DelaunayMM is our framework for querying and presenting ... Research supported in part by the National Science Foundation ...... media Encyclopedias.
e cient algorithm for translating a query into queries against the data sources. .... A tree database consists of a large set of data trees related to a given domain.
A Visual Analytics Approach to Exploration of Large. Amounts of ... Analysis of such data can yield valuable knowledge about the movement behaviors of the objects ... Therefore, the aggregation and summarization methods suitable for.
model are a mediated schema as a view of a set of concrete tree types ..... query relatively to a tree type C by building the Cartesian product of the images.
Aug 5, 1997 - Momentum Accounting: A Complex Problem Space . ...... bookkeeping is not the sole solution to all accounting information needs (Ijiri, 1986). Ijiri ..... accounting met the challenge and provided income information by the ...... The exp
Jul 13, 2006 - Abstract: - This paper introduces a methodology for developing web applications ... web application development is not very old, there have.
interacting through (and only through) unidirectional FIFO channels. Our main result is ... Furthermore, this approach can be turned into a safe buffer dimensioning method. ... is duly excluded from the previous sums as this state is by definition.
Aug 31, 2015 - Support robust analysis of data in the context in which they occurred. ... product areas, including searc
Aug 31, 2015 - Though data processing systems are complex by nature, the video provider wants a .... time management [28
graph. The development of new perception algorithms is often an itera- tive process, involving ..... Ecto - A C++/Python Computation Graph Framework. (2 2015)
Construction cost estimating is considered one of the most important and critical
phases of a ... visualization technologies to streamline the estimating process.
tool using hands-on and computer activities, as ... trace out a circular disk whose radius is that con- stant length. ..
present QBD**, a visual query language, and show that it is able to express all stratified ...... 6th ACM SIGACT-SIPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming.
Querying interfaces to GIS can be broadly categorised between textual inter- faces and non-textual interfaces. Several text-based extensions to SQL have been.