A Dynamic Resource Allocation Scheme for Providing QoS in Packet-Switched Cellular Networks Hermes Irineu Del Monego1 , Eliane Lucia Bodanese2, Luiz Nacamura Jr1 , Richard Demo Souza 1
1LASD – CEFET/PR, – Curitiba-PR, 80-2390-901, Brazil {hermes,nacamura,richard}@cpgei.cefetpr.br 2 Dept. of Elec. Eng., Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom
[email protected]
Abstract. In this paper, we present a dynamic bandwidth allocation strategy based on renegotiation. This strategy consists in exploring the unused resources in the network, allocating them to flows whose required bandwidth is greater than the one that was attributed to them at call admission time. These applications, which are non delay sensitive, can be admitted by the CAC (Call Admission Control) with the available bandwidth at the moment. Two scenarios are presented in order to show the functionality of the proposed system. The simulation results are analyzed and compared to the case of a system without bandwidth renegotiation.
1 Introduction A lot of attention has been paid to the Quality of Service (QoS) provision in wireless networks, more specifically in the case of packet switched cellular networks such as GPRS, EDGE and UMTS [1]. Much of this effort has been made with the goal of providing end-to-end QoS, while prioritizing real-time traffic [2], [3]. In [4], the authors present a strategy for QoS renegotiation based on a priorityoriented call admission control for multimedia services over the Universal Mobile Telephone System (UMTS). In [5], a set of schedulers is proposed as a mean to guarantee a minimum bandwidth for each application. The unused bandwidth is then distributed among the active flows. In [6], the authors introduce a renegotiation system for Variable Bit Rate (VBR) traffic during a call execution. A resource allocation scheme is presented in [7], which guarantees QoS for real-time applications, without harm for the non real-time traffic. Similar mechanisms are also presented in [8-12]. Different CAC strategies are introduced in [13-17], with the objective of regulating the network traffic and providing QoS in a wireless network. In this paper, we present a mechanism that allows bandwidth renegotiation for postadmitted calls. We utilize the model proposed in [16] for the CAC and scheduling. The
mechanism prioritizes real-time traffic to the detriment of non delay sensitive traffic such as e-mail, ftp and www. Our renegotiation scheme makes use of resources unused by the higher priority applications and reallocates them to lower priority flows. The scheme also dynamically reallocates the bandwidth released after flow terminations. The reallocation of resources allows the traffic that was accepted with lower bandwidth than first requested to increase its allowed transmission rate. This paper is organized as follows. In Section II we present the cellular network system model utilized in this work. The details of the proposed renegotiation scheme are presented in Section III. The implementation of the proposed system and the simulation results of two scenarios are shown in Sections IV and V, respectively. Section VI concludes the paper.
2 The System Model The scheme proposed in this paper was specified in a GPRS/EDGE network. The General Packet Radio System (GPRS) is a packet switched cellular network developed over the GSM second generation cellular systems. In order to further increase the transmission rate over the radio interface, the Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution (EDGE) standard was introduced as a third generation communications alternative and it provided an evolution for GSM/GPRS systems [18]. In the GSM/GPRS and EDGE systems various mobile stations (MS), within a cell, are able to start/receive wireless communications through a base station (BS). The core of the GPRS/EDGE network utilizes the GPRS Support Nodes (GSN): 1. The GPRS Gateway Support Node (GGSN) acts as a logic interface for the external packet networks; 2.The Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) is responsible for the delivery of the packets to the MS through one or more base stations in a coverage area. The base of the QoS management framework for GPRS was the introduction of the concept of the Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context. The PDP context is the logical connection set up between the MS and the GGSN to carry IP traffic [1]. A PDP context has a GPRS QoS profile defined in terms of the following QoS classes [2]: conversational, streaming, interactive and background. The QoS classes establish the fundamental bearer service characteristics. The conversational and streaming classes are associated to real-time traffic, and, therefore, they are delay sensitive. The interactive and background classes have looser delay requirements, however they are loss sensitive. One way to provide QoS in GPRS/EDGE networks consists in guaranteeing the desired requirements for the above classes. In our system model, the CAC protocol, defined in [16], associates different priorities to the different QoS classes and allocates bandwidth differently according to the class of the requesting application. The CAC protocol aims at maximizing the number of flows per session or admitted calls over the wireless medium while keeping the QoS requirements. Our admission scheme receives the addition of a dynamic feature that consists in renegotiating the bandwidth of the post-admitted calls within each class. The renego-
tiation is made based on the average bandwidth utilized by each data flow, and also based on the bandwidth released by any terminated flow. Figure 1 shows the system model used in this work. A renegotiation function in the call management system is added to the basic structure of an EDGE network. The renegotiation function collects the information on the bandwidth usage in the MAC layer (explained in the next section), and renegotiates with the SGSN the bandwidth allocated to the active flows. The collection of this information at the MAC layer is done by a monitoring function. The collected data is, then, transferred to the renegotiation function. Dynamic Bandwidth Renegotiation system (DBRS)
Renegotiation Function Bandwidth Information
Calls Management
Mobile S tation
Renego tiation Information
Air Interface
BSS Downlink Direction
Figure 1. The GPRS/EDGE network architecture and the proposed renegotiation mechanism
3 The Renegotiation Scheme In the CAC mechanism used in this work, conversational class applications are associated to a maximum priority (priority 1), and are admitted only if there is enough bandwidth at the request time. Priority 2 (intermediate) is given to streaming class applications, where again the requests are admitted only if there are enough resources. Priority 3 (the lowest priority within the mechanism) is associated with the interactive and background class applications. Priority 3 applications can be admitted with less bandwidth than the requested one. In the CAC defined in [16], the allocated bandwidth is kept constant even if more bandwidth becomes available in the system before the end of the admitted low priority application transmission. Another limitation of this CAC mechanism is that, if applications with priorities 1 and 2 do not effectively use the whole bandwidth allocated to them at call admission time, these unused resources can not be transferred to lower priority applications. Our proposed renegotiation scheme has the objective of allowing that priority 3 applications use, temporarily, more bandwidth than the one allocated to them by the CAC. This possibility can be due to unused resources by applications with priorities 1 and 2, or due to the termination of another application of any priority. If an application with priority 1 or 2 arrives, and the system does not have enough bandwidth for admit-
ting that call, the renegotiation mechanism can reduce the bandwidth being used by priority 3 applications to the value originally allocated to them by the CAC. This guarantees that applications with higher priorities will not be harmed by the renegotiation mechanism. Therefore, the renegotiation mechanism consists in increasing the bandwidth of priority 3 applications when there are unused resources within the system, and to restore (decrease) the bandwidth of these applications at the arrival of an application with priorities 1 or 2. In the latter case, it occurs what we have called “renegotiation by priority demand”, while the former case, we have called “renegotiation by the average bandwidth and/or flow termination”.
3.1 Renegotiation by the Average Bandwidth The renegotiation by the average of the utilized bandwidth consists in calculating the amount of unused bandwidth by the admitted calls. If the effectively used bandwidth is smaller than the admitted one, then the renegotiation starts and the unused resources are allocated to lower priority flows. Samples of the bandwidth utilized by the flows within the system are measured by the monitoring function. The quantity of bytes within each flow are summed during one time interval ?t. For each ?t, we obtain a partial average by dividing the number of transmitted bytes by the period ?t1. The n-th sample of the average used bandwidth can be calculated as: (1)
Bm n =
∑ Psize p =1
where, Psizep is the packet size, ?t is the duration of each sample and P is the number of packets. Thus, in order to obtain the average used bandwidth, Bmt ; we have:
Bm t =
Bm 1 + Bm 2 + Bm 3 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + Bm N , N
where N is the number of samples. Following the normal distribution, we can say that the average used bandwidth, Bmt , becomes reliable when the number of samples is larger than 30, N > 30 [19]. The standard deviation σb of the samples can be determined through the variance:
∑ (Bm N
σb = 2
− Bmt
N −1
Strictly speaking, we calculate the average data rates, not the bandwidth. However, in this paper we use the terms bandwidth and data rate interchangeably.
As the standard deviation is calculated from the samples only and not from the whole population, we use the student’s t -distribution [19] to approximate the values of the total used bandwidth within the interval:
σp σp ; Bmt + t N −1 Bmt − t N −1 , N N
where, tN-1 is the constant of student for N-1 samples. Then, as a conservative estimate, we use the upper limit of the above interval as the measured total used bandwidth Bt m . In this case, we can determine the difference between the bandwidth admitted by the CAC (BwCac) and the estimate of the total used bandwidth Bt m :
B∆ = B wCac − Btm
where B∆ corresponds to the unused bandwidth that can be renegotiated. 3.2 Renegotiation by Flow Termination The renegotiation by flow termination consists in allocating more bandwidth for a low priority flow when another flow ends. The released bandwidth can be reallocated to another flow whose allocated bandwidth is smaller than the one requested to the CAC. (b)
Flow B
Flow B
Flow A
Flow A
Figure 2. Behavior of two different flows without (a) and with (b) renegotiation
Figure 2-(a) shows two different flows in a system without renegotiation. In this case, even though some bandwidth is available in the system after the termination of flow A, the bandwidth allocated to flow B does not change. Figure 2-(b) shows what happens in case of renegotiation by flow termination. Note that when flow A ends at time instant t 3, the renegotiation function increases the bandwidth allocated to flow B up to the requested amount.
4 Simulation of the Renegotiation Scheme The renegotiation scheme was implemented in the NS-2 [20]. Two hypothetical scenarios were investigated with the objective of verifying the behavior of the data flows with and without renegotiation (by the average and by flow termination). In the first scenario, we have generated data flows of ftp, voice, telnet and e-mail. The second scenario, more complex, contains data flows of video, music, e-mail, telnet and www. Table 1 presents the QoS classes associated with each application. Table 1. QoS classes associated with each application under consideration
QoS Classes Conversational Streaming Interactive Background
Priority 1 2 3 3
Application telnet, voice music, video ftp, www e-mail
In the simulations, we have used the data flows available within NS-2 [20] for the case of telnet, ftp, music and voice applications. For the case of video and www applications we utilized the traces available in [21] and [22], respectively. Finally, for the email we utilized the traces available in [23] and [24]. The average duration of each application was simulated according to [2], [9], [24], [25] and [26]. The number N of samples varied between 30 and 40 in order to satisfy the confidence constraints presented in Section 3.1-A. Table 2 presents a summary of the parameters used in the simulations. Table 2. Parameters used in the simulations
Nominal Bandwidth (Kbps)
Average Call Duration (min-max)
Inter-arrival Time (s)
Telnet Voice Music
1.11 4-25 5-128
3 minutes (30s – max) 3 minutes (60s – max) 3 minutes (60s - max)
6 minutes (100s – Max)
Ftp E-mail www
< 384 4.4 -
2 minutes (30s - max) 30 seconds (10s – 120s)
Exponential Constant Constant 24 frames per second Exponential Exponential Exponential
5 Simulation Results and Analysis First we have defined the amount of bandwidth requested to the CAC by each application, which is 21.3 kbps for voice, 85 kbps for www, 1.11 kbps for telnet and 4.4
kbps for e-mail. As the ftp has priority 3, note that the allocated bandwidth can be smaller than the nominal value (85 kbps). In case of applications with priorities 1 or 2, such as the telnet that requires transmission rate of 1.1 kbps, the call can be admitted only if the full requested bandwidth is available. Figure 3(a) shows the behavior of each data flow in the first simulation (with the CAC mechanism, but without the renegotiation scheme). The analysis of Figure 3(a) allows us to verify that, even though the applications ftp1 and ftp2 have requested the same bandwidth (85 kbps), ftp2 received a fraction of what was requested, because there were not enough resources within the system. The data flows corresponding to the applications with higher priorities (telnet and voice) were admitted with their nominal bandwidth values (1.11 and 21.3 kbps, respectively). The e-mail (priority 3) was admitted with its nominal value of 4.4 kbps, because at the request time there were enough resources within the system (note that the voice flow has already terminated). During the whole simulation, the mean bandwidth of each application practically did not vary. a
120000 100000
Ftp1 80000
Ftp2 Voz
Throughput bps
Throughput bps
3 ftp2 2
0 0
50 Telnet 100
Time s
50 telnet
Tempo s
Figure 3. Simulation of the first scenario with renegotiation
Figure 3(b) shows the same scenario, but with the renegotiation scheme. In this case, the data flows of the active applications are monitored and the proposed mechanism can renegotiate any unused bandwidth either by priority demand, or by average or flow termination. Taking as reference the second ftp application (ftp2), we can see that at instant (1), the allocated bandwidth is already greater than the one allocated in Figure 3(a). At instant (2) the allocated bandwidth is increased due to the telnet flow termination. At instant (3), the renegotiation function is invoked again, due to the voice flow termination. Finally, after the termination of application ftp1, at time instant (4), the renegotiation function allocates the nominal bandwidth (85 kbps) to ftp2. As we can see in Table 3, initially ftp2 requested 85 kbps, but the CAC allowed a transmission rate of only 38 kbps. The renegotiation scheme allowed a successive increase in the transmission rate of ftp2 to 39, 45, 58 and 85 kbps at stages (1), (2), (3), and (4), respectively. The ratio between the allocated and the requested bandwidth (85 kbps) increased from 44.7 to 100%. When the renegotiation scheme is compared to
the simulation without renegotiation, the ftp2 average transmission rate, in Figure 3(a), is 32kbps and in Figure 3(b), it is 59 kbps. Therefore, there was a better usage of the available bandwidth with the renegotiation scheme. Table 3. Numerical analysis of the ftp2 data flow
Allocated bandwidth (kbps) Ratio between the allocated and the requested bandwidth (85 kbps)
Stage 2 3 45 58
1 39 45.9%
4 85
The second simulation scenario is composed of video, music, www, telnet and email data flows. The amount of bandwidth requested to the CAC by each application is 65 kbps for video, 21.3 kbps for music, 65 kbps for www, 1.1 kbps for telnet and 4.4 kbps for e-mail. (a) 75000
e h
Bandwidth bps
Bandwidth bps
50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000
45000 40000
35000 30000
e-mail a
0 0
100 telnet
Time s
Time s
Figure 4. Simulation of the second scenario with renegotiation
Figure 4(a) shows the simulation results without renegotiation, while Figure 4(b) shows the results with the renegotiation scheme implemented in the system. Note that at stage (f) there is a decrease in the bandwidth allocated to the data flow corresponding to the www application. This happened because the music application was admitted into the system, and it has a higher priority than www. However, after the music flow terminates, part of the released bandwidth is recovered by the www flow (see stage (g)), while part of it is allocated to the e-mail flow that arrived during the execution of the music application. The increase and later decrease of the allocated bandwidth to the www flow indicates the occurrence of a renegotiation by priority demand. Taking as reference the www flow, Table 4 shows the variation of the allocated bandwidth during the www flow duration. Note that, at stage (e) the allocated bandwidth reached its nominal value, but after the admission of the music application the bandwidth was reduced to 45 kbps. As the originally allocated bandwidth is small (8
kbps), this result indicates that the renegotiation mechanism can be effective in highdemand systems where applications with low priority are initially accepted with a transmission rate much smaller than the nominal one. The graphs (a) and (b), in Figure 4, clearly show the increase of the allocated bandwidth for the www application in the system with the renegotiation scheme in comparison to the system without it. Table 4. Numerical analysis of the www data flow Stage a b c d e f g h
Allocated bandwidth
Ratio between the allocated and the requested bandwidth (65 Kbps)
8 Kbps 12 Kbps 24 Kbps 28 Kbps 65 Kbps 28 Kbps 45 Kbps 55 Kbps
12.3 % 18.46 % 36.92 % 43.07 % 100 % 43.07 % 69.23 % 84.61 %
7 Conclusions This paper presented a renegotiation scheme that can be added to a GPRS/EDGE network. This mechanism aims at varying the bandwidth allocated to low priority applications, whose admitted bandwidth is usually smaller than the nominal one. In order to do not harm the higher priority applications, the scheme is also able to recover the renegotiated bandwidth and re-allocate it to higher priority applications at the time of their arrival at the CAC. The analytical model of the renegotiation mechanism was implemented in the NS-2. Two hypothetical scenarios were presented in order to show the functionality of the proposed system. The simulation results were analyzed and compared with the case of a system without bandwidth renegotiation.
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