A Decision Support System For Water Resource ...

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Tahiti or Oahu. Despite a relatively weak ... GPS localized & quantified sources of pollution : • cemetery. • restaurant. • school. • administrative buildings. Fig.

(*) IRD, The French Research Institute for Development - Remote Sensing Laboratory, LATICAL - BP A5, Noumea, New-Caledonia Ph. (687) 26 08 35 Email : [email protected] (**) University of New-Caledonia, Geography Laboratory GECO, BP 4477, 98847 Noumea, Ph. 687-265847 Fax: 687-263826 Email: [email protected] University of Sydney, School of Geosciences, Geography FO9, 2006 NSW Ph. 61-2 9351 6463 Fax. 61-2 9351 3644 Email : [email protected]

Abstract ADAGE1 is an innovate program for decision support in environmental development and management developed since 1996. Based on the fact that the scientific expertise does not have a vocation to give the answers to the problems posed by the decision maker, representing the civil society, ADAGE was developed on the idea of implementing data and expertise in the field of decision-making and integrated into the responsibility domain in an understandable and usable new tool. ADAGE makes the interface between the domain of observatories - studies and scientific actions that allow the knowledge to emerge of the phenomena - and the domain of the political strategy, political power and social pressure. These two domains have their indicators, their concepts, their culture and their behaviour, origin of misunderstanding and conflicts. Developed as prototype in three regions (French Guyana, Portugal, Western France) about three environmental problems (Water quality, Waste management, Water rehabilitation of a harbour), this original approach was developed in New Caledonia (south-western Pacific) in 1999 for a sustainable management of the water aquifer of Lifou Island. This paper proposes to explicit this project by the way of the description of one of the products: the DecisionSupport System. This tool uses or simulates various kind of knowledge, from the SPOT satellite data to real-time watch-over of the resource, from the social and cultural behaviour and reactions of the population to the politics’ indicators, while using artificial intelligence technologies.


ADAGE Concept : FRANÇOIS Nadine (ALCATEL), HUYNH Frédéric (IRD), LILLE Didier (IRD), NOËL Jacques (IRD), POLIDORI Laurent (IGN).

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


Introduction An European consortium with complementary skills: IRD (France, ex ORSTOM), ALCATEL Space Industries (France), EID (Portugal) and the Common Centre of Research of the European Commission (Italy) have been developing since 1996, an innovate project for decision support in environmental development and management (ADAGE: Aide à la Décision en Aménagement et Gestion de l’Environnement). The ADAGE concept is based on the fact that the scientific expertise does not have a vocation to give the answers to the problems posed by the decision maker, representing the civil society. ADAGE does not replace the analytical processes and observation and even more the decision process, but presents itself as an approach for communication and negotiation, where each domain has its role to play. For the originality of the approach, ADAGE has obtained the European EUREKA label (EU1299) in 19961.

French Guyana

A dage


Eur eka 1 299



Fig.1 ADAGE first three prototype project

View of Brest Harbour

Three environmental problems were kept for the development of prototypes: the rehabilitation of the quality of the water of a harbour2 (Brest, France), the collect, management and elimination of selective wastes in a context of urban development3 (Lisbon, Portugal), and the management of used water and rainwater in an urban area facing draining problems4 (Cayenne, French Guyana). The existence of this interface allows the mutual comprehension of the objectives and processes of each party (the decision-makers and the political managers of a human, scientific and technical society, in charge of the corporation of knowledge mastery). Furthermore, this putting together of concepts and indicators is the necessary basis for a simulation of the impact and consequences of the decision, accepted by each of them. The ADAGE filter constructs a consensus of a solution, presented on the one and other hand with accepted and known concepts: the social dimension of the problem is taken into consideration. 1 23 4

Head of project : Nadine François (ALCATEL), Jacques Noël (IRD) Head of project : Frédéric Huynh (IRD)

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


This approach was, for the first time, developed in the South Pacific in 1999, for sustainable management of the fragile water resource of LIFOU Island 5, in New-Caledonia. Since the set up of the prototype, developed in above quoted regions, the tool, called Demonstrator, has been strongly and deeply improved (D. Lille) noticeably with the integration and spatialization of social, cultural and environmental data collected and analysed through an original approach based on cultural geography (C. Jost).

Fig.2 Lifou Island – Loyalty Islands - New Caledonia This paper proposes to explicit this project with the description of one of its products: the Decision-Support System. This tool uses or activates multidisciplinary knowledge and processed figures, from the SPOT satellite data to real-time watch-over of the resource, from the social behaviour and reactions of the population to the politics’ indicators, while using artificial intelligence technologies.Why a Project for sustainable management

of ground water of LIFOU island ? Because of a lack of surface drainage on this uplifted calcareous atoll, the ground water of Lifou island is the unique source of drinkable water. Extended on 119,600 hectares the island is homing 9,614 permanent residents and has a density of 8.2inhab/km². A dynamic demography and the numerous projects of development have absolutely to be confronted with a coherent management of this resource. Major actress of the island ’s ecosystem, the water lens undergoes numerous aggressions related to human activities whose impacts, today, are still not disastrous, mainly due to the weak density of the population (8.2inhab/km²). Moreover, the continuation of present behaviour and bad habits regarding water consumption, added to the increasing demographic pressure and a legitimate economical development, are contributing to endanger the resource with time. Therefore, factors of present and future aggressions require to be identified and analysed. The actions to start up 5

Head of project : Didier Lille (IRD)

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


with must be specified and a management tool for the ground water needs to be set up. It appears a necessity to elaborate a concerted strategy for the management of this soft water resource, first to master and anticipate consequences of the human activity on the future of the ground water, second to use and allow an optimal evolution of the water conveyance network.

Organization of the project Coordination Board

Fig.3 Organization of the project

Orientations Strategy Communication Conception of indicators for decision-making Appropriation by population & deciders

ADAGE CONCEPT European project Eureka 1299

Project Board Technical choices Conception of the prototype Carrying out Validation Planning

Partners University of New -Caledonia A2EP GENSYM

In order to help orienting the project, a Coordination Board was set up gathering: • • • •

La Province des Iles The Lifou council Custom Authorities The ADAGE group Moreover a Project Board was organised in 11 work units to allow an optimisation of the work and constant exchanges between disciplines and thematic through « facilitators ». A particular attention was given to the communication part of the project for it to be efficient either between thematic research groups than between the scientific community and the institutions. The diffusion of information within the population and the tribes was organised through the customary authorities. All existing formal or informal circuit of communication were and are still used (schools, women rights association, men of God, customary chiefs,…)

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


Data in the decision-making process The task of inventorying and analysing the environmental data allows to guarantee that the available data will provide relevant and useable information for the decision-making process. It plays then a role of filter between: • •

Upstream: the collect of existing data and the creation of new data Downstream : in the integration of data into the tools to help decision-making (dashboard, impact simulator, communication support system..)

Environmental data about Lifou have only been partly collected and gathered in accordance to the aim of the project. This is the case of the studies conducted by the “Social sciences and Environment Unit2”, which released and spatialized new data on population perception and behaviour, on the risks and threats to the water, and on population and economic development statistics. All the other information have not been created on purpose according to the problematic, but were formerly elaborated either with no specific commendation or for management purpose not necessarily linked to a ground water study. Therefore it was predictable that not all data were adapted to the studied problem and this for various reasons: • • • •

Heterogeneity of data: digital accuracy, thresholds, non comprehensive data, incompatible support, reading format, repetitiveness’, data file settings, Lack of description inp data attributes: non specified units, meaning or non coherence of attributes, of codes, lack or ambiguous parameters, Non adequation between data and aims: level of image processing, projection systems, scale, data accuracy, Non accessibility of data: non available, loss, confidentiality, prohibitive cost, unknown location of data, The Decision-Support System Developed in G2  GENSYM

SI & RI Information Server & Interactive Report

• • • •

Dynamic information Scenarios set up Simulation Communication

Developed in HTML and JAVA

DATA Archives

- Information support - Questions/ Answers Interactive Cd-Rom Possibility of integration in an INTERNET Server

Fig. 4 Organisation of the computed products


Dr Christian Jost, Head of the “Social sciences and Environment Unit”

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


Description of the SI&RI tool (Information Server & Interactive Report) In HTML and JAVA languages - Interactive Cd-Rom - Possibility of integration in an INTERNET Server This product has been released because of knowing that deciders are barely reading reports. By way of a hypertext surfing mode, the SI&RI allows to open the report where and when desired while using the help to decision tool. Two levels are integrated: the first one, more didactic, is for non specialized users; the second, more technical, brings to the scientific and technical experts an adapted source of information.

Informations on the concept, the project, Internet links, bibliography

Water Resource Management through a concerted approach of the Environment

Information • Concepts and contacts • Partnership • Bibliography

Understanding of the social, physical and legal features


Understanding • Social features and water system • Phreatic lens • Legal features

Use • Glossary • Plan of the server

Fig.5 Information Server & Interactive Report

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


Description of the Demonstrator • • • • • •

Developed in G2 © GENSYM language Cartographic basis GIS georeferenced Data basis object oriented and related to water Temporal simulations Running of the peripheral systems Orientation according to real time

The first problem, quite usual, which came out, was the heterogeneity of data and systems sources, especially among the GIS, the data base management systems and the processing image systems. The solution that was chosen was to try not to modify any organization, but to establish dynamic links between the central system and the systems providing data. This way an independence and a development of the whole procedure is guaranteed. The aim is here to put at disposal an existing yet dispersed (therefore hardly usable) information and not to try to organize it in a centralized way. This integration processes has been developed generically and will be usable via Internet. A2EP (Private Planning office) Piezometric data Analysis

SOPRONER Drinkable water supply network network data

Province des Iles Topographic, Statistics,

DEMONSTRATOR Water knowledge basis

LATICAL (Remote-sensing Lab) Aerial photographies, satellites images, hyperspectrals

University of New Caledonia Observatory Social sciences data

Fig.6 Partners and their contribution

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


Description and use of the demonstrator tool – The global interface A tool of dialogue and of communication involving multi-actors dealing with : • interactions : • water and demographic evolution • water and tourism development • risks and threats for the ground water related to agricultural activities (fertilisers, pesticides, irrigation,..) • risks for the ground water in respect to cattle breeding and other polluting activities • impact of unauthorised waste dumps • optimisation of the use of drillings and of the water conveyance network • environmental legislation • appropriation of the project by the population • support given to decision-makers

Water Resource Management through a concerted approach of the Environment

Information • Concepts and contacts • Partnership • Bibliography

Understanding • Social features and water system • Phreatic lens • Legal features

Navigation • Conception & Management • Spatial representation • Scenarios & Simulation

Fig. 7 The dashboard of the demonstrator

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


Description and use of the demonstrator tool – the GIS interface A graphic layout, a «Geographic Information System » type : • predetermined information layers by experts, • a basis of data georeferenced and object oriented, • links with INTERNET. Sensitivity maps may be exploited differently in the decision process: • • •

static and compartmentalised presentation of the information, like an atlas, crossing of information within a system of geographic information (in particular, crossing between aggression and vulnerability), dynamic modification enabling the simulation of an evolution of the sensitivity.

Information layers

Interactive objects Legend

Fig. 8 Part of the GIS interface

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


Integration of the information layers specific to the risk notion : • vulnerability of the environment, • allocation of the resource and limits of exploitation.

Information layers


Recommended optimal capacity of water 3 exploitation (m /hr)

Fig. 9 Integration of the information layers specific to the risk notion Major functioning principles of the LIFOU soft water lens3 : Lifou is the largest of the high carbonated islands composing the « Archipel des Loyauté ». It stretches according to a NW-SE direction, parallel to « la Grande Terre ». It is made up of limestone build on a volcanic substratum, which does not show on any part of the island surface, but acknowledged by geophysics. Schematically, it is a raised atoll supported by age basalts dating back between 9 and 11 million years. The summital reef crown of the island which shows the beginning of the uplift of the island belongs to the inferior Pleistocene period.


Source: Michel Allenbach, in charge of the geological study in ADAGE-Lifou project - University of NewCaledonia

10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference


The description of the rocks showing on the surface of Lifou enables to distinguish three types of limestone facieses forming two main geomorphologic units : - the limestone build upon the reef crown of the previous atoll to be found at the island ’s periphery. - the biomicritic limestone and the biomicritic dolomite are the expression of a lagoon sedimentary filling of an old atoll located in the inland part. Therefore, the porosity of these rocks is different and the rapid lateral variations do not allow an assimilation of this aquiferous environment to a homogeneous one. This makes it even more complex to explain its functioning. The general case of the coastal aquiferous areas : In most cases, the coastal aquiferous areas are connected to the sea. They are complex aquiferous/sea systems. In such systems, the underground soft water, which flows from there upstream to the downstream of the ground water, heads to the shore where it drains itself. Its progression is limited in depth due to the invasion, in opposite direction, of the sea water which tends to get under the continent. But due to their specific and differing density, these two types of water to be found at a time in the littoral area tend not to mix up. They will actually be superposed. The soft water being less dense “ will float ” above the more dense sea water. The contact between those two water types is shown by a transitional area more or less thick according to local configurations. Its location is determined by a modification of the height above the sea (in fact a difference between the hydraulic charges) between the piezometric level of the ground water and the zero level (seas average level). An intense exploitation of the underground water in coastal areas, with flows above those of supply, debilitates the piezometric surface. The difference between charges lowers then and the sea water progressively flows into the aquiferous areas. This shows how important it is to manage with preciseness the exploitation of coastal ground waters. LIFOU Island - New-Caledonia The water cycle and the lens


Soft Sea Sea

Fig. 10 The water lens of Lifou island

Integration of technical information on water networks : • water conveyance network, • water supply network, • characteristics of the equipment (water tanks, drillings), • simulations of flux

Information layers


water conveyance water supply


Layer with water tanks, water conveyance and water supply systems

Water tanks

Fig. 11 Integration of technical information on water networks

Population ’s distribution An intrinsic temporal dimension: • ability to simulate behaviours of entities • ability of evolution in real time • ability of building up sequential evolutive reviews

Fig. 12 The distribution of the population Population and Demography At the scale of an island like Lifou (1150km2) with an average population density of only 8.4 inhabitants per square kilometre, the demographic pressure on the environment and on the resource remains very weak, in comparison with other islands of the Pacific, such as Guam, Tahiti or Oahu. Despite a relatively weak demographic growth of 2.0% per year, the unequal spreading of the population, the extension of the occupied areas, the increase in the number of the infrastructures consuming water, the increase of the needs and the equipment of households, the development of tourism are nevertheless as many factors contributing to an acceleration of the drawing outs of the water reserve. They also multiply rejects which can possibly affect the ground water.

Research on land use extension tendencies through SPOT image interpretation, between 1992 and 1995, with OSIRIS  IRD software.

Extension in1995 Over estimated extension of 1995 Extension of 1995 classified in1992) Under estimated extension of 1992

Extension in 1992

Over estimated extension of 1992

Land occupancy tendency

Fig. 13 Land use extension between 1992 and 1995

Rubbish Dumps and Waste Deposits Rubbish dumps and the various wastes deposits are one of the major source of contamination of the water lens. And the quantity of waste produced is less problematic than their dispersion in various areas of the island. Indeed, the production of wastes remains moderate as it amounts to approximately 200g/capita/day or 73kg/capita/year, whereas the average production for a NewCaledonian from Noumea amounts to 1kg/capita/day, hence five times more (SPC source). A private company is trying to implement a network of partial collection, but this payable service does not meet an unanimous approval within the population. The major rubbish dumps account for more than 800 m3. Methodology :

Vegetation cover and waste dumps

Thematic Mapping using SPOT satellite data

Fig. 14 Vegetation cover and waste dumps

The locating and the research on rubbish dumps have been made possible after a systematic scour on all roads and trails of Lifou and with the assistance of the population itself. Moreover, due to the huge number of deposits observed, merely the rubbish dumps amounting to a volume of more than 5 m3 have been registered. All sites have been located by GPS and are therefore georeferenced in a geographical information system. FiG. 15 Image of a wild waste dump on road side (georeferenced)

Fig. 16 The municipal waste deposit

Example of a sector and endangering activities: Wé area Main risks identified : - Rubbish dumps and council authorised or non authorised waste deposits above 5m3 have been georeferenced, counted, assessed in terms of volume and type of waste, and mapped. A total of 50 was registered in 1999. - Agricultural activities, consuming water for aspersion or irrigation, using fertilizers or pesticides, possibly affecting the ground water, have been listed and mapped. - Cattle breeding have been located and ranked on maps. Indeed, as they are producing liquid manure, they are a potential source of local contamination of the ground water or for the drillings.

Soil occupation in

Evolution of land occupation










Operational rubbish dumps Disused rubbish dumps Future center of Quarries

Fig. 17 Example of a sector and endangering activities: Wé area

The same sector in the demonstrator The necessity to apprehend the information at various stages of perception (i.e the Wé district) : • specific expertise (associated objects and behaviours), • adequate mapping, • links with the other systems of perception.

Access to several image covers

html link to maps, images and information on Risks


Water tanks and sources of pollution at a village level

GPS localized & quantified sources of pollution : • • • •

cemetery restaurant school administrative buildings

Fig. 18 The Wé sector as seen in the demonstrator

Integration of the support of fieldwork photographs interpreted and commented by experts, geographically localised on maps. We may obtain a visual information, which is straight away interpretable by the ones responsible for the project. On the following example, a decider has immediately a visual information allowing him to identify the possible sources of pollution located inside the protected area of the studied drilling and which can directly affect the consumers of the water from this drilling.

Commented & georeferenced (GPS) ground level and aerial images

Waste deposit

Drilling Poultry farm

Fig. 19 Ground and aerial level images accessible in the demonstrator

Elaboration of scenarios. The object ’s behaviour being implemented, it is then conceivable to elaborate scenarios and to visualise their effects. To enable this, it has been necessary to define with the decisionmakers on one hand the modulation levers (water consumption, agricultural policy, climate...) and on the other, all the indicators of follow up (financial, tourism, employment, ..) in order to visualise the impacts of all options. At this stage, the demonstrator becomes meaningful, and therefore is a genuine communication tool between the various actors of the problematic, whether being of technical or scientific background or responsible for the project outcome.

Elaboration of scenarios Levers of modulation Demographic flux Touristic flux Population behaviour Climatic variabilty Agricultural development

Water consumption modulation lever

Climatic variabilty


Infrastructure devpt

Consumption in m /inhab/day 3 3 Variation of 0,0m to 2.0 m consumption doubles during warm season 0.0: consumption varies according to SOPRONER data

Induced infrastructure simulation

Example: lever at 0.1 3 Each inhabitant of Lifou is consuming 0.1 m hence 100 liters a 3 day during cold season and 0.2 m , hence 200 liters a day during warm season Warm season: November to April Cold season: May to September

Simulation parameters Overall graphs Decison-making indicators


m /inhab/day




Simulation activation

Demographic flux modulation lever Modulation of the growth rate (Evolution of the population per tribe, inter- yearly variations, seasonal variations)


2.0 1.17

1.0 : Growth as estimated 2.0 : Twice as much growth

Fig. 20 An example of simulation with the demonstrator : here between water consumption and population increase

Evolution of the population of Lifou on a yearly basis

In motion simulation

Water consumption in Lifou in m3 on a yearly basis



Parameters of simulation

graphs Decision-making

The size of circles varies according to population variations in the villages, which lit up red when facing water shortage

Simulation activation

Fig. 21 The visual effect of a simulation

PERCEPTION and BEHAVIOUR of the population Methodology : In order to be representative of a population, investigations must take into account at least 1/7th of the whole population. During the preliminary or prototype stage, planned to be completed within 10 months, it would have been impossible to investigate and process data on 1,400 persons (1/7th of the total population of the island). Therefore only four villages or tribes have been investigated as a test sample to extend later on a larger scale. The villages have been selected through criteria of risks and threats in respect to the water resource. The villages chosen for further investigations were the ones, which were cumulating the maximum of criteria such as : location of the village regarding the water lens thickness, sources of pollution, number of inhabitants, demographic dynamism, agriculture practices and extension of cropping land, use of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides.., tourism development project, etc.. In order to obtain the most representative image of how the population perceives its environment, how much it cares for the water resource, accepts the new water taxation system or what it will do when there is a water shortage, etc., investigations and meetings have been conducted on purpose with a mixed team of local Kanak and European students to take into consideration the various cultural stakes.

Symbolic of the water 45%

Fig. 22 Study of the perception of the water resource by the population



M ore a source of Life (spiritual pe rce ption) M ore a source of we ll-be ing (physical pe rce ption) B oth







The 164 investigations conducted on four villages (1145 inhabitants) allowed to set out a comprehensive view of the perception by the population of the water resource and its behaviour regarding the water, not only from the aquiferous, but also from the water conveyance network (AEP).

Fig. 23 Study of the perception of the water resource by the population: reaction to a water shortage





Administrative complains Road & administration blockage

Reaction of the population after more than 7 days of tap water shortage

Main Topics of the Questionnaire « Investigations on the perception and the behaviour of the population regarding the water resource » • Perception of the water resource • Use practice of the water resource • Problematic of modern water management • Mitigation of water problems

Perception of the water taxation

Perception of the use of water

Fig. 24 Study of the perception of the water resource by the population: understanding of the new water taxation

Organization and management of the Internal System Data updating All the information presented in this document are organised in a structure described with the help of generic graphic language object oriented. This language, developed with the generating G2  Gensym, displays several banks of objects which can ‘capsulate’ related information and expertise. These objects, once gathered, are inter-acting and with their environment in order to: drive in real time the arrival of new data, allow integration of of new processing methodologies, or also, to organize means for simulation. This approach allows an definite development and a progressive capitalization of the knowhow concerning environment.

Fig. 25 Organization and management of the Internal System Data updating

Conclusion and prospective The demonstrator stands not merely as a technical tool for management, but genuinely as a mean enabling to: • aware the actors of the water and environment issues on one hand and to, • build up on the other, a common language between actors from various backgrounds aiming at very distinctive objectives: * scientists, in particular geologists, hydrologists and geographers, * technicians, specifically research departments, * social actors ( farmer ’s representatives, teachers, representatives of associations), * political actors (customary authorities, councils, provinces, state). Today, this tool exists at a prototype’s stage, and its operational implementation should take place in the short term, after an operational stage to be launched by the sponsors, in other terms, the “ Province des Iles “. The prototype has enabled to determine, after consultation, the basis of a common prospective pattern which can conciliate an economic development indissociable of a reliable management of the water resource, specifically and of the environment at a larger scale. Once all required data enabling a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of the water cycle will be collected- at its natural level as well as its human level- the demonstrator will represent a powerful evolutive tool to support decision-making. At a computer level, in particular, the evolution of such a system should tend to an even more centralized management of the decision-making information on water, if emerged such need. But it would also give access to decentralized data basis in all departments. Consultation interfaces will have to be allocated according to each user profile (scientific, general public, decision-maker, stake-holders, technicians). It has also been foreseen to consider young children as well, according to a sophisticated and well targeted pattern, in order to alive an environmental friendly awareness from the early childhood. Finally, such system will undergo a full achievement thanks to the internet network ( data basis spread between remote users, geographically scattered) with a convergence of the information flux in the scope of the implementation of the water observatory in Lifou.

From the drilling.. …To the tap

Environmental & Water Management

Acknowledgement to •

The politic initiator of the ADAGE-Lifou project : President Nidoish Naisseline,

The Custom Authorities of Lifou : Grand Chef SIHAZE (Wetr), Grand Chef BOULA (Gaïca), Grand Chef ZEOULA (Lossi),

The scientific Head of the ADAGE-Lifou project units : Allenbach M., Chauchat M., François N., Giraudon C., Noël J., Taladoire G,

.. and all the participants of the project.

REFERENCES 1. GENSYM , 1997, G2 V4.1 © GENSYM Corporation, Intelligent Real-Time Systems. 2. Jost, C.H., 1998, Valorisation of the Environmental Components by Populations in the South of New Caledonia, Proceedings of the Pacific Science Inter-Congress 1997, Suva, Fiji 3. Jost, C.H., 1998 The French-Speaking Pacific. Population, Environment and Development Issues. C. Jost, editor & author, Boombana Pub. Sydney, 272p. 4. Lille, D., Taladoire, G., Huynh, F. – Mapping Simulation for decision making in environment matter – 9th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference – Sydney, Australia – July 1998 5. Long, D. D. E., Mantey, P. E., Rosen E. C., Wittenbrink, C. M., Gritton B. - REINAS: A Real-time System for Managing Environmental Data - Proceedings of 1996 Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, June 1996, 293300. 6. NASA ,1995, A guide to Developing Intelligent Monitoring Systems. 7. Taladoire, G., Lille, D. - Conception and Realization of a Living Map - Conference "Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology", session "Visual Data Exploration and Analysis V", Part of Photonics West , San Jose - California - USA - January 1998

LIFOU New Caledonia A precious and fragile water lens