric electric fielddielectric field (TM-polarized field (TM-polarized (TM-polarized or p-polarized) orbe p-polarized) orexcited, p-polarized) that that has that has itshas maximum itsof maximum maximum at atmust at For For SPs SPs to to be excited, the the condition condition of resonance resonance must be fulfilled, fulfilled, according according to which which the dielectric dielectric medium. medium. medium. wave-vector of the excitation light along the metal-dielectric interface should bebe equal toto that of SPs. nterface rface e itself itself and itself and decays and decays decays exponentially exponentially exponentially both both on both the onthe on the metal the metal metal as well as as well as well on as resonance the as onmust on themust thebe wave-vector wave-vector of the the excitation excitation light light along along the the metal-dielectric metal-dielectric interface interface should be equal equal that that of SPs. SPs.the For For SPs SPs For to of be to SPs be excited, to excited, be excited, the condition condition the condition of resonance of resonance of must be fulfilled, fulfilled, beshould fulfilled, according according according to to which to which toof the which the One way of achieving this is to excite SPs by an evanescent wave, using a configuration based on One One way way of achieving this is light to is along to excite excite SPs SPs bymetal-dielectric by an evanescent evanescent wave, wave, using using abe configuration a equal configuration based based on on aa SPs. a wave-vector wave-vector wave-vector of the ofachieving the excitation ofexcitation thethis excitation light light along the along the metal-dielectric thean metal-dielectric interface interface interface should should should be equal be to equal that to that ofto SPs. of that SPs. of prism. In this case, the resonance condition is given by the following expression [18]: xcited, ed, the the condition the condition condition of One resonance of of resonance resonance must must be must fulfilled, be be fulfilled, fulfilled, according according which toevanescent to which which the the prism. prism. Inachieving In this this case, case, the the resonance resonance condition is given isby given byevanescent by thewave, the following following expression [18]: [18]:based One way way One of of way achieving of achieving this this is tois this excite toaccording excite iscondition to SPs excite SPs bytoan by SPs an evanescent an wave, using wave, using a expression configuration using a configuration a configuration based onbased aon a on a ncitation tion lightlight along light along the along the metal-dielectric the metal-dielectric metal-dielectric interface interface should should should becondition equal be equal be to equal that that to ofis that SPs. of of SPs. d prism. prism. Inprism. this In this case, Incase, this theinterface case, the resonance resonance the resonance condition condition is given istogiven by given the bySPs. the following byfollowing the following expression expression expression [18]:[18]: [18]: ε ε ε ε a m s gsisthis toisexcite to is excite to SPs excite SPs bySPs an by evanescent by an an evanescent evanescent wave, wave, wave, using using ausing configuration a configuration a configuration based based on based a on on a sinθ “ (1) sinsin θ= θ= (1) (1) ε p εpε mεε` + ε+s qε eance sonance resonance condition condition condition is given is given is by given the by by the following the following following expression expression expression [18]: [18]: [18]: sin sin θ =θ sin = θ= (1) (1) (1) ε ε + εε + ε ε ε + where where m, p are the the dielectric dielectric constants constants of the the metal, metal, the medium medium and and the hemispherical hemispherical prism, prism, εm εmεss,,,εεsp,p are εare the dielectric constants ofof the metal, thethe medium and thethe hemispherical prism, sin θsin =sin θ =θ = (1) (1) (1) respectively, respectively, and and is is the the angle angle of of incidence incidence respect respect to to the the normal normal onthe on the the prism prism base. base. Under Under where where , εεms,, + εps,εare m ε+ p, are s+ ,θεpis the dielectric are the dielectric constants constants of the of the metal, of metal, thethe the metal, the medium medium the medium and the and hemispherical hemispherical the hemispherical prism, prism, prism, respectively, and thedielectric angle of constants incidence respect to normal on theand prism base. Under resonance εmwhere εthe resonance resonance conditions, conditions, the energy energy of the the incident light light transferred istotransferred to the the SPs, SPs, resulting in in aUnder sharp a sharp respectively, respectively, respectively, and and energy is and the isthe the angle is angle the ofangle incidence ofof incidence ofincident incidence respect respect tois the to the normal to normal the normal on on the the prism on prism the base. prism base. Under base. Under conditions, the of the incident light isrespect transferred the SPs,to resulting in aresulting sharp dip in the ectric ielectric dielectric constants constants constants of resonance the ofdip the of metal, the metal, metal, the the medium the medium medium and and the and the hemispherical the hemispherical hemispherical prism, prism, prism, dip in in the the intensity ofreflected of the the light light reflected reflected at at the the interface interface of the prism prism base base and the medium medium in contact. contact. resonance resonance conditions, conditions, conditions, the the energy energy the energy the ofinterface the incident of incident the incident light light is transferred light isofbase transferred isthe transferred to the to the SPs, toand SPs, the resulting resulting SPs, resulting in This ainsharp a occurs sharp in a sharp intensity ofintensity the light atof the of the prism and the medium inthe contact. angle he s the angle angle of incidence of of incidence incidence respect respect respect to to to the normal the normal normal on on the on the prism the prism prism base. base. Under base. Under This occurs occurs at the at an an angle angle greater greater than than the the critical critical angle. angle. dip dip inThis the indip the intensity in intensity the intensity of the of the light of light the reflected light reflected reflected at the at the interface at interface the interface of Under the of the prism ofprism the base prism base andand base the the medium andmedium the medium in contact. in contact. in contact. at an angle greater than the critical angle. nergy ethe energy energy of the of the of incident the incident incident light light isoccurs light transferred is transferred to the to the to SPs, the SPs, resulting SPs, resulting resulting in awe insharp ain sharp a we sharp Figure Figure 1is1shows 1transferred shows the the plasmonic plasmonic sensor sensor that that we propose, propose, based based onon the the Kretschmann Kretschmann configuration configuration This This occurs occurs This at an at angle an at angle an greater angle greater than greater than the than the critical critical the angle. critical angle. angle. Figure shows the plasmonic sensor that propose, based on the Kretschmann eht the light reflected light reflected reflected at the at [19]. the interface at the interface interface of the of the prism of the prism base prism base and base and the and the medium the medium medium in contact. in contact. in contact. [19]. It is It1formed isFigure formed by by aItthe hemispherical aishemispherical ofthat of SFSF 10 10 glass glass = based 1.7231 = 1.7231 [20]. At At the the base base of configuration of the the prism prism ais a Figure Figure shows 1 shows 1the shows plasmonic plasmonic the plasmonic sensor sensor that sensor we we that propose, propose, we propose, based on on the the Kretschmann on Kretschmann the Kretschmann configuration configuration configuration [19]. formed byprism aprism hemispherical prism of SFbased 10 [20]. glass pn “ 1.7231q [20]. At is the reater eergreater thanthan the than the critical the critical critical angle. angle. angle. layer magnesium (MgF (MgF 2,prism 2, of =prism 1.38 = [21]) and and then a layer a layer of of gold gold = 0.12517 = 0.12517 + 3.3326 + 3.3326 [19]. [19]. Itlayer isIt [19]. formed isof formed Itmagnesium is by formed abyhemispherical hemispherical a hemispherical prism SF of1.38 10 SF glass of 10[21]) SF glass 10(MgF glass =then 1.7231 = 1.7231 = 1.7231 [20]. [20]. At the At [20]. the base At base the of the of base the prism of prism the is prism a is a is a base of the prism isafluoride abyfluoride layer of magnesium fluoride , n “ 1.38 [21]) and then a layer of gold 2 he plasmonic monic plasmonic sensor sensor sensor that that we that we propose, we propose, propose, based based on based the on on the Kretschmann the Kretschmann Kretschmann configuration configuration configuration [22]. [22]. The The gold gold layer layer is the is the one one in in contact contact with with the the medium medium (air, (air, water, water, gasoline gasoline or or diesel); diesel); we we used used layer layer of magnesium layer of magnesium of magnesium fluoride fluoride fluoride (MgF (MgF (MgF 2 , 2 , = 1.38 = 2 , 1.38 [21]) = 1.38 [21]) and [21]) and then then and a layer then a layer of a gold layer of gold of gold = 0.12517 = 0.12517 = 0.12517 + 3.3326 + 3.3326 + 3.3326 pn “ 0.12517 ` 3.3326iq [22]. The gold layer is the one in contact with the medium (air, water, gasoline mispherical hemispherical herical prism prism of prism SF of[22]. 10 SF of glass 10 SF glass 10 glass = outer 1.7231 =is 1.7231 =gold 1.7231 [20]. At [20]. the At At base the the base of base the ofthe prism the ofstability. the prism is prism aitsisA a(air, is gold gold asgold as the the outer layer because because of of its its chemical chemical stability. p-polarized Aa(air, p-polarized laser laser beam beam with with a we wavelength alaser wavelength [22]. The [22]. The gold The layer gold layer the layer is the one is[20]. one in the contact in one contact in with contact with with the medium medium the medium water, water, (air, gasoline water, gasoline gasoline or diesel); or diesel); or diesel); we used used we used or diesel); we used as the outer layer because of chemical stability. A p-polarized beam ride uoride (MgF (MgF 2,(MgF 2= , 21.38 ,= 1.38 =gold [21]) 1.38 [21]) [21]) and then and then astrikes then layer aof layer a632.8 of layer gold ofprism gold of its gold =chemical = 0.12517 0.12517 + 3.3326 +with 3.3326 +stability. 3.3326 of of 632.8 632.8 nm strikes the the prism with with a the normal a= normal incidence incidence to to the hemispherical hemispherical prism prism surface surface by by anan gold as the gold as the outer asnm outer the layer outer layer because layer because because of of its0.12517 of chemical its chemical stability. stability. A A p-polarized A the p-polarized laser laser beam beam beam with a wavelength with a wavelength a wavelength with aand wavelength nm strikes prism ap-polarized normal incidence tolaser thewith hemispherical prism sne ethe one in one contact in contact in contact with with the with the medium the medium medium (air, (air, water, (air, water, water, gasoline gasoline gasoline or diesel); or diesel); or diesel); we we used we used used optical optical fiber fiber with its its endface endface adhered adhered to the prism prism surface. surface. The The angle angle of of incidence incidence with respect respect towith to the the an of 632.8 of 632.8 of nm 632.8 nm strikes strikes nm the strikes the prism prism the with prism with normal with atonormal athe incidence normal incidence incidence to to the hemispherical to hemispherical the hemispherical prism prism surface prism surface by surface by an anby surface by anwith optical fiber with itsaendface adhered to thethe prism surface. The angle ofwith incidence use ecause r because of its ofchemical its of its chemical chemical stability. stability. stability. A p-polarized A p-polarized AMgF p-polarized laser beam laser beam with beam with a with wavelength a wavelength a wavelength normal normal inwith in the the MgF 2 endface is2inits is θthe (θ >critical (laser >adhered critical angle). angle). Finally, Finally, the the light light reflected reflected at at the the prisma-MgF prisma-MgF 2 interface 2 interface is optical optical fiber optical fiber fiber with its endface with its endface adhered adhered to the to the prism to prism the surface. prism surface. surface. The The angle angle The of angle incidence of incidence of incidence with with respect with respect to respect the to the to respect to the normal MgF is θ (>critical angle). Finally, the light reflected at the prisma-MgF 2 2 isthe he prism m prism withwith awith normal a normal a normal incidence incidence incidence to the to the to hemispherical the hemispherical hemispherical prism prism prism surface surface surface by an by by an an received received by by another another optical optical fiber fiber and and conducted conducted to to an an optical optical power power meter. meter. normal in normal the in the MgF in MgF the MgF 2 is 2 θ is ( > θ critical 2 ( is > critical θ ( > angle). critical angle). Finally, angle). Finally, Finally, the the light light the reflected light reflected reflected at the at the prisma-MgF at prisma-MgF the prisma-MgF 2 interface 2 interface 2 interface is is is interface is received by another optical fiber and conducted to an optical power meter. face ndface adhered adhered adhered to the toreceived the prism toreceived the prism surface. prism surface. surface. The The angle The angle of angle incidence of incidence of incidence with with respect with respect respect to the to the to the When the the light light strikes strikes the the hemispherical hemispherical prism-MgF 2 interface 2 interface at anan angle angle greater greater than than thethe received byWhen another bythe another by another optical optical fiber optical fiber and fiber and conducted conducted and conducted to an to prism-MgF optical anto optical an power optical power meter. power meter. light strikes the hemispherical prism-MgF atmeter. anatangle greater than the critical 2 interface sritical (>θcritical (>critical angle). angle). angle). Finally, Finally, Finally, the the light the light reflected light reflected reflected at the at is the prisma-MgF at the prisma-MgF prisma-MgF 2and interface 2 interface 2 propagated interface is critical critical angle, angle, an an evanescent evanescent wave wave is isgenerated generated and and isis propagated propagated along the thehemispherical hemispherical When When the When the light light the strikes light strikes strikes the hemispherical hemispherical the hemispherical prism-MgF prism-MgF 2isinterface 2 is interface 2 interface atthe an athemispherical an angle atalong angle angreater angle greater than greater than thethan the2 the angle, an evanescent wave generated isprism-MgF along prism-MgF cal ptical iberfiber and fiber and conducted and conducted conducted to angle, an toangle, optical an to optical power power meter. meter. meter. prism-MgF prism-MgF 2an interface. 2 optical interface. This This evanescent evanescent wave could could excite two surface plasmon plasmon polaritons polaritons (SPPs) critical critical critical an angle, an evanescent evanescent anpower evanescent wave wave iswave generated is wave generated istwo generated andand isexcite and propagated is two propagated issurface propagated along along the along the hemispherical hemispherical the hemispherical interface. This evanescent wave could excite surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) depending on(SPPs) the strikes kes the the hemispherical the hemispherical hemispherical prism-MgF prism-MgF 2on interface 2interface. interface 2thickness interface at an at of angle an atthe an angle greater angle greater greater than than the than the the depending depending the the thickness of the layers. layers. prism-MgF prism-MgF prism-MgF 2 prism-MgF interface. interface. 2layers. This This evanescent This evanescent evanescent wave wave could wave could excite could excite two excite two surface surface two plasmon surface plasmon plasmon polaritons polaritons polaritons (SPPs) (SPPs) (SPPs) thickness of2on the escent anescent nt wave wave wave is generated is is generated generated and and isand propagated is is propagated propagated along along along the hemispherical the hemispherical The The sensor sensor that that we is based on intensity intensity interrogation. This This hashas a great advantage: as as depending depending depending on the on the thickness on thickness the thickness of propose the of the layers. of the layers. we propose islayers. based onhemispherical intensity interrogation. a great advantage: .his evanescent This evanescent evanescent wave wave could wave could could excite excite excite two two surface two surface surface plasmon plasmon plasmon polaritons polaritons polaritons (SPPs) (SPPs) (SPPs) opposed opposed to to sensors based on angular interrogation, our sensor does not require require moving parts. parts. In In as The The sensor sensor The that sensor that we we that propose propose we propose is based is based isinterrogation, on based on intensity intensity on intensity interrogation. interrogation. interrogation. This This has This has a great ahas great advantage: a moving great advantage: advantage: as as sensors based on angular our sensor does not require moving parts. of ess kness the of the layers. of the layers. layers. sensors sensors based onangular on angular angular interrogation, interrogation, when when the medium medium changes (and (and therefore therefore the the refraction refraction opposed opposed opposed tobased sensors tobased sensors to sensors based based on based on angular angular on angular interrogation, interrogation, interrogation, our our sensor sensor ourchanges does sensor does notdoes not require require not moving require moving parts. parts. Inparts. In In on interrogation, when the the medium changes (and therefore themoving refraction index), we pose propose propose is based is based is based on intensity onindex), on intensity intensity interrogation. interrogation. interrogation. This This has This has achanges. great has a great aadvantage: great advantage: advantage: as asin as index), the the resonance resonance angle angle also also changes. Therefore, Therefore, in these these types types of(and of sensors, sensors, when thethe medium medium sensors sensors sensors based based on based on angular angular on angular interrogation, interrogation, interrogation, when when the when the medium medium the medium changes changes changes (and therefore (and therefore therefore the the refraction refraction the refraction the resonance angle also changes. Therefore, in these types of sensors, when thewhen medium changes, ased n d angular on on angular angular interrogation, interrogation, interrogation, our our sensor our sensor sensor does does not does not require not require require moving moving moving parts. parts. In parts. In In changes, changes, it resonance is itthe is necessary to to adjust adjust thethe incidence incidence angle angle of the the laser laser beam and and move move the the detector detector to to index), index), the index), the resonance resonance angle angle also angle also changes. changes. also changes. Therefore, Therefore, Therefore, in these inofthese in types these types ofbeam types sensors, of sensors, of sensors, when when the when medium medium the medium it is necessary tonecessary adjust the incidence angle of the laser beam and move the detector to locate the gular ar nterrogation, interrogation, interrogation, when when when thechanges, the medium changes changes (and (and (and therefore therefore the the refraction the refraction locate locate the corresponding angle angle to to the the minimum minimum inrefraction in the the reflectance reflectance curve. curve. In In the the case case ofthis of our our sensor, sensor, changes, changes, itmedium isthe itmedium necessary iscorresponding necessary itangle is necessary adjust to adjust totherefore the adjust the incidence incidence the incidence angle angle of angle of the laser oflaser the beam laser beam and beam and move move and the move the detector detector the detector to to to corresponding tochanges the minimum in the reflectance curve. In the case of our sensor, operates ngle also angle also changes. also changes. changes. Therefore, Therefore, Therefore, incorresponding these in by these in types these of types sensors, oftosensors, of when when when the medium the medium medium this this operates operates by thetypes the modulation modulation in in thethe reflected reflected intensity. intensity. The The theoretical modeling ofSPR SPR locate locate the locate the corresponding the corresponding angle angle angle the tosensors, the minimum tominimum minimum in the in the reflectance inreflectance the reflectance curve. curve. Intheoretical curve. the In the case Incase the ofmodeling our of case our sensor, ofof sensor, our sensor, adjust ry to adjust to adjust the the incidence the incidence angle angle of angle the ofby the of laser laser beam laser beam and beam and move move the move detector the detector detector tointensity. to to thisincidence this operates this operates operates by the the by modulation modulation the modulation inand in the reflected inthe reflected the reflected intensity. intensity. TheThe theoretical The theoretical theoretical modeling modeling modeling of of SPRSPR of SPR ggle ing angle to angle the to the to minimum the minimum minimum in the in the in reflectance the reflectance reflectance curve. curve. curve. In the In the In case the case ofcase our of our of sensor, our sensor, sensor, modulation ulation modulation in the in in the reflected the reflected reflected intensity. intensity. intensity. TheThe theoretical The theoretical theoretical modeling modeling modeling of SPR of of SPR SPR
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by the modulation in the reflected intensity. The theoretical modeling of SPR reflectance was carried reflectance was carried out by using transfer-matrix method to solve equations the out by using transfer-matrix method to solve the Fresnel equations forthe theFresnel multilayer stack for [23,24] multilayer stack [23,24] with WinSpall software package. We designed the sensor in such a way that with WinSpall software package. We designed the sensor in such a way that when the sensor is in when the sensor in reflectance contact with air,isa registered, low reflectance is registered, when the sensor is in contact with air, a is low value when value the sensor is in contact with water, a mean contact with water, a mean reflectance registered, whenorit diesel, is in contact with gasoline or reflectance value is registered, and whenvalue it is iniscontact withand gasoline high reflectance values diesel, high reflectance values are registered. For this to happen, the sensor has to work at a fixed are registered. For this to happen, the sensor has to work at a fixed angle of the laser beam and the ˝ . and the reflected beam at 65.5°. angle of the laser beam reflected beam at 65.5
Figure 1. Scheme of the plasmonic sensor. On the left part of the hemispherical prism, the optical Figure 1. Scheme of the plasmonic sensor. On the left part of the hemispherical prism, the optical fiber transports the incident radiation and on the right, another optical fiber collects the reflected fiber transports the incident radiation and on the right, another optical fiber collects the reflected radiation. Also, the surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) are shown propagating through the MgF2-gold radiation. Also, the surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) are shown propagating through the MgF2 -gold and gold-medium interfaces. and gold-medium interfaces.
To have the conditions mentioned above (low reflectance in air, mean reflectance in water, and have the in conditions mentioned above (low reflectance in air, mean reflectance in water,were and high To reflectance gasoline/diesel), the thicknesses found for the layers of metal and dielectric high in layer gasoline/diesel), the MgF thicknesses found for the layers of metal and dielectric were 48 nmreflectance for the gold and 190 for the 2 layer. As will be seen in Section 4, with this design, the 48 nm for the gold layer and 190 for the MgF layer. As be of seen in Section 4, with this design, 2 differentwill sensor can reliably distinguish air, water, and types gasoline or diesel starting from the the sensor can reliably distinguish air, water, and different types of gasoline or diesel starting from the reflectance value measured with a detector situated at the end of the optical fiber. reflectance value measured with a detector situated at the end of the optical fiber. 3. Gauge Construction 3. Gauge Construction The device is composed of two modules. The first part is the module in which the laser beam The device is composed of two modules. The first part is the module in which the laser beam reaches the sensor (see Figure 2). The encoded radiation from a laser of wavelength of 632.8 nm is reaches the sensor (see Figure 2). The encoded radiation from a laser of wavelength of 632.8 nm is incident on a transparent material to which a voltage is applied. incident on a transparent material to which a voltage is applied. In the first stage, the light from the laser is injected in one only optical fiber. With the In the first stage, the light from the laser is injected in one only optical fiber. With the electro-optical electro-optical prism we get the same signal from this optical fiber injected into all the necessary prism we get the same signal from this optical fiber injected into all the necessary optical fiber (see optical fiber (see Figures 3 and 4) so that the laser beam exiting the electro-optic prism is sequentially Figures 3 and 4) so that the laser beam exiting the electro-optic prism is sequentially redirected to each redirected to each optical fiber which transports the light to each plasmonic sensor (Figure 4). An optical fiber which transports the light to each plasmonic sensor (Figure 4). An array of plasmonic array of plasmonic sensors is located inside the tank. The entrance optical fiber of each plasmonic sensors is located inside the tank. The entrance optical fiber of each plasmonic sensor is glued to sensor is glued to a hemispherical miniprism. The entry of light in each hemispherical miniprism is a hemispherical miniprism. The entry of light in each hemispherical miniprism is perpendicular perpendicular (Figure 1). The angle between normal to the base of each hemispherical miniprism (Figure 1). The angle between normal to the base of each hemispherical miniprism and the direction of and the direction of the light within each hemispherical miniprism has to be 65.5°, as commented in the light within each hemispherical miniprism has to be 65.5˝ , as commented in the previous section the previous section (Figure 1). (Figure 1). In the second stage (see Figure 2), the laser beam exiting each sensor of the array is guided through each optical fiber. The process of the light path is similar to the path of the illumination system. Now we have a bundle of optical fibers, as many as minisensors (hemispherical prisms) and the light from each optical fiber has to be sequentially injected into only one (Figure 4 with light in opposite direction). The path of the light is the opposite of the stage before, but now the end of the path is the photodiode instead of the sensor.
By means of an electro-optical prism, we inject the light from each optical fiber into only one and, from there, into the photodiode. Both electro-optical prisms work with the same clock signal to synchronize the light signal in the entrance and exit stages. After the photodiode, there is a counter to identify each sensor of the array. The first light emission corresponds to the first sensor, the Sensors 2016, 16, 724 4 of 13 second emission Sensors 2016, 16, 724 to the second sensor, and so on. As we know the position of each sensor of4 the of 13 array, we can determine the height of each liquid or level of the air in the tank. The optical fiber is used to conduct light from the laser to the hemispherical prism and from there to the photodetector. The essential reason is that the optical fiber is not attacked by any of the liquids used, and it transports light instead of electrical signals to avoid any possible explosion in the fuel tanks. The working principle of the electro-optical prism is as follows: The laser beam can be deflected dynamically by using a prism with an electrically controlled refractive index. The angle of deflection introduced by a prism of small apex angle α and refractive index n is θ ≈ − 1 α (see Figure 3). An incremental change of the refractive index ∆ caused by an applied electric field E corresponds to an incremental change of the deflection angle [25], 1 ∆θ = α∆ = α 2
1 = α 2
where r is the Pockels coefficient or the linear electro-optic coefficient, n is the refractive index of the material, E the applied electric field, V the applied voltage to the material and d the prism width. Figure 2. 2.Diagram emission-detection system of device. can be cascaded to Figure Diagramof ofthe the emission-detection system thethe device. Depending on the maximum deflection angle required, two or of more prisms increase this angle. By means of an electro-optical prism, we inject the light from each optical fiber into only one and, from there, into the photodiode. Both electro-optical prisms work with the same clock signal to synchronize the light signal in the entrance and exit stages. After the photodiode, there is a counter to identify each sensor of the array. The first light emission corresponds to the first sensor, the second emission to the second sensor, and so on. As we know the position of each sensor of the array, we can determine the height of each liquid or level of the air in the tank. The optical fiber is used to conduct light from the laser to the hemispherical prism and from there to the photodetector. The essential reason is that the optical fiber is not attacked by any of the liquids used, and it transports light instead of electrical signals to avoid any possible explosion in the fuel tanks. The working principle of the electro-optical prism is as follows: The laser beam can be deflected dynamically by using a prism with an electrically controlled refractive index. The angle of deflection introduced by a prism of small apex angle α and refractive index n is θ ≈ − 1 α (see Figure 3). An incremental change of the refractive index ∆ caused by an applied electric field E corresponds to an incremental change of the deflection angle [25], 1 ∆θ = α∆ = α 2
1 = α 2
where r is the Pockels coefficient or the linear electro-optic coefficient, n is the refractive index of the FigureFigure 3. prism, thethe angle controlled by application of aprism voltage. material, E In thethe electric field, Vdeflection the applied to thebymaterial and of d athe width. 3.applied Inelectro-optic the electro-optic prism, deflection anglevoltage θθ isiscontrolled thethe application voltage. Depending on the maximum deflection angle required, two or more prisms can be cascaded to increase In this theangle. second stage (see Figure 2), the laser beam exiting each sensor of the array is guided through each optical fiber. The process of the light path is similar to the path of the illumination system. Now we have a bundle of optical fibers, as many as minisensors (hemispherical prisms) and the light from each optical fiber has to be sequentially injected into only one (Figure 4 with light in opposite direction). The path of the light is the opposite of the stage before, but now the end of the path is the photodiode instead of the sensor. By means of an electro-optical prism, we inject the light from each optical fiber into only one and, from there, into the photodiode. Both electro-optical prisms work with the same clock signal to synchronize the light signal in the entrance and exit stages. After the photodiode, there is a counter to identify each sensor of the array. The first light emission corresponds to the first sensor, the second emission to the second sensor, and so on. As we know the position of each sensor of the array, we can determine the height of each liquid or level of the air in the tank.
Therefore, the voltage that we have to apply to the prism is given by [25]: ≈2
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where N is the number of optical fibers to illuminate (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. Scheme of the laser beam entering sequentially all the optical fibers. Output endface of each Figure 4. Scheme of the laser beam entering sequentially all the optical fibers. Output endface of each optical fiber is glued to a plasmonic sensor. optical fiber is glued to a plasmonic sensor.
The second electro-optical prism works in the same way, but the light comes from the The optical fiber isfibers used to to the conduct from4the laser the hemispherical and from multiplicity of optical prismlight (Figure with thetolight in the oppositeprism direction) and there from to the photodetector. The essential reason is that the optical fiber is not attacked by any of the liquids it to a single optical fiber and from there to the photodiode. used,Ifand it transports lightthe instead of electrical signals to avoid any possible in theenter fuel the tank is open and ambient illumination changes, radiation from theexplosion exterior could tanks. The working principle of the electro-optical prismthe is as follows:in the optical fibers changes; in the optical fibers. If the illumination conditions change, radiation The laser beam can be deflected dynamically by using a prism with an electrically controlled refractive index. The angle of deflection introduced by a prism of small apex angle α and refractive index n is θ « pn ´ 1q α (see Figure 3). An incremental change of the refractive index ∆n caused by an applied electric field E corresponds to an incremental change of the deflection angle [25], ∆θ “ α∆n “
1 V 1 αrn3 E “ αrn3 2 2 d
where r is the Pockels coefficient or the linear electro-optic coefficient, n is the refractive index of the material, E the applied electric field, V the applied voltage to the material and d the prism width. Depending on the maximum deflection angle required, two or more prisms can be cascaded to increase this angle. An optical beam of width D and wavelength λ, has an angular divergence: δθ «
λ D
To minimize that angle, the beam should be as wide as possible, ideally covering the entire width of the prism itself. For a given maximum voltage V corresponding to a scanned angle ∆θ, the number of independent spots (resolution) is given by: |∆θ| N« “ δθ
1 αrn3 V 2
d λ D
taking into account that: α«
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and the half-wave voltage (the applied voltage necessary to get a phase retardation π) is: Vπ “
˙ ˆ ˙ˆ λ d L rn3
substituting Equations (4) and (5) in Equation (6), we get: N«
V 2Vπ
Therefore, the voltage that we have to apply to the prism is given by [25]: V « 2NVπ
where N is the number of optical fibers to illuminate (see Figure 4). The second electro-optical prism works in the same way, but the light comes from the multiplicity of optical fibers to the prism (Figure 4 with the light in the opposite direction) and from it to a single optical fiber and from there to the photodiode. If the tank is open and the ambient illumination changes, radiation from the exterior could enter the optical fibers. If the illumination conditions change, the radiation in the optical fibers changes; in this case, we could have a variable beam in the optical fiber and therefore a different signal in the output of the photodiode for the same entry signal of the laser beam [26]. For this reason, the laser beam is encoded and the photodiode has to decode the signal. If external radiation enters the optical fibers, the photodiode disregards it, so that the only radiation considered in the photodiode is the beam exiting of the optical fibers. The laser beams of all optical fibers are incident on a single photodiode. The final signal (height of each liquid or air level) is analyzed by a computer from which the sensor is controlled. These levels are selected by the operator. The alarms can be sounds or visual keys for the blind or deaf, to warn of a dangerous situation. Furthermore, the data can be sent by Internet in real time to a remote point so that the tank can be controlled at all times regardless of its physical location. The weakest part of the device might appear to be the electro-optical prisms, but these are parts of optical communications and are in fact not weak. All the parts of the optical device, except one part of the optical fiber are outside the tank and it can be sealed in a hermetic box to avoid being broken. The optical fiber is glued to the minisensors but currently this special glue is extremely strong, so that there are no problems in the sense that the optical fiber could come unglued. The minisensors in the tanks could be housed inside a cylinder (in the tank), for instance, to protect them when the fuel is poured into the tanks. This cylinder has to be open at the same level of the tank. The coating process is as follows: the base of the hemispherical prism is firstly cleaned with a solution consisting of ethanol and diethyl ether at a 1:1 ratio, rinsed with deionized water, and then dried with nitrogen. The substrate is sequentially coated with a 190 nm MgF2 layer and a 48 nm gold layer to construct the sensor chip. The gold layer is coated using magnetron sputtering with the layer thickness measured by a quartz crystal oscillator thickness monitor. The substrate-heating and bias-voltage techniques are used in the coating process to improve the uniformity and firmness of the gold layer thickness. The MgF2 layer is deposited using evaporation coating with the layer thickness measured by a step profiler. The MgF2 crystals are used as the evaporation materials and the weight is controlled for by the specific layer thickness in the coating process [27]. 4. Results and Discussion Figure 5 shows the reflectance registered by a photodiode as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the MgF2 layer. Figure 5 shows the reflectance curves when the sensor is in contact with air pn “ 1q, with water pn “ 1.33q, and with gasoline or diesel. For the refractive index of gasoline and diesel, a range was taken of between 1.40 and 1.48, which corresponds to the values for different types
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registered; when it is in contact with water, the value is 49.1%; and when it is in contact with gasoline or diesel the values are 80.4%, 86.4%, 90.0%, 91.5%, and 91.0% for refractive-index values of 1.40, of gasoline and diesel [28–33]. As commented in Section to 2, the that sensor we propose (see Figure 1) is 1.42, 1.44, 1.46, and 1.48, respectively. It is important notesensor that our provides reflectance based on the intensity interrogation method, which uses a dielectric MgF layer to excite two plasmons. 2 in the tank continuously values above 80% for gasoline and diesel. In this way, the sensor These surface between plasmon air, resonances can gasoline be clearlyorseen as two the reflectance whenwith the distinguishes water, and diesel, sinceminimums when the in reflectance measured ˝ is associated with the air/gold SPP, sensor is in contact with air. In this case, the reflectance dip at 37.7 the photodiode is lower than 10%, the sensor that is in this position would be indicating that in this while thecorresponds dip at 65.5˝ to with one. Ourtank sensor works aatreflectance a fixed angle of 65.5˝49.1%, , the angle 2 /gold position air.the If aMgF given sensor in the provided of around this of incidence in the When the medium withprovided the sensor changes, thehigher resonance 2 layer. would indicate thatMgF there would be water. Finally,inifcontact the sensor a reflectance than characteristics change also, alteringorthe shape of the reflectance curves. 80%, this would indicate gasoline diesel.
Figure 5. Reflectance curves as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the prism. These Figure 5. Reflectance curves as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the prism. These represent the curves when the sensor is in contact with air = 1 , water = 1.33 , and gasoline or represent the curves when the sensor is in contact with air pn “ 1q, water pn “ 1.33q, and gasoline or diesel fuel = 1.40 − 1.48 . The thickness of the gold layer is 48 nm, and the thickness of dielectric diesel fuel pn “ 1.40 ´ 1.48q. The thickness of the gold layer is 48 nm, and the thickness of dielectric layer of the MgF2 is 190 nm. layer of the MgF2 is 190 nm.
The values of the refractive indices of the gasolines and diesels measured in our laboratories are 1.43 and 1.42 for Efitec 95 Neotech and Efitec 98 Neotech gasoline, respectively, and 1.46 for the two types of diesel (e+ Neotech diesel and e + 10 Neotech diesel). The four fuels are from the REPSOL company. The measurements were made with an Phywe 62,409.00 optical refractometer (PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen, Germany.). We have also measured the refractive-index values for 589.3 nm and 632.8 nm by minimum-deviation methods using an spectrogoniometer, and the results varied only in the third decimal of the refractive index, as reported by other authors [34,35]. As can be seen, the experimental measurements of our gasolines and diesels are within the range of values for which we have made the calculations. As reflected in Figure 6 (detail from Figure 5 for an angle range of between 60˝ and 70˝ , where the angle of interest is shown), when the sensor is in contact with air a reflectance value of 9.0% is registered; when it is in contact with water, the value is 49.1%; and when it is in contact with gasoline or diesel the values are 80.4%, 86.4%, 90.0%, 91.5%, and 91.0% for refractive-index values of 1.40, 1.42, 1.44, 1.46, and 1.48, respectively. It is important to note that our sensor provides reflectance values above 80% for gasoline and diesel. In this way, the sensor in the tank continuously distinguishes Figure 6. Detail of Figure 6. Reflectance curves from Figure 5 for incidence angles of between 60° and 70°. between air, water, and gasoline or diesel, since when the reflectance measured with the photodiode is lower than 10%, the sensor that is in this position would be indicating that in this position corresponds We have also made the calculations for other thicknesses (28 and 68 nm). As can be seen in Figure 7, to air. If a given sensor in the tank provided a reflectance of around 49.1%, this would indicate that when the sensor is in contact with water, the reflectance is very close to the reflectance when the there would be water. Finally, if the sensor provided a reflectance higher than 80%, this would indicate sensor is in contact with gasoline or diesel. This could cause the sensor to fail to distinguish reliably gasoline or diesel. between water and gasoline or diesel. A similar failure occurs for gold layer thicknesses greater than 48 nm. In this case, (Figure 8), if we consider the angle of 75°, the reflectance curves for air, water,
Figure 5. Reflectance curves as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the prism. These represent the curves when the sensor is in contact with air = 1 , water = 1.33 , and gasoline or Sensorsdiesel 2016, fuel 16, 724 = 1.40 − 1.48 . The thickness of the gold layer is 48 nm, and the thickness of dielectric8 of 13 layer of the MgF2 is 190 nm.
Figure 6. Detail of Figure 6. Reflectance curves fromfrom Figure 5 for 5incidence anglesangles of between 60° and ˝ Figure 6. Detail of Figure 6. Reflectance curves Figure for incidence of between 6070°. ˝ and 70 .
We have also made the calculations for other thicknesses (28 and 68 nm). As can be seen in Figure 7, when the sensor is in contact with water, the reflectance is very close to the reflectance when the We have also made the calculations for other thicknesses (28 and 68 nm). As can be seen in sensor is in contact with gasoline or diesel. This could cause the sensor to fail to distinguish reliably Figure 7, when the sensor is in contact with water, the reflectance is very close to the reflectance when between water and gasoline or diesel. A similar failure occurs for gold layer thicknesses greater than the sensor is in contact with gasoline or diesel. This could cause the sensor to fail to distinguish reliably 48 nm. In this case, (Figure 8), if we consider the angle of 75°, the reflectance curves for air, water, between water and gasoline or diesel. A similar failure occurs for gold layer thicknesses greater than Sensors 2016, 16, 724 8 of 13 48 nm. In this case, (Figure 8), if we consider the angle of 75˝ , the reflectance curves for air, water, and gasoline/dieselare arevery veryclose closetogether. together.Therefore, Therefore, designed sensor in such a way and gasoline/diesel wewe designed thethe sensor in such a way thatthat the the reflectance for air is low (9.0%), medium for water (49.1%), and high for gasoline/diesel (>80.4%). reflectance for air is low (9.0%), medium for water (49.1%), and high for gasoline/diesel (>80.4%). We We achieved a gold thickness of 48nm. In way, this way, the sensor can easily distinguish achieved this this for afor gold thickness of 48nm. In this the sensor can easily distinguish waterwater from from gasoline/diesel. gasoline/diesel.
Figure 7. Reflectance curves as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the prism for a gold Figure 7. Reflectance curves as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the prism for a gold layer of 28 nm. The thickness of the dielectric layer of the MgF2 is 190 nm. layer of 28 nm. The thickness of the dielectric layer of the MgF2 is 190 nm.
7. Reflectance curves as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the prism for a gold9 of 13 SensorsFigure 2016, 16, 724 layer of 28 nm. The thickness of the dielectric layer of the MgF2 is 190 nm.
Figure 8. Reflectance curves as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the prism for a gold Figure 8. Reflectance curves as a function of the angle of incidence of the light in the prism for a gold layer of 68 nm. The thickness of the dielectric layer of the MgF2 is 190 nm. layer of 68 nm. The thickness of the dielectric layer of the MgF2 is 190 nm.
Tanks in petrol stations usually have a capacity of 20,000–50,000 liters stored in a cylinder. The Tanks in petrol stations usually have a capacity of 20,000–50,000 liters stored in a cylinder. The inner diameter of the base of the cylinder is approximately 2.5 m. The cylindrical tanks are placed inner diameter of the base of the cylinder is approximately 2.5 m. The cylindrical tanks are placed parallel to the ground to avoid deep excavation, so that the height of the sensor would be 2.5 m. parallel to the ground to avoid deep excavation, so that the height of the sensor would be 2.5 m. The critical height of water in petrol station tanks is approximately 15 cm. If a hemispherical The critical height of water in petrol station tanks is approximately 15 cm. If a hemispherical prism is located every 2 cm, in this case, the accuracy of the measurement of the interface position prism is located every 2 cm, in this case, the accuracy of the measurement of the interface position would be high but we would have to use 125 hemispherical prisms; however, if we locate one every would be high but we would have to use 125 hemispherical prisms; however, if we locate one every 5 cm, we would have less accuracy but could use only 50 hemispherical prisms. Even with an 5 cm, we would have less accuracy but could use only 50 hemispherical prisms. Even with an accuracy accuracy of 5 cm, we would know whether the height of water is the adequate or not. In practice, we of 5 cm, we would know whether the height of water is the adequate or not. In practice, we must reach must reach a compromise between accuracy and cost. a compromise between accuracy and cost. One drawback of the sensors based on wavelength interrogation is that they require a One drawback of the sensors based on wavelength interrogation is that they require a spectrometer spectrometer to analyze the light spectrum at the exit of the sensor [36,37]. In the case of our sensor, to analyze the light spectrum at the exit of the sensor [36,37]. In the case of our sensor, we would need 50 spectrometers or 125 spectrometers (depending on the accuracy of the measurement of the interface position mentioned above) to analyze the light spectrum leaving each optical fiber. Such a large quantity of spectrometers would enormously increase the complexity, size, and cost of the sensor. In addition, spectrometers need a certain amount of time to measure a spectrum. For example, Coelho et al. [37] used an optical spectrum analyzer with a resolution of 0.2 nm and a sampling rate of 1 spectrum per min, and a BraggMETER FS2200SA interrogator (eTester, Verona, VA, USA)) with a resolution of 1 pm at a sampling rate of 1 spectrum per s. Considering that our sensor works by sequentially redirecting the laser beam exiting the electro-optic prism to each optical fiber, our sensor would work more slowly if it were based on wavelength interrogation due to the time spent by the spectrometers for analyzing the output spectrum of each fiber. Also, on some occasions, it is necessary to apply a special treatment of the signal in sensors based on wavelength interrogation, as for example applying fast Fourier transform smoothing filters to the spectral data to reduce the noise due to the low power level of the light that reaches the spectrometer [37]. This type of signal processing or similar ones would also slow down and complicate the functioning of our sensor. In short, we have designed our sensor based on intensity interrogation because if it were based on wavelength interrogation the sensor would be not only more complex, but bigger, slower, and more expensive too. The sensitivity of our sensor can be calculated from the change in reflectance per unit of change of refractive index. With respect to gasolines and diesels, we have considered the mean value of the refractive index (1.44) and the mean reflectance value (0.879), since the reflectance for gasolines and
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diesels does not vary linearly with the refractive index. Therefore, to calculate the sensitivity, we have considered 1, 1.33, and 1.44 for the refractive index and 0.09, 0.491, and 0.879 for the reflectance. Considering two consecutive values, we get a sensitivity of 1.2 and 3.5 RIU´1 , where RIU indicates the units of the refractive index. The sensor resolution depends upon the accuracy with which the monitored SPR parameter can be determined by the specific sensing device and as such is limited by sensor-system noise [38]. To calculate the resolution of the sensor, we divide the accuracy of the photodetector by its sensitivity. Considering an accuracy of 0.2% in the signal registered by the photodetector [38,39], we get a resolution of 16.5 ˆ 10´4 and 5.7 ˆ 10´4 . Below, we compare our sensor, in terms of sensitivity and resolution, with other proposed in the literature. Lin et al. [40] report sensitivity values of 3.8 and 4.16 RIU´1 for a tapered optical-fiber sensor based on localized surface plasmon resonance with an operating range of 0.07 RIU. The resolutions are 3.7 ˆ 10´5 and 3.2 ˆ 10´5 RIU, considering a standard deviation of noise of the sensor output of 1.42 ˆ 10´4 and 1.35 ˆ 10´4 , while in our case we have considered an accuracy of 0.2%. The great operating range of our sensor (0.48 RIU) makes the sensitivity somewhat lower. On the other hand, the resolution is also different, since it depends on the accuracy of the optical signal registered by the photodetection system used. Chen et al. [41] have proposed an optical fiber biosensor based on silver nanoparticles, with a sensitivity of 160%/RIU and an operating range of 0.07 RIU. This value is within the range of our sensor (120%/RIU and 350%/RIU). To calculate the resolution, the authors considered a value for the standard deviation of noise of the sensor output of 0.75%, and they got a resolution of 4.68 ˆ 10´3 RIU. Considering the same value of 0.75%, we get resolutions of 2.1 ˆ 10´3 and 6.2 ˆ 10´3 RIU for our sensor. Wang et al. [42] report a resolution of 2 ˆ 10´4 RIU for an optical fiber sensor based on Kretschmann’s configuration. The operating range of their sensor is 0.025 RIU and they consider an accuracy of 0.1% in the signal registered. If we use 0.1% for the calculation of the sensitivity of our sensor, we get resolutions of 2.8 ˆ 10´4 and 8.2 ˆ 10´4 RIU. We can also compare the sensitivity of our sensor with the sensitivity of the sensors based on the wavelength interrogation. For example, Liu et al. [36] present a surface plasmon resonance sensor based on silver-coated hollow-fiber structure for the detection of liquids with high refractive index. The operating range of this sensor is 0.06 RIU and is based on wavelength interrogation. This sensor has a resolution of between 0.8 ˆ 10´4 and 5.1 ˆ 10´4 RIU. Coelho et al. [37] have proposed two hybrid sensors based on a fiber Bragg grating for monitoring organic solvents in high-refractive-index edible oils. With the configuration in intensity interrogation, they get a resolution of 2.1 ˆ 10´4 RIU for one of them and 2.3 ˆ 10´4 RIU for the other in transmission mode and 1.4 ˆ 10´4 RIU in the reflection mode. The first of the sensors is also interrogated in wavelength, providing a resolution of 5.8 ˆ 10´4 RIU in transmission mode. As indicated, our sensor has a sensitivity and a resolution similar to those of other sensors based on intensity interrogation, and even those based on wavelength interrogation. In general, sensors based on wavelength or angular interrogation have greater sensitivity and resolution than those based on intensity interrogation [38]. However, our sensor does not require a high resolution, given that the aim of the sensor proposed is simply to distinguish between air, water, and gasolines/diesels. Also, taking into account that we do not need to distinguish between different types of gasoline/diesel (refractive index between 1.40 and 1.48), a resolution of 10´2 RIU would be sufficient to distinguish between media with indexes of 1, 1.33, and 1.40–1.48. Finally, with respect to the sensors based on angular interrogation, the advantage of our sensor is that it does not require moving parts, as mentioned in Section 2.
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5. Conclusions Here, we present an optical sensor for fuel tanks based on surface plasmon resonance. The sensor detects not only water-fuel and fuel-air interfaces, but can also measure the level of every liquid contained in the tank in real time. A major advantage is that this sensor can measure the height of the fuel (gasoline or diesel) without distinguishing between them, whereas other sensors have to be specific for gasoline or diesel. This sensor serves for inflammable liquids such as gasoline, diesel, other crude-oil derivatives, acetones, alcohols, etc. because there are no electrical or electronic signals inside the tank but only light radiation. This makes it impossible to generate electrical sparks that could cause explosions. The laser and the photodetector, which work with electronic circuits, remain outside the tank. As we are encoding light emitted by the laser, the influence of any external illumination that could enter the tank is avoided. Therefore, the device measures the height of several liquid levels in any type of tank, whether opaque, translucent, or transparent. In addition, the device continuously measures the levels of all kinds of liquids that do not attack the optical fiber, hemispherical prism, or the plasmonic structures used. With respect to the light-emission system and the photodetection system, our device uses only one laser and only one photodiode. Only one laser illuminates all the optical fibers and only one photodetector receives the radiation from all the optical fibers. By knowing the tank geometry and the spacing of the sensors, we can track the volume (in real time) of the fuel and water in the tank, and therefore we can also calculate the flow rate, i.e., how much liquid enters and leaves the tank per time unit. The overall system is equipped with a visual and audible alarm that can be regulated to any liquid height. Also, the gauge is controlled by a PC that can store the data, print them or send them in real time by Internet worldwide. Finally, it is not necessary to carry out periodic calibrations. Author Contributions: A. M. Pozo and F. Pérez-Ocón conceived of and designed the sensor; A. M. Pozo performed the calculations; O. Rabaza looked for the appropriate materials of the sensor. A. M. Pozo, F. Pérez-Ocón and O. Rabaza wrote the paper. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript: SPP SPR TM
Surface plasmon polaritons Surface plasmon resonance Transversal magnetic
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