Positivity (2012) 16:641–652 DOI 10.1007/s11117-011-0137-5
A convergence rate for approximate solutions of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind Shaobo Lin · Feilong Cao · Zongben Xu
Received: 4 February 2011 / Accepted: 8 July 2011 / Published online: 31 July 2011 © Springer Basel AG 2011
Abstract We study the convergence rate for solving Fredholm integral equations of the first kind by using the well known collocation method. By constructing an approximate interpolation neural network, we deduce the convergence rate of the approximate solution by only using continuous functions as basis functions for the Fredholm integral equations of the first kind. This convergence rate is bounded in terms of a modulus of smoothness. Keywords
Fredholm integral equations · Approximate solution · Convergence rate
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000)
65J20 · 41A15 · 41A63
1 Introduction Many inverse problems in mathematical physics and applied mathematics have their most natural mathematical expression in terms of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind (see [6,8,16–18]). That is, equations of the form (1) f (x) = K (x, y)g(y) dy, x ∈ X, Y
The research was supported by the National 973 Project (No. 2007CB311002) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90818020). S. Lin (B) · Z. Xu Institute for Information and System Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, Shannxi, People’s Republic of China e-mail:
[email protected] F. Cao Institute of Metrology and Computational Science, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China
S. Lin et al.
where X, Y are domains on which data are collected, K (x, y) is defined on X × Y and represents a known (or assumed) model for a physical phenomenon, f is an observation and g is an unknown “cause” to be determined. There are several methods for constructing numerical solutions of these equations (see [2,3,11–13] etc.). In practice, one can only get finitely many measurements of the form f i = f (xi ), xi ∈ := {x1 , . . . , xn }. This suggests finding an approximate solution g which satisfies fi =
K (xi , y)g(y) dy, i = 1, . . . , n
and minimizes a quadratic functional J (g) of the form J (g) := R −1/2 g2L 2 (Y ) ,
where R −1/2 is a densely defined, unbounded linear operator on L 2 (Y ) to be selected from a certain general class. The collocation method above has received the most favorable attention in the engineering community due to its lower computational cost in generating the coefficient matrix of the Eq. (2). We refer the readers to [4,5,9,10] and [19] etc. for more details. In order to guarantee the feasibility of the collocation method, theoretical results for this method are needed. In particular, we are interested in deducing the convergence rate for the approximate solution obtained by the collocation method. There have been some results on this topic, such as Wahba [20], Nashed and Wahba [14], Atkinson [1], and Groetsch [7]. For example, Groetsch [7] presented a simple asymptotic convergence analysis of a degenerate kernel method for Fredholm integral equations of the first kind which is based on a quadrature of the variational equation for the Tikhonov functional. Wahba [20] gave a convergence rate of the approximate solution to Fredholm integral equation when the kernel function K (·, ·) satisfies some smoothness assumptions. They used the mesh norm and the degree of smoothness to bound the convergence rate of the approximate solution. In this paper, by introducing an approximate interpolation neural network, we develop a convergence rate analysis of the collection method without smoothness assumptions on the kernel. That is, to study the convergence rate of approximate solutions to Fredholm equations of the first kind, we only need the assumption of continuity of the basis functions.
2 Preliminaries At first, we must introduce the reproducing kernel Hilbert space with a kernel R(·, ·), which is assumed to be fixed for the given model and is continuous, symmetric, positive definite. By the theorems of Mercer, Hilbert and Schmidt [15, p. 242], the operator R,
A convergence rate for approximate solutions of Fredholm integral equations
defined by (R f )(y) :=
R(y, y ) f (y ) dy ,
f ∈ L 2 (Y ),
has an L 2 (Y ) complete orthonormal system of eigenfunctions {φ j }∞ j=1 and corre∞ 2 sponding positive eigenvalues {λ j }∞ satisfying λ < ∞. Also, the kernel j=1 j j=1 R(·, ·) has the uniformly convergent Fourier expansion R(y, y ) =
λ j φ j (y)φ j (y ).
Define H R :=
⎧ ⎨ ⎩
g : g ∈ L 2 (Y ),
∞ gˆ 2 j j=1
< ∞, gˆ j = g, φ j L 2 (Y )
⎫ ⎬ ⎭
and let R y , for fixed y, be a function on Y whose value at y is given by R y (y ) = R(y, y ). It is well known that H R is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space with R(·, ·) being its reproducing kernel. Its inner product ·, · R and norm · R are given by ∞ ˆ f j gˆ j f, g R = , λj j=1
and ⎛ f R = ⎝
∞ fˆ2 j j=1
⎞1 2
⎠ ,
respectively. Moreover, it is easy to deduce that R −1/2 f L 2 (Y ) = f R . Thus, the approximate solution satisfying (2) and minimizing (3) is that satisfies (2) and minimizes g R . Since the approximate solution should satisfy (2) and minimize g R , it depends not only on R(·, ·) but also on the kernel K (·, ·). Suppose that K has the property that
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the family of linear functionals {x , x ∈ X } defined by x g :=
K (x, y)g(y) dy, x ∈ X, g ∈ H R Y
are all continuous in H R , and linearly independent. Define ηx (y) :=
K (x, z)R(y, z) dz,
y ∈ Y,
then we can rewrite (2) as f i = ηxi , g R , i = 1, . . . , n.
Let n be the (n dimensional) subspace of H R spanned by {ηxi , xi ∈ }, and let Pn be the orthogonal projection in H R onto n . The following Proposition 1 reveals an important property for the projection operator Pn . Proposition 1 If g is an arbitrary element in H R satisfying (4), then g ∗ := Pn g satisfies (4) also and minimizes the norm g R among all such solutions. Proof We only need to verify that g ∗ is the function with minimal norm satisfying (4). Since g ∗ = Pn g, we have g − g ∗ , g ∗ R = 0. Using this equality, we obtain g2R = g ∗ + (g − g ∗ ), g ∗ + (g − g ∗ ) R = g ∗ 2R + g − g ∗ 2R + 2g − g ∗ , g ∗ R = g ∗ 2R + g − g ∗ 2R ≥ g ∗ 2R . Thus, g ∗ is the minimum norm solution. This completes the proof of Proposition 1.
Let N (K ) be the null space of K in H R (possible the 0 function) and let V := N (K )⊥ (in H R ). Then, by definition, 0=
K (x, y)g(y)dy, x ∈ X, g ∈ H R ⇒ g ∈ N (K ). Y
By the definition of ηx , the above equation also can be written as 0 = ηx , g R , x ∈ X, g ∈ H R ⇒ g ∈ V ⊥ .
A convergence rate for approximate solutions of Fredholm integral equations
Thus, {ηx , x ∈ X } spans V . Let PV be the projection operator in H R onto V , and define the mesh norm of by h :=
max (xi+1 − xi ).
It follows that lim PV g − Pn g R = 0,
h →0
for any fixed g ∈ H R . The main purpose of this paper is to establish a rate for this convergence. Let K (x, y)R(y, y )K (x , y ) dy dy , (6) Q(x, x ) := Y Y
then we have ηxi , ηx j R = Q(xi , x j ).
Define operators K , K ∗ , and Q by (K f )(x) :=
K (x, y) f (y) dy, x ∈ X,
f ∈ L 2 (Y ),
K (x, y) f (x) d x,
y ∈ Y,
f ∈ L 2 (X ),
Q(x, x ) f (x ) d x , x ∈ X,
f ∈ L 2 (X ),
(K f )(y) := X
and (Q f )(x) = X
respectively. It is obvious that Q = K RK∗ It is convenient to define an auxiliary Hilbert space H Q . We let H Q be the reproducing kernel Hilbert space with reproducing kernel Q(x, x ), x, x ∈ X defined by (6), and inner product ·, · Q . Let Q x be the element of H Q whose value at x is given by Q x (x ) := Q(x, x ). Let HTn be the subspace of H Q spanned by the elements n . Denote by P be the projection operator in H onto H . {Q xi }i=1 Tn Q Tn Finally, we need two Lemmas which will play important roles in the proof of our main result, whose proofs can be found in [20].
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Lemma 1 Given g ∈ H R let f be defined by f (x) := ηx , g R , x ∈ X. Then f ∈ H Q and PV g − Pn g R = f − PTn f Q . Since Q x , Q x Q = Q(x, x ) = ηx , ηx R , x, x ∈ X and {Q x , x ∈ X } span H Q , there is an isometric isomorphism between H Q and V generated by the correspondence “∼” (see [20]), H Q Q x ∼ ηx ∈ V, x ∈ X.
Now we are in a position to give the second lemma [20, Lemma 2]. Lemma 2 Suppose g has a representation g(y) =
ηx (y)h(x ) d x ,
for some h ∈ L 2 (X ). Then, g ∈ V and g ∼ f under the correspondence “∼”, where f (x) =
Q x (x )h(x ) d x .
3 Main results In this section, we give the main result of this paper. Clearly, if g is a solution to the equation (1), then PV g is also a solution to (1). And since V = N ⊥ (K ), we know that PV g is the unique solution to (1) from V . It also can be seen that Pn is an approximate solution to (1). In (5), we know that when the mesh norm h small enough, then the approximate Pn g convergence to the solution PV g. So, it is natural to raise the question: what is the convergence rate of such approximation? In [20], Wahba has given an error estimate for this approximation when the kernel Q(·, ·) satisfies some smoothness properties. In this paper, we omit the smoothness properties of the kernel Q(·, ·) and use a modulus of smoothness of the kernel function Q(·, ·) to describe the convergence rate. Let x1 < x2 < · · · < xn be the samples, X := [x1 , xn ], and Y be a bounded interval. Let Q(·, ·) be defined by (6). We define the modulus of smoothness of the
A convergence rate for approximate solutions of Fredholm integral equations
kernel Q(·, ·) as ω(Q, t) := sup
|s|≤t x,x+s,x ∈X
|Q(x , x) − Q(x , x + s)|.
The following theorem is the main result of this paper. Theorem 1 Suppose that g ∈ H R satisfies PV g ∈ R K ∗ (L 2 (X )), or equivalently, f = K g ∈ K R K ∗ (L 2 (X )) = Q(L 2 (X )), and suppose that Q(·, ·) is continuous on X × X . Then there exists a constant C depending only on f such that 1
PV g − Pn g R ≤ C (ω(Q, h )) 2 . Proof By Lemmas 1 and 2 it is sufficient to prove that there exists a constant C depending only on f such that 1 f − PTn f Q ≤ C ω(Q , h ) 2 , where f (x) = X Q x (x )h(x ) d x , and h ∈ L 2 (X ). Now we construct a function φ ∈ HTn such that 2 f − φ Q ≤ 5 h(x)h (x) d x d x ω(Q, h ),
Set σ (t) = 1+e1 −t . It is obvious that when t → ∞, σ (t) → 1 and when t → −∞, σ (t) → 0. Then for A ≥ 0, if we set δσ (A) := sup max(|1 − σ (t)|, |σ (−t)|), t≥A
then δσ (A) is non-increasing, and satisfies lim δσ (A) = 0.
Denote 2 A(x − x1 ) c1 (x) := σ − +A , x2 − x1 2 A(x − xi−1 ) 2 A(x − xi ) + A +σ − + A , 2 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, ci (x) := −σ − xi − xi−1 xi+1 − xi 2 A(x − xn−1 ) 2 A(x − xn ) + A +σ − +A . cn (x) := −σ − xn − xn−1 xn − xn−1
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Now we define φ(x) :=
Q xi (x)
ci (x)h(x) d x.
It is obvious that φ ∈ HTn , and hence f − PTn f 2Q ≤ f − φ2Q . The only thing remaining is to prove (11). Since f satisfies (9), we have
h(x)Q(x, x )h(x ) d x d x ,
f, f Q = X X
f, Q xi Q = f (xi ) =
Q xi (x)h(x) d x, X
then it follows that f − φ2Q = f − φ, f − φ Q n n = f − Q xi ci (x)h(x)d x, f − Q x j c j (x )h(x )d x i=1
= X X
h(x)h(x ) Q x −
⎝Q x , Q x Q −
c j (x )Q x j
dx dx Q
c j (x )Q x , Q x j Q
Q x (x) − n
⎞⎞ n ci (x) ⎝Q xi , Q x Q − c j (x )Q xi , Q x j Q ⎠⎠ h(x)h(x ) d x d x
ci (x)Q xi , Q x −
ci (x )Q xi (x)
c j (x ) Q x (x j ) −
n i=1
⎞ ci (x )Q xi (x j ) ⎠ h(x)h(x ) d x d x .
A convergence rate for approximate solutions of Fredholm integral equations
ρ(x) := Q x (x) −
ci (x )Q xi (x).
Since for arbitrary x ∈ X , there exists a j0 ∈ N such that x ∈ [x j0 , x j0 +1 ] (without loss of generality, we assume 2 ≤ j0 ≤ n − 1), we have
ρ(x) −
c j (x)ρ(x j )
n−1 2 A(x − x j ) (ρ(x j ) − ρ(x j+1 ))σ − +A x j+1 − x j j=1 2 A(x − xn ) +A +ρ(xn ) − xn − xn−1 j0 −1 2 A(x − x j ) = (ρ(x j ) − ρ(x j+1 ))σ − +A x j+1 − x j = ρ(x) −
2 A(x − x j ) (ρ(x j ) − ρ(x j+1 )) σ − + A −1 x j+1 − x j j= j0 +1 2 A(x − xn ) + A − 1 + ρ(x j0 +1 ) − ρ(x) +ρ(xn ) σ − xn − xn−1 2 A(x − x j0 ) +A . +(ρ(x j0 ) − ρ(x j0 +1 ))σ − x j0 +1 − x j0
Since x ∈ [x j0 , x j0 +1 ], we have −
2 A(x − x j ) + A ≤ −A, 1 ≤ j ≤ j0 − 1, x j+1 − x j
2 A(x − x j ) + A ≥ A, 1 ≤ j ≤ j0 − 1, j0 + 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1, x j+1 − x j
and −
2 A(x − xn ) + A ≥ A. xn − xn−1
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Thus by the definition of δσ (A), we have j0 −1 n ρ(x) − ≤ δ c (x)ρ(x ) (A) |ρ(x j ) − ρ(x j+1 )| j j σ j=1 j=0 + δσ (A)
n−1 ρ(x j ) − ρ(x j+1 ) + δσ (A) |ρ(xn )| j= j0 +1
+ ρ(x j0 +1 ) − ρ(x) + (ρ(x j0 ) − ρ(x j0 +1 ) ⎛ ⎞ n−1 ρ(x j ) − ρ(x j+1 ) + |ρ(xn )|⎠ ≤ δσ (A) ⎝ + ρ(x j
0 +1
) − ρ(x) + (ρ(x j0 ) − ρ(x j0 +1 ) ,
where in the first inequality, we use the fact 1 ≤ 1, t ∈ R. 1 + e−t It follows from (12) that we can choose A large enough such that δσ (A) ≤
max x ∈X
ω(Q, h )
j=1 |ρ(x j ) − ρ(x j+1 )| + |ρ(x n )|
Since ρ(x) = Q x (x) −
ci (x )Q xi (x),
we have |ρ(x j0 +1 ) − ρ(x j0 )| n n ci (x )Q xi (x j0 +1 ) − Q x (x j0 ) + ci (x )Q xi (x j0 ) = Q x (x j0 +1 ) − i=1 i=1 n (x j +1 ) − Q x (x j )| ≤ |Q x (x j0 +1 ) − Q x (x j0 )| + max c (x ) |Q . i x 0 0 x ∈X i=1
Since n i=1
2 A(x − xn ) ci (x ) = σ − +A , xn − xn−1
A convergence rate for approximate solutions of Fredholm integral equations
we have |ρ(x j0 +1 ) − ρ(x j0 )| ≤ 2ω(Q, h ). Similarly, we can prove |ρ(x j0 +1 ) − ρ(x)| ≤ 2ω(Q, h ), x ∈ [x j0 , x j0 +1 ]. Combining the results above, we deduce that ⎫ ⎧ ⎬ n ⎨ ρ(x) − c j (x)ρ(x j ) ≤ 5ω(Q, h ). max x ∈X ⎩ ⎭ j=1 Thus f − φ2Q ≤ 5 h(x)h(x )d xd x ω(Q, h ). X X
This finishes the proof of Theorem 1. Acknowledgments suggestions.
The authors wish to thank an anonymous referee for his/her careful review and helpful
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