A continuum damage mechanics model with the strain-based approach to biaxial low cycle fatigue failure. A. Zolochevsky, T. Itoh, Y. Obataya, J. Betten. Abstract ...
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 66 (2000) 67 ±73 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000
A continuum damage mechanics model with the strain-based approach to biaxial low cycle fatigue failure A. Zolochevsky, T. Itoh, Y. Obataya, J. Betten
Abstract A continuum damage mechanics model for low cycle fatigue failure of initially isotropic materials under biaxial loading conditions is presented. The expression for the equivalent strain in the fatigue damage evolution equation contains the three material parameters, and the strain intensity as well as the maximum principal strain and the volume strain for amplitudes. It is shown how these material parameters can be determined from a series of basic experiments using a cruciform specimen. Particular expressions for the equivalent strain with a smaller number of material parameters and invariants are obtained. Model predictions are found to be in satisfactory agreement with the experimental low cycle fatigue data under full ranged biaxial loadings obtained in the test using a cruciform specimen.
Zyklen stehen, die bei variablen vollen biaxialen Betastungen von kreuzfoÈrmigen MaterialstuÈcken erhalten wurden. List of symbols A; B; C a; b; d; r; f ; m; k N N / ekl ekl
Material constants Material parameters Number of cycles Number of cycles to failure Principal strain ratio Components of the strain tensor for amplitudes Components of the strain deviator for amplitudes Numerical coef®cients Kronecker's delta Material parameters Equivalent strain Strain intensity for amplitudes Volume strain for amplitudes Amplitudes of the principle strains Some function of the equivalent strain Damage variable Poisson's ratio
a; c dkl k1 ; k2 ; k3 Ein Schadensmodell der Kontinuumsmechanik ee mit einem Ansatz basierend auf Spannungen ei fuÈr biaxialen ErmuÈdungsbruch nach e0 wenigen Zyklen e11 ; e22 ; e33 Zusammenfassung Ein Schadensmodell der Kontinuumsmechanik fuer ErmuÈdungsbruch nach wenigen Zyklen v
ee von urspruÈnglich isotropen Materialien unter biaxialen x Belastungsbedingungen wird vorgestellt. Der Ausdruck m fuer die gleichwertige Spannung in der Entstehungsgleichung fuer der ErmuÈdungsschaden beinhaltet 3 Material1 parameter, die SpannungsintensitaÈt, die maximale Introduction Hauptspannung und die Volumenspannungsamplituden. A comprehensive review of low cycle fatigue damage Es wird gezeigt, wie diese Materialparameter durch eine models for polycrystalline materials has been given by Reihe von grundlegenden Experimenten an einem Fatemi and Yang [1]. Existing multiaxial low cycle fatigue kreuzfoÈrmigen MaterialstuÈck bestimmt werden koÈnnen. damage theories can be divided into three groups. They Es ergeben sich eigene AusdruÈcke fuÈr die gleichwertige are stress-based [2±5], strain-based [2, 6±8] and energySpannung mit einer kleineren Anzahl von Materialparabased [3, 9±11] models. However, these fatigue damage metem und -invarianten. Ergebnis ist, dass die Modeltheories were developed under the limited multiaxial È vorhersagen in zufriedenstellender Ubereinstimmung mit stress/strain states. den experimentellen Daten von ErmuÈdung nach wenigen Multiaxiality of loading affects on low cycle fatigue lives of materials largely. The features of this in¯uence may be Received: 5 April 2000 investigated experimentally. In this way, a large number of tests on laboratory specimens have been performed in A. Zolochevsky, T. Itoh (&), Y. Obataya realistic environmental conditions. Therefore, different Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fukui University, types of laboratory specimens may be used to vary the 9-1, Bunkyo 3-chome, Fukui, 910-8507, Japan degree of multiaxiality, such as hollow cylindrical speciJ. Betten mens under combined tension and torsion [2, 7±9, 2±14], Department of Mathematical Models in Materials Science, an annular disk specimen with a reduced testing section Technical University Aachen, Templergraben 55, [10]. thin-walled tubes under tension and internal/external D-52062, Aachen, Germany pressure [15±17], cruciform specimens [11, 18±22], notched cylindrical specimens [23, 24], etc. The research described in this paper is sponsored partly by The aim of this paper is to propose a new continuum the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Long-term damage mechanics model based on the equivalent strain Program) and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Forsch Ingenieurwes 66 (2000)
may be de®ned according to Rabotnov [28] as the microcrack area density or net area reduction in the observed plane. The damage variable is a function of number of cycles, i.e. x x
N. An initial value x 0 corresponds to the undamaged state for N 0, while a critical value x 1 corresponds to fatigue failure for number of cycles to failure N N . It is possible to describe the damage growth by the following fatigue damage evolution equation [4, 5, 28] 68
1 x1 k v
ee ;
1 dN where ee is the equivalent strain, k is material parameter, exponent ``1 k'' is taken in order to receive the simple formula in the following. The function v
ee in Eq. (1) may be determined through the experimental data related the strain amplitudes to the number of cycles to failure in Fig. 1. Relationship between biaxial fatigue life and principal basic experiments. This function may be written in one of strain ratio the following form: the power relation v
ee ere , the hyperbolic sine law v
ee sinh
ee =d or exponential relaconcept for evaluating the damage growth and fatigue life tion v
ee exp
ee =f . In order to describe the fatigue behavior, when the equivalent strain varies in the interval under biaxial loading conditions for initially isotropic polycrystalline materials. We will use the results of strain ee 2
a; b, it is conveniently to use the following formula controlled biaxial low cycle fatigue tests obtained on the ee a m :
2 basis of cruciform specimens [20, 21]. These experimental v
ee b ee results, shown in Fig. 1, clearly demonstrate the effect of the amplitude of the maximum principal strain as well as Here r; d; f ; a; b and m are material parameters. the strain biaxiality which is de®ned by the principal strain We shall consider in-plane symmetrical cyclic loading. ratio / e22 =e11 on biaxial low cycle fatigue lives for type In this case the equivalent strain can be introduced as SUS304 stainless steel at 923 K [20, 21]. Here, e11 and e22
3 are the maximum and minimum principal strains in the ee k1 ei ak2 e11 ck3 e0 ; plane of cruciform specimen surface. Testing machine on where k1 ; k2 and k3 are material parameters, a and c are the basis of cruciform specimens can perform biaxial low numerical coef®cients which take into account the speci®c cycle fatigue tests in the range of 1 / 1, which is full weight for different terms in Eq. (3). ei and e0 in Eq. (3) are range of biaxial strain state under plane stress condition. the strain intensity and the volume strain for the amplitudes, respectively, which are de®ned as r 2 2 Continuum damage mechanics model ekl ekl ; e0 ekl dkl ; ei
4 A number of comments need to be made. Firstly, equiva3 lent strain concepts gives an opportunity to relate all where fatigue endurance data under multiaxial loading to cor1
5 responding primary fatigue endurance data from simple ekl ekl 3
emn dmn dkl tests (basic experiments). Secondly, an approach based on are components of the strain deviator for the amplitudes, the strain intensity introduced and used in classical theory dkl is the Kronecker's delta. of plasticity and on one material parameter which can be It is seen that the equivalent strain given by Eq. (3) is found from the one type basic experiments is not appli- assumed to consist of three terms. The ®rst term re¯ects cable to describe the fatigue behavior for many materials the in¯uence of movement of dislocations and slipping on [2, 8, 10, 18, 22, 23]. Thirdly, Nurtjahjo et al. [19] made the fatigue damage growth. The last two terms in the exa conclusion on the basis of biaxial experiments on pression for the equivalent strain reproduce the in¯uence cruciform specimens that a number of one parameter of the maximum principal strain and the volume strain on approaches as well as the two parameter approach prothe fatigue damage. If these invariants have no in¯uence posed by Brown and Miller [6] can not reproduce the on the fatigue damage growth, then we must put a c 0 actual biaxial fatigue behavior of the A17475-T7351 in Eq. (3). Obviously, numerical coef®cients a and c re¯ect material. the in¯uence of the maximum principal strain and the In the following, we shall use the basic aspects of con- volume strain, respectively, on the damage development. tinuum damage mechanics based on the original concepts In the case of constant amplitude loading, the number of Kachanov [25] and Rabotnov [26]. The fundamental of cycles to failure can be obtained by integrating Eq. (1), aspects of continuum damage mechanics can be found in and is equated as references [27±33]. 1 In order to describe fatigue damage accumulation per N :
6 kv
e e cycle, we introduce the damage variable x 2 0; 1 which
A. Zolochevsky et al.: A continuum damage mechanics model with the strain-based approach to biaxial low cycle fatigue failure
3 Basic experiments We now consider a procedure for the determination of three parameters k1 ; ak2 and ck3 in Eqs. (2), (3) and (6) for the case of constant amplitude loading which needs the results of the basic experiments on cruciform specimens. Let the Cartesian coordinate axes 1 and 2 are located in the plane of the specimen surface. Then the axis 3 will be to coincide with the normal direction to this plane. We recall that e11 and e22 are the amplitudes of the maximum and minimum principal strains in the plane of the specimen surface, respectively, i.e. e11 e22 , and / e22 =e11 is the principal strain ratio. A number of comments need to be made. Firstly, the experimental determination of the strain e33 presents greater technical dif®culties while comparing the strains e11 and e22 . Secondly, due to the technical impossibility to experimentally determine the strain e33 using a biaxial fatigue testing machine, many authors [18±22] assume the condition of incompressibility, i.e. e33
e11 e22 :
In other words, they assume that in low cycle fatigue the Poisson's ratio
m 0:5 :
However, applicability of Eqs. (7) and (8) for practical problems is very questionable. For example, even under the condition (7) number of cycles to failure for the 316FR steel in case with / 1 is more than 7 times as high as the analogous magnitude in the case with / 0 for one and the same value of strain intensity ei 10 3 calculated on the basis of Eqs. (4), (5) and (7) [22]. Thirdly, the expression (3) for the equivalent strain together with Eq. (4) can be rewritten for the case under consideration in the following form
p q 2 k1
e11 e22 2
e11 e33 2
e22 e33 2 ee 3 ak2 e11 ck3 e0 :
Then we note that in contrast to the strain e33 , the strains e11 and e22 can be controlled independently and with necessary accuracy. Furthermore, we have no information about the effect of the strain e33 on the fatigue life of cruciform specimen. Therefore, we can assume that the strain e33 has much smaller effect on the fatigue damage accumulation while comparing the strains e11 and e22 . In this regard, we arrive at the assumption that
Considering basic experiments on cruciform specimens, we obtain for each principal strain ratio / such relations between the number of cycles to failure and the amplitude of maximum principal strain as
1 m N a 11 k Ae b Ae11
for / 1
1 m N Be11 a k b Be11
for / 0
1 m N Ce11 a k b Ce11
for /
12 69
1 :
Here A; B; C; k and m are material constants that may be found from the approximation of experimental data curves in relationship between the amplitude of the maximum principal strain and the number of cycles to failure. The method for determination of these material constants based on the multipoint approximation concept is discussed in details in [34]. On the other hand, we can use Eqs. (2), (3), (6) and (11) to show analogous relations in these basic experiments. Considering loading with the strain ratio / 1 we obtain from Eqs. (2), (3), (6) and (11)
1 m : N 2 e11
k1 2ck3 a k b e3 2k 2ck 11
3 1 3
Similarly, the relation in the case of loading with the strain ratio / 0 is
1 m : N 2 e11
3k1 ak2 ck3 a k b e 2k ak ck 11
3 1 2 3
In the case of loading with the strain ratio / 1, it is not dif®cult to obtain from Eqs. (2), (3), (6) and (11) the following relation
N e11 k b
m :
p 2 3 a 3 k1 ak2 p 2 3 e11 3 k1 ak2
Comparing formulas of Eq. (12) with Eqs. (13)±(15), respectively, we obtain
A 23k1 2ck3
B 23k1 ak2 ck3
16 p 2 3 k1 ak2 : e33 0
10 C 3 in the expression (9) for the equivalent strain. Thus, in the Now it is not dif®cult to ®nd material parameters following we can use the equivalent strain given by Eq. (3) together with the following expressions for the strain in3 1 C A B k1 p tensity and the volume strain 2 2 3 1 q 2 ei
11 ck3 12A 13k1 e211 e11 e22 e222 ; e0 e11 e22 :
17 3 p 2 3 We shall later show that assumption (10) gives the opk1 : ak2 C 3 portunity to predict satisfactory biaxial fatigue lives.
Forsch Ingenieurwes 66 (2000)
4 Particular cases Using Eq. (17), we analyze certain possible particular cases, resulting from Eqs. (2), (3), (6) and (11), and containing a smaller number of material parameters.
we have the most general case of materials behavior during low cycle fatigue. The equivalent strain is de®ned by expression (3) where the appropriate material parameters may be found from Eq. (17).
5 Comparison of theoretical and experimental results The material tested was the type SUS304 stainless steel at p A B; C 3A
18 923 K. The detailed description of chemical composition, heat treatment and experimental procedure can be found then together with Eq. (17) we obtain in [20, 21]. 3 First of all we determine the material parameters in the k1 2A; a c 0 :
19 proposed expression (3) for the equivalent strain. Figure 2 Making use of Eq. (19) we can rewrite the equivalent strain shows a comparison of experimentally observed lives of given by expression (3) as cruciform specimens for basic experiments with the ee 32Aei :
20 analogous values calculated on the basis of Eq. (12) with the material constants taken as Thus, in the case under consideration the equivalent strain includes with the accuracy of the material parameter the m 1:8830; k 0:018700; a 1; b 14:380 stress intensity. The conditions given by Eq. (18) are rec- A 1284:47; B 801:54; C 569:66 : ommendations for using expression (20) for the equivalent
28 strain in the fatigue damage evolution equation. Nonexistence of even one of the equalities in Eq. (18) shows Then using Eqs. (17) and (28) we obtain the following the impossibility of using Eq. (20). values of the material parameters 2. We now assume that from a set of basic experiments, k1 499:60; ck3 475:70; ak2 7:230 :
29 we obtain p Now we can demonstrate a comparison of model predicA 6 B; C A 3 1 B :
21 tions on the basis of Eqs. (2), (3), (6), (11) and (29) with 1. If the results from a set of basic experiments show that
Substituting Eq. (21) into Eq. (17), we arrive at the following relation
c0 :
Therefore, the equivalent strain given by Eq. (3) has the following structure
ee k1 ei ak2 e11 :
Thus, in this case the expression for the equivalent strain in the fatigue damage evolution equation contains only the strain intensity and the maximum principal strain for amplitudes. 3. We assume the following data are obtained from a set of basic experiments
A 6 B;
p 3
A :
Using then Eq. (17) together with Eq. (24) we arrive at the following relation
a0 :
Equivalent strain given by Eq. (3) can now be rewritten as follows:
ee k1 ei ck3 e0 :
Thus, in the case under consideration the expression for the equivalent strain in the fatigue damage evolution equation contains the strain intensity and the volume strain for amplitudes. 4. If a set of basic experiments yields
A 6 B;
p C 6 A
1 B;
C 6
p 3
A ;
Fig. 2. Relationship between maximum strain and fatigue life in basic experiments
A. Zolochevsky et al.: A continuum damage mechanics model with the strain-based approach to biaxial low cycle fatigue failure
Fig. 3. Relationship between maximum strain and fatigue life in model predictions
the experimentally observed fatigue lives of cruciform specimens of the type SUS304 stainless steel for the other levels of the strain ratio. This comparison is given in Fig. 3. It is seen that the theoretical and experimental results are in satisfactory agreement. Table 1 shows a summary of the model and experimental results. The calculated and experimental observed fatigue lives can be found in Table 1, and their graphical form is presented in Fig. 4. It is seen that majority of the model results are inside of the scatter band of a factor of 2. We can integrate Eq. (1) and obtain the following expression for the fatigue damage variable as a function of the number of cycles
ee k :
Table 1. Summary of the theoretical and experimental results for the type SUS304 stainless steel at 923 K
30 /
2e11 á 102
Fig. 4. Comparison of experimental and calculated fatigue lives
Figures 5(a±e) illustrate the results of calculations of the fatigue damage growth in the type SUS304 stainless steel for various maximum principal strains and strain ratios obtained on the basis of Eqs. (2), (3), (11), (29) and (30). It is seen the features of the in¯uence of the maximum strain as well as the strain ratio on the fatigue damage evolution. Note that a law of the fatigue damage growth in Figs. 5(a±e) is similar to the evolution law for microcrack density experimentally observed in the 316L stainless steel [35].
6 Conclusion A new model of continuum damage mechanics associated with the equivalent strain concept has been proposed to n3
0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3
± ± ± ±
± ± ± ±
± ± ± ±
1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1.0 0.7 0.5 0.3
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2 p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2 p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2 p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2 p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2
p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2 p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2 p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2 p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2 p 1=p2 1=p2 1=p2 1= 2
N Exp.
0 0 0 0
4.4872 3.4051 2.5641 1.9231
370 700 2400 11,000
377 1131 2392 7285
0 0 0 0 0
4.9751 3.4825 2.4875 1.9900 1.4925
410 440 3300 4800 41,000
189 669 2248 5414 20,702
0 0 0 0 0
4.0000 2.8000 2.0000 1.6000 1.2000
630 1550 5150 41,000 80,000
530 1772 6097 15,875 >100,000
0 0 0 0 0
3.3557 2.3490 1.6778 1.3423 1.0067
1040 2800 10,150 >100,000 >100,000
803 2888 12,318 41,318 >100,000
0 0 0 0
2.8490 1.9943 1.4245 0.8547
2200 5300 30,500 >100,000
1701 6217 33,121 >100,000
Forsch Ingenieurwes 66 (2000)
Fig. 5a±e. Fatigue damage accumulation in the type SUS304 stainless steel for different values of parameter /
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