Integrative Learning in Engineering Education by Action Research Method ... demarcation between engineering subjects along theoretical and practical lines ...
Integrative Learning in Engineering Education by Action Research Method Gita PENDHARKAR, Sukhvir JUDGE, and Olga GREDESKOUL, RMIT University SIEBS, Melbourne, Victoria 3170, Australia
ABSTRACT Demanding industry standards and rapidly changing technology creates a lot of challenge for graduate engineers in terms of engineering knowledge. A graduate engineer needs to be confident in testing real life systems. However, in general, it is observed that the students lack practical skills and find it hard to integrate two or more courses in the program. By using action research in teaching and learning, the potential of applying integrative learning to engineering curricula is researched. The aim in this paper is to enhance integrative learning by introducing a common project for two different courses, Digital Signal Processing which is a theoretical course and Microprocessor Applications which is a practical oriented course.
practice. It is realized that most of the students find it hard to integrate two or more courses and apply the theoretical knowledge to a practical problem [3, 4] due to various factors. A contributing factor could be a somewhat artificial demarcation between engineering subjects along theoretical and practical lines, for example, in tertiary electronics programs Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is commonly taught as a theoretical subject, while Microprocessor Applications is delivered as a practical one [2]. Most of the students are unable to relate the theoretical knowledge gained in DSP, to practical platforms and unable to implement the DSP algorithms using a Microprocessor. Hence, integrative learning should be considered as essential means of delivery [3], especially within the framework of Vocational Education and Training (VET). In VET, employability of graduates is directly related to their competence in both practical and theoretical aspects of modern engineering systems and applications.
Rapidly changing technology along with increasing industry expectations provide escalating challenges for engineering graduates. For graduate engineers to meet ever evolving industry standards, engineering education needs to enable graduates to successfully apply gained knowledge and skills into practice [1]. On top of this, the industry expects engineering graduates to go beyond possessing excellent technical skills, and to demonstrate good communication skills, computer literacy, and capability to integrate knowledge from various sources [1]. Hence, in engineering and technology it is important for students to be confident in testing real life apparatus and systems [2]. However, it is proven that connecting knowledge from multiple sources is difficult and requires a proper and thorough understanding [3]. Integrative learning is quite challenging and is a long-term process which needs creativity, leadership and flexibility with the people involved. Integrative learning also needs dexterity on the part of both teacher and the students [3, 4]. There are various approaches adopted for integrative learning. A number of institutes offer workshops on classroom approaches that promote connection making, such as collaborative learning, service learning, and other. Particularly in engineering and technology, industry seminars and training sessions are normally conducted to give a valuable exposure to the students on the current industry standards. However, the engineering curricula are focussed on technical courses (subjects) without sufficiently integrating them to industry
This paper is based on the action research in teaching and learning and researches the potential in teaching and integrative learning by introducing a common project for the two courses of DSP and Microprocessor Applications. It is undertaken by electronics teachers in the Tertiary and Further Education (TAFE) Engineering School at RMIT University. The project was funded by the Science, Engineering and Technology portfolio, RMIT University. This research project received ethics approval from RMIT University Ethics Committee. Based on the proposed methodology, the research outcomes of implementing a common project were evaluated and reviewed to establish directions for further improvement.
The main aim of this research is to enhance integrative learning by specifying a common project for the theoretical subject (DSP) and the practical subject (Microprocessor Applications) which are taught in the second (final) year of the Advanced Diploma of Electronics Engineering. The other aims are to achieve the following outcomes: • • •
Effective use of the teaching time across the two subjects improve students’ learning experience enhance work integrated learning
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improve the quality of teaching strengthen industry links
Collaborative action research method was used to conduct the study as it has a potential to improve teaching and learning, action and reflection, and to link theory and practice [5]. Collaborative work has found to benefit both the staff and the students [6]. It is essential in teaching and learning, to design the courses with integrative learning in mind. As project work focuses on application of knowledge [1], it was decided by the researchers to specify a common project as a tool for integrative learning. As per the curricula, the learning outcomes for both the courses, DSP and Microprocessor Applications were listed by the researchers. The researchers carried out a series of consultations with the industry experts to gain an understanding of the current projects being developed in the industry. As suggested by the industry experts, the students were expected to have a better understanding of mathematical algorithms, hardware and software and the flow from algorithm level to implementation level. General attributes such as logical thinking, analytic approach, quick learning for rapidly changing technology were some of the essential characteristics expected from students [1]. Based on the learning outcome of the two courses plus industry feedback a suitable industry related project was outlined by the researchers for the students to design, develop, test and document. This project covered most of the learning outcomes for the DSP and Microprocessors subjects. The project specified by the researchers partly included problem solving as a part of the design and hence had a mixed-mode approach of problem solving and project-based learning. Before specifying the project, the researchers’ also had to consider other factors, such as students’ underpinning knowledge, complexity of the project, time duration for completion of the project, and efficient use of the allocated time. The students were asked to start working on the project after sufficient theory was covered in the class for both the subjects of DSP and Microprocessor Applications. The students had to complete the project in 6 weeks (8hrs/week). Ten students from the final year of the Advanced Diploma program participated in the project. The students had to use the theoretical knowledge of DSP and the practical knowledge in Microprocessor Applications to successfully complete the specified project. Before commencing work on the project, a pre-project survey was conducted to measure the capabilities and underpinning knowledge of the students in the two subject areas. Based on the specifications given, the students designed, built and tested the project, within the specified time frame in the final semester. After completion of the project, a postproject survey was conducted to re-assess the knowledge gained and capabilities developed by the students in the two subjects. These students were also assessed by the teachers based on their performance in the written examination for both the courses. At the same time a control group of ten students was taught and assessed in the established method of assignments and written examination for DSP and practical laboratories and written examination for Microprocessor Applications. The written examination was common and the same for both the group of students.
The results of this research project were evaluated by collecting and analysing data based on feedback received from students, industry partners, and the teaching team, researchers’ observation and reflection. Feedback was obtained from students, industry partners and researchers via multiple methods including consultations, written evaluation, survey forms, and group meetings. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was done using student pre and post survey forms. The project outcomes were finally assessed based on the results of the analysis. The participating students’ learning experience, achieved learning outcomes and their performances in the written examinations were compared to those in the control group. Based on the analysis, the following can be concluded: Enhance work integrated learning and strength industry links Industry partners who collaborated for this project were satisfied with the standard of the project designed by the researchers for the students as the project gave a good understanding of the current industry standards. Effective use of teaching time for the two courses The DSP course is taught for 4 hrs/week while as Microprocessor is taught for 6hrs/week in the Program. However, the project was designed in such a way that the students implemented DSP algorithms using Microprocessors during the Microprocessor Applications class time and hence the effective teaching and learning time for DSP course increased from 4hrs to 6hrs per week. Improvement in student learning and satisfaction The results of the pre-project survey conducted before the students commenced work on the project suggested that 70% of the participating students agreed that DSP was taught as a purely theoretical subject and they found it difficult to understand the mathematical DSP algorithms. In spite of learning the subject of Microprocessor Applications, 83% of the participating students were not confident in implementing the mathematical algorithms learned in DSP. However, based on the post-project survey, it was observed that 100% of the participating students strongly agreed that working on the project had improved the understanding of DSP and made them confident in implementing the mathematical DSP algorithms. All the students were highly satisfied with the project. The researchers observed that all the students who participated, completed the project as per the specifications in the given time. When compared with the control group, it was found that 30% of the control group were not successful (and did not pass in theory exam) in completing either or both the courses while 100% of the students participating in the study successfully completed both the courses with good standards.
As similarly proven in other project-based learning in engineering [1], integrative-styled project-based learning increased the confidence level of the students in the two subject areas of DSP and Microprocessor Applications. The students were enthusiastic, focussed and actively participated in the project work. They had a better understanding of applying the
theoretical knowledge in practice. The student learning experience in the two subject areas improved significantly. The project being industry focussed, work integrated learning was introduced. The teaching time allocated for the two subjects was effectively utilised as the project was completed in the specified time frame and with a better understanding of the two subjects. This facilitated the process of continuous improvement of teaching and learning quality, and benefited both the teachers and the students. Hence, this small n study supports the concept that through project based integrative learning and by applying collaborative action research the quality of engineering education can be improved.
The project can be improved further to integrate more than two courses in a program. For example, electronics subjects such as Analog Electronics, DSP, Microprocessors, and Mathematics could be integrated to have a common project which could be completed in an extended time frame. This would increase the students thinking, creativity, confidence level in the above mentioned subject areas and enhance integrative and work related learning. The number of students who participated in the study was small and hence similar study with more number of students would be beneficial.
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