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Oct 22, 2010 ... B.A. (English) University of Indonesia .... version) in Jennifer Lindsay and Maya Liem (ed) Sejarah Budaya Indonesia tahun 1950an.
PERSONAL PARTICULARS Name: Prof Melani Budianta, Ph.D. EDUCATION Ph.D (English) Cornell University M.A. (American Studies) University of Southern California B.A. (English) University of Indonesia PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2007 - current Professor of Literary Studies, FIBUI, teaching multiculturalism, literary and cultural studies theories 2003 - 2007: Head of Department of Literature, Faculty of Humanities, FIB UI 2002 - 2003: Head of English Studies Program, Faculty of Letters, UI 1992 - 1995: Program Secretary, Literary Studies Graduate Program, UI 1982 - 1985: Program Secretary, American Studies Graduate Program, UI CONSULTANCY EXPERIENCE OR SERVICES RENDERED 2008 Workshop Director, Asian Public Intellectual Conference 2009 Member of the board of curators, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2009 - 2010 Member of Task force for Consortium of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Institution, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Korea 3 - 5 August 2010 Member of Steering Committee, International Conference on Civic Space, Jakarta, Department of Literary Studies and Department of Architecture, UI and University of British Columbia* July 2010 - present Member of the Barcelona Concensus Consultancy Group** August 30 - September 14 Writing a review of a paper for the ARI Working Paper Series* 20 April - 29 May 2009 Chair of Steering Committee, Southeast Asian Emporium Course, Organizer: Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UI, sponsored by SEASREP July 2008 Member of Steering Committee, 9th International Conference on Social Representation, Bali,


EDITORIAL & EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIPS OF INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS AND BOOK SERIES 2000 - present Editorial board Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Journal, Routledge, 2003 - present Wacana (Journal of Culture and Humanities, FIB UI) 2000 - 2004 Member of editorial board PALA Project on American Literature Anthology for Asian Readers, Paul Lauter (chief editor) 2005-2006 Editorial board Manabu, Japanese Studies Journal 2002 - 2003, 2006 Member of book editorial board Lontar Foundation OFFICIAL POSITIONS HELD IN ACADEMIC / PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 2007 - 2009 Asian Public Intellectual, Indonesian Selection Committee, Jakarta, Indonesia 2005 - 2008 International Fellowship Program (Indonesia), National Selection Committee 2002 - 2006 Board Member, Asian Scholarship Foundation, Thailand 2004 - 2005 Member of Selection Committee, SEASREP (Southeast Asian Regional Research Exchange Program), office: Manila, Philippines. Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives, Board Member (2000 - 2003) and fellow (2000 current) 2001 - 2003 Deputy Head, Himpunan Sarjana Kesusasteraan Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Literary Scholars) 2001 -2004 Masyarakat Sastera Asia Tenggara (Coordinator of Modern Literature Section, Southeast Asian Literature Council), Malaysia-Indonesia-Brunei 2000 - current Board member Suara Ibu Peduli, (The Voice of Concerned Mothers) Indonesia 1998 - 2002 Board member ASAI (Asosiasi Studi Amerika di Indonesia) 1996 - 1997 Task Force for International Women, American Studies Association, USA.


KEYNOTES & PLENARIES by title, venue & organizers 22 October 2010 *“Culture, leisure and identity in Changing Times: Indonesian Chinese as keepers of Traditional Performing Arts” a draft chapter written at ARI, to be presented at International Conference “Issues and Trends in Southeast Asian Studies” Michigan University Center of Southeast Asian Studies 28 September 2010 *“Transiting in Malang: Indonesian Chinese (1940-1960), ARI Seminar, September 28, 2010* 27 September 2010 **“Returning Indonesian Women Migrants and the Discourse of Home” presented at the ISEAS, NUS 12 -15 March 2009 Plenary, “Gospel and Cultural Diversity in Asia “, International Forum of Universities, Seminar in Gospel, Culture and Cultures, Rome, March, 12-15, 2009 1 - 3 August 2008 Keynote, “English in Globalizing Asia,” Asia TEFL, Bali March 2007 Keynote lecture, “Towards the Culture of Peace: Religious and Intercultural Dialogue Among Asian Youth", UNESCO 1st Asian Youth Forum, Jeju Island 22 July 2006 Plenary, “New Challenges, Alternative Paradigms: Questions from Indonesian Women's Activism”, Istanbul 26 July 2005 Plenary, “NGO and the Democratization Processes in Indonesia, presented at Gwangju Cultural City Project, Gwangju 19 April 2002 Plenary, “American Multiculturalism in Indonesian Classroom”, presented at the Seminar on “American Literary Studies in Asia, an Asian Forum” held by Academia Sinica, Taipei 2 - 5 April 2000 Plenary, “Gender and Politics in the Three Indonesian Julius Caesars”, presented at the Translation Seminar, Archipel, Paris 9 - 10 November 2001 Plenary, “The Culture of Violence and the Violence of Culture“, presented at the International Symposium on “Gender Studies in Asia: Critical Controversies Today” at Keizen University, Tokyo. 25 - 27 August 2001 Plenary, “Rural Stakes: Culture and Gender politics in the era of Globalization”, presented in Beijing 8 - 9 December 2000 Plenary, “Multiple Identities: Women’s New selves in the Post Reformasi Era: The Politics of Identity in Contemporary Indonesia”, presented in the seminar on “Old Selves/New Selves in Indonesia, University of Tasmania, Launceston


23 October 2000 Keynote, “The Multicultural Arena: English in a Global Era”, the TEFLIN Conference, Jakarta 6 September 2000 Keynote, “Towards the Creation of a Civil Society in Indonesia: A Lesson from America”, the seminar on Civil Society held by the American Studies Association of Indonesia (ASAI), Jakarta 29 June - 1 July 2000 “Women’s Response to Militaristic Security; The Case of Aceh Women”, presented at the Okinawa International Forum for People’s security, Urazoe City, Okinawa, Japan 23 - 24 May 2000 Plenary, “Beyond Tears and Anger; Representations of Violence against Women, A Reflection”, presented at the workshop of “Gender and the Transmission of Values and Cultural Heritages in South and Southeast Asia” at the Belle Van Zuylen Institute, University of Amsterdam 24 - 29 March Plenary, “Gender, Culture and Security; Old Legacies, New Vision: The Indonesian Context”, presented at the ARENA Council of Fellows Congress and Conference on “Reimagining Asia: Towards Alternative Concepts of Human Security, Movements and Alliances in the 21st century” Colombo, Sri Lanka May 1998 Plenary, “In the Margins of the Capital: Tjerita Boedjang Bingoeng and Si Doel Anak Betawi”, presented at the Postcoloniality and Modern Indonesian Literature Workshop, University of Sidney RESEARCH PROJECTS / PROGRAMMES / INITIATIVES & COLLABORATIONS July 2010 - current **Proposal for a book project entitled From the Kitchen of the Kho Family, Malang, Heritage Cooking in East Java, to be published by the Straight Times International Publisher, Singapore, 2012 (in collaboration with Kho Siu Ling. This is a side product of the ARI research project) 2008 - current The cultures of the Malang Chinese, book project, individual research*, one paper of this research is a part of a book project on the Cultural Legacy of the 1950s in Indonesia, (Jennifer Lindsay and Maya Liem, eds) sponsored by KITLV 2009 - 2010 “Migration and Cultural Identity: The Cultural Capital of Indonesian unskilled Migrant Workers” Multidisciplinary research, sponsored by DRPM, UI-DIKTI Principal investigator, with co investigators Risa Permanadeli, Talha Bahmid, Asri Saraswati, Citra Wardhani, Diding Fachruddin 1999 - 2000 “Kebijakan di Bidang Sastra” Penelitian Kebijakan Kebudayaan di Indonesia, (Literary Policy, A research on Indonesian Cultural Policy) LIPI Principal Investigator for Literary Section, with co investigator Manneke Budiman


1998 - 1999 “The Blessed Tragedy: Women Activism and Reformasi”, a section of the larger research/book project on Miracles and Mirage: Studies in the Politics of Social Change in Indonesia and Malaysia, with principal investigator/coordinator Ariel Heryanto (Host institution: Southeast Asian Studies Programme, sponsored by the Ford Foundation), resulting in the publication of Ariel Heryanto and Sumit Mandal (eds), Challenging Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia: Comparing Malaysia and Indonesia. Edited by Ariel Heryanto and Sumit Mandal, RoutledgeCurzon, August 2003, pp. 145-177 1996 -1998 “Work Ethics of Indonesian Employees in American and Japanese Companies in Indonesia: A Cultural Approach” URGE research project (sponsored by the World Bank) Joint project between the American Studies program and the Japanese Studies Program, Co investigator, with Principal Investigator Bachtiar Alam PUBLICATIONS for the last 5 years including forthcoming publications Edited Book 2010 **(with Riris K. Toha Sarumpaet) Membaca Sapardi , Seri Kajian HISKI, Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, October 2010 **(With Riris K. Toha Sarumpaet) Rona Budaya, a festschrift for Sapardi Djoko Damono, Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, October 2010. Book Chapter Forthcoming **“Politik Budaya Orang Tionghoa di Malang, 1940-1960an,” (translated from the English version) in Jennifer Lindsay and Maya Liem (ed) Sejarah Budaya Indonesia tahun 1950an. “Negotiating Boundaries and Alterity: The Making of a Humanities Scholar in Indonesia, A Personal Reflection" in Goh Beng Lan (ed) Rethinking and Diversifying Southeast Asian Studies: Perspectives from Southeast Asia. 2010 “Epilog: Bahasa, Ruang dan Identitas, Fenomena Kebahasaan Pasca-Orde Baru” (Epilog, Language, Space and Identity, Language in Post New Order Era) in Geliat Bahasa Selaras Zaman, Jakarta, KPG, 2010, pp. 405-418. 2009 “Tiga Wajah Julius Caesar: Gender dan Politik dalam Terjemahan” (The Three Faces of Julius Caesar: Gender and Politics in Translation), Sadur, Sejarah Terjemahan di Indonesia dan Malaysia (Adaptation, The History of Translation in Indonesia and Malaysia), Henri ChambertLoir, KPG, EFEO, Forum Jakarta-Paris, Pusat Bahasa, Univ. Pajajaran, 2009, pp. 1011-1024 2008 “Representasi Kaum Pinggiran dan Kapitalisme” (In the Margin of the Capital”) in Sastra Indonesia Modern, Kritik Postcolonial, (translated from Clearing a Space, postcolonial readings of Modern Indonesian Literature), Keith Foulcher and Tony Day (eds), Jakarta, YOI and KITLVJakarta, 2008, pp. 290-333. “Diverse Voices: Indonesian Literature and Nation-Building,” in Language, Nation and Development in Southeast Asia; ed. Lee Hock Guan and Leo Suryadinata, Singapore, ISEAS, 2007, pp. 51-73


2007 “The Dragon Dance: Shifting Meaning of Chineseness in Indonesia” in Katherine Robinson (ed) Asian and Pacific Cosmopolitans; Self and subject in motion; Hampshire, UI: Palgrave, 2007. pp.169-189. “Beyond the Stained Glass Window: Indonesian Perceptions of the United States War on Terror” in David Farber (ed) The International Perceptions on The U.S. War on Terror. Princeton University Press, 2007, pp. 27-48. “Globalization and the Discourse of Cultural Identity: The Case of Indonesia during the Monetary Crisis 1997-1998” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Reader, Routledge, 2007. Refereed Article 2010 “Decentralizing Engagements: Women and the Democratization Processes in Indonesia” Signs, Summer 2006, vol 31. “Shifting the Geographies of Knowledge, the unfinished project of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Journal, vol 11, no 2, June 2010, 174-177.